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LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168

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Lactobacillus acidophilus La-05 encapsulated by spray drying: Effect of

mucilage and protein from flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Mariela Bustamante a, *, Mario Villarroel a, Mo
 nica Rubilar a, Carolina Shene a, b
Center of Food Biotechnology and Bioseparations, Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus, BIOREN, and Department of Chemical Engineering,
Universidad de La Frontera, Ave. Francisco Salazar 01145, Box 54-D, Temuco, Chile
Centre for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (CeBiB), Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Flaxseed mucilage (FM) and soluble protein (FSP) were used as wall materials for encapsulating Lacto-
Received 2 August 2014 bacillus acidophilus La-05 by spray drying. The effects of the content of FM in the encapsulating solution
Received in revised form and drying temperature on the survival of bacterium after drying and its viability during storage were
9 February 2015
evaluated. Optimal conditions for maximizing the survival of L. acidophilus (78%) predicted by the surface
Accepted 14 February 2015
Available online 21 February 2015
response methodology were 0.2% w/v of FM and 110  C. These encapsulating conditions permitted
almost a 2-fold increase of viability compared to the product encapsulated without FM. A further in-
crease in survival (90%) was obtained by supplementing the encapsulating solution with heat-treated
FSP. Moreover, the encapsulation of L. acidophilus enhanced its viability during incubation in simu-
Spray drying lated gastric acid and bile solutions.
Lactobacillus acidophilus © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flaxseed mucilage
Flaxseed soluble protein

1. Introduction rates. Nevertheless, the elevated temperatures used in spray drying

can be stressful to cells affecting their survival (Boza, Barbin, &
The consumers' interest in foods that confer health benefits has Scamparini, 2004). The fast rate of water removal may induce
led, in recent decades, to the growth of the probiotic product irreversible changes in the functional integrity of bacterial mem-
market. Probiotics are defined as “live microorganisms which when branes and proteins (Crowe, Crowe, Carpenter, & Aurell-Wistrom,
administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the 1987).
host” (FAO/WHO, 2001). The species most used in functional foods Several studies have shown that the composition and concen-
belong to the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria genera (Holzapfel, tration of the solids in the encapsulating solution can improve
Haberer, Geisen, Bjo€ rkroth, & Schillinger, 2001). In the develop- viability of probiotics (Ann et al., 2007; Corcoran, Ross, Fitzgerald, &
ment of fermented dairy products the final cell content is a function Stanton, 2004; Fritzen-Freire, Prude ^ncio, Pinto, Mun
~ oz, & Amboni,
of fermentation conditions. However, the addition of probiotics in 2013). Enhancement of survival and viability is explained because
non fermented products such as chocolate, probiotic capsules, cell encapsulation into a solid matrix offers protection not only
tablets, and chewables requires stages of fermentation, harvesting during drying but also during storage. Moreover, encapsulation of
and stabilization. Stabilization stages, in which moisture is probiotics might also improve viability during gastric transit. It has
removed by hot air, are critical because process conditions deter- been suggested that the use of prebiotics, as encapsulating material
mine cell survival. Several studies have established that microen- could improve the survival of probiotics during spray drying. Pre-
capsulation can improve survival and viability of probiotic (Ann biotics that have been used as encapsulating materials include
et al., 2007; de Lara Pedroso, Thomazini, Jorda ~o Barrozo polydextrose (Corcoran et al., 2004), inulin and oligofructose
Heinemann, & Favaro-Trindale, 2012; McMaster, Kokott, & Slatter, (Fritzen-Freire et al., 2013), lactulose and raffinose (Ann et al.,
2005). Spray drying is widely used in the food industry because it is 2007). Today, research is directed to find alternatives having
easily scaled-up, offers low operating cost and high production similar or better characteristics.
Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), also known as linseed, is a
source of bioactive phenolic compounds, polyunsaturated fatty
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ56 45 2325491; fax: þ56 45 2732402. acids, dietary fiber and proteins (Bozan & Temelli, 2008; Oomah,
E-mail address: (M. Bustamante).
0023-6438/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168 1163

