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S No 3211

ll. No 4531

2f{epublic off.~ e l§l1ilippines

filrrngt£zz of t4£ 1~4tlipJiin£z


Begun and held in M etro M anila, on Monday, the t wenty-s eventh
day of July, two thousand fifteen. .......... ,

r R EPUB LIC A CT No. 10 913



Be 11 enacted by the Senate and flouse of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled.

SECTION l. Short Title. - This Act s ha ll be known as

t.he "Anti-Dist.meted Driving Act" .

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - I t is here by declar ed th e

policy of the State to safeguard it.s cit.izenry from the ruinous
and ext reme ly injurious effects of ve h icular accidents.

While the State recognizes the vi tal roles of information

and comri1unications technology in nation-bu.ilding, the State
also takes cogniza nce of the in imical consequences of the
unrestrained use of electronic mobile devices on road safety
as to ca use its regula Lion.

SEC. 3. Definition of Tern's performance by a motorist of any of the following acts in a

• . - As use d m
. tl.
us Ac t : m otor vehicle in motion or temporarily stopped at a red light,
(a) Diplomatic motor h· l whether diplomatic, public or private, which are hereby declared
or owned by a fore· . . ve Lc e :-- any motor vehicle leased unlawful:
. ign nnssion and its staff for their official use;
(b) Electronic entertain . . (a) Using a mobile communications device to write, send,
handheld electron· d . ment and computing device - any or read a text-based communication or to make or receive calls,
processing reco din ic ev1ce cap bl f d. "t
. a e o ig1 a m ormat10n1 . f .
and other similar acts; and
operations' suchr as g, b~~ptunng. or. displaying and computing
tablets, "lride0-a.a-me 'eonsut;!.~~--liarru!;d __!:~_laptoP., .c~mputers, (b) Usin_g_C1,D.~1-gc,:g9!1,ic;_ ~ntertffinment or c;omputing_ d(:lvice
"' :s ""' an ca!Culators; to play games, watch movies, surf the internet, compose
(c) Government motor h· l messages, read e-books, perform calculations, and other similar
by the national ve ice - any motor vehicle owned acts.
.1nstrumentaliti government . . or any of i.t s agencies,
government-ow esd or political subdivisions, including SEC. 5. Extent of Coverage. - (a) The operation of a .
subsidiaries for onffe.. 0 r -controlled corporations or Lheir mobile communications device is not considered to be distracted
icia1 use;
-&riving if done using the aid of a hands-free function or
(d) Implementing a similar device such as, but not limited to, a speaker phone,
Transportation and C ger:cy. - the Department of earphones and microphone~ or other similar devices which
Office (DOTC-LTO); ommumcations-Land Transportation allow a person to make and receive calls without having to
hold the mobile communications device: Provided, That the
(e) Mobile comm · . placement of the mobile communications device or the
communications . unLcations devices - electronic hands-free demce does not interfere with the line of sight of
cellular phones w·eqluipmtelent such as, but not limited to, the driver. '
pagers and othe , ire ess
. il ephones
. , t wo-way radio transce1vers,
receiving or both r ~rm ar devices capable of transmitting, (b) W15.eeled agricultural machineries such as tractors and
wireless ~lectroni '
encrypted data and/or signals through construction equipment such as graders, rollers, backhoes,
c or any other similar means; payloaders, cranes, bulldozers, mobile concrete mixers and the
(f) Motor vehicle _ en · d . . like, and other forms of conveyances such as bicycles, pedicabs,
not limited to t b .g:Ine- riven vehicles such as, but "habal-habal", trolleys, "kuligligs", wagons, carriages, carts,
motorcycles and ta~ oml iles, trucks , vans , buses, jeeps,
sledges, chariots or the like, whether animal or human-powered,
ncyc es;
are covered by the provisions of this Act as long as the same
(g) Motorist - a pers dr. . are operated or driven in public thoroughfares, highways or ',__.
on IVlllg a motor vehicle; streets or under circumstances where public safety is under
(h) Private motor veh · z consideration.
individuals and j ·di al LC e - any motor vehicle owned by
un c persons for private use; and (c) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to motorists
c9 Public motor vehicle
franchise issued by the a
- . .
. a. motor ve!llcle with a vahd
of motor vehicles which are not in motion, except those which
are stopped momentarily at a red light, or are pulled over to
operate as a publi tili. ppr~priate government agency to the side of the road in compliance with a traffic regulation.
. c u ty vehicle or any vehicle for hire.
. SEC. 4. Distracted Drivin _ S b. ali£. . SEC. 6. Exemptions. - The provisions of this Act shall not
m Sect10ns 5 and 6 0 f thi A g. . u Ject to the qu cations apply to the following:
s ct, distracted driving refers to the
4 5

