2018 List of Prohibited and Regulated Products For Export by Agency

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List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 1 of 24 ‘As of December 2018, Offic No. _ Prohibited Products ‘Legal Basos Regulated Legal Bases ‘Bangko Sentralng | 1 | Gold from small-scale | RA No. 7076 "People's Legal fender Philippine | » Manual of Regulations Pilipinas (BSP) rmining including panned | Small-Scale Mining Act of notes and coins, checks, | on Foreign Exchange gold 1991", Section 17 (June ‘money order and other | Transactions issued 27, 1991). bili of exchange drawn | under Circular No. 645 inpesos against banks | (13 February 2009), as, ‘operating inthe ‘amended, Section 4(1) Philippines in an amount | Cross-Bocder Transfer exceeding ‘of Local and Foreign PHP50,000.00 Currencies. Board of ‘Copper concentrates | + Leior of nsttucton No Investments (B0}) 1387 February 21, 1984) Bureau of Animal ive animals whether | CODEX and World Industry (Al) ‘domectic or wid (exatie | Organzaton for Anal ‘or indigenous) animals | Heath ‘which may be food Producing, companion, ‘aquatic, lberatory Including birds, wore, oes and buterfies, is products and by- products, veterinary feed remixes and biologics, laboratory specimen of animal origin, feeds and feed ingredients that may be carriers of ‘communicable animal diseases. +R. A. No, 9295 "Tne ‘Meat Inspection Cade of the Philippines" (May 12, £2004), Sections 28 and 23, +E.0, No. 338 series of 2001"Restrucuring the Department of Agriculture, Providing Funds therefore, and for ‘ther purposes (January 10, 2001); + E.0. No. 282 "Administrative Code of List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018 Page 2 of 24 office Prohibited Products ‘Legal Bases: Regulated Products ‘Legal Bases: BAT TBE7™ (uly 28, 1987), Tile IV, Chapter IV, Section 18. “DA AO. No.8, series .f2010"Department of Agriculture ‘ainistrative Order No, 06, series of 2008, 8 ‘Amended? (Api 12, 2008) “DAA. No, 14, series of 2012"Promotng the Development of Apiculture or Honeybee Industry incuding its Oficial Controls and Regulatory Requirement under the Bureau of ‘Animal Industry” (March 23, 2012) Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Humphead wrasse or Napoleon wrasse "Mameng" (Cheilinus vnculatus) Live Mud erat “Alimango" (Soylla serrata), carepace ~ Converiion on Intemational Trade in Endangered Species of Wid Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appenlx i, (12 January 2005 ~ CoP 13, Bangkok) +R. A, No, 8550 "The ‘A sh an fisherylaquatic products (lve, fresh, dried andlor processed, frozen and chilled) Live Mud erab -RA No. B550"The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1898 "Section {61(@) (February 25, 1998); Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) No. 210 (May 27, 2001) 5+ P.D.No. 704, a8. List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 3 of 24 ie Sodmse Se Orica [No] Prone Promo |Legal Bense [a [ ogueea Poach | top Bae FAR | gio as har ton Upp ates Calo] 5 "nano" Seo [avant “avg ord cedinuaiianar” |siSer sonensiarans | |sqramtsotears iran | cookies dt oe Soar Srey Sess” | /eriechartrerand™” |acrbascee arg Sagnaegams | Fanresnsretenet «President! Dozea ES tay braves POyNG Tau ores Greate No Grose eres bree Send Secon 4,7 hed seta ar Sruioy 80. No Say + FAO No. 162 (November P.D, No, 1819 dated aria" ioe ieee “FAO Na 162 FAQ No. 210 May 27, se hora 98) FAO No 210 (May 27, 4 | Live Shrimps and Prawns | 4.* R.A No. 8550 Section 3001) (May: epee vecte cos | aie) arty : 6 | anno wie species: |S AetNo 408 6. | aine wate spocos: |5.