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Guide to Maintenance Quick

Reference of Huawei Optical
Networking Devices

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Huawei Technologies Co, Ltd

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Guide to Maintenance Quick Reference of Huawei Optical Networking Confidentiality Level:
Devices Internal Use Only

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2005-06-07 Huawei Confidential. No disclosure without permission. Page 2 of 72

Guide to Maintenance Quick Reference of Huawei Optical Networking Confidentiality Level:
Devices Internal Use Only


Course Description .......................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 1 SDH &DWDM Products .................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Common Command Lines of OptiX 2500+........................................................................... 6
1.1.1 Commands of Configuration and Management ......................................................... 6
1.1.2 Database Opetations ................................................................................................. 9
1.1.3 Protection Type Commands and Responses .......................................................... 10
1.1.4 Communication Management Type ......................................................................... 12
1.1.5 Performance Management Type.............................................................................. 13
1.1.6 Alarm Management Type......................................................................................... 17
1.1.7 User Management Type........................................................................................... 20
1.1.8 Other Commands ..................................................................................................... 21
1.2 Common Command Lines about OptiX 155622................................................................. 22
1.2.1 Configuration and Management Types.................................................................... 22
1.2.2 Communication Management Type ......................................................................... 23
1.2.3 Performance Management Type.............................................................................. 24
1.3 Bar Code Naming Rules of the Board ................................................................................ 35
1.4 Common Optical Board Indices of 10G Device .................................................................. 36
1.5 Common Optical Board Indices of 2500+ Device............................................................... 36
1.6 Common Optical Board Indices of 155622 Device............................................................. 37
1.7 Common Optical Board Indices of 155622H Device .......................................................... 38
1.8 Common Optical Board Indices of DWDM Devices ........................................................... 39
1.9 Appendix 1: WBA/WPA/WLA Amplifier Boards and Bar Code Information........................ 39
Chapter 2 Network Managemetn (NM).......................................................................................... 41
2.1 NES NM .............................................................................................................................. 41
2.1.1 NM Datebase Backup and Restoration.................................................................... 41
2.1.2 NM Version Query and Default Login Password ..................................................... 41
2.2 RMS NM ............................................................................................................................. 41
2.2.1 NM Database Backup and Recovery....................................................................... 41
2.2.2 NM Version Query and Default Login Password ..................................................... 42
2.2.3 Common Queries in Workstation ............................................................................. 42
2.2.4 Modify NM IPAddress .............................................................................................. 44
2.2.5 Common Commands in UNIX.................................................................................. 44
2.3 T2000.................................................................................................................................. 50
2.3.1 T2000 under WINDOWS.......................................................................................... 50
2.3.2 T2000 under UNIX ................................................................................................... 52
2.3.3 Common Maintenance Operations of OptiX iManager T2000................................. 54
Chapter 3 Transmission Index Test.............................................................................................. 58
3.1 Optical Interface Indices ..................................................................................................... 58
3.1.1 Mean Launched Power ............................................................................................ 58
3.1.2 Extiction Ratio .......................................................................................................... 58
3.1.3 Receiver Sensitivity.................................................................................................. 59
3.1.4 Receiver Overload Power ........................................................................................ 60
3.1.5 Optical Path Penalty................................................................................................. 60
3.1.6 Permissible Frequency Deviation at Input Optical Interface .................................... 61
3.1.7 Output Jitter.............................................................................................................. 61
3.1.8 Jitter & Wander Torelance ....................................................................................... 62
3.2 Electrical Interface Indices.................................................................................................. 63
3.2.1 Output Interface Signals (including AIS) Bit Rate .................................................... 63

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3.2.2 Permitted Frequency Deviation at Input Port ........................................................... 64

3.2.3 Permitted Attenuation at Input Interface .................................................................. 65
3.2.4 Anti-interference Ability at Input Interface ................................................................ 65
3.2.5 Reflection Attenuation at Input and Output Interfaces ............................................. 65
3.2.6 Overvoltage Protectionin Ability of Input and Output Interfaces .............................. 66
3.2.7 Input Jitter & Wander Tolerance .............................................................................. 66
3.2.8 Output Jitter.............................................................................................................. 69
3.2.9 Mapping Jitter........................................................................................................... 70
3.2.10 Combined Jitter ...................................................................................................... 70
3.3 SEC (SDH Equipment Clock) Index ................................................................................... 71
3.3.1 Frequency Accuracy ................................................................................................ 71
3.3.2 Pull-in and Pull-out Range ....................................................................................... 72
3.3.3 Hold-over Performance ............................................................................................ 72

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Maintenance Quick Reference of Huawei Optical Networking Devices


This manual is intended for OptiX optical network maintenance Egineers. It

consists of three parts:
1. Maintenance quick reference part: Commonly used maintenance
commands, precautions and related references are available in this part. Main
contents included are as follow:
Quick reference manual of commonly used command lines and returned errors.
Quick reference manual of common reset information returned by NE software.
Relationship between board models and types of devices
2. Network Management part:, common operations and troubleshootings of
NES, RMS and T2000 are available in this part.
Testing part: This part mainly concerns definitions and indices of common optical
interfaces and electrical interfaces.
Abbreviation list:

Reference list:


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Guide to Maintenance Quick Reference of Huawei Optical Networking Confidentiality Level:
Devices Internal Use Only

Course Description

This manual is intended for OptiX optical network maintenance Egineers. It
consists of three parts:
3. Maintenance quick reference part: Commonly used maintenance
commands, precautions and related references are available in this part. Main
contents included are as follow:
Quick reference manual of commonly used command lines and returned errors.
Quick reference manual of common reset information returned by NE software.
Relationship between board models and types of devices
4. Network Management part:, common operations and troubleshootings of
NES, RMS and T2000 are available in this part.
5. Testing part: This part mainly concerns definitions and indices of common
optical interfaces and electrical interfaces.

