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Case 6

Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis

Prepared by Group 1:
Christine Juniartha – 19/452651/PEK/25603
Erwin Pramono – 19/452677/PEK/25628
Muhammad Tio Kurnianto – 19/452762/PEK/25714
Tobia Homada Sianturi – 19/452821/PEK/25773
Relevant Bios


Senior Market Specialist Marketing Director Division Vice President
• Age 28 • Age 45 • Age 42
• Graduated summa cum laude • Bachelor degree in history, • Bachelor degree in marketing,
from University of Georgia, New York University, and the University of Georgia, and
bachelors degree in economic executive MBA, Suffolk an MBA, Northwestern’s
University Kellogg School of Management
• Began his career as an account
executive for National Business • 17-year veteran of Dynamic • Previous Director of National
Solutions in Atlanta Displays Sales for the Travel and
• Joined Dynamic Display in 2007 • Joined Dynamic Display in Hospitality Division (2000 –
as an Account Executive in 1990 as an Account Executive 2006)
Travel and Hospitality Division in Travel and Hospitality
Travel and
Division of
Displays, 2007
Company and
Industry Background
About the
• Kiosks were an attractive option for
Carrier 15% airlines to quickly and easily check in
80% passengers, reduced costs, improved
Car-rental agencies customer service, and shortened
Dynamic passenger wait times.
Displays $0.14
• Average cost for $3.02
launched to
an airline
a new
1990 2007 passenger to $0.32
check in Agent Kiosk
1994 • Airlines were also aggressively
promoting another self-service
option for travelers Web check-in
Dynamic The new U.S. leisure passenger
With over 1,500 self- 2005 2006
Displays division user (according to
services kiosks in use Forrester report)
was had 60% <45% 64%
at more than 75
founded market Airport Kiosks 75%
Thomas Green’s

His full-time job was in In March 2007, Green In his four months,
Born in 1979 in
sales for National recruited by Dynamic Green complete a
Brunswick, Georgia contract for one of the
Business Solutions in Displays as Account
Executives largest airline carriers
In July 2007, Green
Fun fact: attended a week-long
• Giant step upward for Green Green became aware of
McDonald promoted an open position for a training session at
meanwhile others need number corporate headquarters;
Green to the position of senior market specialist
of years in the field before and He aggressively Shannon McDonald
senior market
reaching “senior” status campaigned to be and Mary Jacobs
• The other senior market specialists in
specialist; Effective on
considered for this want to know him
the division were in their fourties, September 10, 2007
position better
Green was 28
• His salary was now $125,000, a 50%
increase over his previous salary
Thomas Green’s
1) Thomas Green fails to inform Davis of Green’s plans and keep updated on his scheduled

2) Green does not follow up when information is requested of him

3) Greens lack of enthusiasm is troubling. He displayed a kind of negativity in the Budget plan
meeting on October 8

• October 15, 2007, Green • October 8, Davis • Green used most of his first week to McDonalds stopped
met with Davis to discuss presented sales review 2006 and 2007 year-to-date sales by Green’s office and
his performance to date. projections. and the next week with his boss, Frank told Green that Frank
• Davis had prepared a list • Green was surprised by Davis. Davis expected to
of problems he had the numbers that Davis • Davis expected Green to spend a choose the other
encountered with Green’s was proposing significant amount of time preparing for person for the new
work in the first month • Davis was visibly upset client meetings and developing senior market
supporting detail for proposals specialist
ail 3 Email 2 Email 1
RY 5, 2008
January 30, 2008 OCTOBER 19, 2007
53 AM 4:28:12 pM 3:48:32 pM
Thomas Green’s
“I am truly disappointed with Thomas’
work. He is an intelligent and capable
young man, but I do not believe he is
making a strong effort” – Frank Davis
After the October 15 January 28, Davis held
meeting, Green spent another performance
most of November, review meeting with
December, and January Green. Frank Davis has explained to me his point of view on your
working independently performance. I think all of us want to improve the current
and avoided interactions situation, which is regrettable. At this point I would like to
with Davis get your perspective on your recent performance and to
understand your ideas about specific areas that need
“Green would rather talk After the meeting, Davis improvement
through the issues face to sent an email to I look forward to resolving this issue ASAP. I would be glad to
face instead of providing McDonald outlining his discuss this matter with you in detail, but first I would like to
hard data” according to issues with Green. Green receive your statement in writing.
one of the market was not copied on this
specialists who email, but someone sent
accompanied Green to him a copy by interoffice Several questions persisted in
several meeting email. Green’s mind
ail 3 Email 2 Email 1
RY 5, 2008 January 30, 2008 OCTOBER 19,
53 AM 4:28:12 pM 3:48:32 p
The Problems
Thomas Green

Working independently.
• Different work style between Not proficient in presenting hard data (memo and presentation).
Thomas Green and Frank Never updating jobs to his supervisor, Davis.
Had privilege to be promoted than Davis’ candidate, but take it for
granted, not make good impression to Davis.
• Thomas had not paid much Had not paid much attention to office politics when he’d taken on his job.
attention to office politics Good in strategy and face to face communication.
when he’d taken on his job
Green did not overcome the crisis, instead he avoided Davis.
Green had been living in McDonald’s expectation.
• Thomas Green was resistant
and merely comply, and did
not make improvement with Frank Davis
his failure. Not confirm and coordinate data with his subordinates.
Always need hard data to make strategic planning
Since the beginning, Davis had another candidate for Green’s position.
Theories & Concepts Related to
Thomas Green’s case

