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No.2020 - oo4

SUBJECT: Health and Safetv Protocols for the Conduct of Film and
Ardir"tr,*l Prrd*,i,
COVID-l9 Pandemic


The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging and Infectious Diseases
(IATF-EID) Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the
Philippines states that for areas placed under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine
(MECQ) film, music, and television production may operate at fifty percent (50%)
operational capacity while encouraging work-from-home and other flexible work
arrangement where applicable. Operating establishments are mandated to comply with
minimum public health standards at all times. In the absence of a vaccine or definitive cure
for COVID-l9, these non-pharmaceutical interventions remain the most effective ways to
prevent the spread and mitigate the risks of COVID-19. In view of the foregoing, this Order
reiterates that all departments, sections, units, and individuals involved in the production
shoots of film and audiovisual activities must adhere to the minimum public health standards
prescribed under the Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order 2020-0015' as may
hereinafter be amended.


These guidelines are issued to set minimum health and safety protocols for the f,rlm and
audiovisual sector in the midst of the COVID-I9 pandemic. This Order aims to provide
guidance to all companies and workers for the resumption of production shoots of film and
the audiovisual content and other audiovisual activities following the established minimum
public health standards for COVID-l9 mitigation within various levels of community

This Order prescribes the necessary prevention, detection, and rapid response measures to be
implemented while maintaining business continuity across the film and audiovisual sector.

DOH"s on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation

These guidelines shall cover the following:

1. All film and audiovisual companies;

2. All frlm and audiovisual workers including but not limited to employees, regardless of
employment status, and independent contractors/freelancers;
3. All forms of film and audiovisual content including but not limited to motion
picture, film, television, animation, advertising, and other audiovisual content;
4. All production stages from Pre-production, Production or Principal Photography, and
5. All venues of production, insluding on-location, studios, workplace, production sites,
post-production facilities, and other venues; and
6. All others concemed with the conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production Shoots in
all stages.


A. Administrative Controls - refer to procedural interventions or modifications in
policies, standards, and processes, that are meant to reduce the frequency and severity
of exposure to infectious diseases (e.g. hygiene and disinfection protocols,
temperature scan, work shifting, etc.).
B. Engineering Controls - refer to physical interventions or modifications in spaces or
environments, that are meant to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases (e.g.
use of physical barriers, exhaust ventilations, etc.).
C. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Oflicer - refers to a key professional in the
work environment that provides occupational health and safety management and
advice, conducts monitoring and reporting in the workplace, and engages staff in
programs that ensure safe practice in the workplace.
D. Personal Protective Eqnipment - refers to protective garments or equipment worn
by individuals to increase personal safety from infectious agents.
E. Post-Production - refers to the tasks that must be completed or executed after the
frlrning or shooting ends including but not limited to editing, visual effects, motion
graphics, music scoring, color grading, and sound design.
F. -
PreProduction refers to the planning stage where elements involved in the
audiovisual content are finalized, including but not limited to script reading, setup,
look test, wardrobe preparation, and rehearsal.
G. Principal Photography - refers to the stage where the bulk of the fiLm is shot, with
actors on set and cameras rolling, as distinct from pre-production and post-production.
H. Producer- refers to a person who is the head of, or acts as the representative of the
production company who shall serve as a direct or indirect employer, and shall be
directly or indirectly liable for all incurred violations in the workplace.
I. Production Zone - a work zone that allows for the production to be broken down and
operate within physical distancing protocols.
J. Set - refers to the area in which a scene is shot. A set may include scenery and props,
among others.
K. Work Zone - refers to a system for workplace groups to keep different crews, staff,
and contractors physically separated at all times. Some locations may need to apply
alternative methods to the creation of work zones to achieve work group separation.
A. Reorienting Production Shoots and Practices

To protect the health and safety of all personnel required to perform film and
audiovisual duties while COVID-l9 exists in the community, all
Producers/Employers shall ensure that all workplaces comply with the DOH
minimum health standards for COVID-I9 mitigation, through the following

1. Increase Physical and Mental Resilience;

2. Stop Transmission;
3. Reduce Contact Rate; and
4. Shorten the Duration of Infectiousness of COVID-I9.
Producers/Employers must be responsible for implementing conffols pursuant to
these strategies and for maintaining records to provide evidence that the requirements
have been met. They must also ensure that records, forms, documents, and other
information are appropriately kept and recorded for reporting and tracing purposes.
Responsible business and filming activities means ensuring the health and safety of
workers and the public.