2001). Bioactivity of flaxseed proteins includes the control of blood incubated under the same conditions. Cells in late-log phase were
glucose level stimulating insulin secretion (Nuttall, Mooradian, harvested by centrifuging (5000  g, 4  C, 5 min); the pellet was
Gannon, Billington, & Krezowski, 1984). The flaxseed mucilage washed with sterile distilled water and re-suspended in sterile
(FM) contains a mixture of rhamnogalacturonan I and arabinox- distilled water.
ylan; prebiotic properties of arabinoxylan has been described
(Naran, Chen, & Carpita, 2008; Pastell, Westermann, Meyer, 2.4. Effect of FM on the growth of the LAB
Tuomainen, & Tenkanen, 2009; Sørensen, Pedersen, & Meyer,
2006). Besides, the intake of FM has been suggested for the The MRS broth (5 mL) without glucose was supplemented with
reduction blood glucose and cholesterol in diabetics (Thakur, Mitra, FM to a final concentration of 0.2 and 1% w/v. After sterilization
Pal, & Rousseau, 2009), the increase of fecal fat excretion in human (121  C, 15 min) the medium was inoculated (5% v/v) with the LAB
(Kristensen et al., 2012), and for suppressing postprandial lipemia from a second sub-culture and incubated at 37  C for 24 h. The
and hunger in young men (Kristensen et al., 2013). Nevertheless, in growth was followed at 600 nm after proper dilution. Titratable
spite the bioactive properties of the mucilage and protein of flax- acidity (TA) was determined (AOAC, 1995) and expressed as percent
seed, its use in the food industry is limited. of lactic acid. Acid production after 24 h of incubation was deter-
The aim of this work is to evaluate FM and soluble protein from mined by HPLC. The assay was performed in triplicate.
flaxseed (FSP) as wall materials for the spray drying encapsulation
of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-05. Survival of the lactic acid bacte- 2.5. Spray drying
rium (LAB) after spray drying and viability of the encapsulated
bacterium during storage at 4  C were evaluated. The viability of Drying runs were performed in a laboratory spray dryer unit
encapsulated and free LAB in simulated gastric juice and bile so- (LabPlant SD-05 dryer, Huddersfield, England) equipped with a
lution was determined. Morphology of the encapsulated products 1.5 mm diameter nozzle, a spray chamber (500 mm length, 215 mm
was investigated. The impact of FM on the growth of the LAB was height) and a peristaltic pump. Bacterial suspensions (total viable
also evaluated. counts between 108 and 109 CFU mL1) fed to the spray dryer
contained MD (15% w/v) and different concentrations (0, 0.1 and
2. Materials & methods 0.2% w/v) of FM and FSP (2, 6, and 12% w/v). Feeding rate was
6 g min1. The dry powder was collected in sterile glass bottles
2.1. Strains, chemicals, and culture media attached to the bottom of the cyclone, cooled to room temperature
and stored at 4  C until their characterization. The experimental
L. acidophilus La-05 (La-05®) was from Chr. Hansen, (Ho
nsholm, design corresponded to the matrix of response surface methodol-
Denmark). Malt dextrin (MD) of food grade with a dextrose ogy (RSM) for two variables at two levels (Table 1). Each drying run
equivalent (DE) of 15 was purchased from PRINAL®. Flaxseeds were was carried out in duplicate except for the central point which was
purchased in the local market. Pepsin (0.7 FIPeU mg1) was ob- made in triplicate. Viability of the encapsulated LAB during the
tained from Merck (Germany). Bile bovine was obtained from storage at 4  C was followed for 45 days.
Sigma (USA). Lactobacilli broth (MRS broth, de Man, Rogosa, &
Sharpe, 1960) and agar were from Difco (USA). All the chemicals 2.6. Viability of the free and encapsulated LAB in simulated gastric
were of analytical grade. juice and bile solution

