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Base Slide

World Englishes & Related Paradigms:

Concrete Ideas for the Classroom

James F. D’Angelo, PhD

LSP and DLSU-LIDER e-lecture series
In Cyber Space July 18, 2020

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(The players, the commonalities/differences)
• Review of Pluralistic Paradigms of English:
- WEs, (implications more important that the name)
- ELF,
- ‘Umbrella Terms’: ‘WEs Enterprise’, ‘Global Englishes’
(Bolton, D’Angelo) (Jenkins, Galloway & Rose, Fang)

• Concrete Implications for our classrooms

• Conclusion

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The Wonderful Diversity of WEs scholarly community:
There’s no substitute for going to conferences!
Pilgrimage to CWE: Kachru and Smith come to Chukyo 2003
Workshop on ‘WEs in the Classroom’

Met them
‘02, ’04, ’05

Philippine WEs Scholars family tree: Top level!

Drs. Dayag, Martin, & Dita
Wallace Chafe
Br. Gonzales
(U. C. Berkekey) Dr. Bautista

Dr. Madrunio
(and many more!) Dr. Borlongan
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As with Philippines, India, many Singaporean WEs Scholars

• Azirah Hashim
E. Thumboo
Paroo Nihalani

Lisa LIM
Peter TAN (Oxford 博士) Ee Ling LOW
Scholars are interested in Singapore English’s
unique features
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World Englishes –Base
Where does
Slide it come from?

“Incorporating a
pluralistic or pluri-centric
view of English
into our teaching”

- Part of overall trend towards embracing diversity

out of the 1960s, 1970s.
(Which bypassed mainstream SLA/ELT/TESOL?)
- Also, linguistics moved away from
Chomskyan, towards Functional Grammar

M.A.K. HALLIDAY: Braj’s PhD Advisor, Edinburgh

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Kachru’s Spark: Macauley’s “Minute”
"We must do our best to form a class of persons, Indian in
blood and color, but English in taste, opinions, morals, and
– Sir Thomas Macauley
February 2, 1835

“If the same tolerance for variation was permitted

in a Spanish or French classroom, we would do
a great disservice to our students” (JALT)

Sir Randolph Quirk

Increasingly relevant: Yet most ELT educators around the world continue
to use an outdated NS model and view being ‘NS-like’ as the desired

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World Englishes is born
Base Slideas a discipline
Braj Kachru: 1965 : “The Indianness in Indian English.” Word, 21

Larry E. Smith: “English as an International

Auxiliary Language.” RELC Journal, 1976, 7

Then: 2 conferences in 1978, 3 months apart:

- April: Smith, East-West Center, Honolulu
- July: Kachru, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Out of this: Kachru’s “The Other Tongue” in 1982

Smith: “English for Cross-Cultural Communication” 1981

Actual term “World Englishes” only appears in 1985

KACHRU’s “brother”

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early ’80s: Larry Smith works on EIL
“A Thai doesn’t need to sound like an American to use English
with a Filipino… There is no attempt for the user to be like a
native speaker of English.” (Cultural implications also)
Important Smith-edited EIL collections, emphasis on role plays, active in
2000s: Global Challenge Program:

Like S. Mufwene: “Language is not learned in the classroom!”


Broke the NS stranglehold on

English ownership, and
standards, & LEGITIMACY

Too Static; national borders?

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The Reality of theBase Slide
Global Context:

NNSs users far outnumber NSs:

‘Traditional’ Inner Circle: 500 million

‘Traditional’ Outer Circle: 650 million
‘Traditional’ Expanding Circle: 850? Million

80% of all communication in English is among NNSs

(Graddol 2006; Crystal 2002)

*We Need to adopt a realistic, ‘Critical’ ELT

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- K. Bolton “WE & Inclusivity”
Pedagogy is catching up

N. Honna

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WE: Important documenting of varieties of English

ICE Great Britain

ICE Canada
ICE New Zealand
ICE Ireland
ICE Jamaica
ICE India
ICE Philippines
ICE Singapore
ICE East Africa
ICE Hong Kong
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Will Englishes be ‘Intelligible’, or a Tower of Babel?