(a) A motorist using a mobile phone for emergency premises shall be subject to a penalty of thirty thousand pesos
purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to a (P30,000.00) and suspension of one's drjver's license for three
law enforcement agency, health care provider, fire department, (3) months.
or other emergency services, agency or entity; and
The foregoing penalties shall be imposed without prejudice
to other 1:iabilities under the Revised Penal Code or any special
(b) A motorist using a mobile phone while operating an ) law, ansmg out or on occasion of the herein prohibited acts.
emergency vehicle such as an ambulance, a fire truck, and other
vehicles providing emergency assistance, in the course and scope
of his or her duties.
J SEC. 9. Liability of Owner and/or Operator of the Vehicle
Driven by the Offender. - The owner and/or operator of the
SEC. 7. Nationwide Pu,blic Information Campa1:gn. - The vehicle driven by the offender shall be directly and principally
DOTC-LTO, 'in coordination with the Philippine Information held liable together with the offender for the fine unless he or
Agency (PIA), the Department of Education (DepEd), the she is able to convincingly prove that he or she has exercised -
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the extraordinary diligence in the selection and supervision of his
Philippine National Police (PNP) and private agencies and ·or her drivers in general and the offending driver in particular.
organizations shall undertake a nationwide information, education : .1
and communication (IEC) campaign for.. a period of six (6) months This section shall principally apply to 'the owners and/or
from the effectivity of this Act. operators of public utility vehicles and commercial vehicles such
as delivery vans, cargo trucks, container trucks, school and
SEC. 8. Penalties. - Any person who shall violate any company buses, hotel transports, cars or vans for rent, taxi
provision of this Act shall be penalized with: cabs, and the like.

(a) A fine of five thousand pesos (PS,000.00) for the first SEC. 10. Enforcement and Assistance by Other Agencies.
offense; - The Metro, Manila Development Authority (MMDA), the PNP
and other c;'ncerned government agencies and instrumentalities
(b) A fine of ten thousand pesos (Pl0,000.00) for the second shal~ .be responsible for the enforcement of the foregoing
offense; provisions and shall render such assistance as may be required
by the DOTC-LTO in order to effectively implement the
(c) A fine of fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) and provisions of this AcL.
suspension of driver's license for three (3) months for the third
offense; and SEC. 11. Imp lementing Rules and Regulations. - The
D01'C-LTO shaD promulgate the necessary implementing rules.
(d) A fine of twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) and and regulations within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of
revocation of driver's license: Provided, That the implementing this Act.
agency may -in:crease-t-he amGttB-t .gf fine ..herein i.mpos~d once
every five (5) years in the amount not excee_ding ten percent -SEe. 12. Repealing Clause. - Any -law, .prcesicl.ential -decr-ee
(10%) of the existing rates sought to be increased which shall or issuance, executive order, letter of instruction, administrative
fake effect only upon publication in at least two (2) newspapers i order, rule or regulation contrary to, or inconsistent with the
of general circulation: Provided, further, That a driver of a · provisions of this Act is hereby repealed, modified or amended
public utility vehicle, a school bus, a school service vehicle, i according1y.
a common carrier hauling volatile, flammable or toxic material,
or a driver who commits an act classified herein as distracted
driving within a fifty (50)-meter radius from the school
_ _ _................ ""' .,,,. -~......i-.;ao-•....:...a. ...... _ ........ -..:... .~.