2.2. Extraction of FM and FSP The methodology described by Rajam, Karthik, Parthasarathi,
Joseph, and Anandharamakrishnan (2012) with modifications was
The FM was extracted according to the Esparza, Leyton, Rubilar, used. The simulated gastric juice was prepared in MRS broth
and Shene (2011). Briefly, seeds were mixed (30 min) with hot adjusting the pH to 2.0 with sterile 1 M HCl. Pepsin solution was
distilled water (90e95  C), pH 5.0 at a ratio 1:10 w/v; the extraction filtered through a 0.2 mm sterile membrane and added to the acidic
cycle was performed twice. The extract was spread on a tray and MRS broth to reach a final concentration of 0.3% v/v. Bile tolerance
dried at 60  C in an air convection heat oven. Mucilage-free seeds was evaluated in MRS broth containing bovine bile (2% v/v). In both
were dried (60  C), milled and passed through a 0.5 mm mesh. The assays 0.1 g of the encapsulated LAB or 0.1 mL of LAB suspension
meal was defatted with hexane twice (ratio 1:10, w/v) in a shaker were added to 4.9 mL of sterile simulated gastric juice or bile so-
(160 rpm, 8 h at 10  C). The defatted meal was recovered by lution. Viable cell count was determined in samples taken imme-
filtration (Whatman® N 1) and the solvent was evaporated. The diately after mixing and every 2 h during the incubation at 37  C.
FSP was extracted from the defatted meal with 0.10 M NaCl in Results were expressed as relative viability given by the ratio be-
0.10 M Tris buffer at pH 8.6 (ratio 1:16 w/v) (Li-Chan & Ma, 2002). tween viable cells at time “t” and that at time zero.
The extraction was carried out in a shaker at 160 rpm for 16 h at
4  C. The extract was passed through a double layer of cheesecloth 2.7. Analysis
and centrifuged (7000  g, 4  C, 20 min). The supernatant was dried
(60  C), milled and stored at 20  C until use. For the drying ex- Concentrations of butyric, lactic, acetic, pyruvic and formic acids
periments the FSP was dispersed in distilled water and heated at in culture samples (filtered under 0.2 mm) were determined by
90  C for 10 min to destroy microorganisms and to allow protein HPLC, using a Shodex KC-811 (Showa Denko KK, Tokyo, Japan)
denaturation and aggregation (Kiokias, Dimakou, & Oreopoulou, column kept at 40  C in an Alliance Waters e2695 Separation
2007). The chemical composition of FM and FSP were determined Module (Waters Inc, Mass, USA), detection was made at 210 nm
following the AOAC methods (AOAC, 1995). (Waters Inc, Mass, USA). The sample (10 mL) was eluted with
phosphoric acid 0.1% (v/v) at a rate of 1 mL min1. Calibration
2.3. Bacterial culture preparation curves were constructed using acetic acid, formic acid, propionic
acid, sodium butyrate, and pyruvic acid sodium salt (Merck, Ger-
The LAB was sub-cultured twice with 5% v/v inoculum in 5 mL of many) and L-(þ)-lactic acid (Scharlau Chemie S.A.).
MRS broth (37  C, 12 h). For the spray drying assays 200 mL of MRS Survival after drying and viability during storage of the LAB
broth were inoculated (5% v/v) with the grown culture and were determined by the standard plate count method. Briefly, the
1164 M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168

Table 1
Effect of the flaxseed mucilage (FM) content in the encapsulating solution and drying inlet air temperature (T) on the survival of L. acidophilus La-05, logarithmic reduction of
viable cells (LRVC), and viscosity of encapsulating solution (m). Response given by the lineal model derived from the experimental results is also shown.

Independent variables ma (mPa s) Experimental survivalb (%) Predicted survival (%) Student residual LRVC Log10 (N0/N)

FM (% w/v) T ( C)

0.0 110 3.61 ± 0.01 69.84 ± 1.40 69.04 0.49 2.96 ± 0.12
125 62.37 ± 1.73 60.32 1.11 3.69 ± 0.10
140 47.12 ± 3.33 51.61 2.75 5.07 ± 0.12
0.1 110 5.48 ± 0.11 73.05 ± 3.88 74.61 0.84 2.62 ± 0.35
125 67.02 ± 2.57 65.89 0.55 3.09 ± 0.50
140 58.62 ± 0.63 57.18 0.78 4.02 ± 0.10
0.2 110 7.87 ± 0.03 78.43 ± 0.29 80.18 1.07 1.92 ± 0.08
125 71.02 ± 0.19 71.46 0.24 2.71 ± 0.00
140 63.30 ± 4.75 62.75 0.34 3.57 ± 0.42
Mean values of four experiments.
Mean values of two replicates, except in central point in which were three replicates.

