RM 241 S. 2020

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Uw, fete, By: As Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. 24) _, s. 2020 AUG 24 2020 To: Schools Division Superintendents . Va REGIONAL ORIENTATION ON RAPID BETA TESTING OF LEARNING DELIVERY MODALITIES COURSE 2 (LDM2) MATERIALS FOR TEACHERS 1. Geared towards the successful implementation of the Learning Delivery Modalities Course 2 (LDM2) for Instructional Coaches and Teachers, this Office, through the Human Resources Development Division and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines, Region III (NEAPR3), will conduct an online Regional Orientation on Rapid Beta Testing of Learning Delivery Modalities Course 2 Materials for Teachers on August 25, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. 2. The primary objective of this pilot run is to further ensure that the LDM2 Course Materials sustain relevance to the contexts of teachers as they prepare for the implementation of the learning delivery modalities adopted by the school. 3. _ Participants to this activity are the ten (10) participants from each Schools Division Office (SDO) earlier identified by the SDO, who are either Master Teachers, Head Teachers, Department Heads, or Senior Teachers. Enclosed is the list of participants for reference. 4. The link for the online orientation will be given to the SEPS-HR of the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) before the activity. 5. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is desired. NICOLAS T. CAPULONG, PhD, CESO V Director III Officer-In-Charge Office of the Regional Director | Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) AB Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address: region3 @deped.gov.ph = wr 940 | oBeg ‘yd-aoe padepOzommb jonures| Taye, TSE ZoaNd “Vv TenuTEg| weer] ZT Wd aod padappeuojaoreq sa0Ke] T1SyDeO], TIS] BuO” -g S0aKeP| weeyea| _9T ud Add padapwsoozared uATaad| TH 29qDeay, Peon Zaid “I WANT wera! 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1] dace podepOueuznsap omed| TI9yDBO], TISEWA| wemZnp oq “a oneal] weer] _03| Yd aos pedepOsoyues euuOp Ta0ypeaL, 10ISeIN| BAONUEINA "S PUTOT weerea| _6T ud nos padapoopueuey eqiout TisqoeaL SEW opmetiod “ede weve] 81 ssorppy Trewa paded WOH eUs}seq/UOTTSOd g1o¢ ebeq ‘Yd Ao padepOl ooueoeqqe oulasueas| Til LHI uBoeqqy SuTjasueAg, ‘efiog BAOMNT ZZ] yd aod podeposuypereur sjaqeuoy TH “SunpereN oTed BUOY vipa BAST] 92) Yd-A08 padepOuvde.reaed sjoreuy LL Weseresed opyOLEy| wlio eAoTN| SZ, yd a08 padapoznso euros ZT LN oduiesg euraioy| eiiog BAOnN| pL] Ud-Ao8-podapOzooAeqnueur ussaTe| Z LN Aeqnuey usaity] Bog BAONN| OZ UC-Ads padapOorreuiy OUTED LN OneuTy, ome wing eaonN| cL] Yd aod -podap1 oosuIsH essriou LH] BUuISY] BSSLION ‘eliog BAonN| Z| ‘yd aos padepmeses souoa;yes]| Tl 2yoeal TISseN, wdesg “q Yeo] 10u0S7| ‘Ait wekeneshow| OL, ‘Yd aos padap@eario Apury| TI Joyoeal TISeN, BANO “CAPUTO “7 Ap wekeneokaw| 69] ‘Yd aod padopmeqgosyeur Bue TTqeaL Ise ‘OoTeW S e217 Buy Aud wekeneshay| go) ud -Aos padoporeweoqe nopeur| TH 9qseo, PEOH| TeuBoly 'S NOTE NN| Hig wekenwokoy| 9] yd aod padapmuosts eylacu TL s9yoeal PeoH HOSTS “S BION ‘Ain uekeneshayq| 99} “Ud-ao8 padepOuiseunp euoIoIA| [aaqoeay 193SeyN| UIseuNIg “q eHOITA| Nip uekeneohayw| So} Yd A083 podopOsorpaplesiea opjeuos| Tl soypeay Ose, ‘S0Ied [esia,\ Oppeuoy, Aig uekeneohaw| 9 ‘Yd-aod padapmopeoseurApni} ]TWeaL ISN, opesia a App Wp uekeneotay| co! ‘yd 108 podapmepoud qwaqzou| TrqpeaL IISeW ‘epauid “W 19qJ0N]| ‘Aig uekenvoday| 9 ‘dacs podepO1 oooeur opepsorp| T9useo], ISON ‘COIN “S OPEpsoIC| Tig wekenwoxeyy| _ 19] ‘ydaow padepWepuoyeusd eypou T20yoeaL TOISeW epHopeued “] wiTewG| AD oO [ep e807 Wes] 09 ‘Yd 108 podapmuosg opreuoa]| TH uses, peap| uoig '§ Opreuoe]| AjID aluoW] jp sop ues] 6G) Yd A08 padapOeuo.iss esiop TA9UDeOL, TSE BUI “O eso] Av sO PP s80p Wes] Bg Yd aos padapOews udjeuu| T29ypeaL ASE] PIS ‘9 wAfeuUy| AyD aIUOW PP a80p US] ZS ‘Yd Ao podapozopueursy Ayowad| Til 2yseaL PeoH| zapueuiag q Ayoead| Alig ajuo; ep os0r ues] 9c] ‘ud-a08 padapOjanueur ATG] TI 199989], 1935874 PRUen a Aea Aa] Ao Siow pp o80p wes] ce Yd aod padepuozi ayn! 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