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ONIS SS SS SS IIA ANS EY Eid ee ‘Ss Db sbul-lé 2 sl ee Rr GRD 7 Cs b3 oe Sc - os vee ay a os « rs we GaP Wan A Oe te ae a a ao : ocr Os Pet oe) Wee one Ny Ge Os GRE Or fk Os es EP bee OF bas EPs be tn Peas Lt ged Oat gad RL ded SORE ged at ed SRE ges UR gad 73 S s 2 oa eat 53 Yad i th eb * vs eet ol see © es oe | et Be f MR P fe wee i Boa a) Ae af Fe EE so as ct 1g Td yS-t-6-b-6-4 a os es salt ik, P| he ae SA S aes) ; CS g a : , ty Sa v7 23a dap, sk a JPRS e tseloea Se OS és WHititera fui jSes Lables Shaw GbevonZiew 1h re bP tebe na Pottyge cso Sora fa hit alll le MM Moan Se Cao rolieirloxre nl Lys MPA Loti hull tele d slertvesh a fLL GN tuPL ba Ine iebat Lb SOS ES LL Spat Se bn FIP pS W6L as Per suntot TeerE ite CUAL Tiras Fir LL wctne Sed Ure Siete SSF Ib L CroiiS ASAI ES BT Late Sooty hEncengt AA POL A aI SPU EAS eis he ey 2 LEGA Male ithe Sat Se Gln eth Shiva het eu Si oi SS, Sars SAL Lib Sin Sicde Metre Sal Jobe Suet cKale ghee He by hr, be rerf bh Liou” “1 “é bear PL Lie Ll ips fe viol ye I Ve vi res whore dFM aut ASyynul 17 92-42-7230555-7352427:0)9 92-42-7120071: 2 @ tkhfa Gs Apter) | If any of these letters appears after a noon saakin (\) or tanveen (2. ~)it will be pronounced with a light nasal sound. Ghunna (2-7) The sound emanates from the nose and is observed on these letters. @ \khfa meem saakin (7) When the letter baa (=) appears after a meem saakin ((*) it will be pronounced with a light sound in the nose. @ Idghaam (U--W-") If any of these letters appears after noon saakin (¥) or tanveen (4) Idhhaam with ghunna is performed. @ Qaigla (-G-—-4-5) When any of these five letters appear in their saakin form, or you are stopping on them, it appear to have an echoing or jerking sound. @ Qalb(—) If baa (~) comes after noon saakin (W) or tanveen (4,4) then noon is converted into meem, and ghunna is performed. © idghaam meem saakin (7 ) If after a meem saakin (7) there appear another meem mushaddad (¢) the two meems will be incorporated and will be read with Ghunna. csi Li tiy ne) @ ce Zz 4) Fol (Ootvws iL bi, be UAL eT SCP Cs @ pe i Rul At Sent nel es COS ew C) Lb GA WL OSE ITSP G+-0-1) (1 @ 3 Zy wFi(Oe bus Jeb Abie Bot L Ly Sees) ( bone b-3) 8 @ 2bGALE tGbLolee WIE bull unt fi Lut LS (~)_f @ L (8,4) w#Ouyos Ase losin! (sho! ~te Cae <9 EVE FOAL BG The place of articulation of sound fie Finis ” is called MAKHARAJ, In Arabic “erie LOS Pont Lbs there are 29 alphabets and pronounced é in cs of sound. : -e Seer Fonser a Fe p29 LBs Nee tiren) 5 els 3 by, «| Originates from the habla PUES Raid go ‘| emptiness of the mouth. The Aerial Letters poets te Originates from the back we tthle BEL HF Be of the throat (larynx). : oat 4G i, \; | Originates from the centre bse 2hnl F ABIES | ofthe throat. es iL Originates from the upper UL nile wk ysl The Guttural gi ppei ee thle PL “ ice Letters portion of the throat. eh 5P __ | The back of the tongue ncaa eit 2Sgye3s) | rises and touches the we tn 2 L tele = ec soft palate. gr oye sali “_..