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13 PROGRESS CHECK: 1.1 NAME: DATE: SECTION: SCORE: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Identify what is being asked and write your answers on the space provided. ANY FORM OF CHEATING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ANY FORM OF ERASURES, ALTERATIONS, AND SUPERIMPOSITIONS WILL NOT BE GIVEN CREDIT. Listen to the instructor for additional instructions. 1. The book that was authored by Sun Tzu which excerpts which is very applicable in modern intelligence system entitled . 2. According to the excerpt of Sun Tzu, foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits, or from gods or from analogy from past events nor fro calculation, he stated that it must be obtained from_. _ 3. His effort in sending 12 intelligence agents to spy the land of Canaan was the first recorded formalized intelligence effort which can be found in the holy bible. 4. Letter sorting and opening is commonly exercised in jail in order to discover whether there are malcontents of letters being received or sent by inmates, this technique or method of gathering information was devised by __. 5. She was the harlot of Jericho who sheltered and concealed agents of Israel. 6. The citation “Behind every man’s success is a woman but behind every man’s failure is also a woman” can be shown to be true by the case of Philistines wherein they used a woman to gather information from a powerful enemy. This woman is also known as the impromptu intelligence agent of Philistines. Chapter I: Introduction to Police Intelligence and Secret Service

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