B. Compliance with Local Community Quarantine Guidelines

Without prejudice to these guidelines, production companies and workers must

comply with the current community quarantine protocols where the production site
or workplace is located, including curfews and other related guidelines and local

C. Mandatory Presence of OSH Personnel

Necessary OSH officer/s shall be present in all workplaces and areas, at all times,
during working hours. The number and types of OSH officers shall depend on the
activities and total number of workers that are present in the shoot, as prescribed in
Sections 74 and. 15, Chapter IV of DOLE Department Order No. 198 S. 20182.
Regardless of whether it is a workplace or production site, the qualified OSH
personnel shall conduct an ocular inspection of the area and institute the necessary
control measures. They shall likewise conduct health and safety orientation to all
workers prior to the start of the production.

D. Additional Function of the OSH Officer

The Occupational Safety and Health Act mandates the presence of an OSH Officer on
workplaces and production sites. For the pwposes of COVID-l9 mitigation, an
additional function will be given to the OSH officer to ensure that COVID-l9 health
and safety protocols will be in place for the safe conduct of production shoots and

E. Protecting the Vulnerable Workers

ProducerslEmployers are discouraged from allowing workers who fall under any of
the following categories to work on set:
1. below twenty-one (21) years old;
2. more than sixty (60) years old;

'zDOLE Department Order 198-18 IRR of Republic Act No. I 1058

trenglhening-Comlrliance-with-Occtrpational-Safety-and-Health-Standards-and-Providing-Penalties-for-Violations-Thereof frdf
3. of any age with co-morbidities or pre-existing illness (e.g., hypertension,
diabetes, cancer, or with immunocompromised health status); or
4. with a high-risk pregnancy.

The Producer/Employer must develop agreements that detail alternative work

arrangements and deliverables from these workers with no diminution in talent fees or

F. Workplace with Imminent Danger Situations

In workplaces where workers are evidently at risk of infection as in health-care and

other frontline services, the Producer/Employer shall ensure that there is access to a
health care provider, as appropriate to the projected risks of the environment and
activities of the workers.

Workers in said workplaces shall take extra precautionary measures, which include
strict hygiene and the rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Producers/Employers shall ensure that PPE (e.g. surgical masks, gowns, gloves) is
properly worn by the workers while at work and disposed 6f nssffdingly after use.

G. Refusing Unsafe Work

In line with Section 5.4 (d) of the FDCP-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1
S. 20203 Guidelines Governing The Working Conditions And Occupational Srf"ty
And Health Of Workers In The Audio-visual Production, all workers shall have the
right to refuse work which they reasonably believe is potentially hazardous to their
own health and safety or that of others. All workers must also be oriented on safety
and health hazard identification, risk assessment and conhol (HIRAC) to assess and
identifu occupational hazards in their workplace accurately. Reported unsafe
conditions and actions must be immediately investigated and remedied without delay
by the OSH Officer.

H. Reporting of producfion shoots and lllnesses/I)iseases/fnjuries

In line with the reportorial requirements of the FDCP-DOLE JMC No. 001 S. 2020,
all scheduled production shoots (whether for film, TV, web, and other audiovisual
content) must be reported to DOLE and FDCP at least seven (7) days before the
production shoot day. Refer to Annex L.l for the Production Registration Fonn.
Every notifiable accident or injury must be submitted to the DOLE Regional Office or
the FDCP within 30 days after the date of the accident. Refer to Annex L.9 for the
Illness, Disease, and Injury Investigation Forrn.