Chapter 1 SDH &DWDM Products

1.1 Common Command Lines of OptiX 2500+

This section introduces commonly used command lines and implications of
returned values of 2500+ device. Different commands used in 155622 device will
be specifically introduced in the next section.

1.1.1 Commands of Configuration and Management

:date; // Query the current NE date.

:date:yyyy-mm-dd; // Set the current NE date.
:time; // Query the current NE time.
:time:hh*mm; // Set the current NE time.
:cfg-get-nestate; // Query the NE status, and to returned value is running
or installing.
:cfg-get-nepara; // Query the NE type.
:cfg-get-lgcsys; // Query the installed logic systems.
:cfg-get-logicbd<sysall>; // Query logic board positions of all systems.

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:cfg-get-attrib<sysall>; // Query the logic attributes of all systems.

:cfg-get-slot<sysall>; // Query the service time slot of all systems.
:cfg-get-board; // Query the board slot configuration.
:cfg-switch-xc; // Set the cross-connect board switching.
:cfg-get-workxc; // Query the current cross-connect board.
1 pq1 0x02 0x0b 0x12 true
// Query the board software version: RVER and DVER compose the board
software version (2.11). HVER is the version of FPGA+PCB. INST indicates
whether slot information is configured in the board.
:cfg-set-stgpara:syncclass=sl5p1&ex18k&sets; // Set the clock source class.
The relationship between clock tracking sources of 2500+ devices and slot
numbers are shown in the table below. There are four clock sources at most in a
slot. E.g. the corresponding clock source parameters of the four optical
interfaces of SQ1 board on IU6 are 28, 29, 2a and 2b respectively.
0x00 0x08 0x 0x 0x 0x 0x 0x 0x 0x 48 0x 50 0x 58 0x60 0x 61 0x 62
10 18 20 28 30 38 40
IU1 IU2 IU3 IU4 IU5 IU6 IU7 IU8 IU9 IU10 IU11 IU12 ex18k ex28k Sets
:outsynmode=byte&hz; // Port mode of first and second external clock
:2mpll=sets; // Set 2M phase locked source, generally it is set as sets.
:cfg-set-stgpara:inhibitsyn=sl4p1&1; // Forbid the clock source involves
:synlos=1; // Operations in case of 2M phase locked source lost. 0: send
0x0f to S1 byte; 1: send AIS; 2: shut down the output.
:synrec=1; // Wait-to-restore time of clock source. When the high-level
clock source is lost and recovered again, the waiting time to trace it again. It is
similar to the wait-to-restore time of tributary services in uni-directional PP ring.
The unit is minute.
:stge1eq=1&1; // External source 2M output impedance values, respectively
to external source 1 and source 2. The value 0 is 75 Ohms, and 1 is 120 ohms.
:insynmode=hz&byte; // Input port mode of first and second external
:cfg-set-stgpara:synbolt=2; // Set external output threshold. When the receiving
clock quality is no worse than the current clock quality, this setting will take effect.
The value 0: the threshold value is not activated; 1: no worse than SETS clock; 2:
no worse than G812 local exchange clock; 3: is no worse than G812 transit
exchange clock; 4: no worse than G811 clock.

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:cfg-set-stgpara:s1slot=sa4&sa5; // Set S1 byte of external clock

source is retrieved from a certain bit in continuous four even frames of BITS
device. The value sa4 means the fourth bit, and sa5 means the fifth bit.
:cfg-set-stgpara:s1class=sl4p1&0x02; // Manually set the S1 byte of
the clock source. Generally, this command is used in 2Mbits and 2MHz clocks
which need clock protection but provide no S1 byte.
:cfg-set-stgpara:clockid=1&sl4p1&1&sl5p1&2&sl6p1&3; // Configure
clock source IDs under S1 byte mode. The parameters are clock subnet number
& clock source & ID & clock source & ID & clock source & ID. This command only
supports setting three sets of clock IDs, and 0x00 is to cancel ID.
:cfg-set-stgpara:s1mode=0; // whether to start S1 byte
protocol, the value 0 is to stop, and 1 is to start.
:stg-get-synsource:7; (The corresponding command of 155622 device
is :cfg-get-ssmpara:.)
// Query current clock tracing source in board 7. The meaning of return values
are the same as the set values of the clock levels.
// Query current clock working mode of board 7.
The return values include trace, keep and free, representing trace, holdover and
free oscillation modes respectively.
SYN-SOURCE : 0x20 0x62
// Query current effective clock tracing sources. If the configured clock source is
lost, it cannot be quarried.
0x02 0x20
// Query S1 bytes of current clock source.
CLOCK ALL-SOURCE-S1(source-s1) : 0x20 0x02 0x62 0x0b
// Query S1 bytes of all clock sources.

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S1 CLASS(source-s1) : 0x60 0x02 0x61 0x02

// Query manually configured S1 bytes. If no S1 byte is configured, the return
value is empty.

1.1.2 Database Opetations

:dbms-compare-all:drdb,fdb0; // Check whether fdb0 database is backed up.