SEC. 1.3'. Separa~ility ~lause. - If, for any rea son, any I;
part or proVIston of this Act 1s declared invalid, such declaration
shall not affect the other provis ions of Lhis Act.

SEC. 1~. Effectiuity. - This AcL shalJ take effect fifteen (15)
days after its ~ub lication in at least two (2) newspapers of
gener al circulatwn.


d~~ ~·
Speaker of the House P esident of the Senate
of Representatives

'I'his Act was passed by t he nate of Lh~ P h ilippines

as SenaLe Bill No. 3211 on May 30, 20 16 and adopled by the
House of Representatives .as an amenclmenL Lo House Bill
No. 4531 on June 6, 2016.

Secretary Ge1~~l
y AP
House of Representatives

Appr oved:

President of th e Philippines ..:

0 .
. JUL 2 1 2616
1. ~ p:t1e G int.u law on _ _ ~---,.·t a,:;;::mr
Without 11le Si9nature of the Prefi\j~~~m.
In acc0rda n 1~e w:!f) 1\rticlc V I, .~I~c~Jpn
'l.1 (1) of i he Con~ ::tu tion .
--~,._..,_ ..,,,...._...,.,......,_.___...,....-~·
tlRTtflEl) COPY·
~.~.nRltiNHO M. l11t-l:A~~­
umEC1fiil fV
M'ALAlAflNlli RHntmsf~a
_,, ••_.,::;._;s,,..~ •..;.....~ ~-_,.....,.,_

8 news· WEDNESDAY I . MAY 3, 2017

!.~ • . :.:z....~·-
Republk: or the PhUlpplnes



1~ •

'5~·'.Toi ,'.·,
19rce~-- - ~?,i;!.~~;-;;geiiMC?!
. i:cli:l!mMna~U:@t_:.C:al;!inlt;Yi-'bomb§th

.. ..,.,,'.,: acrlv,lsin',.-.', ti1frastruc:it1re' :. fallore . _",;nd ,:'._,"blOloglcal., :, 'chemlcal, or ·
. . ...·: :.:.,, ·'.;,::radlo.lctfv.:t.haz:ar.d .SJlill o.r.reJ~a~e; ~ ·. ._·~·:.:; . · ..:.: >, ..·• :~~\- ·._~.
··.'<::. ..:,.,ii(ll) .·government or non-go'-i1ern:ineri~ heittf1{·caie- )>Rrvtder. or : a ·i:
. ·1~1"·
; ."animal•

.' - • ••

RULE.1 - PRJ!UMlNARY PROVISIONS : . . ··· ~/;.~·~:;;~~dJcat :.. P!"~ctitJoner. ~. arid .' ~ni~rgency . re~f~·•e· 11.Units.~?~j.~·1 ~~nee~ ·
. requiri ng ln'lmedlate-medlcal attenllon;"•i1"' .: . ' ~c,: .
Section 1• ShortTJtle and Purpose •(m) fire dcpartme11t' or tfon:govern~e~t fl~ vo'liinteer{i~ 'th~ ,eventi :
The Implementing Rules and Regulations, hereinafter called the IRR, ls ~f ~re/Qplo:slon; :: -;~~..; ---~· ;.:,:i. :...~·:. · 1- \ · ~;~ .... • ··~.· L . . ~~:: , ._.::
promulgared pursuanr co Secdon II ofRepublicAct.1091:;1. otherwise known (1v) . other en1eri:eµ~"'Servfces, agency.. or · entlry_. rendering electJ"!c,:. :,
as the An Act Defining and Penallzlng.Dlstracted Drlvlng.' for.the p1-1rpose of . gas, water, chemical, ,towing and othor.·-slmilar services, ifi ln st;onces
prescr1blng rhe necessary rules and regulations for Its Implementation. 1·equlrlng lmmedla~ ;·attentlo•i'-"ilo sav~ Jives and properties or .-t!'
Section 2. Declaration of Policy . ... r~movc hazards front: the envfn~n~~nt; and.. · .· "'.A J •• • .: ._;., •

