Section (Iv) : Computer Science

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(a) For a radix-6 number system, we need to represent each radix-6

digit in binary form. Design a binary code to represent all radix-
6 digits such that the 5’s complement for each digit is obtained
just by complementing each bit in the binary code of that digit.
(b) A Boolean function generated from by interchanging the
operations ‘+’ and ‘.’ and the identity elements ‘0’ and ‘1’, is
called the ‘dual’ of ‘ ’. A Boolean function ‘ ’ is self-dual, if
Check if the function is
self-dual or not.

Section (iv): Computer Science

1. (a) Let be a program for computing the median of a set of real

numbers that runs in time. Use to design a divide and
conquer algorithm for sorting a set of real numbers that runs
in time.
(b) A sequence of distinct real numbers is
said to be a unimodal sequence if there exists an index (
) such that .
The element is said to be the mode of the sequence . Write
an algorithm that can find the mode of a given sequence in

2. Let be a binary tree having nodes. Define to be the length

of the path between two nodes . Design an efficient algorithm
(preferably time) for identifying two nodes such that
, i.e., the path from to is the longest
path in .
Note that and may both lie either in the left sub-tree of , or in the
right sub-tree of , or one may lie in the left sub-tree while the other
lies in the right sub-tree of . [14]

3. Let be an matrix of integers, where for some integer
. Consider a program that traverses the matrix following a -
like traversal, and prints the elements of the matrix in the order of
traversal, as shown in the figures below.
1 2 4
1 2
5 6 7 8

9 10 12
3 4
13 15 16

For , the output will be:

Note that when increases by 1, a bigger is replaced by four copies

of a smaller , and the smaller s are connected as shown above.
This suggests that it is possible to use a recursive procedure to do the
The outline of the program is given below. Write the procedure
in C, so that the program prints the elements of in the required order.

4. Consider a jungle, where tigers and elephants live. The only source
of water in the forest is a lake, situated in the middle of the forest.
Tigers and elephants drink water from the lake. Suppose we model
each animal by a process. The code outlines for tiger processes and
elephant processes are given below. Using semaphores to synchronize
their operation, fill in the outlines so that a tiger process and an ele-
phant process never execute simultaneously.

Your solution should, however, permit multiple animals of the same
kind to drink simultaneously. You may use as many semaphores as

5. (a) Consider the transactions and where is nested within .
If the underlying DBMS follows an immediate update policy for
a log-maintenance system, suggest what actions would be taken
by the recovery manager when a crash occurs in each of the four
different positions shown below.
: Read(A)
Position 1
: Read(B)
Position 2
Commit( )
Position 3
Commit( )
Position 4
(b) For a relation , the following functional de-
pendencies are given:
Decompose into a set of normalized relations so that the new
set of relations is free from partial and transitive dependencies.
6. (a) Let and let
and has the same number of occurrences of
the substrings 01 and 10 .
Thus, (it contains one occurrence each of 10 and 01),
but (it contains two occurrences of 10 and one occur-
rence of 01). Show that is a regular language.

(b) A grammar is said to be ambiguous if for some string in
the language generated by , there exists two or more different
parse trees. Show that the following grammar is ambiguous:

, , , and are non-terminals; all other symbols (int, char,

id, ‘ ’, ‘;’ and ‘,’) are terminals.
Write down an unambiguous grammar such that gener-
ates the same language as .

7. (a) Calculate the network address of a machine whose IP address is and whose subnet mask is
(b) Calculate the maximum throughput of the link layer service pro-
vided by an Ethernet operating at 10 Mbps, assuming an inter
frame gap of 12 bytes. Also calculate the channel utilization.
The sizes of the various frame parts are as follows:
MAC preamble = 7 bytes
Start of frame delimiter = 1 byte
Destination address = 6 bytes
Source address = 6 bytes
Length of frame = 2 bytes
Check sequence = 4 bytes
Payload = 1212 bytes (maximum)

8. (a) Assume that there is a binary multiplier for multiplying two -

bit unsigned binary integers. The multiplication is performed in
clock cycles. Let and be two floating point bi-
nary numbers each having an -bit mantissa ( ). Devise an
algorithm for computing by using repeated multiplication op-
erations. You may assume that and are normalized, and that
a subtraction operation requires one clock cycle. Also, compute
the time complexity of your division algorithm in terms of clock
HINT: Write the mantissa of as where .

(b) Consider a unifunction pipeline consisting of five stages, , ,
, and . The required function is evaluated in nine clock
cycles following the reservation table as given below.

cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Find the minimum average latency cycle of the above pipeline

so that no collision occurs in accessing any stage of the pipeline
during any clock cycle.

Section (v): Engineering and Technology

1. (a) The pressure developed in an Otto cycle having a compression

ratio of is bar when the temperature is maximum during
the cycle. If the temperature and pressure at the end of the suc-
tion cycle are degree Celsius and 2 bar respectively, and the
compression/expansion cycle follows the law constant,
calculate the maximum temperature of the Otto cycle.
(b) Calculate the difference in temperature of water at the top and
bottom of a waterfall 420 metre high assuming all energy to be
converted into heat and retained by the water. Given J=
ergs/cal, g=10 m/sec , specific heat of water is 1 cal/gm/degree

2. (a) A wheel making five revolutions per second is uniformly slowed

down to rest in four seconds. What angle does the wheel turn
through during these four seconds?


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