sample (0.1 g) was diluted in sterile buffered peptone water 0.1% w/ 3. Results and discussion
v (4.9 mL); the suspension was kept at 4  C for 30 min to release the
cells. The appropriate dilution of the suspension was seeded on 3.1. Effect of FM on the growth of the LAB
MRS agar and incubated at 37  C for 48 h. Viability of LAB during
storage was expressed as colony forming units per gram (CFU g1) Changes in growth, pH, and TA during fermentation of MRS
of dry power. The results were expressed as Log10 CFU g1. The broth supplemented with FM (0.2 and 1% w/v) as the carbon source
percent survival after drying was calculated from (Simpson, are shown in Fig. 1. Main component in FM was the non-nitrogen
Stanton, Fitzgerald, & Ross, 2005): extract (67.37%); contents of other components were 14.89% pro-
  tein, 0.75% lipids, 2.50% fiber and 11.36% ash. Even though the LAB
N was able to grow in medium containing FM as carbon source, a high
Survivalð%Þ ¼  100
N0 cell concentration was obtained at 0.2% w/v FM; the slow growth of
the LAB could be due to the increase of medium viscosity when FM
where, N is Log10 CFU per g of the spray-dried powder immediately was tested at 1% w/v. It has been shown that FM has prebiotic ac-
after drying and N0 is Log10 CFU per g of dry matter in the sus- tivity increasing the concentration of L. acidophilus and Bifido-
pension fed to the dryer. bacterium lactis when kefir formulations were prepared with 2 g of
Reduction of viable cells with respect to counts after drying was FM per liter of milk (HadiNezhad, Duc, Fong Han, & Hosseinian,
calculated from (Boza et al., 2004): 2013). The pH decrease was explained by the synthesis of lactic,
  formic, and propionic acids (2.09, 1.13, and 0.11 g L1, respectively).
Logarithmic reduction of viable cells ðLRVCÞ ¼ Log10 Production of organic acids is one of the properties of probiotic
N bacteria; these can act as antimicrobials displacing pathogenic
bacteria (Gibson, Probert, Van Loo, Rastall, & Roberfroid, 2004).
where, N0 is Log10 CFU per g of dry matter in the suspension fed to
the dryer and N is Log10 CFU per g of the spray-dried powder.
3.2. Effect of FM on the survival of the LAB after spray drying and
The viscosity of feed solutions was determined at 20  C using an
viability during storage
AND Vibro Viscometer SV-10 (A&D Company, Limited, Japan).
The effect of FM as a component of the encapsulating solution
2.8. Physical properties of the spray dried product on the survival of the LAB after spray drying was tested at different
inlet air temperature. The RSM was used to determine the sig-
The outer structure of dried particles was observed with a nificance of the effects on the survival of the LAB after drying; the
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The dry particles containing results obtained in the 11 drying runs are shown in Table 1.
L. acidophilus La-05 were stored at 4  C until microscopic analysis. Because FM exerted an important increase on the viscosity of the
Then, the samples were dispersed over the sample holder which encapsulating solution (3.61 mPa s and 7.87 mPa s for FM con-
was equipped with a double sided carbon tape. The dried particles centration of 0 and 0.2% w/v, respectively) this was tested in a
were gold-coated with Edward S150 Sputter Coater. Morphology small range (0.1e0.2% w/v). A high viscosity of the solution fed to
was observed with a microscope JEOL JSM-6380LV (Jeol, Tokyo, spray drying is not desirable because the size of the droplets in-
Japan) at 10 kV and filament current at 50 mA. The particle size of creases demanding higher air inlet temperatures. The highest LAB
dried particles was measured by laser diffraction (Zetasizer model survival (78.43%) was obtained with FM at 0.2% w/v and the
Nano-ZS90, Malvern, UK) at 25  C using isopropyl as the continuous lowest inlet air temperature (110  C) (run 7, Table 1). Even though
phase. drying at 140  C significantly reduced the survival of the LAB, FM
reduces this effect being this concentration dependent; compared
2.9. Statistics with the control (without FM) addition of FM at 0.2% w/v
increased 34% the survival of the LAB while FM at 0.1% w/v
Statistical analysis was carried out using the Design Expert 6.0 increased the survival by 24%. The lineal relationship for the sur-
statistical software (Stat-Ease, Minneapolis, Mn, USA). Analysis of vival in terms of FM concentration and inlet air temperature (T)
variance (ANOVA) was used to determine significance of the effects that fits the experimental data is given by:
(P < 0.05). Differences between means were detected using Duncan
test (SPSS version 15.0). Sð%Þ ¼ 65:89 þ 5:57 FM  8:71 T r2 ¼ 0:94
M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168 1165

Fig. 1. Effect of flaxseed mucilage (FM) added to MRS broth on growth of L. acidophilus La-05. (a) Cell concentration (Log10 CFU mL1), (b) pH, and (c) titratable acidity. Concentration
of FM (B) 0.2% w/v and (C) 1% w/v.

