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G.R. No. 118423 June 16, 1999


This is an appeal from the Decision of Regional Trial Court of Villasis, Pangasinan finding appellants who
are all farmers and residents of Villasis, Pangasinan guilty of the crime of murder sentencing each of
them to suffer penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay the heir for the victim, Victor Hilario Miranda,
incumbent barangay captain at the time of the stabbing incident.

The prosecution’s evidence reveals that the victim together with his companion when to his fishpond to
celebrate the birthday of his dauther. At around 5:00 ocklock in the afternnon, the victim and his
companions headed home to Brangay Villaniueva, Bautista, Pangasinan. Thwn eht group reached the
provincial road, appellant Sanchez blocked the middle of the road while his co-appelants were some 20-
25 mts behind him. Contawe, Robiños, and Callo were holding their bolos; Jose had his bolo sheathed on
his shoulder, while Abayan was holding two (2) first-size stones. Apellant confronted the victim about his
accusation the he was stealing ipil-ipil wood and fish as an argument ensued. As the argument between
the appellant and victim heated up, Sanchez moved back towards his companion who then encircled the
the group of the victim in such a way that nobody could move. Jose passed by the back of Miranda and
nodded Sanchez giving them signal as Sanchez pulled a knife and stabbed the victim in the stomach, the
son of the victrim tried to chase Sanchez but he was blocked by appellant Jose who was holding a bolo.


1. w/n the appelants were convicted of murder on the theory of conspiracy.

2. w/n the appellant Sanchez’claim that it was in self-defense


Yes. It is well-settled that conspiracy exist when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning
the commission of a crime and decide to commit it. The rule is that conviction is proper upon proof that
the accused acted in concert, each of them doing his part to fulfill the common design to kill the victim. In
such case, the act of one becomes the act of all, and each of the accused will thereby be deemed equally
guilty of the crime committed. Thus the court find facts, pieced together indubitably prove the existence of

No. Trial court correctly pointed out that the evidence on records does not show unlawful aggression on
the part of the victim. Rather, it was appellant Sanchez who was the unlawful aggressor. He confronted
the victim on the provincial road wherein, after a heated argument, he stabbed the victim. Hence, the
invocation of self-defense by Sanchez must fail.

The Regional Trial court held finding the accused-appellants guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime
of Murder as defined and penalized with modification as to the award of damages.

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