«:| The center of the tongue fe FLIaG Gols eo touches the upper palate. The upturned side of the Splartinelo “yj, az} | tongue touches the left eur} @ 5 gums of the upper back teeth. rome ZX Li a bP - __ | Originates when the tip deur Hert ‘y AVS) | of the tongue touches -< OF the upper teeth. ae 2 Ve A 7 Originates when the tip p 1 Nayak BY 6 2SuF pod! 14" ce vy bol a | | of the tongue touches the urd xiit fe axe upper two front teeth. Pa Hes , Originates when the tip of UPL bile UKs =, costs | the tongue touches the “fd nbt ee WL anes edge of the upper two front oe 7 teeth. Originates when the tip of the tongue touches front uiLnbeuriLé. upper and lower teeth. td sthle dn AiLuxn ry? Originates from the lips. GLE LA jlsiend + Orralnatee ven =< bi a f a portion of jottom lip sie tee WE UFdts ‘The Labial Letters | Meets the edge on the two - The system of Qur’anic punctuation used in the Arabic script incorporates several kinds of signs or symbols indicating variations in methods of Qira’ah (or recitation of the Qur’an). The following table of symbols, known as the ‘4/amat al Wagf (or Signs for Stops), gives a brief description of their meaning. © This symbol shows the end ofa verse. Therefore, pause is must. * Wagf Lazim-is the stop by which the word and meaning give a complete sense, and this is called complete stop because the utterance is complete and is separated from what follows. + Wagf Ja’iz, al Wagf Awla-may or may not stop at place indicated, but first preference is to stop. The Sufficient Stop is the one in which continuing or stopping is permissible; yet making a stop is preferable it is called sufficient, because it can stand by itself, independently of what follows, because it is not connected with it in words. € Wagf Ja’iz -may or may not stop at place indicated (there is no preference). 5 Itis betternotto stop here. ve Itisthe breaking of the vice ata Qur’anic word for a brief moment without taking a breath at two counts (nearly two seconds). Ir Wagqf Ja’iz, al Was! Awla-may or may not stop at place indicated, but first preference is not to stop. Itis better not to stop here. Better to stop. & TG Itis better to take a pause. v Stop vocal sound for a moment without breaking the breath. 4% Vocal sound stoppage more than a moment without breaking the breath. Y Wag/ Mamnu’-must notstop at place indicated. 2 The same is the Ramz-e-Wag/-here that has previously passed, #& Ta ‘anug al Waaj-may stop at either place indicated, but not both places. Sicns OF W40F (PAUSES) IN THE QUR’ AAN The Arabic word 9 (waqf literally means “stop.” In terms of recitation of the Qur’aan it refers to the breaking of the voice fora period while the reciter stops to take a breath with the intention of continuing the recitation. In order to prevent mistakes in recitation, various abbreviated signs are provided in the Qur’aan for those who ere not familiar with the Qur’aanic