The fear we
is overrated!
Evolving WEs: Mufwene’s ‘Feature Pool’


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Edgar Schneider’s 5-Stage Dynamic Model – 2007
(WE evolution Beyond Kachru’s 3 circles –> variety devpt: ‘Process’)

“Linguistic change follows Identity change”

1. Foundation

2. Exo-normative Stabilization

3. Nativization

4. Endo-normative Stabilization
(pan-ethnic, emphasis on homogeneity, codification)
5. Differentiation

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Yet a semi-inclusive WE (Pre-ELF) view of Englishes

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A WE response to the ELF challenge:
The EIF Model (Buschfeld & Kautzsch ‘16)

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EIF Model: 5 Extra & Intra-territorial Forces,
Too complex?
Extra-territorial PCE Non-PCE Intra-territorial PCE Non-PCE
Force Force

Colonization ✓ X Attitudes ✓ X
Language ✓ ✓ Language ✓ ✓
policies policies /

Globalization ✓ ✓ ‘Acceptance’ ✓ ✓
Foreign ✓ ✓ Foreign ✓ ✓
policies policies
Sociodemo- ✓ ✓ Sociodemo- ✓ ✓
graphic graphic
7/18/2020 background
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(August), Ike & D’Angelo: “Applying the EIF model to Japan”

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EIL: Farzad Sharifian & Aya Matsuda
Meta-Cultural Competence: “a core element of
proficiency in English used for int’ l communication”

We have Mental “Cultural Conceptualizations”

MONASH U: entire EIL Program

Sandra McKay
Matsuda: Books target
Masters Students: Must
train teachers with
different idea of SLA

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Some Weaknesses of WEs paradigm
Mahboob: One country = One variety doesn’t show the
rich diversity: Karachi Eng. closer to Delhi Eng., but
Delhi Eng. unlike Chennai. Don’t match borders.

WEs research does too much on features, not enough

on pragmatics, discourse.

WEs: Inadequate to describe English used

internationally: Only Intelligibility Studies
- Cecil Nelson
This is why ELF, new EIL appear…

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For WEs: International: only Intelligibility Studies
• Mainly One-way Studies:
- Stage 1: NSs listen to Outer/Expanding Circle Speakers
- Stage 2: All Varieties listen to All Varieties (Rafiqzad)
- kline: Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, Interpretability

• Two-way Studies: Naturally occurring speech, Look at

communication strategies, how ‘repair’ and
accommodation are handled.
Danilo DAYAG (De La Salle U.. Manila

ü This shows need for ELF, corpus data

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Emergence of ‘ELF’
• Alan Firth using term in 1996

• Christiane Meierkord in 1998

• Jenkins 2000 – inside used term ELF/Lingua Franca Core.

- Attacked by Smith/Y. Kachru, Phillipson: Claimed LFE is
developing, can be model. (Yet Smith says, there is no
‘International English’ variety, only EIL)
• Between 2002 and 2007 and onwards, Jenkins &
Siedlhofer ‘incredibly productive’:
Routledge Handbook of ELF – late 2017
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VOICE corpus (EU, founding mothers) ACE corpus (Asia)

Anna Mauranen Andy Kirkpatrick

Jennifer Jenkins U. of Helsinki Hong Kong U. of
Southampton U. Barbara Seidlhofer Education
U.K. U. of Vienna
Center for Global Large Cohort of
Englishes Grad Students

