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4 Applying Basic First Aid

FT1. Write True if the statement is a fact and False if it’s not.
____________1. Always check the area before responding to the victim.
____________2. Use bare hands in applying first aid for easy access and quick aiding.
____________3. Cover any cuts, scrapes, and openings in your skin by wearing any available material.
____________4. Never assume that the victim is conscious, always call the ambulance ahead before applying an aid.
____________5. Do not eat, drink, or touch your mouth, nose, or eyes when giving first aid
____________6. Excessive wheezing is one of the symptoms of asthma.
____________7. CPR should be given if the victim has pulse but no breathing.
____________8. If a student is choking but still breathing and can talk, do not interfere with his/her attempt to displace
foreign object.
____________9. Rescue breathing consists of mouth-to-mouth respiration and chest compression.
____________10. An earache is most commonly caused by an infection behind the middle ear.
____________11. A warm water bottle or heating pad against the ear will give comfort while waiting for parent or legal
____________12. Always check breathing. Look, listen and feel for breath as the starting point of diagnosing the victim.
____________13. Dislocation occurs when the bones at a joint are out of normal alignment due to an injury to the
ligaments that hold them in place
____________14. With a head injury always suspect neck injury as well.
____________15. Even if student was only briefly confused and seems fully recovered, contact responsible school
authority & parent/legal Guardian.
FT2. Provide the first step to be done in applying first aid in the following situations.
1. Head Injuries- Do NOT move or twist the spine or
2. Heart Attack-Keep student in a “comfortable” position, usually sitting or lying down with head and chest elevated.
3. Back Injuries- Place rolled up towels/clothing on both sides of head so it will not
4. Seizures-him/her on the floor (on a mat) for observation & safety.
5. Choking-Position victim. Turn on back as a unit (log roll), support head/neck, face up, arms by sides
6. Asthma- Encourage the student to sit quietly, breathe slowly and deeply through the nose and out through the
7. Allergic Reaction-Administer approved medication, which may include epinephrine.
8. Dental Injuries- Warm saline mouth rinse may remove food from tooth. Ice chips if permanent tooth decay, if bleeding gauze
pad will do__________________________________________________________________________________
9. Burns- emove student’s clothing & jewelry if exposed to chemical, Flush burn with large amounts of cool running water or
cover it with a clean, wet cloth. DO NOT USE ICE., inse the burns with water, and apply a
10. Fainting- Keep student in flat position. • Elevate feet. • Loosen clothing around neck and waist. • Do not use smelling
FT3. Using a graphic organizer, present the comprehensive steps in performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

FT4. Answer the following.

1. If the victim is unconsciously choked, give rescue breaths. If unsuccessful, what will you do next?
2. What will you give if the victim’s blood sugar is not monitored yet he/she feels dizzy and is experiencing rapid breathing?
3. If a student is found lying down, due to neck injury, what are expected for you to do?
4. Why is it prohibited to probe or squeeze the puncture wound? Or even removing the object inside the wound?
5. Is it necessary to restrain the movement of a person having a seizure? Why or Why not? Explain further

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