sciences and the Arabic language. It is necessary to follow all these signs as strictly as possible in order to prevent mistakes in recitation. The signs, listed and explained below, appear inthe Qur’aan slightly smaller and higher than the rest of the text. pias ee wagftaamor “perfect stop”: This sign indicates the end of a verse. Atthis point, the meaningis complete anclone ahould stop reading and take a breath before continuing. Originally, thie sign wae written ae 8, butie now simplyindicated by a circle. iy a - wagflaazim or “required stop”: Itis absolutelynecessary to stop here. If one doesnot doso, the meaning.will be changed drastically. A rough example in English would be to say: "Standnot! Sit!” as opposed to “Stand! Notsit!" In such a case the meaning has been changed to the opposite of whatwas intended {uss 10.0? wagfimutlag or “absolute stop’ :One should break the breath and voice before continuing. This differs from the ayahin that the full sentence has notbeen completed yet and there issomething more to follow before the meaning is complete. CA C. He». waatjaa izor “permissible stop”: Risbetter to stop here but f one does not, thats fine. 3. LF) wagtmijanwaz itisbetternottostep here VO. LTP? wagfmurakh-khasor “licensed pause”: One should continuereading at this sign butif oneis tired and pauses to take abreath, itis also permissible. Itis more desireable to continue at this sign than at 2. deo Ss 22 at-nas! alae or “continuing is preferable": itis better to continue reciting here, SO... qeela ‘alayhit-vragf. thas been ssid that itis better not to stop here, This sign indicates differing opinions on whether to stop or not. Lo ps He 0729. gael yusat itis better to stop here but to continue is permissible \ Ld - giforatop!”: This aign ie used where itis anticipated that the reciter might otherwise continue reading instead of stopping 4 >" saktah or “silence”: At this sign one should stop reading but not break the breath before continuing. There are four places in the Qur'aan where it is obligatory:in verses occurring in Sura Kat, Yaaseen, Qiyaemahand Mutat fifean. Ae ’ (A > - wagfai: One should pause here longer than ata > , again without breaking the breath, ) DB eeste e ecreartnee aererrenceeaemacercreracienteneniairesn cts Beep ten Gir seMM( ie iecre (ins ete oael‘eeeectnrel ena oyrll bea BAU Bertone Comes e ite hte er ty corer neering ees aered Peres eae ie macaron ennrecem eter Ineeertet eintesurraminpsrectee enn Wiccan neicats thatastop at thefirst makesa stop at the second prohibited because the meaning would become incomplete. Thus one can stop atone or the other of these marks butnot both, 5. Indicates a pointwhore there are differing opinions ao to whether iti the end of an ayahor not. P83 wagFun-abi: Indicates places where the Prophet (”) paused. <5 wagt gfustraar: itis said that ifthe raciter and listener make du awhen pausing at these places, itwil be accepted. UR: 3.2. wagf manzil: aloo known