Semester End Examination, June 2020 MTO-208: Lie Algebra

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Semester End Examination, June 2020

MTO-208: Lie Algebra
Duration: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 3

Q1. (a) Let L be a 4-dimensional Lie algebra over C with basis {x1, x2, x3, x4} and nonzero
structure constants a kij for i < j given by a 113=1, a 214=−1 , a 223=1, a 124=1.
Show that L is solvable and that the centre Z(L) = 0. [4]
(b) Let S be an n × n invertible matrix with entries in the fieldC. Define
gl S ( n , C )= { x ∈ gl ( n , C ) : x t S=−Sx }.
Show that if x ∈ gl S (n , C) , then tr x = 0. [3]
(c ) If G1 ⊂ GL n (K ) and G2 ⊂ GL m (K ) are subgroups, describe a subgroup of GL n+m ( K ) which is
isomorphic to G1 × G2. [3]

Q2. (a) Let I be an ideal in a Lie algebra L. Show that all ideals of L/I are of the form J/I where J
is an ideal in L containing I. [2]
t t t t
(b) Show that in gl(n, C ¿, the transpose map A → A satisfies [ A , B] =−[ A , B ] . Show that a
subalgebra K is solvable if and only if K t is solvable. [2]
(c ) Let L1 be sl(2, C) with [e, f] = h, [e, h] = -2e, [f, h] = 2f and L2 be Lie algebra (over C) with
bases {x, y, z} with [x, y] =z, [x, z] = -y, [y, z] = x. Show that relative to the ordered bases {e, f,
h} and {x, y, z} the matrix
0 0 2i
(i i 0
−1 1 0 )
represents an isomorphism from L1 to L2. [2]
(d) By considering the possible dimensions of Z(L), show that up to isomorphism there are only
two nilpotent 3-dimensional Lie algebras. [2]

Q3. Answer any three of the following:

(a) Let I be an ideal of a Lie algera L and let I ⊥={ x ∈ L|κ ( x , y )=0 for all y ∈ I }. Show that
I ⊥ is an ideal of L. Here 𝜅 is the Killing form. [4]
2 i 2+i
(b ) Find ρ2( −5 1−6 i ) and ψ 1 ( 2−5 i+ k ) . [4]

(c ) Show that ρn (M n ( C ) )⊂ M 2 n ( R ) is a real vector space. What is its dimension? [4]

(d) Let A ∈GL n ( C ) . Prove that A ∈U (n) if and only if the columns of A are an orthonormal
basis of C n. [4]
(e) Let A ∈O( n) have determinant−1. Prove that
O ( n )=SO ( n ) ∪ { AB|B ∈ SO(n) }. [4]

♣♣♣♣♣ THE END ♣♣♣♣♣♣

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