1t ls h~<>hy declared the pollcy of the State to sa_f egua,.:d I~ cltl;emy from · j ;,"• (v)" 9,ther analogous drcumstllni:~s;;:,;$".''11'~·' "'~~~-,:-1-:I~\;: ··"";...~ ~· · .
the ruinous and extremely Injurious effects of vehicular acc.1dents. J of·A motorist using a moblle pbone whii.; :ope\.ating an emergehcy vehlci~(
While the State recognizes the vital mies of " lnfor:i!'i!ttfon and :,.;.;or a private vehicle while' responding to an _e mergency call.
communications techn~logy In _ nation-building. the_k:~~~i.,iiiJ}~~-ke .,_•~·. RULE 3- PUBLiCJNFORMATJON CAMPAIGN
cognlz.ance of the Inimical consequences of the un'restralned;:.t-us · <>f Sec:tloo 7; Na.tionwlde Public Jnformation Campaign
electronic mobile devices.on road safety as to cause lts.W.gui'ai:ioii'.~h·' ·
..:;l·-;;f&~~~;. t ·
1 The DOTr·LTO; In coordination with the Phl_llpplne Information Agency
Section 3. Deflnltfon ofTerms . . - ":.. • ••
(PIA), 1.he Department of Educalion (DepEd), the Department of Interior and
As used In this \RR: '!y~'i,ff'. . J:<'i ~al Government (DILG). the Philippine National Police (PNP). and prlvate
a . Diplon~atic m~tor vehJcle - any motor v~tii~~f:lJasod or owned by a~~ agencies a nd organizations shall undertake lnforrrµu:ion, cdu~tlon, and
(orGlg·~/~Jssion a nd its st41fTfor thei~ ~f!l~!~~-h~!.~\t. . , ~-~ ~ . ~J., ~lf:' Co1mnunlqltlon (IEC) campaign for a period of tJiree (3) montbs from the
b. Electron'lc enten.ainment and computlng·~i:levlce - r ;.any handheld ~; effectlvlty_~fthis JRR. . ., . . ·.;:, . . · ·
elec~iri.r~de~JcF.~a·1>abt!')~f digl~IJ.tifo_~~~~i"i." proce~lng. recordlnS:~J ·· '.< , ..RULE!4 • PEN.ALTIES
captu[.i_~g cpt;,d_l~laying~·P~.~~!'.'!l).Jl.ut!n11:·op,i!.ri!,~~ns such as, but not•i.i Section 8. Penalties ' · , ,. ,.... , ·.\ • ·, ;-" • .,. • · • • •
Ji1ntte~.h~ofiltaptop1 comput~,,;1ta]:Jl~ game consoles an~li;~ 1
caJcn13.tOT,s;:.u!:.~:. ·• : '. ' ~a
Any porson who shall vfolate <any -p~(rislon or this IRR shall be pen11ll:r.ed
wllh: . . . · ·. ·· ·.· ·..
c. Emerge~cyJi,!;'~iil sltuatlon-thai'Y. ... , . • ,,. ..~f~/ts~'.'tc:! health, Jll~~)~i
'~: ·:wrJ:t:~-~~:.i.;"t;.i.((~£1/kt; . a. A fine of five.~ii~us~·.1dtpe;~'t;( for the fi~t offen,se:
property, or,:'-ei}vf ronment;
• -J: . - ~;:. ..• -:,..;:~·-~·~H~.~:-:.-r~ ..... . ··~'.r~. ...· ·~·!'.......1:.. ..;:!J
,°':: ' .b. A fine of te.n ."lb_9 usaild peso"s (l:'io:oo.OO) for the sec.;nd offense;. .
d. Governnt~ril\tmotor . vehicle - i~n.Y;{f,!l~to~}_,~elit.8e : owned by '!tli)'.. ~·
natJqrial_.;_gq,~emment or.. any o,D;lts'>_agi;rCJe~/i-!ristrumentalltles' ori·~:; c. A fine of;",fl~een . thousand.•pesp5-,(P1s,oo.o.oo). and suspension of
.-tpollttcal subdlvlslons,"ln:Cluding government-oW?led or ·.-controlled ~ driver's licens~ ·tof threo .(3)'rmcmths, for the third offense: and
!i/lcorporatlon.!>i;their subsldtaries for official. use; . . ·· d. ·A fine of twenty t~ousand· peso!';.{l'Zo,cio9.oo) for the fourth offense
' <.'§:;1mplementlng1lgency - the Department of Transportatlnn - Land and succeeding offenses, arid. revoca'tfo~·of driwr's·llceose;
Provided, that a drlv~r "of a pu~li; ;IJ.~i:t#'~hl~le•. a school b~s. a school

