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Solution for battery charging of agricultural drone:

In my last work, I discussed different options for the solution of battery charging problem of
agricultural drone. Now, I will make my discussion narrower and I will present the most reliable
solution for this problem. With reference to last work, the most suitable solution is Wireless
charging station powered by solar system. Drone will be charged by wireless system. To
decrease the flight time and for efficient spraying of water it was recommended to use drone
with multiple spray nozzle that decrease the flight time and to use more than one drone.
Following is picture for this:

Wireless system:
The wire less system is powered by solar power station. The system consists of multiple power
transmitter and reciver to charge the battery. Resonance inductive coupling-based wireless
power transmission technique is used. With limits of wireless power transmission in inductive
coupling, it is necessary that the coupling between a transmitter and receiver must be strong
for efficient power transmission but for a drone, it is normally hard to land it properly on a
charging station or a charging device to get maximum coupling for efficient wireless power
transmission. Normally some sensors are used to align the transmitter and receiver for proper
coupling but in this system, a novel method based on Hill climbing algorithm is proposed to
control the coupling between the transmitter and a receiver without using any sensor. The
feasibility of the proposed algorithm is checked using MATLAB. A practical test bench is
developed for the system and several experiments are conducted under different scenarios.
The system is fully automatic and works well to eliminate the poor landing and coupling effect
which hinders the efficient wireless power transmission. The copper wire to create magnetic
field acting as transmitting coil is installed around the land for which drone has to use. It will
create magnetic field and keep the drone charged. The flight time of drone will be unlimited. As
long as drone fly inside the field, it keep rechanging.

At the receiving side, the receiving coil is installed on the drone and it is connected to a full
bridge rectifier, which is used to convert the AC to DC. Finally, a battery charger (DC to DC
converter) is used for battery charging. The system works by detecting the change in the
voltage of any of the envelope-detected voltage signals of the transmitting coils, which
(changes in voltage) refer to the presence of the receiving coil on the charging station. After
detecting the receiving coil, a control algorithm is activated to align the coils and start wireless
power transmission.

The drone used should have following function to be helpful in agricultural land:

 Drones with hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors can identify which parts of
a field are dry or need improvements.
 It should have sensor to take measure nutrients
 It should have camera for images

Power station
The power station at agricultural area should not only have unlimited source of energy but also
clean and easily available. Therefore, only solar powered station is feasible. The solar panels
should be movable according to the direction of sun. we can use solar station not only to
energize wireless station directly but also to store energy in batteries for dim light use.

The above mechanism is best solution for the batteries recharging of drones in agricultural
areas. It will not only save time and money but also increase the productivity of crop.

1. file:///C:/Users/Zain/Downloads/asi-01-00044.pdf

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