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Account Transactions

Cresencio Laurente
Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019
Accrual (Paid & Unpaid)


Accounts Receivable
Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record revenue PHP22,500.00 PHP22,500.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP22,500.00 PHP0.00 PHP22,500.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 01, 2019 To record Initial capital PHP62,000.00 PHP62,000.00

Feb 05, 2019 To record Cleaning Equipment PHP15,600.00 PHP46,400.00

Feb 06, 2019 Write a Description PHP10,000.00 PHP36,400.00

Feb 07, 2019 to record Rental PHP7,300.00 PHP29,100.00

Feb 09, 2019 Write a Description PHP31,800.00 PHP60,900.00

Feb 10, 2019 to record advertising expense PHP1,700.00 PHP59,200.00

Feb 12, 2019 to record prepaid insurance PHP4,800.00 PHP54,400.00

Feb 13, 2019 to paid debts PHP9,000.00 PHP45,400.00

Feb 14, 2019 to record miscellaneous expense PHP2,200.00 PHP43,200.00

Feb 16, 2019 to record salaries expense PHP8,400.00 PHP34,800.00

Feb 20, 2019 to record cash received PHP9,800.00 PHP44,600.00

Feb 22, 2019 to record notes payable PHP2,400.00 PHP42,200.00

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 1 / 6
Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Feb 25, 2019 to record telephone expense PHP900.00 PHP41,300.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record wages PHP7,900.00 PHP33,400.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record drawings PHP10,000.00 PHP23,400.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP80,200.00 PHP23,400.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Cleaning Equipment
Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 03, 2019 To record Cleaning Equipment PHP21,400.00 PHP21,400.00

Feb 05, 2019 To record Cleaning Equipment PHP15,600.00 PHP37,000.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP37,000.00 PHP0.00 PHP37,000.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Prepaid Insurance
Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 12, 2019 to record prepaid insurance PHP4,800.00 PHP4,800.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP4,800.00 PHP0.00 PHP4,800.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 2 / 6
Service Vehicle
Under: Asset > Cash and Bank

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 06, 2019 Write a Description PHP47,000.00 PHP47,000.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP47,000.00 PHP0.00 PHP47,000.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Accounts Receivable
Under: Asset

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 15, 2019 to record accounts receivable PHP18,600.00 PHP18,600.00

Feb 20, 2019 to record cash received PHP9,800.00 PHP8,800.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP18,600.00 PHP9,800.00 PHP8,800.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Notes Payable
Under: Liability > Payable

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 03, 2019 To record Cleaning Equipment PHP21,400.00 PHP21,400.00

Feb 06, 2019 Write a Description PHP37,000.00 PHP58,400.00

Feb 13, 2019 to paid debts PHP9,000.00 PHP49,400.00

Feb 22, 2019 to record notes payable PHP2,400.00 PHP47,000.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP11,400.00 PHP58,400.00 PHP47,000.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 3 / 6
Cleaning Revenue
Under: Income > Income

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 09, 2019 Write a Description PHP31,800.00 PHP31,800.00

Feb 15, 2019 to record accounts receivable PHP18,600.00 PHP50,400.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record revenue PHP22,500.00 PHP72,900.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP0.00 PHP72,900.00 PHP72,900.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Advertising Expense
Under: Expense > Operating Expense

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 10, 2019 to record advertising expense PHP1,700.00 PHP1,700.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP1,700.00 PHP0.00 PHP1,700.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Miscellaneous Expense
Under: Expense > Operating Expense

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 14, 2019 to record miscellaneous expense PHP2,200.00 PHP2,200.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP2,200.00 PHP0.00 PHP2,200.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 4 / 6
Rent Expense
Under: Expense > Operating Expense

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 07, 2019 to record Rental PHP7,300.00 PHP7,300.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP7,300.00 PHP0.00 PHP7,300.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Salaries Expense
Under: Expense > Operating Expense

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 16, 2019 to record salaries expense PHP8,400.00 PHP8,400.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record wages PHP7,900.00 PHP16,300.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP16,300.00 PHP0.00 PHP16,300.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Telephone Expense
Under: Expense > Operating Expense