+8.A.No.0550Seaon | |Seematasire’ssrer | Tate ean bio rose omar | mene, Scions reat ; 5.41.All Corals 5.1.» CITES Appendices It all +R. A. No, 8550 Sections 91 and 97 = FAO No, 202 (August 14, +2000) “RA. No. 3512 "An Act (Creating a Fisheries ‘Commission defining is powers, Duties and’ Functions, and appropriating funds therefore.” (March 20, 1963) List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 4of 24 ‘As of December 2018, 'No.] _ Prohibited Products Legal Bases No.] Regulated Products Legal Bas ‘BFAR [2 All Seahorses 2 CITES Appendix FAO Wo. 69 ippocampus pp.) (15 May 2004~ CoP12, (Becombar 3, 1963) hile); 7 | shots: “7+ Act No. 40083 Section “+ R.A. No, 8550 Section 4 (December 5, 1982) 97 (February 25, 1998) 7.1. Black lip pear “Concha negra’ + Fish and Game 5.3. Coconut Crab (Bigus | §.3.+R. A. No. 8550 (Pinetaéa margantifora), | Administrative Order Sections 11 and 97 ‘Minimum sizes 11 0m," | (EGA) No, 11 latro) 5.4, Dogfaced water ike (Cerberus ‘mynchops) 8.8. Elasmobranch and ‘Sharks! 5.5.1, Manta ray Pagi? (Menta birosts), whether dead oF ave, in ay state ‘9¢ form, wether raw or processed (February 26, 1958); FAQ No. 208 (May 17, 2001). 54 + CITES Appendix it (13 February 1984, Inia); “R.A. No, 8550 Sections M1 and 97 (February 26, 1998); 55+R.A.No. 8550 (February 25, 1968). + FAO No, 208 (May 17, 2001). 55:1+R.A, No, 8550, ‘Sections 65 and 107 (February 25, 1888); {+ FAO No, 198 (March 27, 1998), maximum outside long axis measurement, taken atright angle to the base. Undersized not allowed for harvest. 1.2. God ip part “Concha blanca’ (Pinctada maxima), Minimum size is 19 om, ‘maximum ouside long ‘axis measurement, taken at right angle tothe base, Undersized not allowed for harvest. 7.3. Sembfinished or ‘Somi-processed Capiz sholis"Kapis", 8 em or ‘over in diameter measured from the base perpenciular towards ‘the top edge ofthe shel, undersized shell not {September 2, 1995) 7.3 #R.A.No, 8550 Section 61(d) (February 25, 1998) {FAQ No. 210 (May 27, 2001) + FAO No. 157, Office OFAR Page Sof 24 List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export No.| Prohibited Products Legal Ba: 5 B52> CITES Append i, 5.52. Grea whe shark "Pating" (Carcharedon cearcharias) 5.53, Whaleshark “Butanding® (Rhincodon ‘ypus), whether dead or alive in any state or form, \whether raw or processed 5.5.4 Allsawfishes (Prstitse) 56. Marine MammalsiCetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) 6. | ish “Bangus” ry, Ful grown Milkfish, Mother angus “Sabaio’, Mikfish ‘As of December 2018, (Wanuary 12, 2005 oP13, Bangkok); 5.5. CITES Appendix It (13 February 2003 - CoP12, Chie) FAO No. 193 (March 27, 4908), 5.54. + CITES Appendix except Pristis microdon; Pastis mirodon listed Under CITES Appendix, (effective September 13, 2007 - CoP 14, The Hague, Netneriands 5.6. CITES Appendices | ai +R. A.No, 8550 Sections 41. and 97 (February 28, 1908), “FAO No. 208 (May 17, 2001) fingering (not less than 25 | 6. «R.A. No. 550 Section rm but net more than 100 | 61(0) (February 25, 1998); mm) (Chanos chanos) No. ‘Legal Besos “| Seaton 3 lune 73, 1986), Regulated Products ‘lowed for Rarvest. 7.4 FGAO No, 14 (eptember 2, 1835) 7.4 Hirose shel Babae’ (Troohus nodulferis), Minimum size is 8 om across the least diameter ofthe base, taken at right angles fo the ais. 1.5 + FGAO No. 14 7.5. Rough top shell or (eptember 2, 1835) trochus shel "Simong: ‘ocha rough varity” (Trochus maximus) Minimum size i 7.5 em ‘across the least ameter (of the base, measured at Hight angles to the axis List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 6 of 24 ‘As of December 2018, Office 'No.| _ Prohibited Products Legal Bases. No. | Regulated Products, Legal Bases, BAR e *P.D, No, 704, a5 ‘amended, “Fisheries Decree of 1975", Sections 4,7 and 18 (May 16, 1978), “+ FAO No. 173 (February 5, 1991) 7 | Shots: 7.