The model has predictive capability deduced from the signal to absorption (Naran et al., 2008). These properties could promote the
noise ratio (higher than 4), the small residual value and Student survival of LAB during drying.
residual (Table 1). The ANOVA (Table 2) showed that both factors
significantly contributed (P < 0.05) to the predicted survival of the
3.3. Effect of the FSP on the survival of the LAB after spray drying
LAB after drying. The response surface plot (Fig. 2) shows that the
survival of the LAB increased as the inlet air temperature decreased
Main component of FSP was protein 44.98%; contents of other
from 140  C to 110  C and the concentration of FM increased from
components were 2.33% lipid, 0.96% fiber, 14.04% ash and 36.77%
0.0% to 0.2%.
non-nitrogen extract. The effect of FSP at concentrations of 2, 6, and
Viability of the LAB encapsulated with or without FM decreased
12% w/v in the encapsulating solution on the survival of LAB after
gradually during storage at 4  C (Fig. 3). However, after one day of
spray drying was evaluated by replacing partially MD (Table 3);
drying, viability of the LAB encapsulated with 0.2% w/v of FM and
drying temperature and FM in the encapsulating solution, were
dried at 110  C (Fig. 3c) was higher than the control (without FM
110  C and 0.2% w/v, respectively. Survival of the LAB was signifi-
Fig. 3a) and with 0.1% w/v of FM (Fig. 3b). After 45 days the count of
cantly (P < 0.05) affected by FSP. Relatively low survivals were
viable LAB in the products encapsulated with 0.1 and 0.2% w/v of
obtained with 0% (78.51%) and 2% (79.00%) w/v of FSP in the
FM and dried at 110  C was 6.24 and 6.84 Log CFU g1, respectively.
These values are higher than the levels recommended
(6 Log CFU g1) for exerting health benefits to the consumer (Roy,
The enhanced survival and viability of the LAB encapsulated
with FM at 0.2% w/v suggests that this flaxseed component would
act as thermoprotector of cells undergoing the drying process. The
functions of seed mucilage are still matters of speculation. It has
been proposed that seed mucilage facilitate seed hydration or
improve resistance to desiccation during brief drought after

Table 2
ANOVA for the overall effects of flaxseed mucilage (FM) concentration in the
encapsulating solution and drying inlet air temperature (T) on the survival of the
L. acidophilus La-05 after spray drying.

Factors DFa Mean square Fexpb P>F

FM 1 186.15 40.35 0.0002

T 1 455.53 98.75 <0.0001
Fig. 2. Response surface plot showing the effects of the flaxseed mucilage (FM) con-
DF ¼ Degree of freedom. tent in the encapsulating material and inlet air temperature (T) on the percent survival
Fexp ¼ Fisher ratio. Test for comparing model variance with residual variance. of L. acidophilus La-05 after spray drying.
1166 M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168

Fig. 3. Viability during storage at 4  C of L. acidophilus La-05 encapsulated by spray drying with different concentrations of flaxseed mucilage in the encapsulating solution, (a)
control without the flaxseed mucilage (FM), (b) 0.1% w/v FM, and (c) 0.2% w/v FM. Inlet air temperature (C) 110  C, (:) 125  C, and (B) 140  C.