• >o':.Transportation Office (OOTr-LTO); .

}J:'i Molille commu"nicatloos devices - . electronic ·communications service vehicle. a common carrler.;..haullng volatile, flammable or toxic
~i·.£i: equipment such. <is but not limited to. cellular phones, wlr~less' material, or a driver who commits an act clas5ified herein a~ distracted
·~-;;, . 'telepho11e:S/ two-way radio transceivers, pagers and other s imilar driving within a fifty (SO)·meter radlu:s from the school premises shall be
k'~ · devicl.s capabl,. of transmitting. receiving. or both, of encrypted data subject to a penalty of thlrcy thousand pesos (P30.000.00) and s u,spenslon
" and/or signals wireless .electrontc or any otl1er slmllar means and of one"s driver's license for tl1ree (3) months.
devlc:e..oe;i . Pro1lld'1d, that In the lmplementatlon or Section S(c) hereof. an offender.
g. Motor vehl~le - any vehicle propelled by any power other than 'operating a conv<>yan ce or machinery which do not require a driver's
m\lscular power using the publlc highways. but excepting road llcen~e. the penalry shall be Jmpoundment of the conveyance or machinery
rollers, tro11ey cars ~"'treet-~Wt1:epers, sprinklers:, lawn · n1owers...
1 In lieu of the conflsaition of the driver's license.
bulldozers. graders. forklifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes Jf not used
on public highways, vehicle which run only on ralls or tracks, "nd Provided, further. that In the event the fine Imposed Is not settled within six
tractors~ trailers and tractor of all kinds u sed exclusively for (6) months from tl1e date of apprehension. the lmf!lemcntlng agency s h all
· agricultural purposes; · exhaust all 'J.vallable legal remedies to Implement thls Section.
h. Motorist- a person driving a motor.vehicle; The foreguing penalties shall be Imposed wltl>out prejudice tO other
llabllltles und.;r the Revised Penal Code or any special law, arising out or on
I. Privare motur vehicle - a mo~or vehicle . owned, ,indlvl4uals and occasion of the herein prohibited acts.
juridical person for private us<?; and .. .. . . .•.:<;'i;.. .
The Implementing agency may Increase tho amo unt· of fine herein Imposed
j . Public motor vehicle - a motor vehicle' with a "·valld .franchise tSsued once every nve (5) yearg in the amount not exceeding ten percent (10%) of
by the appropriate government agency. to oP.,rate as a "public utility , Ute exi.stlng rates sought to be Increased which shall take effect only UJ)OI\
vchl~lc or :in}' Vehicle for hire. ' · ···l'i, . ·., ~ .•~:.., • publ.i cation in at lea~~ two (2) newspapers of general clrculatlon.
Section 9. Liability of Owner and/or Operator of the Vehicle Driven by
Section 4. Distracted Driving . . . the Offender ·
S ubject to the qualification in Sections S and 6 of this 1RR. d!stract~il._drlvJ~g The owner arid/or operato·r of the vehicle driven by the offender shall" tie
·refers to the performance by a motorist of any of the following acts,ln -" directly and principally held llahlo togetl1er wjtJ1 the offender for the fine,
motor vehicle In motion, or. temporarily stopped at a tramc light or any .unless he or she Is able to convincingly prove that he or s he bas exercis"d
inters ection. whether diplomatic. public or private: extraor'1inary diligence Jn the selection and supervision of his or her drivers
a. Using a mobile communications device to write, ~end, or ~ead a ·text- in general. and the offending driver In partlcular.
based communtcatJon. or to make or receive.cans. ·aud other similar This section shall prl11clpally apply to the owner~ and/or operators of public
. acts; and . , . . :·-::' .: ..·. . . utility ve.hlcles and commerdal vehicles $UCh as delivery vans. cargo truc ks.
b. Using an electronic entertainment cir compu.t lngl.-devtce . ~.',play ·