If the return value is empty, the database is backed up already. If “failed!
cmd:0x5c09 error:0x72a2 no error message” is returned, it is not backed up.
:dbms-backup-all:fdb0; // Back up fdb0.
:dbms-copy-all:drdb,fdb0; // Back up fdb0. The effect is the same as
:dbms-delete-all:fdb0; // Clear the database fdb0. The function is
similar with commands :dbms-clear-flag:fdb0 and :reset.
63 0c 02 0a021114020f 00
64 0c 04 0a0211140211 00
65 09 09 0a0211140602 00
66 09 08 0a0211140602 00
67 0b 03 0a020f092f32 01
68 09 08 0a020f093929 00
69 09 07 0a020f093b26 00
70 09 09 0a020f0a0e05 00
// Query multiplex section switching database aps_fatal.dbf . The value record
num means the record orders, and BID means the board ID, and EVENT means
events. See the specifications below.
Event code Meaning
1 SF (signal failure)
2 SF-CONTINUE (Signal failure continues.)
3 SF-CLR (Signal failure ends.)
4 SD (signal degradation)
5 SD-CLR (Signal degradation ends)
7 XC_SWITCH (The end node is to execute the page switching page 2 or page 3.)
8 XC_RESTORE (The page restores to page 0.)
9 PASS_XC_SWITCH (The pass-through node in the middle is to execute the page switching of page 1.)
10 LPS_XC_RESTORE (The line multiplex section page restores to page 0.)
11 LPS_XC_SWITCH (The end node of the line multiplex section page is to execute the page switching.)
OCCTIME means event occurrence time. CURPTR is current pointer of the
event occurrence. The value 01 is the earliest event occurrence, corresponding
with the earliest time.

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DBMS update time : 2002-11-11 16:46:27
// Query the refresh time of the contents in multiplex section switching database
aps_fatal.dbf, and the last time when the database is written by NE software.
:dbms-set-backuptime:3*0*0; // Set auto database back up time of NE.
:dbms-set-autobackup:open; // Set auto database back up is enabled.
:dbms-query:"cfg_brr.dbf",drdb; // Query reset records of the board. The return
value indicates the board ID and reset time of a board with reset records. It can
record 100 effective records. The first one is ineffective. The second record
indicates that board 10 had reset once at 13:35:52 on November 9, 2002.
1 53 00000000 00 00 00 00 00
2 10 00002002 11 09 13 35 52
3 15 00002002 11 09 13 36 06
4 01 00002002 11 11 14 24 44
5 07 00002002 11 11 14 24 45
6 05 00002002 11 11 14 24 46
7 06 00002002 11 11 14 24 46
8 09 00002002 11 11 14 24 46
9 10 00002002 11 11 14 24 46
10 15 00002002 11 11 14 25 00

1.1.3 Protection Type Commands and Responses

:apsc-set-protocol:sys1,new; // Set the multiplex section switching

protocol in the system. The NE setting support 4F ring only under the new
protocol. This command takes effect only in NE software above
:apsc-set-switch:sys1,east, ring_man; // Set manual ring switching on
eastward of system1. The operation types are as below.
span_exer: exercise switching in the span; span_man, manual switching in the
span; span_force: force switching in the span; ring_exe: exercise switching in
the ring; ring_ma:, manual switching in the ring; and ring_force: force switching
in the ring.
:apsc-clr-switch:sys1,east, ring_man; // Cancel manual ring switching at
eastward of system1. The operation types are as described above.

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sys1 SF S bidir
// This does not support host software with new protocol. This command is used
to query the switching state of system 1. There are four levels, SF (signal failure),
SD (signal deterioration, 10e-6< B2 bit error <10e-3), and NR (not sure). The
states include I (Idle), S (switching), P (pass-through) and WTR (wait to restore).
If the return value is 0x00, the protocol has stopped, and 0xff indicates the
protocol is starting.
sys1 SF_R S west
// This supports host software with new protocol. This command is used to query
the switching state of system 1 under the old protocol. There are five levels,
SF_R (signal failure in ring), SF_S (signal failure in span), SD_R (signal
deterioration in ring), SD_S (signal deterioration in span) and NR (not sure). The
parameters of STATE are the same as described above.
sys1 NR 0x00 OFF NR 0x00 OFF
// Supports host software with new protocol. This command is to query the
switching state of system one under the new protocol.
:apsc-set-forcesw:sys1,west; // Set westward force switching of system
:apsc-clr-forcesw:sys1,west; // Clear westward force switching of system 1.
:apsc-set-mansw:sys1,west; // Set westward manual switching of system 1.
:apsc-clr-mansw:sys1,west; // Clear westward manual switching of
:apsc-set-exersw:sys1,west; // Set westward exercise switching of system
:apsc-clr-exersw:sys1,west; // Clear westward exercise switching of
system 1.
:apsc-start-locksw:sys1,west; // Start locking westward switching of system
:apsc-stop-locksw:sys1,west; // Stop locking westward switching of system
:apsc-start:sys1; // Start multiplex section protocol of system 1.
:apsc-stop:sys1; // Stop multiplex section protocol of system 1.

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:apsc-set-para:sys1,1,3,600; // Set node parameters in multiplex section.

The parameters in turn are system 1, local node number is 1, the largest node
number in the ring is 3, and the swithcing restore time is 600 seconds.
:apsc-get-para:sys1; //Query node parameters in multiplex section
of system 1. The return values are same as the above.
:apsc-get-event:sys1; //Query the switching events in multiplex
section of system 1.
:apsc-set-sdflag:sys1,enable; // Set SD switch in multiplex section of system
1 is enabled. That is to say, when the bit error rate is over 10e-6, the switching
can be realized.
:apsc-set-pgflag:enable; // Enable NE cross-connect pages activities.
That is to say, NE cross-connect pages can switch to different states. Dangerous
operation: If this is set as disabled, even if the multiplex section switching is
succeeded, the service will be interrupted.
:apsc-set-t1time:sys1,6000; // Set t1 time of multiplex section. When
155622 device and 155622H device together build up a multiplex section ring,
the t1 time of both should be 6000ms, and the fast switching switch of 155622
device should be enabled.
:apsc-set-swfastflag:sys1,enable; // Enable the fast switching switch of system
one, generally used together with the command above.