Make recording of mainly NNSs interacting: This is reality

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Kirkpatrick and ACE (100,000 words each)
Closely based on VOICE, led by Kirkpatrick and David C.S. Li at Hong Kong
Institute of Education RCLEAMS (Reseach Center for Lang. Education and
Acquisition in Multilingual Societies), with SEAMEO in Ho Chi Minh City.
Participating ASEAN+3 Universities:
1. Universiti Malaya – Azirah Hashim
2. National Institute of Education Singapore – Ee Ling Low
3. Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines – Maria Luisa Reyes
4. SEAMEO RETRAC – Dang Van Hung
5. Fudan University, China – Qu Weiguo
6. The University of Brunei Darussalam
7. Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia)
8. King Mongkut’s University of Technology (Bangkok)
9. Curtin University (Perth, Australia)
10. Chukyo University – James D’Angelo 22
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Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE)
Barbara Seidlhofer,
VOICE Project Leader

Angelika Breiteneder:
E.U. Dropping 3rd person ‘s’

“WEs and ELF research have much in common. Both share the
pluricentric view that English belongs to all who use it. The growing
body of descriptive ELF research can add substance to the field as a
whole & offer fresh perspectives on constructs central to WEs.”

“The study of ELF may even encourage us to raise questions about

the term ‘Englishes’ and ‘WEs’, as countable nouns implying separate
bounded entities.”
(Seidlhofer 2009)
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Examples of shared* ELF features (‘ELF 1’)
(i) the non-marking of the third person singular with ‘-s’;
(ii) interchangeability of the relative pronouns, ‘who’ and ‘which’;
(iii) flexible use of definite and indefinite articles;
(iv) extended use of ‘general’ or common verbs;
(v) treating uncountable nouns as plural;
(vi) use of a uniform question tag;
(viii) use of prepositions in different contexts (Philippines)

*Yano – They gradually increase the shared part (ASEAN)

(Slide contents compliments of A. Kirkpatrick 2009)


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Zoom H4n for ELF Recording

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Base Slide
Today, We can consider ELF and EIL the same!
Although Development paths were different…

ELF may emerge as the dominant paradigm, since it has its

own annual Conference, Its own Journal…which EIL and
Global Englishes lack

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ELF: about English ‘Users’ not Learners, but range is wide!
ELF does not equal “Simplified English!”

• Widdowson ELF4 – Brilliant point: ELF users use “what

they notice has Communicative Valence.” Can expand
their model later, if needed.

• The reality of NNSs is different from NSs, will always have

‘non conformities’ (‘scarcely’)

• Latin was Lingua Franca of universities, most

sophisticated ideas were communicated by the lingua

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Difference between WE
Base Slide and ELF?
ELFs ‘secret weapon’ Henry Widdowson (2014):
(married to B. Seidlhofer)

“WE is about: the Sociolinguistics of Varieties,

ELF is about: the Pragmatics of Variation”

i.e. ELF communicators “idiomatize”

real time, ‘languaging’ on the fly
…..a great skill!

HGW: “ELF and The inconveniences of

established concepts” (JELF 1:1)

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Without WEs pluralism, no
Base Slide ELF or ‘new’ EIL
Expanding Circle Scholars (So. Europe, Asia) became ELF, EIL pioneers

D’A Sharifian
Japan Persia/Australia

Seidlhofer Sifakis Matsuda

Austria Greece Japan/USA

Llurda Bayyurt Hino

Spain Turkey Japan

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WEs scholars recognize ELF’s power now:
Base Slide
K. Bolton 2014: The World Englishes Enterprise:
Key point: All of these Pluralistic models of
English work to capture “reality” better than
Native-based mainstream SLA

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My thesis data: Graduates’ Slide
advice connects back to ELT:

• Reading & written variety equally important as Spoken

(including translation)

• Problems using English: mainly lack of business and

technical vocabulary. At times: Asian interlocutors
pronunciation/mutual intelligibility, or cultural
differences. Accuracy not an issue for verbal interaction
• Need Strategies: Ask for clarification, rephrase/simplify

• Reading program at DWE needs to be harder!

