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Curriculum vitae - Igor Perunović

Igor Perunović

Telephone: +381641795259
Adress: Milutina Milankovica 180/30, Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: igor.perunovic@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/igor-perunovic-a17a53b6

School of electrical engineering, University of Belgrade | final year
Course: Computer & information sciences

C# / Xamarin Forms / Ionic / Angular / Javascript / Java / Android OS
MVVM Pattern / SOLID principles / Inversion Of Control / Dependency Injection
Unit testing


Visual Studio & TFS
Microsoft Task Server

Software developer – Xamarin & Ionic | ShowingTime | September 2017. - present
· Development and maintenance of software solutions. Removing problems in the software solution.
· Development of prototypes. Writing technical and user documentation.
· Writing tests for the solution.

Software developer - Xamarin | Asseco-see | July 2015. – June 2017.

· Development and maintenance of software solutions. Removing problems in the software solution.
· Development of prototypes. Writing technical and user documentation.
· Assisting in team management and coordination.
· Writing tests for the solution.

Junior android developer | Software nation | february 2015. – may 2015.

 Development of Android OS apps. Removing problems in the software solutions. Writing technical

Serbian (native)
English (fluent)
German (basic)

May 2018. – present

A large real-estate market app for web, Android and iOS via Ionic with:
· Custom framework development for the app, many controls, components and various utilities
· Data presentation, RESTful api consumption
· Calendar syncing
· Push Notifications

Nov 2017. – Jan. 2018.

A small car wash proof of concept app for Android and iOS via Xamarin Forms with:
· Custom framework development for the app, many controls, components and various utilities
· Map location and interfaces
· Social network APIs and login

Sep 2017. – present

A large real-estate market app for Android, iOS and Windows Phone via Xamarin Forms with:
· Custom framework development for the app, many controls, components and various utilities
· Data presentation, RESTful api consumption
· Calendar syncing
· Push Notifications

Jul 2015. – Jun 2017.

A large mobile banking app for Android, iOS and Windows Phone via Xamarin Forms with:
· Custom framework development for the app, many controls, components and various utilities
· Data presentation, RESTful api consumption
· Payments, Currency Exchange and Money Transfers
· Account, Credit Card and Transfers overview
· Map locations and search features
· Mobile token verification, OTP generation and various other safety features
· Push Notifications
· HockeyApp for crash reports

Apr 2015.-May 2015.

A small Android blog reading app with:
· Reading blog posts, filtering and commenting

Feb 2015. – May 2015.

An Android app for airport equipment maintenance with:
· Login with multiple access levels and different displays, options within the app etc
· Navigating around the app via the left navigation drawer with different options for different user access
· Getting and caching data from the server and displaying the list of airport workers and their data, with the
possibility of direct dialing from the app
· Getting data from the server and displaying the list of discrepancies and malfunctioning gear, with the
possiblity of documenting the repairs, photographing and commenting, as well as sending the report to
the server
· Inspecting airport equipment with many options, suboptions, photographing and commenting,
handwritten signing, as well as sending the data to the server
· Refreshing all relevant data from the server

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