as wagfjibra ili where Jibreel (peace be upon him) paused at the time of revelation. ‘Note: In any case where two signe appear together, one above the other, preference should be given te the one on top. Ghunna 3 ie) i= g © © ”n i ® ® = = G © te D) 2 Ons y tess Elbe w ~ 4b > . Y 424% 29 Optional! bho iS oa 3 lOCk = was Qalgala @lkhfa Meem Saakin oS nesax| @ Ikhfa -! SI ESS SS a Ea OE TT ; are WK aot Aas Pe AR BC Uh eee AR oT Bhs Te Ha te é mo pects CP Te REI CRT} ole § Coda i823 ie SEY ah ay Fe mee ee emia in Ghunna Qalgala alas c& a} y 9 3 2 3 %,) ata) =. § 3. 3 © Mt z oO ” \ 3 E Dar % o \ a 2 \ 8 fe V3? o 8 oe = ° ¥ : 2 < i/ = eH & rea = $3 aon és a i ra) a Be = aS (aay Koel Wao NE bed SeP HRS ae @ |khfa -e! @|dghaam es) : 2 dsz a as eae. 5 ze Sg Neu 8° oa Dh mee Sh aussi SBEsh Choabe sls a EG Sos;ailes ree Vou Cease G Saeed cess Soa 38 ANSI C3EEN E5035 52855 Sa eBTE Ze aCe ENS Sch Shes CALS aie Geen es CePA Aaah es 2 Rec Pnieeyr erent earn Wisp S KA ENTS ANGE CG SIE % Nb G ies Sys 285 of5sks) se Qalbos 3 hfa Meem Saakin penis] ¢ Qalgalaaas @|dghaam Es} @\dghaam Meem Saakin (pt ase el& a} ‘@ Ghunna ae CA AOS Ro Ae FEES EY 3 arises : eG I Elba log esa Bie 5S Geils: Baa BBIELES} sg ahnsts 35 541 agile ABS Is Be eer SAC BATS dgahes 2 Gs SEE Se HGisice 21 GENE SG IN Md 3X5 at du FA Ee Lees CSE SEAS IE Lo ni ss e jetlBles 3 Gea 8 994 Woe Gialiesi casa AGetls23182 Alia 2335 epioten adsl SSA SE Baa HOG FR Sel E5 5S lh) 5 ee hE Iie eLhalll sles ir Gena eH re soe Ae @lkhfa -4s| @lkhfa Meem Saakin peste} @OQalqalaass @QalbG ighaam ees} — @ Idghaam Meem Saakin ¢plw peeP& 5! = @ Ghunna a Giz iGiitea 2s EE ipo Oe ce obi SPAS 06585 G5085 ECE ACTS a Lai M ses cael Sales Bieyioyths Biya Midy Kops GE SEU GIAEASE BBO Seas eay ase sO osijr ss AT ILSSG CHE aces sls SN sale ICRI FI SE 5h Salen Ai CAS OAS Ka BIS eaS BS Sele ML EGG PCPA E SAGs oak Bes SMITE p58 ie GHOSE eee ea A CASA cps wei poa sy @ Ikhfa ++! @lkhfa Meem Saakin Uw“ pedix| @OQalqaladss @Qalb/ @ Idghaam Meem Saakin o>tw pee \& >) ® Ghunna ae AIRS iesh ci ce Ks G) Masi aK le glecl sa S ag BUS ORGS RSs anCsEsle| AA C\9 97 ALA) 9 909) Cu (Pos 2A 2 | I Ush9e3'\! re) Bi 7 Cg ZO? 9986 SH, oe — = iF = ys ese XA aswel ® GOs 6 SENG GH] BAU NIE ESE NSAI CEES ENC cab alts cay . ae iy, = 7 > OPE 94 2 AN GB aA hd 2.172274 9 o Alc ACTS Sep oe Wei Spt) BE Ae Ie SS) Faia ete hares alee: i) oo bans \als Aw SA >. i 428A 9G G29: Cc oh | | Ae a 7 g sents Zz. 44 Ba v Gi Rs 5 Ca Ge REEL EIS as Leslie ox ee0s GES Sr Sh oti Sse lssis sek cai STS Sy.anel” Geese ube Ns yes CEs NEY @idgha sam 1 eles) ae ame icgheaMeenisaan PH pee PE a} — ea encestso ohh fag CT kee | salir Boch Hie Sins ea sResNtle Sic CRE ACB G38 aS g Sisas Ba ia Fa shies *8 ae 5 BN 2? SOS PON, 5G ed if 5 soles sie Sis aaa ee nea ci rr iS @®ldghaam ess} @ldghaam Meem Saakin oS peselEs! — @ Ghunna a BEER SEAS S S Beeb S siaushls Yeates nciialsee 9 ESS GA ANOS E55 oh a SB SEG iss Eis ial SEC Daya esiCBiece PbaB SE ihS5i etn slesis| UE