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Responding Effectively to Difficult/Challenging Behavior
A caregiver can be a member of your family, a relative, a close friend, or someone who has the time and commitment to
take care of a patient at home.
Advantages of having a caregiver:
 Less expensive than hospital care
 Helping decongest hospitals from a large number of patients
 Patient’s speedy recovery because of the caregiver focused attention and care

Identifying Difficult or Challenging Behavior

Due to illness, injury, or disability, a patient’s behavior becomes difficult to handle. Because of the emotional and physical
changes, the patient is experiencing, his/her personality and behavior may change. Due to this condition, he/she may become
sensitive, get irritated easily, complain often, and sometimes make unnecessary demands.
Patients who have chronic illnesses or disabilities are more anxious as usual.

Planning Safety and Preparing the Self and Others in Responding to Difficult or Challenging Behavior
There are several points to remember to avoid unnecessary stress on the body:
1. Maintain a wide base of support. Stand with your feet comfortably apart and with one foot forward.
2. Wear shoes that give your feet adequate support.
3. Maintain good posture; chest up, head erect, and muscles of the abdomen and buttocks tightened.
4. Use the muscles of your arms and legs, not your back, when moving and lifting a heavy objects.
5. Carry heavy objects to close to your body to minimize strain.
6. Raise work surface to a sufficient height to reduce the need to stoop and bend; stand as close as possible to the work area.
7. Whenever possible, try to push, pull, roll, or slide the patient (or a heavy object) rather than lift him or her.
8. Get sufficient rest after exertion to prevent over fatigue or over stress.

Applying Response to Difficult or Challenging Behavior

 The caregiver should accept and understand the fact that the patient has the same needs as those who are feeling well and
 Home care can encourage a sense of competence and independence by allowing him/her to make decisions or
himself/herself even with the patient’s minor ones.
 Allowing patients to decide for themselves will boost their morale for fast recovery.

Procedures in Dealing with Difficult or Challenging Behavior

The stress of an illness or disability can cause behavioral difficulties in a patient. If you cannot control the patient’s
behavior, then control your response to it. The following should be practiced in dealing with any type of difficult behavior:
1. Remain calm and balanced.
2. Be patient and do the best you can; blaming yourself won’t help solve the problem.
3. Focus yourself in the difficult behavior, nor the patient.
4. Ask the patient for respect and politeness in a nice way.
5. Practice gentle assertiveness; stand up for yourself to avoid resentment, hurt, and angry feelings.

Applying Strategies in Dealing with Difficult or Challenging Behavior

1. As a caregiver, if you feel you are being abused emotionally, verbally, or physically, get help immediately. Call the
attending physician and ask what the medical reason is for the difficult behavior.
2. Be patient and understanding when a patient who needs help refuses to accept it. Tell him/her that he/she has the final say
in deciding about his/her care.
3. If the patient becomes easily irritated, angry, demanding, and always complaining, don’t take it personally. Respect his/her
demands even if they are petty but are very important to him/her.
4. A patient with anxious behavior may worry about the small details of his/her condition and medications. Give him/her some
positive statement that he/she can repeat.
5. If the patient has a disrespectful behavior, calm yourself. Take a deep and relaxing breath. Set clean boundaries and tell
him/her how you wish to be treated.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Caregiver

1. Answer doctor’s questions regarding status of patient and communicate these with other family members.
2. Keep written records accurately for doctor’s perusal.
3. Observe proper hygiene for herself and of the patient to reduce contamination.
4. Always observe safety precaution to prevent accidents.
5. Administer medicines properly following the (7) Rs- right medicine, right dosage, right time, right route, right
documentation, right patient, and right reason.
Report and Review Incidents
When a patient already ha a difficult personality, he or she may become even more difficult to handle due to the injury or
disability he or she is experiencing. Some of the possible causes of difficult behavior are the side effects of medications,
dehydration, infection, depression, emotional stress, and anxiety.
When you cannot control the patient’s behavior, control yourself, stay calm, and be patient. Find anything that will lessen
his/her behavioral difficulties.
1. A caregiver can be member of the family, a relative, a close friend or someone who has time and commitment to take care
of the patient at home.
2. Engaging the services of a caregiver at home is less expensive than hospital care.
3. Due to an illness, injury, or disability, the patient’s behavior becomes difficult to handle.
4. The home caregiver should be also conscious of his or her own self. He/she has to consider his/her safety and health
5. In caring for a patient after an illness or injury, one has to address not only his/her physical needs but also his/her
psychological needs.
6. A good caregiver has a fairly good knowledge of the behavior of a patient. He/she should be very understanding and
tolerant of the patient’s behavior.
FT1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.
1. Engaging the services of ______________ is less expensive than hospital care.
2. Due to an illness, injury or disability, a patient’s behavior becomes _________ to handle.
3. The home caregiver should also be conscious about ___________ safety and health condition.
4. When lifting or moving heavy objects, use the muscles of your ___________.
5. Carry _________ objects close to your body to minimize strain.
6. It is important that the caregiver should _____________ of the patient’s behavior.
7. The caregiver should adapt and adjust to the patient’s ________________.
8. Allowing a patient to decide for ____________ will boost his/her morale for fast recovery.
9. If you cannot control the patient’s behavior, then __________ your response.
10. _____________ the patient for respect and politeness in a nice way when he/she is being disrespectful.
11. If a caregiver ________________ being abused emotionally and verbally, he/ she should get help immediately.
12. Be patient and understanding when a patient who needs __________ to accept it.
13. _______________ the patient’s demands even if they are just petty demands, but are very important to him/her.
14. Use a __________ touch to calm a patient with an anxious behavior.
15. A clean and neat room will create _____________ environment for the patient.
FT2. As a caregiver, how will you react in the following’s situations.
1. The patient is hardly taking the medication on time
2. A weak old woman who wants to force herself to take a bath alone
3. A mild stroke patient refuses to have a therapy
4. Danna, a 15 yrs. old adolescent is crying most of the time for she cannot accept her situation
5. Lolo Damian, keeps on eating fatty foods which are not good for his health
6. Jessie is secretly smoking despite his lung cancer condition
7. Nona, a mother of three is experiencing a psychological disorder, with her condition, she keeps on yelling insulting words to
FT3. Answer thoroughly.
1. Who can become a home nurse?

2. What benefits are derived from home nursing?

3. List down your own concept regarding a good home nurse.

4. Explain the duties of a home nurse.

5. What is the difference from generic medicines from the branded ones? Which one will you probably buy? Justify your answer.

6. Why does a patient’s behavior change and become difficult to handle?

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