encapsulating solution whereas the highest survival was obtained shows the relative viability of encapsulated and free LAB in MRS
with 12% w/v of FSP (90.35%). In these experiments FSP was heat broth containing 2% of bile salts; viability of the LAB encapsulated
denaturated before it was added to the encapsulated solution with FM (0.2% w/v) decreased after the first 2 h, remained relatively
because preliminary tests showed better results (not shown). The stable the next 2 h and finally grew reaching a relative viability of
major fraction of flaxseed protein is globulin (Li-Chan & Ma, 2002), 0.85. The LAB encapsulated with FM and FSP (12% w/v) grew for 4 h
which exhibits poor mechanical properties because most of the and then remained constant reaching a relative viability of almost
hydrophobic and SH groups are buried inside the molecule. 1.20 whereas the free LAB showed a stable viability during 4 h after
Denaturation changes the native structure of proteins allowing which a sharp decline was recorded (0.27).
protein-protein interactions, disulphide cross-linking and Fig. 4b shows the relative viability of the encapsulated and free
hydrogen-bonding. These interactions make the denatured pro- LAB in a simulated gastric juice. A sharp decline in the number of
teins stiffer, stronger and stretchable. LAB in all samples was observed. After 4 h no survival was detected
in the free LAB sample whereas the encapsulated LAB with FM
3.4. Viability of the encapsulated LAB after incubation in simulated showed a decreased in relative viability which was almost constant
gastric juice and bile solution in the last 3 h of the test. The LAB encapsulated with FM and FSP
reached a relative viability of 0.47 after 6 h of incubation. The re-
The ability to survive at the adverse environmental conditions sults obtained in other studies have shown mixed results,
characteristic of the digestive tract (low pH at the stomach and bile depending on the methodology, composition of reagents and
salts in the first portion of the intestinal tract) is a desirable prop- strains evaluated. Pan, Chen, Wu, Tang, and Zhao (2009) deter-
erty that probiotics should meet. Cell encapsulation could enhance mined no growth of L. acidophilus NIT after 2 h exposure to pH 2
survival due to the protection conferred by the wall material. Fig. 4a whereas Rajam et al. (2012) determined that Lactobacillus planta-
rum encapsulated with denatured whey protein showed better
stability compared with that encapsulated with untreated whey
Table 3 protein after 4 h incubation in simulated acidic and bile conditions;
Effect of the content of flaxseed soluble protein (FSP) in this behavior was explained due to the stronger and insoluble film
the encapsulating solution on the survival L. acidophilus
forming property of denatured protein, limiting cells release. Dolly,
La-05 after spray drying at 110  C. Other components in
the encapsulating solution were malt dextrin (15% w/v) Anishaparvin, Joseph, and Anandharamakrishnan (2011) found that
and flaxseed mucilage (0.2% w/v). the relative viability of L. plantarum mtcc 5422 had a gradual
decline reaching null viability after 4 h exposition to pH 2.0 and bile
FSP (% w/v) Survival (%)
0 78.51 ± 1.31c
2 79.00 ± 0.32c
6 81.86 ± 0.66b 3.5. Physical properties of the dry powders
12 90.35 ± 0.76a

Different superscript letters in the same column indicate Fig. 5 shows the SEM micrographs of dry particles containing the
significant differences (P < 0.05). LAB encapsulated with solutions of different composition, stored 1
M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168 1167

Fig. 4. Effect of (a) bile salt (2% v/v), (b) acid (pH 2.0) and pepsine (0.3% v/v) on the relative viability of L. acidophilus La-05 incubated at 37  C: (C) encapsulated with flaxseed
mucilage (FM) (0.2% w/v), (:) encapsulated with FM (0.2% w/v) and flaxseed soluble protein (12% w/v), and (B) control (free LAB).

Fig. 5. The SEM micrographs of dry particles containing L. acidophilus La-05 stored at 4  C. Particles were obtained with an encapsulating solution that contained 15% w/v of malt
dextrin and 0.2% w/v of flaxseed mucilage and dried with inlet air temperature of 110  C. Dry particles after: (a) 1 day of storage, and (b) 30 days of storage. Dry particles after 1 day
of dried with flaxseed soluble protein (c) 2% w/v and (d) 12% w/v.

and 30 days at 4  C. The particles showed a spherical shape, The high viscosity of aqueous solution containing FM restricts its
wrinkled surface and varied size. The external surface did not show concentration in encapsulating solutions. The positive effect of FM
evidence of fissures or cracks. Fig. 5(aeb) shows the “flat ball” effect and heat-treated FSP on the survival of the LAB during spray drying
which may be related to the heat penetration and water evapora- and the enhanced survival against bile solution and simulated
tion from droplet during drying (Barbosa-Ca novas, Ortega-Rivas, gastric juice suggest that flaxseed could be a source of fractions for
Juliano, & Yan, 2005). Morphology of the particles did not change the design of encapsulating wall.
during storage (Fig. 5aeb). The particles of the product encapsu-
lated with 2 or 12% FSP (Fig. 5ced) did not reveal any difference in Conflict of interest statement
terms of microstructure; however, the presence of wrinkles is
lower than in the particles of the product encapsulated without FSP The authors declare that there are not conflicts of interest.
(Fig. 5aeb). Sheu and Rosenberg (1998) determined that the
incorporation of whey proteins into wall material consisting of MD Acknowledgments
with high DE (15) minimized the presence of surface wrinkles
associated with wall materials consisting of only MD. Entrapped This research was supported by funding CONICYT through
cells were not visible in powder. Average size of the particles was FONDECYT project 3130561.
3.4 mm, varying between 0.06 mm and 7.0 mm.
4. Conclusions
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was highly dependent on the inlet air temperature an effect that nology, 42, 411e419.
can be reduced when FM is added to the encapsulation solution. AOAC. (1995). Official methods of AOAC international (16th ed.) Arlington, VA. USA.
1168 M. Bustamante et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 62 (2015) 1162e1168

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