szees SSIs cesh Moe cies asses sas Saheb LUG dso Ns dy SE) phi Pcharg)se Sse HIEKG Kel ESCA ee Oe Lage ol llis J hid dy Calis Aets_ GK aesske SS ARLES ie Sy ks SI SBINS EST BUH oI 4S Wee desea sss SH) @lkhfa z+) @lkhfa Meem Saakin pees) @Qalgalaassi @Qalb e Idghaam Meem Saakin ie ne a © ebunne a eS ay gq % "3 blade Ay es ahd ions $b eH) 94 Grd a N)3 IA Ch sale Z Bega aus See ight ee Sib ye ok SSe98 ob sESascegenss Ch Gs EES oy 2b tho 53 ER aes 33315 gaa te) GES URE KLE ESI Abyss Aho CEiG Matas SMSC gd HOG) SIGS Shes sissies GHOG3 5° Geaki Sees 42 4 77 Ae eee ah ek (als ENE Baia oie SS Gece fel eo Ky & BG) Oe W8) a oeaaee a a ighaam ees} @ Idghaam Meem Saakin (Sw pee e& 5) ® Ghunna ae BSE G EUS Go SESS Colt | dR OCA ae Aegan | Estee Pig ebansys INES IKE Moo RAINE SB GSAS HOS ESL CL BOGE bachisgg sess esa IAS2, 9 020, pu KOM Wty 22497 eae a OS EEEA TS NS COPY 5 sO Lesauidtds Ge BS Ge Gis Athicey) HK.92 22 ox pu otPK seater \i(h obit Ohad Oh S2steBlo cassie S316, cu] Zion NANG protets 224 29% (pees Ses > al 316 Spm Bets 528 Ob GSS A 12 6 BR @y ' @'dghaam Es) ‘@ Idghaam Meem Saakin op px t& 3! ‘@ Ghunna ae Dhow Rte aA Nig 9 294 AS A Al LA CTY | Ae SNS WSS) e\sa) (5) Ge) eee Miseagi ice Melee Cal BU, Wee 92 Sig24 seat C4 ahah 7 shw?h N09 58 end S155 Gb) GC) GHNe|o Soha | : f Feat 79997 SE cs ISAS AGI SHIN Sita Sates o Cae 4 22 | [SS EEG SoCs B28 5)5) 24 a5 ? dy leREQailuis Gale gsi ssc ei sh ese ba A Uessegh eS asd Cisse 204A i 25 t 4.) 4 51% 4 4 O15 ts , az ey ~ Egil S35 3 AN LA aA gn, | 7 227 Si Yo Gai ait Fé GIR A Es a vi PAE) LSTA 2s w Eb IS a Asie ralEsiea Guiso G38 GS | SEL GIL Yseosde Gaze crsi ARATE enied 2 pleas BS Gas Gl 35 pS AIST Gndisgenerars @lkhfa -4s| @lkhfa Meem Saakin peste} @WOQalqalaass @QalbG @ldghaam ees} @ldghaam Meem Saakin osw peer&s) = @ Ghunna ae Biles SSG SS BIE Seo sepa is pois chia steht G3 aE GEN Cie ii OSE Soba i tog sia ol ashseN bene Cssebisa bs cacaes “SGV RS eBeBs 2 BCE opel SG ASG AG EI MBE Saale Sch oS Go 35 seca Cab See UES NRG MAI AS hse EMO Ga AU SANNA eats PRN IN SACD aly ysl OSs SE SC ISS SECM pial ns SOs soGste Uso py Bee Scubil 2n Seated CEB E Sa gaal SHS is Oa cAfeade CS 2457 pal B eS ee le oe cob @lkhfa «=| @lkhfa Meem Saakin peste} @WOQalqalaazs @QalbH ®idghaam ees} @ldghaam Meem Saakin pw meres) = @ Ghunna as Ake BREA AS Segue ye BS sachs sot HTS nea oe pe iss AP a CRN we I anata ls ran ecanstele OsiG cetislGan Sains gies Sosa. AA Eel Phy ste nae a ne Ee cee soe “\> sie meOelee gaa Baan SOAS Os boss als atic tss Bah aly’ 24 a7 Sa SIONS ce Os sos GHEE 9o-Z6 uh PELE ERG BL AE 39 Call FPISAC RSH Gall Gesties Ue AH78 » ago vel etait al FoiNoh Ged pssiesbboae ee! 4 WN iF @ Ikhfa ++! @lkhfa Meem Saakin ~penix| @Qalqaladss @Qalb/ guean) fac Ecghaan Mest sean eps pee PE a) Ghunna a PIES AIISES ASRS je oS « 2a SSzailey5 i Cie ts essa eS c/s Ws oe Both aa" vt NANT HLS eg alts ue aS Ces age pill Siaaarek CRO IT eG TTICe CABG at, See SEG Sa BM MAGA IIS Baal ye saat SEES SHAS | | FEN SISSIES