+P.D.No. 704, as ‘amended, "Fisheries Decree of 1975" Sections 4 ‘and 7 (May 18, 1978); 7.4, Helmet Shells 7A. FAO No, 158 (Cassis comuta) (September 17, 1986) 7.2, Seminished or | 7.2. FAO No. 157 Section Somi-processed Capiz | 3 (une 13, 1986) shells "Kapis, less than Bemin dameter measured from the base perpendicular towards the top edge ofthe shel 7.3. Live specimens, raw shells, meat and by- products of Glant Clams Under the family Tridacnidae: “Twwe giant clams (Tdacna Gigas) 7.3 + CITES Appendix I (28 duly 1983) R.A. No, 8550 Sections M1.and 97 (February 25, 1008); + FAO No. 208 (May 17, List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018 Page 7 of 24 Office Prohibited Products Logal Bases No. Regulated Products Legal Bases ‘BFAR ‘Smooth giant clam (Tridacna Derase) Fluted or Scaly giant clam (Tiidacna Squarmosa) Elongated giant clam (Tridecna Maxima) Boring or Crocus clam (Trdacna Cracee) Stranberry or Horse's hoof clam (Hippopus ippopus) CChina or poreetain cam (Tridacna Porcetinus) 7.4. Angel wing shel (Bamea manilensis) 7.5.Beck’s cowie (Cypraca beck) 7.8 Bent cath (Clypoomorus aduncus) 2007); 7.4. + R.A.No, 8550 Sections 11 and 87 (February 25, 1998); {FAO No, 208 (May 17, 2001) 175. Same 78. Same List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 8 of 4 ‘As of December 2018, No.) Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. | Regulated Products Legal Bases BFAR 7 | 77Bulmouh amet | 77. Same (Cyprascassis rufa) 7.8Chitren's cowrie | 7.8. Same (Cypraca chitéren) 7.9.Club-shaped boring |7.9, Same ‘lam (Euristulana mumiay 7.10. Dance voWva 7.10. Same (Phenacovolva dancel) 7.11. Deep sea cap 7.11. Same (Malivium sus) 7.12. Giant morum 7.12, Same (Morum grande) 7.43, Girgyllus star shell | 7.13. Same (Goima girgytus) 7.14, Golden cowie 7.14. Same (Cypraea aurantum) 7.18. Great spotted cowrie | 7.15. Same (Cypraca guttata) 7.46. Green snail (Turbo | 7.16. Same ‘marmoratus) 77. Katsue's cowie | 7.17, Same (Cypraea katsuee) List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 9 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 office No. | _ Prohibited Products ‘Legal Bases No.| Regulated Products ‘Logal Bases BFAR 71716 Karas moran 7718. Same (Morar karziy 7.18, Marie's cowrie 7.49, Same (Cypraca mariae) 7.20, Martin's tibia (Tibia | 720. Same ‘matin 7.21.Marin’s cowie |7.21. Same (Cypraca marin) 7,22. Network beak shet_ |7.22, Same (Waricospira crspata) 7.23.Porte’s courie 7.23, Same (Cyprace porter) 7.24.Prince cowrie 7.24, Same (Cypraea valent) 7.25 Recuzia snail 7.28, Same (@Bectuzea lutea) 7,28 Sauls cowie 17.28. Same (Cypraca sauio) 7.27.$mooth bomet | 7.27. Same (Phatium glabratum ‘labratum) 7.28:Smnooth top shell |7.28, Same (Frochus niloticus) List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 10 of 24 ‘As of December 2018, omce No. | Prohibited Products Legal Bases No.| Regulated Products Legal Bases ‘BFAR 7 [72aSmodged moon | 7.25. Same scallop (Amusim obiteratum) 7.30,Teramach's cowie | 730, Same (Cypraea toramachi) 7.31,Therste stomb | 7.31, Same (Strombus thersites) 7.32True soparatsta | 732. Same (Soparatista biainviana) 17,88. Triton or Charonia or | 7.33. FAO 158 ‘trumpet shells (Charonia tntonis) 7.34, Watson's morum (rum watson) 7.35, whe tothed cowie (Cypraca ‘owcodn) 7.38. Wyulle's bonnet (Phalium coronadoi wpe) (Geptember 17, 1986) 7.34,*R. A No. 6550 "The Philippine Fisheries Code ‘of 1988" Sections 11 and 97 (February 25, 1998); + FAO No. 208 (May 17, 2001) 7.35. Same 7.36, Same List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 11 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 ice | No,| Prohibited Products Lagal Basos | No.