A. General Precautionary Measures

1. Producers/employers and workers shall strictly comply with the following

measures to reduce chances of exposing themselves or others to the virus:
a. Observe physical distancing (staying no less than one meter apart from
each other) at all times. For further guidelines on physical distancing,
refer to Annex A.
b. Avoid unnecessary touching of face, mouth, and eyes.
c. Smoking and use of electronic cigarettes or vaping devices is
prohibited, especially in the workplace and production site. For

' FDCP-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. l, S- 2020

designated smoking areas outsideof these places, protocols must be
compliant with Executive Order No. 26, s. 20174 Providing for the
Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed
d. Observe strict personal hygiene and sanitation practices both at work
and away from work.
i. Wash hands with soap and water, or use alcohol or sanitizers to
disinfect hands.
ii. Cover mouth and nose when sneezimg or coughing using
disposable tissue or the inner portion of the elbow.
e. Wear appropriate PPE at all times. Reusable, washable cloth face
masks are recommended to the general population, while
medical-grade, surgical face masks are recommended to be used by
individuals with symptoms or underlying health conditions.
f. Inform the production immediately and subject themselves to l4-day
self-quarantine if;
i. Workers live with or have had close contact with people who
are confirmed or probable COVID-I9 ciuies; or
ii. Workers exhibited COVID-I9 symptoms within the past 14
g. In instances where production requires interaction with foreign
producers, crew members, actors, and other international visitors, refer
to the COVID-l9 Immigration Protocols and Domestic Restrictions,
h. Further guidelines for all cast, crew, and workers can be found in
Annex II.
2. Under specific COVID-l9 community quarantine conditions or work
environments, the following shall be observed:
a. All violations and concerns regarding failure to meet COVID-19 plans
and policies must be immediately reported to FDCP, DOLE, and DOH.
b. COVID-l9 health declarations shall be completed before commencing
worlq and when reasonably requested throughout each project. See
Annex D for more information on COVID-l9 health declarations and
Annex L.4 for the COVID-I9 Health and Safety Declaration Form for
c. If any role or work at any point in the production may be done
remotely or from home, workers may request the same upon discussion
with the Producer/Employer.
d. If any COVID-l9 measures are impeding the worker's ability to
undertake his/her role safely, he/she must notiff the production

For further guidelines on preparing and setting up workplaces under

COVID-I9, referto Annex E.
3. Before proceeding to on-site operations, management must first adhere to the
following controls:

Executive OrderNo.26, S.2017
httfs://w-officialgazette-gov-ph/domloads/201 7/05may/?0170515-FO-?6-RRD pdf
a. Engineering Controls:
l. Handwashing facilities, hand sanitizers, and dispensers with an
alcohol-based solution must be placed in all entrances, exits, and
areas with high foot traffic.
2. Where possible, redesign office layout to ensure that physical
distancing can be observed. Altematively, physical barriers may
also be placed.
3. Physical markers for physical distancing will also help enforce
physical distancing. Visual cues must be placed to guide
individuals to maintain a distance of at least one (l) meter apart
from each other.
4. An isolation area or space must be designated in any workplace or
venue in all stages of production. This area will be where workers
who are showing signs of contagion will stay while waiting for
transport to healthcare facilities.
5. Waste management protocols, especially for infectious wastes,
must be in place. Trash bins must be made available in strategic
locations in the workplace.
6. Where possible, appropriate ventilation and management of
movement must be implemented as measures for infection
prevention (e.g. separate paths for entry and exit).