1.1.4 Communication Management Type

:ecc-set-route:0x090001,0x090002,1,5; // Set ECC route manually. The

target NE is 0x090001. The forwarding NE is 0x090002. The value 1 is
DISTANCE, i.e. number of NEs passing through, and 5 is the level and if it is 0,
that means to delete the route. Setting ECC manually is often used in single fiber
ring, not used in other cases.
0x00090006 0x00090007 1 4 eccauto 0
0x00090007 0x00090007 0 4 eccauto 0
// Query ECC routing. DST-ID is target NE address. DXC-ID is the first passing
through forwarding NE address. DISTANCE is number of intermediate NEs.
LEVEL is the level of the route. Auto set ECC routs are leveled at 4. Manually set
route levels can be 5, 6 or 7. MODE is the working mode of ECC, and eccauto is
auto set ECC route, eccmanual is manually set ECC route. SCC-NO is port
number of ECC. 0-19 (total 20) means use optical channels. 20-27 (total 8)
indicate Extended ECC that use Ethernet channels. 255 means no channel
number is specified to the optical interface.
:ecc-get-bdinfo; (The corresponding command of 155622 device
is :ecc-get-sccinfo.)
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5 1 port-auto 0 ok
9 1 port-auto 1 rx_f
9 2 port-auto 2 rx_f
9 3 port-auto 3 rx_f
9 4 port-auto 4 rx_f
// Query ECC state of the optical interface. FIBER-PORT: optical interface
number in the opticl board; PORT-STATE: allocation status of channel numbers
in optical interface; port-auto: auto allocated; port-disable: manually and
forcefully disabled; port-enable: manually and forcefully allocated; LINK-CHAN:
allocate ECC by SCC board, and the value range is 0-19; LOGIC-CHAN-STATE:
current state of the channel. ok indicates ECC communication is in normal status;
rx_f means receiving ECC is ineffective; tx_f means delivering ECC is ineffective;
rx_ns means receiving ECC error codes; and tx_ns means transmitting ECC
error codes.
TMN Access Mode
LAN Serial NeByLan
open open close
// Query NM access status. The return values LAN, Serial and NeBylan
represent Ethernet communication access, serial port communication access
and extend ECC communication access respectively.
:cm-control-tmn:nebylan,open; // Open the extend ECC of NE.
0x05 one-port
0x06 one-port
0x09 four-port
// Query the optical interface types in the board, i.e. return the number of optical
interfaces of boards.
:cm-set-ip:; // Set NE IP, and IP will not change with ID
:cm-set-subnet:8; // Set NE subnet ID (extend ID).
:cm-set-submask:; // Set subnet mask.
:cm-set-gateway:; // Set NE gateway.

1.1.5 Performance Management Type

:per-get-eid; // Query host performance event ID, i.e. the names of all
performance events in the NE.

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In performance commands, the values of PER_EID are:

perall: If the parameter is 0, it means all performance events.

rsbbe: Regenerator section background block errors.

rses: Regenerator section error seconds.
rsses: Regenerator section severe error seconds.
rsoof: Regenerator section out of frame.
rsofs: Regenerator section out of frame seconds..
rsuas: Regenerator section unavailable seconds..
rscses: Regenerator section continuous severe error seconds.

msbbe: Multiplex section background block errors.

mses: Multiplex section error seconds.
msses: Multiplex section severe error seconds.
msfebbe: Multiplex section far end background block errors.
msfees: Multiplex section far end error seconds.
msfeses: Multiplex section far end severe error seconds.
msuas: Multiplex section unavailable seconds.
mscses: Multiplex section continuous severe error seconds.
msfecses: Multiplex section far end continuous severe error seconds.
aupjchigh: AU positive pointer justification.
aupjclow:AU negative pointer justification.

hpbbe: Higher order path background block errors.

hpes: Higher order path error seconds.
hpses: Higher order path severe error seconds.
hpfebbe: Higher order path far end background block errors.
hpfees: High order path far end error seconds.
hpfeses: High order path far end severe error seconds.
hpuas: High order path unavailable seconds.
hpcses: High order path continuous severe error seconds.
hpfecses: High order path far end continuous severe error seconds.

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tupjchigh: TU positive pointer justification.

tupjclow: TU negative pointer justification.

lpbbe: Lower order path background block errors.

lpes: Lower order path error seconds.
lpses: Lower order path severe error seconds.
lpfebbe: Lower order path far end background block errors.
lpfees: Lower order path far end severe error seconds.
lpfeses: Lower order path far end continuous severe error seconds.
lpuas: Lower order path unavailable seconds.
lpcses: Lower order path continuous severe error seconds.
lpfecses: Lower order path far end continuous severe error seconds.

tplcur: Current value of transmitting optical power

tplmax: Maximum transmitting optical power
tplmin: Minimum transmitting optical power

tIbmax: Maximum transmitting bias current.

tIbmin: Minimum transmitting bias current.
tIbcur: Current value of the transmitting bias current.

rplmax: Maximum receiving optical power

rplmin: Minimum receiving optical power
rplcur: Current value of receiving optical power.

ospitmpmax: Maximum OSPI temperature

opitmpmin: Minimum OSPI temperature
ospitmpcur: Current value of OSPI temperature

wcvmax: The maximum working current volume

wcvmin: The minimum working current volume
wcvavg: The average working current volume