| Regulated Products | Lage! Bases OFAR | Eee” or ol ty and J+ RA No. 6560"The fingerings under Famiy_ | Philppine Fishers Code Angulo, 180m ores. | of 1988 Secon 6100) inlenath 9 and 107 February 25, ‘600 FAO No, 249 (Ap 10, 012) Bureau ot Pant | | Saba banana (isa [BP Gunrantne | Alpi, planing | Exes Oe No 2, Indust (PD paradsiac) planing | Adinatatve Order No.4,| materials andplont | Sees of a. mateals Series of 2005 product: pes specimen; | Pressnta Dee No “Amendment to BPI including wood 11493 8 amended Quarantine Administrative packaging materials ‘Promulgeting the Plant Grier No 2, Series of Eapable ot arborng | Quarantine Law 1878, 2008, Enea Pronditon | | pantpests thera eng af Exports Saba Banana smoking sca (Musa paradisiaca) further improve and | Slanng mata rom te ersten he Pant Prlippines iarrine Sern of te Bureau of Pant ns Section 17 (June 1, 1878) +B! Queranine ‘aminitratve Order No. 4. Sores of 198" Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Materalin Intemational Trae" +A and BPI List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018, Page 12 0f 24 Office Prohibited Products, Legal Bases Regulated Products Legal Bases PT Temorandum Groulars on ‘Spocic Prtooas for Export of Agrcutural Products. Environmental Bure (EME) Used Lead Acid Battery (ULB) + Basel Convention on the Control of Tran boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, particularly Annex VI List A (At 160 - waste lead-acid battories, whole or crushed) + Republic Act No. 6968 "Toxte Substances Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 41900" Sections 2 & 3 (Cctober 28, 1980), Philippine Fiber Industry ent Developm Authority (PhilF1DA) 0 “Abaca and Ramie Seeds, Seedlings, Suckers and Root Stocks; Bur Seeds and Seedings; and Buntal Fibers “0. Repubic Act No. 4608. “An Act prohibiting the exportation of Fibers (Buntal) of Filaments of the Pant commonly known as “Buri or seeds or seedlings thereof, ‘epealing for this purpose ‘Commonwealth Act ‘Numbered Five Hundred Eighly-Five and Republic List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 13 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 office No.| Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. | Regulated Products Legal Bases 0 ‘ek Numbered Thee Hundred Nineteen" (June 18, 1966), RA. No, 625 "An Act amending Act Numbered “Taity-Two Hundred Fifty: One, entiled “An Act to Prohibit the Exportation to Foreign Counties of Seeds of Abaca and its derivatives" (une 20, 1988); + Department of Agrouture and Food Administrative (Order No. 14, 5. 1986, Firearms and 40 | 10.4. Firearms and | +A, 10507 An Act Explosives Office, ‘Ammunitons: Providing forthe Philippine National Comprehensive Law on Police (PNP-FEO) 10.1.1. Major Pars of | Frearms and Fireatms (Barrel, Slide, | Ammunition and Frame Providing Penalties for ‘Violations Thereof (May 10.1.2. Riflescopes, | 29,2013) sniper scopes, and other |+ FLA. $516 (Oecember firearm accessories | 22, 2008) “An Act further 10.2. Explosives: (Please ‘see ANNEX 1) 10.2.4, Explosives and Explosive Ingredients “amending the provisions ‘OfP.D. No. 1868, a8, amended, ented Codifyng the faws on ‘legalunlawl List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018, Page 14 of 24 Prohibited Products Logal Bases Regulated Products Legal Besos PNP-FEO 0 0.22. Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics 40.23. Contralles (Chemicals (Chemicals Explosives and Chemicals ingredients to Explosives) see ANNEX a possession, manufacture, dealing in ‘quisition or lsposition of firearms, ammunition or explosives or instruments used Inthe manufacture offrearms, ‘ammunition or ‘explosives, and Imposing tier penalties {or certain violations ‘thereof, and fo other relevant purposes.” “E.O. No, 522 (June 26, 4982) ‘Amending Executive Order No. 60 Seties of 1967, Prescribing rules anc regulations fr the control end supervision ‘ofthe importation, sale ‘and possession of, chemicals usec as Ingredients in the ‘manufacture of ‘explosives and for other purposes.” Forest Management Bureau (FMB) iT ‘All Mangrove Speck ThA No. 7H6IAN Act Incorporating certain ‘sections ofthe National Internal Revenue Code 7 ‘Lumber, logs, poles, piles, log core and fitchosirairoad tos TT+ PDN, 705 “Foresty Reform Code ‘ofthe Philipines" (May19, 1975) List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 15 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 office Prohibited Products Logal Basos No.