container lTucks~ school and com :p611ny buses.. hotel transpC!rts. c a rs or vans
g.,rnes, war ch_ movies, s urf the inlern~t. cOmpose messages: read a-:· f.:u- r ent, taxi cab, and t.he like.
books, perform calculation, and otflcr slmllar acts. · RULE S - ENFORCEMENT
. Secllon 5. Extent of Coverage · . '···· ' · ,, ; ,,. Section 10. Enforcement and Assistance by Other Agencies
a. The operation of a mobile communications device Is not c:onslderei;t The Metropolitan Manila "Development Authorlry (MMDA), the Phlllpplne
to be distracted driving If done using the aid of a h a nd-free function National Police (PNP). and other concerned government agencies and
or similar device such as. but not' limited. lo, a speaker phone. lnstrurnentalltles~ such as, but not: Umlted to,, the respective provincial/ local
· · earp~ones and microphones or oth~r similar devlces which allow a goven\menr: unics and spccJal econ omtC zone &uthorJrles. shall a lso be
person to '!lake .and receive calls ..wlrhout having to hold the mobile responsible for the e nforcement ofrith-e forecoJng provls1ons •md s hait
communications device: Provided, That the placement of the mobile render such assistance as may be required .by the Do1·r~ i.TO . In order to
communications device. or the hands-free device does not Interfere . effecthtely Implement t he prov isions ofthl.s· IRR.. 1 ,_
with tl1e line of sight of the driver, . ._..
b. Wheeled .agricultural machlncrtcs such as tracro..S ~nd construction
equipment such as graders. rull"r, backhoes, pay .loaders, cranes, Section 1.1. Repeating Clause
bulldozers, mobile -concrete mixers and the like, and 'ot.hei:.,(o;>rr~•~-i~f·.9 Any administrative order, rule or regulation cont1:ary to, or lncons1stent
conveyances such as · bicycles.- p~';dlcal?s, h a~al~habal, ~;.n-p._11.,:Ys~··;:> with rhe . P[Ovlslons o f llds JRR Is h ereby repealeil, modified and/or
-kullglig", wagons,. carriages. car'ts•. sledges•. cha1:"fots ._br1, ~he .: llke;;·i ~i:i~er\"ded .acconltngly. · r
whether anJmal or hu111an·pow·cred, are covered by the proy1~lons . o.p:/ ·. :Section 12. Separability Clause . . .
this JRR as long as the same are operated or driven lri ,"publrc .'·'·
rhuroughfares, highways o r strl!ets, or under circumstances ·where.. .' .."Jf.-.for ;my reason, any part or proVlslon of"thls IRR Is declared Invalid." such
public safery Is under cons ideration. ·· ' ·· ,., dedarutl<>n shall not affect the other pr ovis ions of this I RR.
c. The prov!slon of this IRR !)hall ;,ot apply to a motorist" Qf motor Sectlon_;t._~l\rEfTectlvtty . _ . ·
ve hicles which are not in motion. except those which -are stopped This .IR~ (sl)~ir·t.a.~c\ effec(flf'teen (15) calendar days after Its publlcatlon In
moinentarlly at a rraffic light or._3.ny lntersectl!'n, or are .pulled over '!? the Official Gazette ·or, In .~ ne~spaper of general nationwide circulation, and .
.tl1e side of the road in compliance with a traffic regulatlon. : ·. . . . ·' . . upon,flHnt:whh the-University of the Philippines Law Center of three (3)
ccrtl"flcd..copies. : '. · ·

·.. .-;, :::..· '

ri"i·. 20i7 ':

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