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ccvmax: The maximum coold current volume

ccvmin: The minimum cooled current volume
ccvavg: The average cooled current volume

bcvmax: The maximum volume of back-facet current

bcvmin: The minimum volume of back-facet current
bcvavg: The average volume of back-facet current

edtplmax: Optical amplifier TPLMAX

edtplmin: Optical amplifier TPLMIN
edtplavg: Optical amplifier TPLAVG
edrplmax: Optical amplifier RPLMAX
edrplmin: Optical amplifier RPLMIN
edrplavg: Optical amplifier RPLAVG
edwcsmax: The maximum working current setting of optical amplifier
edwcsmin: The maximum working current setting of optical amplifier
edwcsavg: The average working current setting of optical amplifier
edtmpmax: Optical amplifier TMPMAX
edtmpmin: Optical amplifier TMPMIN
edtmpavg: Optical amplifier TMPAVG

pmutmpmax: Maximum PMU temperature

pmutmpmin: Minimum PMU temperature
pmutmpavg: The average value of PMU temperature. Currently, PMU board has
cancelled this performance event.
pmutmpcur: The average PMU temperature

xcstmpmax: The maximum sub-rack temperature

xcstmpmin: The minimum sub-rack temperature
xcstmpavg: the average sub-rack temperature. Currently, the cross-connect
board has cancelled this performance event.
xcstmpcur: Current sub-rack temperature
:per-set-monevent:1,2,lpbbe; // Set the board performance
monitoring. The value 1 (first parameter) represents board position (0 represents
all boards.). The value 2 (second parameter) represents the channel (0

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represents all channels). lpbbe, i.e. lower order path background block errors, is
performance event code, and perall means all performance events.
:per-cancel-monevent:0,0,lpbbe; // Cancel the board
performance monitoring. The parameters are the same as above.
:per-set-starttime:15m&24h,1997-12-1,12*23; // Set 15 minutes and in 24
hours performance monitoring start time of NE.. The forms of date and time are
the same as in date & time commands.
:per-get-starttime:15m&24h; // Query 15 minutes and in 24
hours performance monitoring start time of NE.
:per-set-endtime:15m&24h,1990-0-0,0*0*0; // Set 15 minutes and in 24 hours
performance monitoring end time of NE 1990-0-0,0*0*0 is the current time.
:per-get-endtime:15m&24h; // Query 15 minutes and in 24
hours performance monitoring end time.
:per-set-autorep:1,2,perall,15m&24h; // Set auto reporting of one
performance events periodically. The value 1 is the board position (0 represents
all boards). Value “2” represents the channel (0 represents all channels).
:per-cancel-autorep:0,0,lpbbe,24h; //Cancel periodic auto reporting
of a certain performance event. It is suggested not to set performance auto
reporting, because a large quantity of data will be reported to the NM,
interrupting the communication between the NE and the NM, and therefore
causing shutdown of NM.
:per-init; //Initialize NE performance parameters, and
unify performance monitoring status of each board and channel.
:per-get-curdata:0,0,perall,24h; //Query current 24 hours performance status
of all the boards and channels are in.
:per-get-hisdata:0,0,perall,15m,1,3; //Query 15 minutes history
performance status of all the boards and channels. The value “1” means to start
from the first register, and "3" means to stop by the third register. For 15 minutes
performance monitoring, numbers are from 1 to 16 and for 24 hour performance
monitoring, numbers are from 1 to 6. Note: This command in 155622 device is
:per-clr-curdata:0,0,perall,15m; //Clear all the 15 hours current
performance event data in all the boards and channels, i.e. clear all the registers.
:per-clr-hisdata:0,0,perall,15m,1,3; // Clear all 15 hours history
performance data in all the boards and channels. The last parameter values
mean to clear registers from 1 to 3. Note: This command in 155622 device is

1.1.6 Alarm Management Type

:alm-get-eid; //Query alarm codes.

(RLOS 1)(TLOS 2)( * 3)(TLOC 4)

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(MSAIS 33) (MSRDI 34) (B2OVER 35) (B2SD 36)
(PWR_ALM 45) (RSLIP 46) (TSLIP 47) (LPRFI 48)
(PUMPBCMALM 69) (B3SD 70) (B3EXC 71) (AUAIS 72)
(HPSLM 77) (HPRDI 78) (HPREI 79) (MAILERR 80)
(LPTFIFO 89) (LPUNEQ 90) (LPTIM 91) (LPSLM 92)
(LPRDI 93) (LPREI 94) (LPAIS 95) (DIN_LOS 96)
(SFP_LOS 97) (OTHSTA 98) (WRFAIL 99) (LTI 100)
(SYN_BAD 101) (RAMLOC 102) (TAIPLOC 103) (T_LOXC 104)
(T_LOTC 105) (T_DLOS 106) (T_ALOS 107) (T_TDM 108)
(RAM_ERR 109) (CFGLOS 110) (SYNC_LOS 111) (STMERR 112)
(BUFERR 113) (G703_DJAT 114) (FANFAIL 115) (BUSLOC 116)
(E1LOS 117) (UP_E1AIS 118) (BDSTATUS 119) (PS 120)
(WRG_BDTYPE 121) ( * 122) (VERMIS 123) (FIFAIL 124)
(POWERFAIL 125) ( * 126) (SL4_ALM 127) (DLOJ1 128)
(* 129) ( * 130) ( * 131) ( * 132)
(* 133) (PLOS 134) (PLOC 135) ( * 136)
(PAIS 137) ( * 138) (ALOC 139) (ALOJ1 140)