| Regulated Products Legal Besos Fue ‘OfTQ77, as amended, | TT | Gees from both the *DENR Admiietrave Presidential decree No. forestiands and private | Order No. 1088-33 705, as amended, lands, “Regulations Governing ‘oherwise known as the the Exportation of “Revised Foresty Code of Lumber and Plantation the Philippines", and Logs” (6 May 1988) providing amendments thereto by increasing the forest charges on timber ‘and other products" Section 4. (October 10, 1991), 12 | Monkey pod *Acacia’ or | 12+ DAO No. 1987-78 Raintree (Samanea entitled “interim Guidelines saman) ‘on the Cutting/Gathering of Narra and Other Premium Hardwood Species’, Section 3.3. 19 | Raw Rattan including | 13 » DAO No. 1989-04 oles as follows: entitled "Revised 2 Ratian poles that have | Regulations Governing ‘ot undergone any Rattan Resources", processing or Section 46.4 ‘manufacturing », Rattan poles that have been cut into desired sizes; and . Rattan poles that have ‘undergone application of preservatives. List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 16 of 24 ‘As of December 2018. No. | Prohibited Products Legal Base: No.| _ Regulated Products Legal Bases Fe TH | 747 Round logs, polos | 141, « Executive Order No and ples incuding log | 23 “Moratorium on the ‘core and fitches'ralroad | cutting and harvesting of ties produced from ‘Timber inthe natural and ‘naturally growm trees both | residual forests (1 {rom the forestands and | February 2011) private lands; and + DENR Administrative Order No, 1988-33 “Regulations Governing 14.2. Lumber, boules oF any other semi-fnished products produced from ‘bremium hardwood and prohibited species Premium Hardwood and Prohibited Species: ‘Molave (Vitex Parvifora) Dao (Dracontometon dao) ‘Kamagong (Diospyros blanco) pi (insta bjuge) ‘Ade (Albizia acte) Apanit(Mastila pphippinensis) the Exportation of Lumber ‘and Plantation Logs” (6 ‘May 1968) 142, «DAO No. 72,8 1867 “intr Guidelines on the cutnglgaheing of Narra and Ober Premium Hardwood Spooes” (28 December 987) + DENR Administrative Order No. 1988-33 “Regulations Governing the Exportation of Lumber 3nd Plantation Logs" (8 List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018, Page 17 of 24 ‘oftice Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. Regulated Products Legal Bases cn Banuyo (Waaceodendron colebcur) Batiuling (L800 Jeytenss) Bete (Madhuca bot) Bolong eta (Diospyros plosanhers) Kalantas (Toona clonts) Lanete (Wiighia pubescens subsp. Len) Lumbayaa (Horaiora avarice} Sangilo (Pistacia eninensis) Supa (Sindoro supe) Tindal (Aiea shomboide) “Teak (Tocona Phikppinensisectona ‘grandis) Mangais (Koompassia. ‘excosa) DITEXpor ‘Marketing Bureau (DTVEMB)-Coffee 2 + International Cofles ‘Agreement (ICA 2007), aricle 33. Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 8 ‘Crushed andlor sized ‘sand gravel andlor other ‘unconsolidated materials. 13. RA No, TOD Philippine Mining Act of 1986" (March 3, 1996) + DENR Administrative List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 18 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 office No. | Prohibited Products ‘Legal Bases No. | Regulated Products ‘Legal Bases GE ‘Order No, 2608-20, (September 4, 2008), ENR Memorandum (Order Nos, 2008-04 (November 27, 2008), 2009-01 anuary 20, 2008) and 2010-07 (Gune 29, 2010) 14 | tron, manganese andlor | 14. Same ‘chromium ore(s), whether ‘unprocessed or processed 15 | Aine wastes andlor mil | 15, Same talings 16 | Unprocessed, raw or run-| 18, Same ‘ofmine minerals) of orets). National Food 77 Grains and grain by) + PD. No, 4 "National ‘Authonty (NFA) Products Grains Authority Act (September 28, 1972), ‘National Museum TB | Cultural proparias such +R. A. No. 70086, my 2s archaeological “National Cultural materials, ditional —_| Heritage Act of 2008", ‘ethnographic materials, | Article Vi, Section 23, antiques, historical relics, | (March 26 2010), Natural History R.A, No. 8492 specimens (holotypes, | *National Museum Act of ‘endangered, 1996" (February 12, inepiaceable specimens, | 1996); List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 19 of 24 ‘As of December 2018 ofnce No.| Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. | Regulated Products Legal Bases Ni TB | fess) °RA No. 4846 “Cultura Propertios Preservation and Protection Act as ‘amended by Presidential Decree No 374, and RR Rule IV -Exportaton {and Importation of Cuttural Properties (Gane 1, 1968) ‘Optical Media 8 | Optical and magnetic |» RA No. 9288 Board (OMB) media, is manufacturing | “Optical Media Act of ‘equipment, pats and | 2003" (February 10, accessories and 2004) manufacturing materials Bodiveraiy 75 | Staactites and 15. + RA No. 072 20 | Terrestial wife 20.» Republi AatNo. Management stalagmites “National Caves and Cave species whether ive, | 9147 "Wildlife Bureau (BMB) Resources Management Preserved! stuffed to | Resources Conservation formerly (PAW) ‘and Protection Act (Apri Include its by-products & | and Protecton Act of 8, 2001) \erivatives 2004" (July 30, 2001), ‘and Joint DENR-DA- 16 | Torestrial wile species | 16.1. «CITES Appendxt; | | 20.1. Faunaspecies | PCSD Adminstrative whether lve, stuffed or by- | R.A. No. 9147 "Willife ‘produced in breeding | Order No. 01, Series of produets tat were taken’ | Resources Conservation farms or commercial | 2004 (May 18, 2004) {rom the wi: ‘and Protection Act of 2001" | purposes to include the 416.1, Fauna to include the folowing among) others: 16.1.4. Aves: (duly 30, 2001) and DENR, ‘Administrative Order No. 2004-15 "Estabishing the st of Terrestrial threatened species and their categories, andthe {allowing among others: 20.4.1. Aves: ‘Amethyst Frutt Dove Bonded Rall Black naped Oriole + DENR Administrative (Order No. 2004-55 ‘(August 31, 2004) + Republic Act No. 9147 "Widlife List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export Page 20 of 26 ‘As of December 2018 once No.| Prohibited Products Legal Bases No.| | Regulated Products Legal Bas aN 76 | Flom Last oF other waite 20°} Black naped Monarch | Resources Conservation Necobar Pigeon ‘species pursuant to Bleading heart ‘and Protection Act of Philippine Eagle Streak- | Republic Act no. 9147, Pigeons 2001" (July 30, 2001) breasted Bulbul ‘otherwise known asthe ‘Bluetalled Bee-Eater | and Administrative Negros Bleeding Heart | Wildlife Resources Button Quais ‘Order No. 2007-01 Negros Stipped ‘Conservation and Crested Mynah Wanvary 22, 2007) Babbler Protection Act of 2001" Lovebirds (May 22, 2004) Finches + CITES Appendix 16.1.2. Mamma Geeen-winged Dove | andl st of Fauna and Tamaraw Hanging Parakeet | Fora Dugong Java Sparrows Visayan Spotted Deer kingfishers Visayan Warty Pig Painted Qual Calamian Deer Parots Philppine Starings 16.1.3. Reptiles: Philippine White-2ye Philippine Crocodile Pinkcnecked Green ‘Saltwater Crocodile Pigeon Marine Turtles ‘Quiabero ‘Monitor Lizard ‘Sender-bled cuckoo Tree Sparrow 16.2, Flora to include the | 16.2. RA No. 9147 and White-eared brown following among others: | DENR Administrative Dove Ladys’ Sipper Orchids | Order No. 2007-01 (lan (Cycas wadet 22, 2007) 20.4.2. Mammals: Pitcher plant loud Rats Nepenthes sp) Philippine monkeys Vanda sanderiana Tarsior Iger-dagat ‘Skunk sede vine Raffesia 20.4.3, Repties: ‘Staghorn Fern Gecko ‘ree Fem Land Turtles List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018 Page 24 of 24 No.| Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. | Regulated Products Legal Bases BME 76 | Dao 20 | Monitor Uzards Yakal Sailin Lizards Narra Molave 20.1.4. Amphibians: 16.3 CITES Appendix ist Frogs- ve, skin, or 16.3, Exotic Wildlife of Fauna and Flora products from the skin oF ‘Species found in (itp wa cltes.ora) meat ‘Appendix 1 ofthe 20.2. Fiorafplant species Convention on produced in nurseries! Intemational Trade in farms and orchidaria to Endangered Species of Include the folowing Wild Fauna and Flora among others: (CITES) to incude the following among others: ‘Agar wood Orchids, all species 163.1, Fauna: (except those in Buffon Macaw ‘App. 1) Scarlet Macaw Big leat Mahogany Black Paim Cactus Cockatoo Cycas ‘Great Hombil “Tree Ferns Hyacinth Macaw 20.3, Exotic Fauna and 16.32. Flora Flora found in CITES: Dendrobium cruentum ‘Appendix il and to Renanthera Include the following Imschootana ‘among others: ‘Vanda coerulea 20.31. Aves: 46:33. Insects to include Conures the folowing among Macaw Parrots others: Pigeons Page 22 of 24 List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘sof December 2018, Office | No.| Prohibited Products Legal Bases [No] Regulated Products Legal Bases Bue 16 | Brdwving batteries 20 | 70.32. insects Swallowtail butertioe ‘A Butertios {exceptthose listed in 1) hiippine Coconut | 17” | Matured Coconuts and | ~FoA No. 1145 An Rat ‘thority (PCA) Coconut seedings ‘Greating the Philp ‘Coconut Administration” (Gane 17,1954) PD. No, ‘1644 “Graning Additional, Powers to PCA (October 4.1978); PCA Board Resolution No. 058-2011 (16 June 2011) *P.D.No.232"Creating a Philippine Coconut ‘Autoniy’ Section Se (Gune 30,1973) amended by PD. 1468 “Revised Coconut Industy Code" (June 11, 1876), Philippine Nuclear Bi | ACA Nuclear and DARA, No, 2087 Research Insttute Radioactive Materials; | "Science Act of 1958" (PNR “Devices incorporating | (June 1, 1658) a8 radioactive materials’ | amended by RA. 3589 “an Act Amending 212 Nuctearreated | Republic Act No. 2087 ‘dual use tems, odiyng the National Seiente Development board, Natonal insite List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018 Page 23 of 24 Prohibited Products Legal Bases: ‘Regulated Products Logal Bases PRRI 2 ‘af Science and Technology, and the Phisppine Atomic Energy Commission, Extending Tax Exemption, Privileges on Grants, Requests and Donations for Scenic Purposes to Privaie Evcational Institutions, ‘and for other purposes” ‘une 22, 1983), + RA, No. 8207 “Atomic Energy Regulatory and Labilly Act of 1968" (une 15, 1988), as ‘amended by P.D. No, 1484 (June 11, 1978) + £0. No, 128 (January 230, 1987) 'Reorganizing the National Science ‘and Technology Authority + PNRIAO. No. ‘002, “Authorizing for Transfer of Nuclear Related-Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, List of Prohibited and Regulated Products for Export ‘As of December 2018 Page 24 of 24 office Prohibited Products Legal Bases No. | _ Regulated Products NRT ‘Sofware and Related Technology” ‘Sugar Regulatory 2 | Alsugarcane-tased | EO.No 18 "Creating A ‘Administration sugar (such a8 rew ‘Sugar Regulatory (SRA) sugar, white suger, ‘muscovado) and Molasses “Administration” (May 28, 1988) Nothing follows. 1 5 % STICK 4 HSC PML 46 DETONATOR G-51 2_ANFO 17 DETONATORS 3 |BEANHOLE CONNECTOR 4 [BLACK POWDER. 19 DETONATING RELAY 5 [COMPOSITION 4 (C-4) 20 [DETONATOR: __ 6 |COMPOSITIONA-S 21 [DINITROTOLUENE _ 7_ [COMPOSITION A-T 22|DYNAMITE 8 [COMPOSITIONB 23|ELEC DETONATORS 9. [DELAY COMPOUND _ ~_ [24 [ELECTRIC BLASTING CAP 10 [DEMOLITION CHARGES 25 |EMULITE/SLURRY 11 [DETONATING CORD 26|EMULSION __| 12 |[DETONATING FUSE 27|EMULSION BLASTING AGENT _ 13 |DETONATOR 21 28 EMULSION MATRIX [14 |DETONATOR G. 29|FUSE LIGHTER [15 [DETONATOR G 30|HANDGRENADES 3 IPOWER CHARGE STARTER 34 [HDF PRIMERS 46 [32 |IGNITER (THERMIT) 47|PRIMACORD 33 |IGNITER CONNECTOR 48 PRIMER 34 |IGNITER CORD 49 PROPELLANT CHARGES 35 |IGNITER FUSE 50 SAFETY FUSE 36 |LEAD CUP 51 SIDEWINDER 37 |M-201 FUSE - '52SLURRY 38 |MS DELAY DETONATOR SMOKELESS POWDER 39 |NIT PRIMERS. [SPITTERCONNECTOR 40 jNITRAMON 55 |SPITTERCORD 41 |NON ELEC BLASTING CAPS 56 |THERMALITE CONNECTOR 42 |NON ELECTRIC DETONATORS 57 [TIMER FUSE 43 |ORDINARY BLASTING CAP 44 |PIPE CUTTER B | 45 [POWER CHARGE fT] EXPLOSIVES ACCESSORIES 1_|10 GR CST CARTRIDGES 16|BAKER IGNITER 2 (1-11/16 CERAMIC 17 [BOUY