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Mental Illness/Disorder Project

100 Points
Your task is to design a PowerPoint, brochure, video clip, newspaper article, etc. about a mental
illness/disorder. YOU will be the EXPERT regarding your illness/disorder. MAKE SURE THAT YOU

Title/Cover (10 points)

This needs to be visually appealing since the purpose is to draw the audiences attention and let
them know what is being presented to them. I LOVE pictures!

Brief Description (20 points)

Provide a brief description of the disorder, the history, possible causes, and statistics showing
the prevalence of the disorder. I LOVE graphs, charts, etc.

Signs & Symptoms (40 points)

What are some common signs & symptoms? Is the illness/disorder often mistaken for
something else? Is there a genetic predisposition?

Treatment/Cure (20 points)

Is the disorder curable or only treatable? Can it be treated with medication (which ones?).
psychoanalysis (what type?), surgery (how performed?), or is there no treatment and no cure?

Works Cited (10 points)

Provide a Works Cited page (at least 3). If you are using websites (which I’m assuming you are)
you may simply provide the addresses of those sites.

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