b. Administrative Controls:
l. The ProducerslEmployers must craft a compliance plan to achieve
the requirements of this Joint Administrative Order, focusing on
managing work to maintain the health of workers engaging in the
film and audiovisual sector. All involved in the frln and
audiovisual sector must play a part in minimizing the risk of
transmission of COVID- I 9.
2. The ProducerslEmployers must assign the necessary OSH officer/s
required to be present in all workplaces at all times during working
3. The Producers/Employers shall ensure that the plan and work
protocols are corlmunicated effectively to workers and other
individuals by the OSH Officer before entering the site, or work.
Language, culture, and disability requirements must be taken into
account to ensure information is understandable for all.
4. The Producers/Employers must communicate and engage with
their workers regularly on how to safely carry out work in a
COVID-I9 environment. Planning and implementing COVID-19
protocols must involve workers.
5. The ProducersiEmployers must consider the time it will take to
implement safety controls required for the workplace i.e. allotting
at least two hours to employ safety protocols during the work day.
6. The Producer/Employer must ensure that all hazards have been
reviewed and are appropriately controlled. This includes workers'
understanding of the operations, having fit-for-purpose equipment,
checking the material, and environmental conditions. The plan and
work protocols must take into account the possibility that a site or
location where frkn and audiovisual activity will take place may
have become unsafe during the quarantine period.
7. Provision of alternative strucfures and arrangements for work:
i. Pre-production meetings, technical meetings, and other prep
work must be done online.
ii. Employees who are able to accomplish their duties off-site
must adopt work-from-home arrangements.
iii. For other pre-production meetings and activities that
absolutely cannot be done online, the basic guidelines of
physical distancing and having a minimal number of people
in the workplace must be put in place.
8. The ProducerlEmployer must provide mental and psychosocial
support such as, but not limited to providing mindfulness
activities/sessions,in-house counseling sessions, online counseling,
and support groups to workers. Refer to Annex F for
considerations for occupational mental health and well-being.
9. The Producer/Employer must monitor current national issuances
and local ordinances for disease control and implementing of local
and national regulations before production so that plans or
schedules may be adjusted.
10. Movement of workers, service providers, and contractors between
projects and sites must be plannsd and coordinated properly with
the respective producers/employer to prevent transmission of
ll.The Producer/Employer must provide transportation, food, and
other services to workers, as needed.
12. Only workers who have been asynnptomatic within the last 14 days
prior to the date of work resumption are cleared to retum to work,
pursuant to DOH Deparhnent Memorandum No.202G0220.
13. Producers may test workers for COVID-I9 following protocols
expounded in Annex G.

Further deparknent-specific and operations-specific guidelines for

pre-production can be found in Annex C.1.

B. On-Site Operations

1. Once all controls are in place, the following on-site operation protocols must
be complied with:
a. Producersl Employers must provide for daily on-site screening to
ensure workers are fit for duty as they enter a site or start a film and
audiovisual-related activity. This shall follow DOH guidelines for
detection of COVID-l9 synrptoms, and identification of risk factors.
2. All workers must be registered as they enter a work area, and such records
must be kept by the person controlling the work area. Work area registers are
to be filled in, where it is practical to do so, at the worksite, part of the
worksite, or where film and audiovisual sector-related work is carried out.
a. Workers must be subject to temperature checks prior to entering the
building/office spaces. Workers who exhibit a temperature >37.5oC or
show flu-like symptoms must not report to work, and must exhibit no
symptoms for a minimum of l4-days before fsing cleared for work.
b. ProducerslEmployers must follow the DOH guidelines in referring and
transporting symptomatic workers or those who will register symptoms
to appropriate facilities. Refer to Annex G.
Producers/Employers must train workers in the proper use, cleaning,
and disposal of PPE designed to minimize COVID-I9 transmission in
line with DOH guidelines.
Workers must be given guidance by the Producer/Employer on how to
decontaminate themselves and their clothing when retuming to their
home living arrangements, and accessing other services where they
may be in contact with others (including public spaces, retailers, and
medical services).
e. Mass gatherings are prohibited, pursuant to DOH AO No. 2020-0015.
i. Only a maximum of fifty (50) individuals shall be allowed to
partake in public activities in low-risk areas, and as
determined by its risk-severity rating.
ii. Only essential workers necessary to perform physical work,
supervise work, or conduct work will be allowed to report
physically at the workplace or shooting site.
iii. All workers who can work from home must work from
home. Visitors to the site will be restricted to the minimum
necessary to deliver work.
Work vehicles must be sanitized after each journey through cleaning of
internal surfaces and external handles and touchpoints. Physical
distancing must be observed when using the vehicle (i.e. reduced
capacity) pursuant to Deparhent of Transportation guidelines.
Producers/Employers must ensure that all concerned departments and
workers are aware of scene and location restrictions as stated in Annex

