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Taking a risk is like getting into a battlefield unarmored and trying to see whether you will come out

or not. There is no assurance, yet, you get into the battle because you want to convince yourself that
you’ll be fine and you’ll be responsible for whatever it may cause you.

Taking a risk is selfless. You tell yourself it’s okay to be harmed than not trying at all. At least when
taking the risk becomes worthy, you will never regret. If it goes the other way, “at least you tried”.

For the past years, I have fully protected my heart. I have put a strong guard by not letting any person
cause me damage just like what other people did. With walls so high, it has been three years since I have
been hurt. See? It was all worth. I have healed and have been preparing to take the risk again.

Few months before this writing, I have met someone unexpectedly. We talked and shared tons of
laughter together. Eventually, we decided to go out for a date. I was terribly anxious. My heart pounded
like I took 6 glasses of black coffee. I was nervous. I could not even walk towards him.

Soon, I found myself comfortable by sitting next to him. We talked and laughed. I felt time just stopped
right there. I hoped, during that time, for the day not to end. Just before we had to part ways, he gave
me a tight hug which I have longed for. Finally, I have felt at peace. Magical, indeed.

We were planning to meet a week after that, but something came up. Thanks to the angel God sent.

Thank God for saving me from the wrong person.

To be honest, I cried. I even woke up today sad and was hoping what happened was just a bad dream in
which I could wake up from. I started this day with a heavy heart. I was terribly devasted. I even
expected him to message me to at least give me a decent apology for what I have discovered.

I almost took the risk. I was about to risk falling in love again. I was about to finally try again.
Unfortunately, it cannot happen. I found myself too sad to start the day, but I realized, God saved me.
He did not let me get into the trap of falling in love with the wrong person.

At least, after several years, I knew I am ready to love again. I am ready to take my chances on love

I believe time will heal and God will pair you with the right person.

One day, I can wake up next to the person who will love me with no conditions- someone who I will
spend forever with.

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