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1. How often do you read on a weekly basis? What types of reading material?

(Novels, non-fiction, etc) Tell in 100+ words.

I read every single day. My post- graduate degree requires me to read a lot;
therefore, I am drawn into reading law books and references in relation

To be honest, I was not ever interested in reading back when I was younger. I
would open books but would find them boring afterwards. I would rather
watch the movie adaption of the book than go through the tiring process of
reading the entire book. Worse, I would go to the very last page of the book to
have a glimpse of what the ending of the story would be. I would take all the
shortcuts necessary to finish “reading” the book.

Fast forward to my post- graduate, I was left with no choice. Law degree
entails voluminous materials which is tantamount to substantive reading.
With this, skimming, nor scanning, is acceptable. I must go through all the
details of the reading materials just so I can understand every lesson assigned
for the day. Now that I am left with only two subjects, I can confidently say that
my reading habit has gone through a big change.

Reading is surely a part of my system and there is no way I could get rid of it.

2. Rate your vocabulary on a scale of 1-10. Then explain your rating in 100+

I can say that my vocabulary rate is 9 because I believe there should always be
a room for improvement and learning.

I have been a part of the school paper back in my tertiary years as an Assistant
Managing Editor. As part of the job, I must proofread the articles submitted by
the publication members before it reaches the Managing Editor. With this, I
had to equip myself with good vocabulary skills so that I could effectively
execute my task.

In my post- graduate degree, I had to do better. Professors are very keen with
verbal and written English vocabulary in law school. No matter how right the
answer is, the professor will still opt to give an average grade if one cannot
express him/ herself in English well. Therefore, I had to learn the English
vocabulary well through thorough reading and speaking practices.

3. Do you write? Any previous experience such as in essay writing, collaborative

contests, etc.? If so, tell in 100+ words.

I have previous experience in writing different kinds of write- ups for school papers.

As earlier mentioned, I was a part of the school publication paper. I started as a

writer which entails one to be flexible in terms of writing various kinds of articles. As
a probationary position, a writer needs to be able in writing an article asked by the
editor. I was able to make contents like poems, sports news, essay, editorial, and a lot
more. A year later, I was promoted as an Assistant Managing Editor through the trust
given by my colleagues.

To add, in my primary years, I was a part of the team which represented our school
in the Campus Journalism where I was assigned to compete for the Sports News

With these previous experiences, I was able to cultivate my writing skills which I still
use to date.

4. Familiar with any content writing methodologies or techniques? If so, write

one and explain in 100+ words.

I am familiar with the writing methodology in the form of point of view with an
emotional touch.

I like this form of content writing methodology since this is a personal one. This
method makes me express my personal view with facts on hand while adding an
emotional touch to please the readers. This form of method applies whenever I am
asked to write an editorial article. This method makes me write an article by putting
my heart and my emotions together, which such collaboration will surely make out a
good output.

They say when you listen to your heart and brain, nothing can go wrong. Therefore,
this method, although some would oppose to my own point-of-view, is the most
expressive to me so long as I make sure that I get my facts straight first before giving
my own view regarding a certain subject. Whenever I make one, I make it a goal that
the readers will feel the emotions I had while writing the piece.

5. If you were to be given a task you’ve never heard of, how would you take such
a task? Explain in 100+ words.

A research would be one of the best tools to take an unknown task.

With the technology on hand, research is an easy task. “Not knowing” what to do may
be the worst kind of feeling when asked to accomplish a task. However, with the help
of a hand- reached means through technology, one will be able to defeat the fact on
not knowing. This resource is easily available and therefore, should be used in our
most inconvenient situation.

Another tool would be to ask.

To some, asking is a form of weakness and ignorance, yet, for me, acknowledging
that you do not know such task takes the form of courage and knowledge. It is best to
ask whenever we do not know because by trying to know, a task will be easily

6. How do you do research? Explain in 100+ words.

I research through the most possible available resources.

Back in tertiary, when I was doing my thesis, I found internet to be lacking sufficient
resources to cater the facts that I need. Therefore, I had to go through tangible
materials such as books and other reading materials in the library. Finding it still
insufficient, I went to the National Library in Manila to add facts to my research. It
was only until I found my resources enough that I decided to collate them and co-
relate it to the subject matter of my thesis.

With this, I can say that I can go through every and all means possible when I
research. I do not stop looking for materials until I am fully satisfied that I have got
all the needed materials on hand which I need. I do not believe in “many” resources
rather I believe in its “sufficiency”.

7. Any special attributes you believe you have like creativity, critical thinking,
etc? Explain why you believe that in 100+ words.
I believe that I am determined and persistent.

There are times that I wanted to give up on my dreams. I even wanted to take the
shortest route possible to be successful so that I could cope with others’ success.
However, throughout my journey in my law degree, I realized that determination
and persistence are keys to keep the fire burning. I realized, once I give up, all my
efforts will vanish in a snap. I do not want that. I can always take the shortcut route. I
can just easily give up on my dreams and choose another way out to be successful.
However, I find it so unfair for the people who believes in me—my family.

All this time, I have been knocked out with several events that made me think “I
should try another route. I might be successful there”. However, I do not want to be
unfair with everyone who looks up on me. I do not want to be unfair to myself. As
Paulo Coelho puts it, “Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you”.

With that quote in mind, I always wake up pushing myself to be better each day even
if circumstances would want me to be knocked out. Thinking about it, I realized that
I really wanted to pursue things even if it entails long routes and hard bumps. There
are no shortcuts with dreams. There is no easy success because you really must fight
for it.

Therefore, I could say that narration best describes that I am determined and

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