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(RSERR 141) ( * 142) (MEMERR 143) (C4TLAISD 144)

(C4RLAISD 145) ( * 146) ( * 147) (T1SFOU 148)
(NEWPTR 149) ( * 150) ( * 151) ( * 152)
(* 153) (HPRLOP 154) (EXTLOS 155) (TFIFOE 156)
(RFIFOE 157) (CFGOF 158) (RFRST 159) (TFRST 160)
(VCXOLOC 161) (TPLOC 162) (RPLOC 163) ( * 164)
(* 165) (TEMP_ALARM 166) (HUMI_ALARM 167) (POWER_ALM1 168)
(POWER_ALM2 169) (DJFIFO 170) (T1_SYNC 171) (T1_RFIFO 172)
(T1_TFIFO 173) (RELAY_ALM 174) (B1SD 175) (B1BOVER 176)
(MS_SW 177) (EXERFAIL 178) (OPMFAIL 179) (K1K2M 180)
(K2M 181) (BIPSD 182) (BIPOVER 183) (EXTSYNLOS 184)
(DBMSERR 185) (MUT_LOS 186) (CHAN_LOS 187) (CHAN_ADD 188)
(S1SYNCHNGE 193) (FPGA_ABN 194) (RECV_ERR 195) (DATA_DIFF 196)
(DOWN_E1AIS 201) (MON_FAIL 202)
:alm-set-autorep:1,118; //Set auto reporting of UP-E1-AIS alarm of board 1.
The value 1 is the board position (0 represents all boards). Value “118”
represents alarm code (0 represents all alarms).
:alm-cancel-autorep:0,0; // Cancel auto reporting of all alarms in all boards.
The parameters are the same as above.
:alm-get-autorep:7,101; //Query whether SYN-BAD is in auto report state in
board 7. The parameters are the same as above.
:alm-get-curdata:0,0; //Query all current alarms in all boards. The
parameters are the same as above.
:alm-del-curdata:1; //Clear current alarms in board 1.
:alm-get-hisdata:0,0; //Query all history alarms in all boards. The
parameters are the same as above.
:alm-del-hisdata:1; //Clear all history alarms in board 1.
:alm-set-monevent:4,76,1,true; //Set the monitoring of HP-TIM alarm at
first optical interface in board 4. The value 4 is the board position (0 represents
all boards). Value “76” represents alarm code (0 represents all alarms). “1”
represents the first channel (0 represents all channels), i.e. the first optical
interface of the optical board.
:alm-cancel-monevent:4,76,1,true; //Cancel the monitoring of HP-TIM alarm
of the first optical interface in board 4. This command is commonly used when
interconnecting with other devices. The parameters are the same as above.

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:alm-set-autoshut:enable; //Enable automatic shutdown of the laser, i.e. if

the optical board has no optical input, the light will not be output. Generally, this
function is not enabled.
:alm-get-autoshut; //Query auto shutdown state of the laser.
:alm-init; //Set NE alarm monitoring and reporting state into
the initial state. If you face a problem like the alarms are not reported, this
command can solve it effectively.

1.1.7 User Management Type

//Login the NE. “1” is user ID. Each user can have only one identification. There
are three default NE users for all OptiX devices. Default user names and their
corresponding passwords are as follows:
NE user ID User name Password Level
1 szhw nesoft 253
2 root password 63
3 honet huawei 63
The returned prompt is :szhw> when login with ID 1. If you login with a certain
user name, you can only create, delete or modify the users whose level is lower
than yours. There is only one user at level 253. So login with szhw can create or
delete other users, and modify other user’s level. But three default users cannot
be deleted and their levels cannot be modified. The password can only be
modified the user himself. No user has the right to modify the password of any
other user. Level distribution of NE users is as below:
1~15: Login level. The user can only execute a part of basic unrestricted
16~31: Query level. The user can only use the login level commands and query
32~47: Configuration level. The user can use the commands of login level and
query level, except system commands.
48~63: System level. The user can use all the commands.
Only some basic operations are available even if you login as administrator in
NM but as a login level user in NE.
1 szhw 253
2 root 63
3 honet 63
//Query all NE users owned by the NE. USER-PRIORITY means user level.
:um-add-user:"user",4,"sdh",63; //Add the fourth NE user at level 63, with
the user name “user”, and password “sdh”.

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:um-del-user:4; //Delete the fourth NE user. Only NE

users at a lower level can be deleted. However, three default users cannot be
:um-edit-user:user="szhw",password="nesoft"; // Modify the password.
:um-edit-user:user="test",name="tester"; // Modify the name of test
user. The three default user names cannot be modified.
szhw 1 f&F 0x19090019 10 2002-11-13 8:41:0 0
//Query currently logged in users.
USER-NAME is the login user name. TYPE implies that NE accesses to NM or
command line through f&F interface. 0x19 of TERMINAL is port number of NE
access to NM or command lines. The allocated port numbers are as below:
4: Accessed NM or NE through F interface.
8: Transparent channel for AV5access network.
17~24: ECC channel extended through LAN.
25~100: Access of unspecified port number such as command lines.
101~116: Access of specified port number such as NM.
Other port numbers are for internal use of host software or reserved.
090019 is NE ID. DURATION is NE user’s auto logout time. In another words, if
no operation is done by szhw for 10 minutes, he will be logged out automatically.
If the return value is 0, it indicates no auto logout. LOGINTIME is the time when
the user logged in. LOCK is lock status indication, 0 for no lock, and 1 for lock. If
locked, users at lower levels cannot access.
:um-set-autoquittime:10; //Set the auto logout time of NE user, i.e.
the value of DURATION. 0 means no auto logout.