SMOKE 3 |12 GR CST CARTRIDGES 18|CHARGE BOOSTER 4 !2GRHT 19|CHARGE BOOSTER CASING GUN 5 [13.6 GR HT 20|CONNECTOR 6 [2-1/8 CERAMIC CHARGES 21|CST CHARGES 7 {3-1/8 CERAMIC CHARGES 22\CSTIGNITER 8 [6.8/11M RED CARTRIDGE 23 |DETS5 9 |6.8/18M CARTRIDGE 24 (DISTRESS KIT 10 [ALIGNMENT SLEEVES 25 [DISTRESS SIGNAL 41 |AMP CARTRIDGES 26|DM 1015 12 |BACK-OFF BOOSTER 27 (DM 1344 OR 1020 | 13 |BAG SMOKE 28|ELECTRIC MATCH _ 14 |BAKER BOOSTER 29|FLARE CARTRIDGES 15 [BAKER CHARGES _ 30|FLARES: 31 |FUSE ASSEMBLY PLUG SETTOOL | 46 [M55 32 FUSE ASSEMBLY SETTING TOOL | 47 |MANOVERBOARD 33 |FUSE LIGHTER 48 [MINI FLARES 34 [FUSES 49 |N201FUSE 35 GAS CARTRIDGE ACTUATOR _| 50 |NON ELECTRIC DETONATOR 36 |GUN POWDER 51 [ORANGE SMOKESIGNAL | 37 [HAND FLARE SIGNAL 62 [PARA ILLUMINATINGO 38 [HAND HELD ROCKETS. 53 [PARACHUTE ROCKET SIGNAL 39 [HIGH PRESSURECORDALON _| 54 [PORTLUGS 40 |HOMAC CARTRIDGES. 85 [POWER CHARGE DRILL PIPE CUTTER 41 INSULATING WASHER 56 [POWER CHARGE PLUG SETTING TOOL 42 |LEAD WIRE 87 [POWER CHARGE SEVERING TOOL 43 |LIFESMOKE SIGNAL 58 [POWER CHARGES CASING GUN 44 |LINE THROWER 59 [PRIMA CORD 45 [M143 KAPTON TAPE 60 |PRIMACORD END SEAL _| 61 [PROPELLANT CHARGES 76 THEATRICAL EFFECTS (ASSORTED) 62 [PROPELLANTS 77 {THERMALITE CONNECTOR [63 REDHAND FLARES 78|UNION C79 64 [ROCKET FLARE MOTORS 79 WATER PROOF BLAST CAPS 65 [RUBBER BOORT _ 80 WIND PROOF MATCHES 66 [SAFETY HAND FLARE | ISAFETY PARACHUTE ROCKET ISAFETY SMOKE SIGNAL SHAPED CHARGES SMOKE GENERATOR m1 SMOKE GRENADE ISPARE KIT a R ISPEEDLINE (ROCKET & STRIKER) ISPITTER CONNECTOR [TEAR GAS PRODUCTS INDUSTRIAL USE [ALUMINUM NITRATE - FC/PD |GALLIC POWDER - FC/PD |STRONTIUM NITRATE - FC/PD ISLURRY POWDER - EXPLOSIVES [TOLUENE - EXPLOSIVES |GLYCEROL TRINITRATE - EXPLOSIVES ISLURRY BLAST AGENT - EXPLOSIVES LEAD (II) NITRATE - EXPLOSIVES ola|rlolalaje|r|s LEAD NITRATE - EXPLOSIVES CATEGORIZED AS EXPLOSIVES BY SUB-TWG |AMORPHOUS PHOSPHOROUS IDINITROTOLUENE [GLYCEROL TRINITRATE (NITROGLYCERINE) NITROCELLULOSE IPETN (PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE) IPICRIC ACID (2,4,6-TRINITROPHENOL) [TETRYL(N-METHYL-N,2,4,6-TETRANITROANILINE) | folala fe |r| a [TRINITRO TOLUENE (TNT) 9 PHOSPHORUS 10 PHOSPHORUS RED HIGH RISK CONTROLLED CHEMICAL No. Chemical Name Chemical Formula | CAS Number 1 [Ammonium Cerium (IV) Nitrate | _Ce(NH,)(NOs)e_| 16774-21-3 2__ [Ammonium Nitrate (NHNO,) | 6484-522 Fertilizer containing = 70% 3_ [Ammonium Nitrate 4__ [Ammonium perchlorate NH,CIO, 7790-98-9 5 _| Calcium Nitrate Ca(NO.) 10124-37-5 6 _| Guanidinium Nitrate CH,N,O5 508-93-4 7__ [Hydrogen peroxide, >52% HO, 7722-84-41 8 _| Magnesium perchlorate Mg(CIO,)2 10034-81-8 9 | Nitric Acid, >3% HNO, 7697-37-2 10 | Potassium nitrate = 40% KNO, 7787-79-41 11__ [Potassium perchlorate = 40% KCIO, 118-147 12 _| Potassium permanganate KMinO, 7722-64-7 13 _ | Sodium chlorate= 40% NaCiO, 7775-09-9 14__ | Sodium Nitrate NaNO, 7631-20-4 15 _ [Sodium Perchlorate > 40% ~_NaClO, "7791-07-38 LOW RISK CONTROLLED CHEMICAL No. Chemical Name Chemical CAS Number Formula 7__ [Aluminum powder/granular Al 7429-90-5 [2 [Ammonium chlorate NHCIO. 40192-29-7 3__ [Barium chlorate Ba(CiO3)2 13477-00-4 4 [Barium chromate BaCrO, 10204-40-3 5 [Barium Nitrate Ba(NO,), 10022-31-8 6 _|Calcium chlorate Ca(CIO,), 10437-74-3 7__| Chromium (iil) Nitrate Cy(NO,), 7789-02-8 8 [Copper Nitrate (Cupric nitrate) Cu(NO3)2__| 10031-43-3 (trihydrate) 9 [Ferric (Il) Nitrate Fe(NO3)3 7782-61-8 10 _ | Hydrogen peroxide, 13-52% H,0, 7722-84-1 11_| Nickel (Il) Nitrate Ni(NO3)2 13138-45-9 12_| Potassium chlorate, < 40% KCIO, 3811-04-9, 13 _| Potassium Nitrate, < 40% KNO, T757-19-1 14 _| Potassium perchlorate, < 40% KCIO, 7778-747 15 | Sodium Chiorite, >40% NaCio, T758-19-2 16 _| Sodium perchlorate, <40% NaCiO, 7791-07-3 17_ | Sulfur powder/flakes Ss 7704-34-9 ‘Actyva NPK 21-7-14 containing 87% Ammonium Nitrate

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