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We have watched a video entitled, Re-imagine by Tom Peters. This video

gave us valuable information, knowledge, facts, and lessons that we could use as

key for us to become a better students with objectives in life. The video lasted for

almost 1 hour to the point that we could not remember the whole scene. But, we get

some of its remarkable lines. These lines delivered by the speaker are very worthy.

Re-imagine. According to Tom Peters, the speaker, he said that it is a

passion for passion. Having a strong feeling or emotion over something you are fond


These are our insights on some of the lines flashed on the video.

"Uncertainty is the only thing to be sure of." - Anthony Muh, head of

investment in Asia

The state of being unsure or unsettled on something is the only thing that is

sure. Yes on the video, we have learned we could not define what is sure without

knowing what is unsure. It sounds complicated but if we try to expound our mind,

then we would get the real message of it.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we

miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."-Michelangelo

Aiming for something too much high is somehow impossible to reach.

Likewise, we, as a marketing students, we must learn to aim our dreams step by

step, slowly but surely, start to dream for something low then dream for something

high if we learned to know how to achieve and reach small dreams.

"We have 'strategic’ plan. It's called doing things." - Herb Kelleher

Having a strategic plan will lead to success. And its secret is to do things.

"Fail. Forward. Fast." -High-tech Exec

Try and try. Never ever try to stop.

"Groups become great only when everyone in them, leaders and members

alike, is free to do his or her absolute best." -Organizing Genius/Warren Bennis and

Patricia Ward Biederman

We think that this line is very significant in us as a group. Having the free to

do things on our absolute best whatever the position we are in our group, it will really

show what's best in us.

"The best thing a leader can do for Great Group is to allow its members to

discover their greatness."-Organizing Genius/Warren Bennis and Patricia Ward


Definitely Yes. As the leader let his/her members discover what's within them,

then great things will follow.

"As leaders, women rule: New studies find that female managers outshine

their male counterparts in almost every measure.” - Special Report, BusinessWeek

We also noticed on the video that women, specifically in USA are placing their

position out on the gender workplace stereotypes. Tom Peters speaks that women

are now starting their own business and it exceeds men. For every new male started

business, there are seven women started business. A proof that gender equality is


"Management has a lot to do with answers. Leadership is a function of

questions. And the first question for a leader always is: 'Who do we intend to be' Not
'What are going to do?' but 'Who do we intend to be?'"-Herman Miller
On these lines, we learned that management is not just about managing

about something, it is not just a process. The fundamental thing inside a

management is leadership. And leadership's objective is not the idea of what a

management is going to do, but who the management is intended to be. Meaning, an

organization has direction towards its goals and objectives.

"Follow your passions. Keep it simple. Get the best people to help you. Re-

create yourself. Play.” - Sir Richard's Rules

On the last part of the video, it has these lines, " follow your passions. Keep it

simple. Get the best people to help you. Re-create yourself. Play."

These lines are very motivational. Conceive something in a new way. In line

with the title of the video, reimagine.

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