Power Sharing Effectively

Power and influencing
Empowerment others

Political Impressions
tactics management
Power is the discretion and the means to enforce your will over others

Valued knowledge or information

Legitimate power is what most gives an individual expert
people think of as authority and power over those who need such
is anchored to a formal knowledge or information.
organizational position.
Legitimate power may be
expressed either positively or


Referent power comes into play

Reward Power Individuals or when our personal characteristics
organizations have reward power if and social relationships are the
they can obtain compliance by reason for others’ compliance
promising or granting rewards. The ability to make threats of
Pay-for performance plans and punishment and deliver actual
positive reinforcement practices punishment produces coercive
rely on reward power. power.
Relevant Bases of Power
(Case Thomas Green)

Thomas Green Frank Davis Shannon McDonald

Expert & Referent Legitimate

Referent Power Power

Green was As a Green’s superior, Davis To Green, besides legitimate McDonald could
intelligent, focused on Green’s job power, McDonald has referent decide whether to
charismatic and performance. Davis instruct Green power since he promoted Green as keep Green in the
capable young man to do what Davis expected from a senior market specialist and had company or not. She
his job. instant connection with Green has the ultimate
Three Primary
Reaction of Power

• Resistance: people can simply be

indifferent, be passive-aggressive,
or actively resist.
• Compliance: do only what is
expected, nothing more. No extra
effort and provide no extra input
• Commitment: committed believe in
the cause and often go above and
beyond to ensure its success.
Influence Tactics (Case Thomas Green)
Rational Persuasion Exchange
Trying to convince someone with reason, S Making explicit or implied promises and
logic, or facts. trading favors. A
Ingratiation F R
Getting someone in a good mood prior to D
making a request. T Coalition Tactic
Thomas Green Getting others to support your efforts to
persuade someone.
Inspirational Appeals T
Build enthusiasm by appealing to others’
emotion, ideals, or value. A A
C Legitimating Tactic C
Consultation Frank davis Basing a request on authority or right,
organizational rules or policies, or
Getting others to participate in planning, explicit/implied support from superiors.
making decisions, and changes. I I
Personal Appeals Pressure S
Referring to friendship and loyalty when Frank davis
Demanding compliance or using
making a request. intimidation or threats.
Impression Management
Impression management is any attempt to control or In Thomas Green case, he did not make a good
manipulate the images related to a person, impressions to his supervisor, Frank Davis.
organization, or idea.

Upward Impression Management Tactics Upward Impression of Thomas Green:
1. Job-focused—tactics that present information 1. Green’s lack of ability in making a report,
about your job performance in a favorable light. organizational chart, and market data.
2. Supervisor-focused—praise and favors for your 2. Green was criticizing Davis budget plan.
supervisor. 3. Green openly challenged Davis in the budget
3. Self-focused—an image of yourself as a polite meeting.
and nice person.
Power Sharing and Empowerment
(Case Thomas Green)
Empowerment consists of efforts to “enhance
employee performance, well being, and
positive attitude. Pushing decision making
authority to lower level.

Frank Davis:
- Davis did not confirm his pro forma number
with Green before budget meeting. When 2008
budget plan of growth had been developed,
Green loudly disagreed with Davis’ unrealistic
pro forma number.
Does Frank Davis has “domination management
Organizational politics are intentional acts in pursuit of self-interests that conflict with organizational

Distinguishing Characteristics
Cooperative pursuit of
general self-interests

Cooperative pursuit of
Coalition group interests in
Level specific issues

Individual pursuit of
Individual general self-interests


The lack of Thomas Green’s political awareness turn to be disaster.
Organizational politics cannot be eliminated. In the tricky situation with Frank Davis, who had another
candidate for new senior marketing specialist, Green did not pay much attention with office politics. He take
the new position for granted, and did not make good impression to Davis. Instead of to overcome the
problem, Green was not making improvement of his faulty.

Thomas Green was never aware his weaknesses, lack of experience and
coordination, too much denial.
Green was incompetent in making market data report and never think serious about his superior orders. Davis
need the report for getting strategic decision, but Green underestimated the important of the report.

Thomas Green did not have effective communication.

Green only focus his relation to external parties. As a Davis’ subordinate, Green did not realize the important
of effective communication with his superior. Green also ignored Davis’ orders several times and avoided
interactions with Davis whenever he could.

Frank Davis has domination management style.

Empowerment consists of efforts to “enhance employee performance, well being, and positive attitude.
Pushing decision making authority to lower level. As a leader, Davis, is an imposes decision leader.
1. It is important to know our own power, position and superior’s power to avoid undesirable
things. Never ignore office politics that exist.
2. As a new employee in an organization, we should assess the situation and condition within
organization (what so called office politics) then we must act and behave accordingly based on
those assessment.
3. One of the common effective way to resolve bad impressions is by apologizing. The apology
should consist of four main characteristics as follow:
• Acknowledge of wrong doing
• Acceptance of responsibility
• Expression of regret
• Promise that the offense will not be repeated.
It is not too late to apologize to Davis and McDonald for the misconduct.
4. Do not be the one who always full of yourself and be aware of your surroundings.
5. Set the objective and goal before influencing others and use the effective influencing method
Beckham, H and Sasser, W Earl. 2008. Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis.
Harvard Business School Brief Cases
Kinicki, A and Fugate, Mel. 2018. Organizational Behavior: a Practical, Problem-Solving Appraoch.
2nd ed. New-York: McGraw-Hill Education
Yukl, G. 2013. Leadership in Organizations. 8th edition, Singapore: Pearson Education Limited
Thank you!
Have a great rest of the day!

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