Study, The Perspective, The Implications, and The Importance of This Topic

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This study’s objective is to raise awareness of certain issues like legalizing the trading of Human
Organs. The study wants to make a brief explanation about the issue that the researchers
conducted. Its objective is to legalize the trading of human organs that is timely and relevant to
this country. Human Organs in the human body are very vulnerable to certain diseases that can
cause the loss and defects of the human organs, which leads to the trading of human organs to be
transplanted in other human organs. The trading of human organs tends to explain how these
types of situations can be of help to the society and the people affected to the problem. The
researcher’s main goal is to defend and legalize this scenario to the country in order to transmute
certain organs to be placed in another human body. It also helps the people to become aware of
the issue that may be legalized in the country in the future. Scientists supporting this research are
now studying the effects, both positive and negative. Study, the perspective, the implications, and
the importance of this topic.

The researchers’ purpose of this study is to fill out the questions they have in mind. They
have been wondering why this issue is so notorious. They wanted to know the essence, the
significance, the importance, and the beneficial of this research. They have come up on this study
for they are curios of what this issue is all about. They just once heard about this issue and many
thoughts have been intriguing in their minds. So in order to have answers about the questions
they have, they proposed this research to study the issue.
The researchers’ encountered many struggles and obstacles along the way as they conducted this
research but come’s up a good research study through the help of everyone. They have collected
some information they needed through research on books and internet. They also interviewed
some people that could help, contribute, discuss, or give some of their opinions about the study
or topic. They may have encountered some problems such as the time, the place, money,
resources, participation, and attitude of everyone, but still managed to handle it and just
continued the research. They found out something that are new to them.
Therefore, this study was finished with all the information needed. Many facts provided, and
learned about the study. It was indeed a very interesting topic has to discuss.

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