1.1.8 Other Commands

:help; // Help, and displays all the command lines.

nesoft version information
NSF1 20020627 active
NSF2 20020627 inactive
BIOS 6.01.05 20010418

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// Query versions of NSF1, NSF2 and extend BIOS. 155622 device does not
support this command.
current run nesoft is
// Check whether NSF1 or NSF2 is the current host software. 155622 device
does not support this command.
Huawei Cop, SBS2500+ & 10G BIOS 6.03, WatchDog Enable
NeSoft(P) <Jun 27 2002 17:50:00>
// Query basic BIOS, and current host software version.
:errlog; // Query the numbers of host software resetting and
error records.
:reset; // Reset the host software, equal to pressing RST on
SCC board.

1.2 Common Command Lines about OptiX 155622

This section only illustrates differrent command lines from 2500+ devices.

1.2.1 Configuration and Management Types

SYNC : ex18k
OUTSYN_MODE : byte byte
SA BYTE : sa4 sa4
SYNC CLASS : ex18k e1s8k intr 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
// Query parameters of device clocks. There are eight clock sources in 155622
device: e1s8kw1s8k, e2s8k, w2s8k, adm8k, ex18k, ex28k and intr.
OUTSYN_MODE is the mode of output clock source. SYN BOLT is threshold
value of clock source. The meaning is the same as 2500+ device. SA BYTE is S1
byte time slot of 2Mbits clock source. SYNC CLASS is the tracing level of the
clock source.
Sync Source List
Source Bid BdType Port Prio ID QL Lock SF
e1s8k 12 sl4 0xff 1 0x00 0x0f 0 0
intr 16 stg 0x02 2 0x00 0x0f 0 0

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// Query currently configured clock source. Port is the input port of the clock. Prio
is the tracing priority level of the clock. ID is the clock source ID. QL is the clock
quality, i.e. 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0b or 0x0f. Lock indicates whether the clock
source is locked tracing. SF indicates whether the clock source has lost effect;
“0” indicates the clock source is effective, and “1” indicates it is ineffective.
Sync Dest List
No. Bid BdType Port INHIBIT
1 12 sl4 0xff 0
// Query current clock sink list. INHIBIT indicates whether the clock source
switching is prohibited; “0” means not prohibited, and “1” means prohibited.
SSM State
CurrSource State PllSource MainSTG IDState
e1s8k 0x2a intr 16 0
// Query the state of current clock source. “State” is state of starting SMM
protocol. “0x2a” means the protocol is starting, and “0x1a” indicates the protocol
is already started. “PllSource” is phase locked source of 2M clock. “MainSTG” is
the position of the working clock board. “IDState” means whether the SSM
protocol is used; “0” means not used, and other values mean used. Currently, the
device does not support IDState.

1.2.2 Communication Management Type

0 rx_f 2 11 0 0 2 2002-11-13 15:24:24 0x00000000
0x00000018 1990-0-0 0:0:0 2002-11-13 15:24:26
1 ok 10 12 0 0 0 2002-11-13 15:23:21 0x0000043b
0x000004ac 2002-11-13 15:24:26 2002-11-13 15:24:26
2 rx_f 0 0 0 0 2 2002-11-13 15:23:21 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
3 rx_f 0 0 0 0 2 2002-11-13 15:23:21 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
6 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
7 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
8 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0

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9 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000

0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
10 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
11 rx_f 0 0 0 0 0 2002-11-13 14:37:22 0x00000000
0x00000000 1990-0-0 0:0:0 1990-0-0 0:0:0
// Query DCC communication status of the NE. Meanings of the parameters are
as below:
SCCCH DCC channel
STATE Communication state, including rx_f (receiving failure),
tx_f (transmitting failure) and ok
EVENT Error value of DCC event register
LU_BOARD Board position or optical interface of the DCC
communication channel
RX_SR Receiving BD state values in DCC errors
TX_SR Transmitting BD state values in DCC errors
LAST_I_S To record DCC state before DCC channel re-initialization
LAST_TS Re-initialization time of DCC channel
RX_BYTES Receiving bytes
TX_BYTES Transmitting bytes
LAST_RX_S Last time of receiving data
LAST_TX_S Last time of transmitting data

1.2.3 Performance Management Type

:per-get-hisdata:0,0,perall,24h // Query 24 hours history performance of

:per-clr-hisdata:0,0,perall,15m // Delete 15 minutes history performance of.

Table 1-1 General error codes of 4.05 host series

Name Code Description
SET_ALM_NULL 0x4000 Items configured do not exist.
SET_ALM_PARAERR 0x4001 Command parameters error
SET_ALM_USRNOTEXIST 0x4002 Target user of alarm reporting does not exist.

PER_ERRCODE_EARLIER_TIME15 0x5002 The time of 15 minutes performance is earlier than
the current time.
PER_ERRCODE_EARLIER_TIME24 0x5003 The time of 24 hours performance is earlier than
the current time.
PER_ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x5004 Invalid parameters