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 25, 2019 to record telephone expense PHP900.00 PHP900.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP900.00 PHP0.00 PHP900.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 5 / 6
Laurente, Capital
Under: Equity > Business Owner Contribution and Drawing

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 01, 2019 To record Initial capital PHP62,000.00 PHP62,000.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP0.00 PHP62,000.00 PHP62,000.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Laurente, Drawings
Under: Equity > Business Owner Contribution and Drawing

Starting Balance PHP0.00

Feb 28, 2019 to record drawings PHP10,000.00 -PHP10,000.00

Totals and Ending Balance PHP10,000.00 PHP0.00 -PHP10,000.00

Balance Change
Difference between starting and ending balances

Account Transactions - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 6 / 6
Balance Sheet
Cresencio Laurente
As of Feb 28, 2019

ACCOUNTS Feb 28, 2019


Total Cash and Bank PHP134,700.00

Total Other Current Assets PHP8,800.00

Total Long-term Assets PHP0.00

Total Assets PHP143,500.00


Total Current Liabilities PHP47,000.00

Total Long-term Liabilities PHP0.00

Total Liabilities PHP47,000.00


Total Other Equity PHP52,000.00

Total Retained Earnings PHP44,500.00

Total Equity PHP96,500.00

Balance Sheet - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

As of Feb 28, 2019 Page 1 / 1
Balance Sheet
Cresencio Laurente
As of Feb 28, 2019

ACCOUNTS Feb 28, 2019


Cash and Bank

Accounts Receivable PHP22,500.00

Cash PHP23,400.00

Cleaning Equipment PHP37,000.00

Prepaid Insurance PHP4,800.00

Service Vehicle PHP47,000.00

Total Cash and Bank PHP134,700.00

Other Current Assets

Accounts Receivable PHP8,800.00

Total Other Current Assets PHP8,800.00

Long-term Assets

Total Long-term Assets PHP0.00

Total Assets PHP143,500.00


Current Liabilities

Notes Payable PHP47,000.00

Total Current Liabilities PHP47,000.00

Long-term Liabilities

Total Long-term Liabilities PHP0.00

Total Liabilities PHP47,000.00

Balance Sheet - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

As of Feb 28, 2019 Page 1 / 2

Laurente, Capital PHP62,000.00

Laurente, Drawings -PHP10,000.00

Retained Earnings

Profit between Jan 1, 2019 and Feb 28, 2019 PHP44,500.00

Total Retained Earnings PHP44,500.00

Total Equity PHP96,500.00

Balance Sheet - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

As of Feb 28, 2019 Page 2 / 2
Profit and Loss
Cresencio Laurente
Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019

Feb 01, 2019

to Feb 28, 2019

Income PHP72,900.00

Cost of Goods Sold PHP0.00

Gross Profit PHP72,900.00

As a percentage of Total Income 100.00%

Operating Expenses PHP28,400.00

Net Profit PHP44,500.00

As a percentage of Total Income 61.04%

Profit and Loss - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

Date Range: Feb 01, 2019 to Feb 28, 2019 Page 1 / 1
Trial Balance
Cresencio Laurente
As of Feb 28, 2019



Accounts Receivable 8,800.00 0.00

Accounts Receivable 22,500.00 0.00

Cash 23,400.00 0.00

Cleaning Equipment 37,000.00 0.00

Prepaid Insurance 4,800.00 0.00

Service Vehicle 47,000.00 0.00

Total Assets 143,500.00 0.00


Accounts Payable 0.00 47,000.00

Total Liabilities 0.00 47,000.00


Laurente, Capital 0.00 62,000.00

Laurente, Drawings 10,000.00 0.00

Total Equity 10,000.00 62,000.00

Trial Balance - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

As of Feb 28, 2019 Page 1 / 2

Cleaning Revenue 0.00 72,900.00

Total Income 0.00 72,900.00


Advertising Expense 1,700.00 0.00

Miscellaneous Expense 2,200.00 0.00

Rent Expense 7,300.00 0.00

Salaries Expense 16,300.00 0.00

Telephone Expense 900.00 0.00

Total Expenses 28,400.00 0.00

Total for all accounts 181,900.00 181,900.00

Trial Balance - Cresencio Laurente Created on Nov 04, 2019

As of Feb 28, 2019 Page 2 / 2

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