• Need More interaction chances with overseas students
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My thesis data: Native Practitioners views on WE/ELF:
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• CLIL – Have general idea. Some have not heard of. Enthusiasm for
it, or “already doing…”

• WEs – Most have a basic understanding that variation exists, NNS

teachers appreciate opportunity to teach!

• Most see value WE/ELF as listening exercise, or cultural learning,

some feel it is solely an area of linguistics, not an ‘approach’: or it
means, ‘anything goes’!?

• Still see NS as the expert, or the base model variety:

“Can integrate WE, ELF If you have time….”

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Ideas for Teachers: Keep Kachru’s Six Myths (2003,
2005) in mind when lesson planning

1: The Native Speaker Idealization Myth

2: The Native Speaker Interaction Myth

3: The Mono-Culture Identity Myth

4: The Exocentric Norm Myth

5: The Interlanguage Myth

J.F. D'Angelo, 56th JACET 40

Warm-up for Concrete ideas for the Classroom
What about grammar? India, ‘I am liking you’
Philippines, Start as errors?
(‘result to’, ‘cope up with’, ‘based from’, ‘proud with’ and ‘interested to’ ?)
- Jafae Newsletter #42
What about pronunciation?

What should the ‘model’ be?

What about culture?

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WE/ELF/EIL/GE : Concrete ideas for the Classroom 2

- Accept some L1 use. Allow Ss “not to notice” (tasks)

- Look for Creativity (over error): in Speaking & Writing

‘prepone’, ‘Imeldific’
- Look for: Positive Influence of L1. Know local languages

- Prepare Ss for Functional, real interaction, Zoom friends

- Work on Register: Speech: Appropriate, Writing: Genre

- Develop ‘specialized’/educated content: Politics, Economics

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WE/ELF/EIL/GE : Concrete ideas for the Classroom 1
- Show Students reality of global English use

- Ss can explain Philippine culture/beliefs, issues (Mahboob recent work,

Handbook of WE, A. Kirkpatrick): Local ‘Ways of Being’/Worldview: forgotton?
“World Englishes, Social Disharmonisation, and Environmental Destruction”
Bob Randall (Uluru), The land owns us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0sWIVR1hXw

- Ss can Accommodate, Negotiate meaning, meta-culture, MEDIATE

- Respect local Learning Styles (Canagarajah, Cortazzi & Jin)

- Reality of intelligible Syllable-timed Phonology (many contexts)

- Get Ss out into real EIL world, Mufwene: not classroom

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WE/ELF/EIL/GE : Concrete ideas for the Classroom 3

- Develop Autonomy in Ss (‘L2 Self’: Goals are so varied)

- Role Plays, study meta-culture: Cannot learn all cultures!

- Speech Act Practice: Inviting, Refusing, Complimenting

- Listen to English Varieties: ELLLO http://www.elllo.org/

- Read World Literatures in English – Achebe/Lim/Rao

- Try projects like ‘Model U.N.’

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Good ICC/EIL Slide Resources

Useful Role Plays!

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ELF Role Plays are fun, Slide in front of class!

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Ask these questions when lesson planning!

All answers are different, compared with NS lang./culture model

1. Where & When will Filipinos speak English?

2. Who are the people Filipinos will speak English with?

3. Who should teach English to Philippine Ss?

4. Why will Filipinos speak English? (not needed among J)

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Irony: 1 Yr. in Boston,Base Slide
Korean friends! ELF in action

Romania, Russia, Korea, Korea, Japan, Saudi, India

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Moe: 1 year Korea: Mainly Western Friends!

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Conclusion – The Pluralistic (ELF) Goal

Should work to facilitate the development of

educated USERS of XYZ English who are skilled ELF
communicators, both for spoken and written language:
Skilled at meta-cultural competence, negotiation,
repairing breakdowns, flexible in adjusting to their
interlocutors forms and culture.
Should give our students frequent chances to interact
in real-life situations, and be exposed to the Englishes
of those from a wide variety of backgrounds—so they
begin to overcome their own NS-myths.

Thank You For Listening!

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