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This AGREEMENT is made and executed this ___th day of March 2008 in
the Philippines by and between-

BLUEANTZ.COM, organized and existing by virtue of the laws of the

Republic of the Philippines, with principal office at 11B Casa Musica Apt., No.
148 Flamengco St. Panghulo, Obando, Bulacan, represented herein by its
President, JULLAIRE ALABATA and herein referred to as PARTY 1;


SAMUEL ADALIA, of legal age, Filipino citizens, with postal address

Block 20, Lot 2, QC Ville Subd., Culiat, Quezon City and hereinafter referred to
as PARTY 2;


WHEREAS, PARTY 1 is engaged on-line hiring services;

WHEREAS, PARTY 2 is engaged Information and Communication

Technology (ICT);

WHEREAS, PARTY 1 desires as it hereby decided to engage the services

of PARTY 2 for the purpose of designing a webpage and data base construction
for its business;

WHEREAS, PARTY 2 has agreed and accepted to design and construct a

webpage and data base for PARTY 1.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises of

the mutual covenants and provisions hereafter set forth the parties hereto have
agreed and do hereby mutually agree as follows:

1. Terms of Payment:

Total Amount of the project shall be One Hundred Twenty-Five

Thousand pesos (Php 125,000.00).

1.1 The first payment of Twenty Thousand pesos (Php 20,000.00)

shall be paid on March 25, 2008.

1.2 Another Twenty Thousand pesos (Php 20,000.00) shall be

paid within fifteenth and thirtieth day (15-30) from the first

1.3 The remaining balance of Forty Thousand pesos (Php

40,000.00) shall be paid when the BlueAntz shall be earning
profits from the said webpage/project.

1.4 Likewise, the additional amount of Forty-five Thousand pesos

(Php 45,000.00) which shall be awarded to the PARTY 2 will be
given after the project is already earning some profits.

2. Project scope and duration

The project should be finished in not more than Thirty Days (30).
The major activities and milestones are listed below.

3. Component Tasks

1. Phase 1: Configuration, maintenance module, and static forms

2. Phase 2: Transactional forms and business processes

2.1 Coding and Scripting for (Jobseeker, Employer/Recruiter, EMT)

2.2 Deployment and Publishing
2.3 Quality Assurance and Fine-Tuning
2.4 E-Commerce Merchant Selection/Facilitation
2.5 Training
2.6 Web Advertising, Search Engine and Third-Party Portal
2.7 End-User Acceptance

4. Final Product

4.1 The final products will compose of the following:

(a) Final Web Site Systems Technical Documentation; and
(b) Fully operational and online BlueAntz Web Site with
Jobseeker, Employer/Recruiter, EMT Modules published in
the official web hosting service provider of BlueAntz..

4.2 Our client, BlueAntz, will be the one to approve the major
milestones through a Notice of Project’s Full Completion to
be held at the office of GP Angeles and Associates Law
Office located at Units 308-309 West City Plaza, 66 West
Avenue, Quezon City.

4.3 All written inputs and modification details of each milestone

results shall be forwarded by our clients to you.

4.4 The execution and delivery of the necessary documents like

the Certificate of Project Completion Acceptance shall be
done after verification of the submitted Final Product of the
web is in accordance with the specification plan.

5. Web Content Language

The language to be used in our client’s website shall be

International English.

6. Client Furnished Information and Confidentiality Clause

6.1 You and/or your duly authorized representatives shall be

allowed free access to pertinent documents, electronic
documents, raw data, reports, information systems, web
hosting account, databases and other documents needed to
complete the implementation of our client’s Web Site.

6.2 It shall be our client, BlueAntz, who shall provide the user
name and passwords to its Web Site, Database Server, and
official company Merchant. Likewise, our client shall have
the right to change password upon completion.

6.3 The acceptance and turn-over of a fully operational website

shall not free you from any liability on any unauthorized
access, security breaches or Internet hacking that may arise
after the completion of the Project.

6.4 All the documents and electronic data provided by our client
in relation to this project shall treated and deemed
confidential. Such obligation of confidentiality shall subsist
even after completion of the Project.

7. Copyright of Web Site Materials

Copyright of the web site shall pertain to our client, BlueAntz.

8. Warranty

8.1 You should provide six (6) months warranty to our client,

8.2 Warranty shall cover rectification of web page errors, broken

links and other observable inaccuracies not consistent with
the final approved design. Hidden defects discovered or
which may become apparent beyond the warranty period
shall be for your own account unless the Final Product has
been subjected to subsequent revisions and updates in a
separate engagement or Contract.

8.3 Warranty covers interruption and/or errors due to defect/s

attributable to your own faults or mistakes in the execution of
the project.

9. Liability for Consequential Damages

You shall be held liable for any damage whatsoever

(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or other
pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this web site
and affiliated software or accompanying documentation.

10. This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted in accordance with,

the laws of the Philippines and the parties agrees, in case of
litigation arising from the provisions thereof, to submit to the
jurisdiction of the proper court sitting in QUEZON CITY, Metro
Manila to the exclusion of all other court and tribunals.

11. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of
this Agreement, or because of any alleged dispute, breach, default
or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this
Agreement, the successful or prevailing party shall be entitled to
recover reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred in that
action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it or
they maybe entitled, in an amount constituting twenty (20%)
percent of any recovery. In no event shall the amount be less than
one hundred thousand pesos (PhP 100,000.00). If neither Party
prevails entirely, such fees and expenses shall be prorated based
upon the relative success of each Party to the relief being sought.

12. Both parties acknowledge that this Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement between them and shall completely supersede all other
prior undertakings, understandings, previous communications or
contracts, oral or written, between the parties relating to the subject
matter thereof.

13. The Parties affirmed and acknowledge that they have carefully read
and understood all the terms and conditions herein provided.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand this ___ day of
March 2008, at Quezon City, Philippines.



Represented by:


Party 1 Party 2

Signed in the presence of:

___________________ _____________________



BEFORE ME, a Notary Public personally appeared this ____ day of

_____________ at Quezon City, Philippines, affiants exhibiting to me their
Community Tax Certificates above-stated, known to me and to me known to be
the same persons who executed the foregoing Contract and acknowledged to me
that the same is their free act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this ____________ day of

_________, at Quezon City, Philippines.

Doc. No. _____; Notary Public

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 2008.

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