GLOSS | 1535 BEBE BOs Bay iS 25 ES Sol Sir As By GES oe Hails) se SieiiiGh en R AS oa Oxs ELSail Shes 2d Pos) cs LY" 472 BMgdbs, Jill Seca ly 26 ie sesieseece secs weale 7345 SE) @idghaameés} @ldghaam Meem Saakin cpwpee"&s) @& Ghunna at Bae siluieg Assia ss Besse WSN (ik Secale keh See Seats BEE Me 2 Figs AS ces ae aaa FN opts Sssienss eh Bsa Sieeeh oie ee es Ke ESS NG SAL SVS 13 Se , 6% » G 6 Ores Se aa lL Case ae sch ean asthe KG A S505 Sader Eas SES1Ob48 Mloseok 0 So sesainS jain @ Ikhfa ++! @lkhfa Meem Saakin Specie} @OQalqalaass @Qalb/ meee a2 ples} ‘@ Idghaam Meem Saakin cp pee *& 2) ‘® Ghunna a ya [seaeblacaniich 6 ai SOE LA) | 46 dy A435 221 34 SOG pein O! Sede GBA SSSI Go Aa SoBe ec He Aisbsss oslse sass SE Sessile] sitincls PH | 3) CH u 4 ie Z9u™ 7 Lad, 50g hiss Ageless Aah 233 14252 34>, FEO [G3 Siathgh wh ni eet gs Lasbuss 139 CEES Tee8 4s ISS B84 Sg sdi's Finseicus | esi ROA Srila so gibE CROCS Bs OAS Reals ail PASe S88 IS » Menage ds | sratash sa rere aT oH) fs SNL SG HOEK [A edsObieals ee IC AGY Panes s4s| @lkhfa Meem Saakin so @Qalqalaszs @Qalb/ ighaam secs [A ehiras we acts es | [ssn ds by SBSH OS bod) eF EEC Sesto Gh S)| [ss epceiaotiey a ee nd oe : a OM a. Ws mane Io i Ns | Bis ee Rasta “a i rca PESOS 5 | AGE SIF UIE | ate sae Ss. ate “| hot SIS as aa i SERS pastes ca ee @ Ikhfa Lass @lkhfa Meem Saakin oes Lacs Qalgala alas ‘@Oalb5 @®ldghaam eé;! | @ldghaam Meem Saakin ¢Stu peels! == @Ghunna SCS SAE; aie <4! op sel APSA é Be aR east coiegllca BS) Sf febualtlesstisesi she. 4 4 224 Sila Ase 5 Pole Mtar- wile 535543) aie EES @gi. agi aH NANG BEG ff i ts Bailie sans B55 305 OS Bich Ciel oes ae aso BB 45. Noa) sess Je Gobble! 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ZnSO PS 22 as Ge Ci tasks sk agtlitGce sels efoete st ap lesen lyse besa Senet tsed , Les is dtsheaied Js) sivzasis Gay SG Gud gs Pisa Ay 265) 505 3%b2 PpaNsenioh gs ay a IG spaaat PASS posers: gh ells eis eeadis Megerkangeann ies pence UB Matsa SSIs El PAIS Sah ALES ripe nots Sy ne @lkhfa Az) @lkhfa Meem Saakin ope) @Qalgala alas al we @ldghaameés!} Sldghaam Meem Saakin cpwpe&s) © Ghunna at | | 59: > ee, OS TP ee 83 UE AEN ese Stes , 49 2 4A RA Hol 9 o9%e0d £14 d ES EA BA seth Sais Shiela “LES LAS, AOR 7 BAZ TIS 72 oh Ae oO bw CE SRN 3 HS NSANS Ch th 950 89 cay “WY < A745 47h) C10 o Zo GING Spo idaho bau 19 SeF a ea eter KEE SUSIRAGIIPSES I FON YS rhe wedlesegsle oN Ec BAe BRS Cal soowei eau Jeg Mi MedeealaS sil ardsi PEER SSIES EN EN 58 My sesS pcg Gadi oh Joes Zz. sl sll obeosiailse ASAE : 2 Eiepte am pea} \ ca Meem Saakin (Sw pee plE a} Ghunna uits 3 12g 524 see 505] Nees $b) A5)4,| PENI SE GS yee EA | s eULatnes Sy CRIA SS peu Sash ail oI! 