3. To further mitigate COVID-I9 in on-site operations, the following additional

controls shall also be put in place and complied with:

a. Engineering Controls
i. Protocols for transport of suspect CO\IID-I9 cases must be in
place, lngluding provision of ambulance. (Hospitals will report to
suspect cases of COVID-I9 to DOH.)
ii. Routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and objects, and
routine replacement of disinfectant solutions in foot baths must be
iii. Availability of hand soaps, sanitizers, and other disinfectants in
restrooms and in all entrances and facilities must be ensured.
iv. Footbath mats must be placed in all entrances. Solutions may be
l:10 bleach solution i.e. I litre bleach mixed with 9litres of clean

Further departrnent-specific and operations-specific guidelines for

production or principal photography can be found in Annex C.2 while
post-production guidelines can be found in Annex C.3.

b. Administrative Controls
i. For each location or workplace, OSH officer/s must be provided by
the Producer/Employer to monitor and manage Occupational
Safety and Health within the work environment including
COVID-l9 site protocols.
ii. All offices and workplaces must implement additional disinfection
measures of common areas, ils recofllmended by the DOH.
lll. Additional sanitary measures must be imFlemented at the work
location, including but not limited to, establishing proper
respiratory hygiene practice and hand washing protocols.
tv. Work areas with the potential for close interaction with members of
the public or other persons not involved in the work must be
arranged to achieve physical distancing-
v. Workplaces must be separated into zones to keep different crews,
staff, and contractors physically separated at all times. Some
locations may need to apply alternative methods for the creation of
work zones to achieve work group separation. Further guidelines
forproduction zone breakdown can be found in Annex J.
vl. Work that requires close personal contact between workers (e.g.
lighting, camera operation, sound grip work, cast, makeup,
wardrobe) must be minimized. Work of this nature must be
planned and managed to establish a safe system of work following
the COVID-I9 Commumty Quarantine conditions for operation.
Risk of COVID-l9 transmission must be included in risk
assessments, and the highest level of control must be considered
and properly implemented.
vll. All vehicles and transportation must be in line with the Department
of Transportation's omnibus public transport protocols and
vlll. All items in the workplace or production site including deliveries
must be carefully managed controlled and regularly sanitized.
lx- Equipment and material deliveries must be planned and managed
to avoid the risk of COMD-I9 transmission.

Leaving Site or Place of Work

1. After daily operations, management must ensure routine cleaning of frequently

touched surfaces and objects, and routine cleaning and replacement of
disinfectant solutions in footbaths.
2. As they leave, all persons must be checked out of the production site, or the
workplace, and all records of these must be kept.
3. For each site and workplace, commonly used areas and surfaces that workers
may have come in contact with must be cleaned and sanitized at the end of
each working day or the end of each shift. Specific guidelines for cleaning and
disinfection can be found in Annex I(.
4. All waste and disposable PPE must be securely and safely disposed of.
Appropriate controls and consideration must be made for those handling
contaminated (or potentially contaminated) waste products.

D. Interzonal Movement

1. Interzonal movement for the purpose of conducting audiovisual productions

shall remain prohibited except when the localities have the same quarantine
setup, in which case such movement shall be considered movements within a
single quarantine zone. All Producers/Employers and workers are strongly
encouraged to carry out production within their areas of domicile.
E. EmergencyManagement

