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MODULE 5 : Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g.
QUARTER 1 scanning, skimming, close reading, etc. )


 EN7RC-IV-b-10


Hello my dear student! This is teacher Jennylyn, your companion to a self-

discovery module. You are about to explore more ideas and learn the basic
competencies expected for each quarter. This is lesson 4 - Quarter 1.

Congratulations for the completing the previous lesson and it is a job well
done. Be ready for more exciting and challenging activities that were all made for

In this module, you will learn to:

a. Identify the adverbs of frequency;

b. Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g. scanning, skimming,
close reading, etc. )

What I know?


Read the following dialog through skimming and answer the questions
after it.

Lina: You’ve been wearing a long face since this morning. Anything
Estela: Yes, indeed! Fely, my typist, did it again! She has done this
several times these past three past three months: promises to type my
reports on time, and then calls up the last minute to say she can’t

because her brother, or cousin, or distant relative has been needing her
services. It’s not fair! I pay for her services in advance, and I have
always given her more than enough time to get the work done. Besides,
why doesn’t she let her relatives take care themselves?
Lina: Well, my dear, remember, the Filipino’s strong family ties. Have
you ever discussed this with her?
Estela: Of course! I have always been frank and direct with her.
Lina: Then be patient! How often do you need to make a report and have
it typewritten?
Estela: At least once a week, sometimes only twice a month.
Lina: Oh, frequent enough, huh. Then why don’t you learn to type, so
you can do the typing yourself? Be more self-reliant! Come on, wipe the
frown off and smile. Then let’s have a grand merienda at the canteen.


1. Where do you think is the dialog taking place? What is the

relationship of the two girls? Why do you say so?
2. What Filipino characteristics do you recognize in the situations
revealed during the dialog?
3. What suggestions does Lina give Estela? What expressions does
she use in giving suggestions?


Well done my friend and congratulations for the job well done! Were you able
to answer all items correctly? If not, you have nothing to worry because I will help
you get through all the lessons with less difficulty.

Answer the questions below with a complete sentence.

1. How many times had Fely, the typist, failed to type Estela’s reports
as promised during the past three months?
2. Has Lina ever given Fely reason for not typing the reports as
3. How often does Estela need to make a report that has to be



Note that:
1. The phrases how often,how many times, and have ever ask for an
expression of frequency.
a. How often do you write your sister in Paris?
Once a month, only now and then
b. How many times do you go swimming?
Every Saturday, twice a week
c. Have you ever tried ice skating?
Only once, never
2. How long asks for an expression of duration. It means how much time.
a. How long did it take you to fly from Butuan to Manila?
Almost two hours
b. How long will you stay abroad this coming summer vacation?
Only for two weeks
c. How long are your office hours?
From 9:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon.

Read the following sentences with one-word adverbs of frequency. Then

number them to show what adverbial expression indicates action done from
“not a single time” to all of the time. Number 1 is picked out for you.

___________ Our mailman occasionally comes early in the day.

___________ Our mailman seldom comes early in the day.
______1____ Our mailman never comes early in the day.

___________ Our mailman always comes early in the day.

___________ Our mailman usually comes early in the day.
___________ Our mailman sometimes comes early in the day.
___________ Our mailman often comes early in the day.
___________ Our mailman rarely comes early in the day.
___________ Our mailman hardly comes early in the day.



You’ve done a great job in the previous activities. Now, I think you are
equipped with ideas and ready for more challenging and exciting tasks. Just
don’t worry teacher Jennylyn is here to help you.

If you were to arrange the adverbs of frequency from 100% of the time to
0% of the time, how would you position them?

100% always







0% never



Go over the sentences in What’s New. Where do you find the adverbs of
frequency- before or after the verb?

Now, look at these sentences. Some have the verb be. Where are the
frequency adverbs placed?

Remember that one-word adverbs of frequency are usually placed

1. Before an action word
2. After the verb to be
3. After the first helping verb in a verb phrase

1. My mother’s cardiologist is rarely late for his appointment.

2. He is usually in his office from 2 to 6 in the afternoon.

3. However, he is sometimes delayed when the traffic is bad.

4. But when he is expecting some patients, he is always in the office an

hour before the appointed time.

5. Whenever he is held up by an emergency, he never fails calling up his



Read the dialog between two close friends. Then answer the questions that


Phil: Have you ever ridden on a ferris wheel?

Raffy: Never, why?

Phil: It is such an exciting feeling. I have never had such a thrilling

experience before!

Raffy: Isn’t riding on it a dangerous thing to do? My parents, I’m sure,

won’t even allow me to try it.

Phil: Oh, but you should. I assure you, it isn’t as dangerous as you

think. If it were, my parents would never have let me either.

Raffy: Hm-m-m. I might try it one of these days.


1. What does ever mean?______________________________________

2. Where do you place ever in a sentence?________________________

3. What does never mean?______________________________________

4. Where do you place never in a sentence?________________________

Well done! Good job my friend! We are now close to the finish line of this
module. But, before we say goodbye, kindly take this test so teacher Jennylyn will
know how much have you learned from this module. God bless you my friend!

Answer the questions with adverbs of frequency or adverbs of duration.


Do you ever take a taxi to school?
No, I never do that. I always take the jeepney.

1. Do stores in the mall open at 8 o’clock?

2. Do they close at six o’clock?
3. Don’t they ever close later than six o’clock?
4. How often do they do that?
5. Are food stalls usually crowded on Saturdays?

6. How much time do you spend in the malls?

7. What places do you frequently visit in the malls?
8. How long does a movie stay on in a theatre before it is changed?
9. How many times do you watch a movie?
10. Do you never miss seeing the newest movie in town?


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adverb or adverbial


My favorite teacher is (1)______________ present in class. I

wonder why she (2) _____________ gets sick, nor called away nor too lazy to

come to school. However, she is (3) ______________ late, maybe because of

the traffic problem. But this (4) ______________ happens, maybe only once or

twice in a semester. Her classes are (5) ___________________ interesting, (6)

____________ dull, so our class is (7)_______________ in a happy learning

mood and (8) ______________ sleepy nor bored. She (9) ___________ spices

her explanations with humorous anecdotes which we love to hear. I feel I won’t

(10) _____________ find a teacher as good and memorable as Miss Florencio.


New Horizon in Learning English pages 129-136.

Prepared by:

Jennylyn O. Lopez , T-1


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