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ISY34BT/FIS 30BT Group Project – S1, 2020

Due: Wednesday 6 May 2020, 4:00 PM

Find an example of an ICT real project with a real project manager.

Write a report (15 -20 pages) on the following:

1. Provide a brief description of the project and its objectives, including the business needs
or other justification for authorizing the project. (8)
2. Who are stakeholders of the project? (5)
3. What tools and techniques are/were used on the project? (6)
4. Provide the project schedule as developed using Gantt Chart (8)
5. Provide a PERT chart for the project. Indicate the critical path (8)
6. Under which category (Venture, Growth and Core) does this project fall? Why? (6)
7. Identify and discuss the factors of the Three-Sphere Model for systems management
that have an impact on the project. (8)
8. What are the project’s potential risks? (6)
9. Provide the organizational structure and discuss the impact it had on the success or
failure of the project. (6)
10. What are the project success criteria? What caused the project to succeed/fail –
Explain your answer. (4)
11. How does the project team intend to ensure that the project deliver quality product(s)
or service(s)? (6)
12. (i) What is going well on the project and why? (6)
13. (ii) What is not going well on the project and why? (6)
(iii) What are your suggestions for correcting what is not going well on the project?
14. Personal Reflection: (6)
Each group member must reflect on lessons learned while doing this assignment. We
want to see each student’s personal reflection (it should be in your own words and
unique: 120 – 150 words). Personal reflections should be included as an appendix of
the assignment.

5 Marks for adhering to the requirements specified on page 2 of this assignment.


1. Cover page:
a. Course name and code
b. Group code (eg Group A)
c. Group members names and student numbers
2. Table of contents
3. Assignment layout:
a. Proper headings
b. Line spacing: 1.5 points
c. Font: Arial 12 points
d. Pages should be numbered correctly
4. References - at least 10 (ten), use Harvard Referencing method.
5. Appendix: Personal reflections
6. The assignment should be submitted as soft copy in pdf format using the method
that the lecturer will specify.
7. Note that assignments are liable for plagiarism check and if the percentage exceeds
the allowed limit, then assignment will be awarded 0%. In some cases students will
be expected to present their projects.

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