1. All Producers/Employers must ensure that workers understand that any

individual exhibiting flu-like symptoms such as fever, coughing, or chest
congestion must immediately inform their production, subject themselves to
self-quarantine, and inform their respective Barangay Health Emergency
Response Team (BHERT) or Local Health Office for monitoring.
2. Any business, workplace, or site that has had a worker with a positive
COVID-l9 diagnosis shall:
a. Contact the DOH Epidemiology Bureau or their respective Regional
Epidemiology and Surveillance Units to report possible exposure and
facilitate contact tracing, as necessary;
b. Gather records of all persons who have been on-site, or who have had
close contact or involved with the person who has tested positive from the
past two weeks of the onset of symptoms. These records must be presented
to the DOH to aide in contact tracing;
c. Inform the wider workforce of the situation while protecting the
individual's privacy so that further health monitoring can take place for
individuals that a confirmed COVID-19 case potentially had contact with;
d. Clean and sanitize all site surfaces and equipment;
e. Prevent any person from entering the workplace until disinfection of the
workplace has been performed; and
f. Follow any other directions from DOH.


The FDCP in parbrership with DOH and DOLE shall implement the Safe Filming
Program which will take the strategies and guidelines herein provided, and create a
global resource website that outlines the principles of safe production and provide
information about systerns, resources, forms, and all related documents and issuances
to ensure working safely in Philippines for both local and international film
productions. It shall also be a platform for an active collaboration with international
filrn commissions and stakeholders to share best practices and updates especially
with the constant assessment and management and risks of infection transmission.


A. The FiIm Development Council of the Philippines shall:

1. Monitor the implementation of the policy and consolidate reports and
recommendations from LGUs and production companies; and
2. Report the intended location of the production shoot to the concemed LGUs
(whether in the workplace, shrdio, on-location, or other venues).

B. The Department of Labor and Employment shall:

1. Provide technical assistance in developing the necessary labor standards,
protocols, and guidelines in the workplace during the COVID-I9 Pandemic;
2. Enforce penalties for reported violations of this Order; and
3. Coordinate the same to FDCP for the Safe Filming Program.
C. The Department of Ilealth shall:
l. Continue to update the set minimum public health standards based on most
recent evidence available and issue succeeding updates through DOH
Department Circulars; and

2. Provide technical assistance in developing the necessary health standards,
protocols, and guidelines in the workplace during the COVID-l9 Pandemic;
3. Coordinate the same to FDCP for the Safe Filming Program.

D. The LGUs shall:

1. Implement and monitor compliance with the COVID-19 mitigating
guidelines. For violations of the same, the LGU shall impose necessary
sanctions according to IATF guidelines; and
2. Send a report to FDCP on the implementation and compliance of the
production shoots.

E. Film and Audiovisual Production Companies and all other concerned shall:
1. Comply with the provisions of this Order and other relevant issuances in
ensuring the health and safety of all individuals involved in film and
audio-visual productions ;
2. Establish the necessary controls (engineering, administrative and PPE) and
referral mechanisms for COVID-I9 mitigation in production shoots;
3. Ensure all individuals involved in production shoots adhere to the guidelines
specified in this Order;
4. Report to FDCP and DOLE on their scheduled location shoots, in compliance
5. Submit other reportorial requirements of this Order or iN may be required by
6. Keep a record of all contacts of relevant govenrment offices and health
facilities for coordination and assistance in observance of the guidelines of
this Order. Refer to Annex M.


Other related issuances not consistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby
revised, modified, or rescinded accordingly. Nothing in this Order shall be construed
as a limitation or modification of existing laws, rules and regulations.


Penalties as admirristrative fines may be imposed through DOLE Departrnent Order

No. 198 S. 2018 for any willful failure to comply with this Joint Administrative
Order. Further, any person or entrty found to have violated the provisions in this
Order are subject to penalties and other legal actions in accordance with, but not
limited to, existing laws and orders for the COVID-I9 response, such as Republic Act
No. 11469 - Bayanihan to Heal As One Act, Republic Act No. 11332 - Mandatory
Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act,
and Republic Act No. 11058 - Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety
and Health Standards Act.

Should any provision of this Order or any part thereof be declared invalid, the other
provisions, insofar as they are separable from the invalid ones, shall remain in full
force and effect.


This Order shall take effect immediately.


Chairpelson and CEO Sbcretary
Film Development Council of the Department of Health

Secretary lV
Depa rtment of Labor and Etnloyment


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