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Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

People define social media as a conduit for communication, through it obtaining

information and interacting with whom people want to be is made easier. In many

ways it minimizes human efforts such as being updated and kept in touch with others

globally without too much hustle. Moreover it is not just used for communication but it

also entertains. In fact it became a major source of entertainment and one of it are the

series shows people watch on television or most likely known as Teleseryes.

Nowadays Teleseryes are already part of any Filipino’s routine: it amuses,

diverts, and it can be a great outlet for stress. And as the people embrace the changes

and entertainment that social media has brought about, lives are becoming more and

more inseparable from it, blinded by the convenience and benefits it brings.

But these Teleseryes have downsides that raises ongoing concerns. Like a coin

having two sides, it also has good and bad effects. Teenagers mostly students

conforming to the bad things brought by what they see on television is an example.

According to Eron (1992) “There can no longer be any doubt that heavy exposure

to televised violence is one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime and violence in

the society”
Some fights, bashes, and commits violence because of the influences the

Teleserye brings .Thus the viewers are obvious of what disadvantages it might actually

bring but still they let it dictate their actions and lifestyle. The question arising to this

point is: How do Teleseryes affects its viewers?

The mentioned paved way for the researchers to study about the Modern

Philippine Teleseryes and its effects focusing on students’ persona. This study may be

the answer to common dilemmas such as the domination of Teleseryes to its viewers,

most likely to students.

1.2 Conceptual Framework

Indeed, The Philippine Film Industry has gone to extremely fast pace. The

massive effects of Teleseryes in our lives prove the mentioned. Nowadays Filipinos

especially students are greatly influenced with it in a way that it is capable of

manipulating and controlling its viewers.

However conforming to trends which most perceive as good had also caused

disadvantages. For instance students tend to expend their time to watch Teleseryes

rather than studying.

This mere observation paved way for the researchers to study about The

Philippine Modern Teleseryes and its effects. To help students become more aware and

be responsible.
To have a concrete basis for this study the researchers gathered information

about its effects on student’s persona or the personality assumed by an individual in

adaptation to what it sees on televisions. Next is its effects on students education

especially on the disruption of the academic performance and lastly on life’s perspective

which refers to their beliefs and judgments.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this research is to let the students know the effects of

Philippine Teleserye in their life. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Teleserye?

2. How does Teleserye influence student’s persona?

3. How does Teleserye affects peoples life’s perspective?

1.4 Significance of the study

This study is believed to be beneficial to the following:

The Students. This study may provide insights to the students about the effects

of Philippine Modern Teleserye on their personality in adaptation to what they see on

television and its effects to their academic performance, beliefs and judgments.

The Instructor. This study may help the instructor to gain knowledge about the

effects of Teleserye so that they can guide their students especially those who are an

avid fan of it.

The Future Researchers. The researchers believe that this study may serve as

basis for the future researchers in their research when they select a topic which is

related to this and they could also use it as a related literature in their study.
1.6 Definition of Terms

1. TELESERYE - is a television form of melodramatic serialized fiction. Teleserye is

rooted from two words: "tele," which is short for "television," and "serye," a Tagalog

term for "series" and "drama" for drama.


2. PERSPECTIVE - a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience

and personality.


3. PERSONA - the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see

you as a particular kind of person: the image or personality that a person presents to

other people.(

4. DISRUPTION - to cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way: to

interrupt the normal progress or activity of (something).(http://www.merriam-

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