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Determination of TVSS, and TFSS in the given water sample


Objectives of this lab includes:

 To get knowledge of TVSS and TFSS in solids in water

 To understand the concept and phenomenon about TVSS and TFSS in solids
 To learn about the role of TVSS and TFSS in water quality
 To understand the precautions and procedures involved in the determination of TVSS and
TFSS in water


 Total volatile suspended solids (TVSS)

The weight loss of TSS upon ignition at 5500C for 15 minutes is known as volatile
suspended solids TVSS.
 Total fixed suspended solids (TFSS)
Residue of TSS left on ignition at 5500C for 15 minutes is known as TFSS.

Environmental Significance/Impacts

Environmental significances of total solids in the water are following:

 Effects on aquatic life

Some fishes and aquatic plants are used to live in saline waters and some are live in fresh
waters with high concentrations of salts. But if the concentration for these salts become
over then it may be harmful for aquatic life and then for their consumers. These salts may
cause the toxicity of water by containing the heavy metal like chromate, copper, and also
detergents. This can cause the death of aquatic life and also harmful for human beings
who are consumers of the aquatic life.
 Decrease in photosynthetic rate in water
If there is a high concentration of total suspended solids in water, it can affect the process
of aquatic photosynthesis. Total solids block the incoming sun lights and this makes the

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penetration of sunlight very low and cost the photosynthesis process. This can lead to the
death of aquatic life.
 Corrosion in water supply system
Total solids contain many type of impurities such as, iron, etc. which are corrosion
causing metals. So, when the water containing total solids pass through the water supply
system, it will cause the corrosion of the pipes of the system and that material will be
supplied to the consumers that can cause serious health problems.
 Increase water temperature
Total solids do not allow the sunlight to penetrate through the surface of water but they
also cause the increase in the temperature of the water. This happens because when the
water is cloudy, sunlight will warm it more efficiently. This occurs because the
suspended particles in the water absorb the sunlight which, in turn, warms the
surrounding water. This leads to other problems associated with increased temperature

NEQS Guidelines

There are no specified guidelines of TVSS and TFSS in drinking water and waste water. But
there are guidelines of total suspended solids (TSS) given for drinking and waste water

 Waste water
For total suspended solids should be less than 150 mg/l.
 Drinking water
There are no specified guidelines given for total suspended solids (TSS) in drinking water
which means that it should be near to zero

TVSS and TFSS Measurement

Collection and Sampling

 Container: Sample must be collected in a clean glass and plastic bottles.

 Storage: Analyze the sample as soon as possible after collection otherwise it can be
stored at 4 degrees Celsius in refrigerator.
 Holding time: Sample can be stored only for 24 hours 24hrs.

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There are not very prominent interferences in the water sample for solid measurement.

Material Required

 Apparatus
 Filter paper
 China dishes (for evaporation)
 Vacuum filtration assembly
 Tongs
 50 ml measuring cylinder
 Analytical balance
 Distilled water
 Water sample
 Desiccator
 Muffle furnace


 Initial Preparation of Evaporating Dish

Preheat the china dish by placing the china dish in the muffle furnace at 550 degrees
Celsius for 1 hour. And weight it using analytical balance.

 Measurement Methods
 Preheat the muffle furnace at 550 degrees Celsius for measurement of total
volatile solids and total fixed solids.
 Also weight the preheated china dish using analytical balance.
 Now, take the filter paper used in total suspended solids measurement with
residue material on it.
 Place it in a preheated and pre-weighted china dish.
 Place the china dish in the muffle furnace at 550 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

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Note: The temperature should be brought to 550 degrees Celsius and then held
the temperature and count the time
 After the time is completed, shut off the furnace and weight for 30 seconds to
open the furnace.
 With the help of tongs, transfer the china dish in the desiccator to cool it down to
room temperature.
 After cooling, carefully remove the filter disk from china dish and weight it using
analytical balance.
 Formulas for TVSS and TFSS are following:
( A−B)
TVSS = ∗1000∗1000
volume of sample
TFSS = ∗1000∗1000
volume of sample
Where, A = weight of residue + filter disk + China dish (before ignition)
B = weight of residue + filter disk + China dish (after ignition)
C = weight of filter disk + China dish

Calculations and Observations

 For Total Volatile Suspended Solids:

Volume of sample = 50ml
A = 58.166g
B = 57.623g
(58.166−57.623) g
TVSS = ∗1000∗1000
50 ml
TVSS = 10860 mg/L or 10.86 g/L
 For Total Fixed Suspended Solids:
Volume of sample = 50ml
B = 57.623g
C = 57.618 g
(57.623−57.618) g
TFSS = ∗1000∗1000
50 ml

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TFSS = 100 mg/L or 0.1mg/L


The values of total solids, total dissolved solids, and total suspended solids in the given water
sample are:

 TVSS = 10860 mg/L or 10.86 g/L

 TFSS = 100 mg/L or 0.1mg/L


In this lab, we have performed an experiment to find the values of TVSS, and TFSS in a given
water sample from the filter disk used in determination of total suspended solids.

By performing these experiments, we have acknowledged the importance of these solids in water
quality and how they affect the water standards. We have learned the procedure to find the
values of these solids in water and wastewater.

It was quite interesting and informative activity which will be helpful in treatment of water and
wastewater in the field.

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