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Lets JA] Los CAMPOS abNs Sd Csyss} na 44479 « 99% 4 999aA% |) Cre GAZA BS Sul BO GSS | SAF ap CeapLAC EG po cuss sah] Aone ad Amy i SS See bssagcls 8 lb 555 Azul] NYS Sle ascii Hansel eels, gels | 47% Sirgen BOS Gis 2 U0) 2 Let] BRENT SEMAN SETS ealioss| OP ANS see Eig in gl Ca BUalS3S 5 Aina hseah FT | @ikhfa Us) @lkhfa Meom Saakin Opeus| @Qaiqalaaas @Qalb.s @ldghaam és} $Sldghaam Meem Saakin cpw pees! © Ghunna ae dG weaslstshsks2 fc) bo Ge SES SNA 5s Se Sass She yess SES EABYS Babs ogAlaFe oi) SORES W's $s SES ais \do3, C3855 PL EG Race MB gels za Sis Ese Meieeeels Sci ott) is Rea BES ews Lika aN agea gels lashes EN ig ine staan Diade ashe | 63 BegiRrsRSIL 4815 Mees 8 55 Se A ASE ISTE Seepet usichs Tiginse ces soars NMS eee 588 5 ae IRemeseees oi esis Sails Raich toa Ea Ikhfa +4] @lkhfa Meem Saakin Sw petis] @Qalqalaszs @Qalb/ @ldghaam és} Sldghaam Meem Saakin cpio pees! © Ghunna ae SLs BAIS gba Rees LSBs EC Co 3sbiaS 6 sleds 2) Ueg bis eae PlC\PBSEs CB tlilo aut hers zy CAMS Brad Cas SiRF IS £5 Ns A PAIS ESELSl Sebo Shssels ss ass “BeNS SSIES ARE SEBS SSEG5 Gs oh Gg bas SEUE ORT cas Zz 2 2(oe % 2 alas eee GUBO o SUR) Sea SSS ME sakes a Ae Z, * Poesy y Osh GAickiys Gp a | 92 ‘e an Bide re ASS nA asset a OS akabals ; % (98 » v 7 ARLES Aabis testis Sasi Si Ee CLS Sh Ves alias Be. aa) we r4y ® Bis SSEC MU leles EOL Yess USsopCels Suseisteslbstsle iu) @ Ikhfa -4=| @lkhfa Meem Saakin Sepsis} @Qalqalaaas @Qalb @ldghaam és} Sldghaam Meem Saakin cpio pees! © Ghunna ae RITA eesh Seuss Geta cMenstig rls t65 SAA IE Beas en tai si \43 ae eo baa ee aL PING SEAS Stl 6X aS ce ssapeans ys cidésealie suse 5 BS iee8 sade GSN. 098 A AL GTS ga TOO) ed (Suhish Bn QiUsshsbs Nays Cy bS 45515 4G) SSA ELS EN Ahn 23 Baap Sagi QGahlas Fide a glass y aga Alessi vied Balla Ov eee Cakes COSI Sc @ Ikhfa -4=| @lkhfa Meem Saakin Sea @Qalgala «as — NS NEAT Saath e Bsc iy aA vs Pee g i BENG) C525 28d 194 y 997 Pern 599% ’ Scala ge asi BREE A AAS 3 hi 3s85 ce LTT Eh i 2 AHN} CRS Foaks SACRE SINS S s a £044 OPEN taisegs panes) PTZ SOBER SHES £22 NGA a we Za Cli SSE hes C5 AIC Seslih i bs BE Sisal SAG | GER ISG SME oA psBa sya Celis kei aoretie s Bielshi} EA Fis LBs G8 ies ish Ae Ua Ss chiSCPalgoel plERSl Ses sis] SUNS RE EK oh Sts GRP GE Sey F Eis S055 iis Sag RS Seb 3 Sita 5859 ZH 2 er @lkhfa Meem Saakin S~prix) @Qalqalaaas @Qalbs ® Idghaam es! egneam asa Saakin cp pee (© a} Ghunna a&& ekassschas Kal SOMES Ss Soi HS Sys) ome wy shy ayasie 2iSesal Ty Gey’ ‘ava LCE glelisils eae EDU hc Ae ake ee oS ASiss | ae ea Cocee = eso Sets ih bos edi Siege eee Gh SiS di Cosh J Nha en see \g is Os ye BBS Ge 7 : Dhdiesha 4 B31 6 Ea Aske a NSIS ae 8 —— @ Idghaam P&s) @ldghaam Meem Saakin (Su pee Pé 5} @Ghunna a pil idee ae 19 998g Hida gaSEse IRL TOES % 4 CBIR IN pA a Sy ee 4 wt ee Wain, boGRIeN gas B25 .8 08 GAS ho abahy ss sili g rails KARA AE ses st ahd C1235, [SiC 25.6 aoe Bho i 5 alsa ets Hay Kath dzele BES (Tod Bosiabsne Sislalssd 3) MeL Sdlaiid) ainis isis wll Se oses ales ABBAS ES AIT cncl gtr ash Lab Essensa cians and f Stata aiwii assay @lkhfa 2+) @lkhfa Meem ‘Saakinos-peux| @OQalqalaaws SQalb—v ® Idghaam es} sogheam Meem Saakin cp pee *& 2! 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