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Name Code Description

PER_ERRCODE_HIGH_THRESHOLD 0x5005 Threshold errors

Configuration module error codes

WRG_CFG_ALREADY_INSTALLBD 0x6001 The board position is already installed
WRG_CFG_INSTALLBD_CORRE 0x6002 The board position does not support installing this
board type.
WRG_CFG_NOT_INSTALLBD 0x6003 No board is installed in this board position
WRG_CFG_WRIBD or WRG_CFG_WRIDB 0x6004 Database operation errors
WRG_CFG_NEATTRIB_NOTCOMPLETE 0x6005 Incomplete system attribute configuration
WRG_CFG_LGCGU_CORRE 0x6006 Line card type configuration error
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_NETYPE 0x6007 Inconsistency of NE type and installed line cards
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_STMLEVEL 0x6008 Inconsistency of NE level and installed line card
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_GUTYPE 0x6009 Line card type error
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_XCTYPE 0x600A Cross-connect board type error
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_GUINSTALL 0x600B No corresponding NE type with the installed line
WRG_CFG_LGCBD_NOTINSTALL 0x600C No physical board in corresponding logic position
WRG_CFG_LGCNUM_OVER 0x600D Logic system number is out of range
WRG_CFG_BDNUM_OVER 0x600E Installed board position is out of range.
WRG_CFG_BDTYPE_OVER 0x600F Board type is out of range
WRG_CFG_DEVICETYPE_OVER 0x6010 Device type is out of range
WRG_CFG_TUBD_OVER 0x6011 Tributary board is out of range
WRG_CFG_PORT_OVER 0x6012 Port is out of range
WRG_CFG_E1EQ_OVER 0x6013 Tributary 2M port impedance is out of range
WRG_CFG_INHIBITALM_OVER 0x6014 Tributary channel use indication is out of range
WRG_CFG_LBMODE_OVER 0x6015 Tributary port loop-back mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_PSMODE_OVER 0x6016 Path protection indication is out of range
WRG_CFG_TUBUS_OVER 0x6017 Drop bus cross matrix number selected by
tributary board is out of range
WRG_CFG_TELNUM_OVER 0x6018 Order wire telephone number is out of range
WRG_CFG_NETYPE_OVER 0x6019 NE type is out of range
WRG_CFG_SLOT_LEVELCORRE 0x601A Inconsistency of source/sink levels of service
WRG_CFG_LGCBD_WRGTYPE 0x601C Inconsistency of logic board allocation and
existing board type
WRG_CFG_MEETNUM_OVER 0x601D Conference call number is out of range
WRG_CFG_NOTINSTALLXC 0x601E No cross-connect board installed
WRG_CFG_NESTATE 0x601F This command is ineffective under the state of this
WRG_CFG_CONFLICTSLOT 0x6020 Time slot conflicts
WRG_CFG_RECFGSLOT 0x6021 Time slot reconfigured
WRG_CFG_MORETHAN_TREETEL 0x6022 Order wire telephone numbers are more than
WRG_CFG_MORETHAN_ONETEL 0x6023 155/622 order wire telephone numbers are mote
than one
WRG_CFG_LGCSYS_ALREADYINSTALLED 0x6024 Logic system installed already
WRG_CFG_LGCSYS_NOTINSTALLED 0x6025 No logic system installed
WRG_CFG_NO_LOGICMAP 0x6026 No mapping of a logic board
WRG_CFG_X16_BID 0x6027 The slot does not support installing X16 board.
WRG_CFG_X16_VC4NUM 0x6028 X16VC4 number is out of range
WRG_CFG_NO_SLTSRC_CORREBD 0x6029 No mapping of service source board
WRG_CFG_MEETLINES_OVER 0x602B The state of optical boards supports conference
calls is out of range
WRG_CFG_E1ORT1_OVER 0x602D PM1 service type is out of range
WRG_CFG_OUTPULSE_OVER 0x602F Out waveform compensation of PM1 board is out
of range

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Name Code Description

WRG_CFG_XC_SWITCH 0x6030 Standby tributary switching board is not in the
WRG_CFG_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x6031 Board types mismatch
WRG_CFG_TUS_FAILURE 0x6032 Switching of tributary board failed.
WRG_CFG_TUR_FAILURE 0x6033 Recovery of tributary board failed.
WRG_CFG_SETLASER_FAILURE 0x6034 Laser setting failed.
WRG_CFG_GETLASER_FAILURE 0x6035 Laser status query failed.
WRG_CFG_BDPARA_MISMATCH 0x6038 Board parameters mismatch
WRG_CFG_CMDREP_OVERTIME 0x6039 Command time-out
WRG_CFG_CMDNOTCORRE_BDTYPE 0x603A Inconsistency of issued command and board
WRG_CFG_RECFG_TDA64K 0x603B 64K data repeat configuration on TDA board
WRG_CFG_CONFLICT_TDA64K 0x603C 64K data on TDA board conflicts.
WRG_CFG_NO_THIS_RECORD 0x603D The record is not in the NE database.
WRG_CFG_NODETYPE_OVER 0x603E Subnet connection node type is out of range
WRG_CFG_CMDNOTCORRE_DEVICE 0x603F Inconsistency of the command and the device
WRG_CFG_REQB_OVER 0x6040 PL3 board parameters are out of range
WRG_CFG_DIALMODE_OVER 0x6041 Order wire telephone dialing mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_SYNSRC_OVER 0x6042 Value of clock source is out of range
WRG_CFG_SABYTE_OVER 0x6043 Value of S1byte is out of range
WRG_CFG_STMLEVEL_OVER 0x6044 Value of STM level is out of range
WRG_CFG_NETMODE_OVER 0x6045 Value of networking mode over the border
WRG_CFG_FIBER_OVER 0x6046 Value of networking mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_DIRECTION_OVER 0x6047 Value of service direction is out of range
WRG_CFG_PROTECT_OVER 0x6048 Value of device protection mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_GUPARA 0x6049 Logic location of aggregate parameters error
WRG_CFG_LGCMAP 0x604A Logic aggregate mapping error
WRG_CFG_PA1PORT_OVER 0x604B Port number of PA1 board is out of range
WRG_CFG_PA1CAP_OVER 0x604C Line capacity of PA1 is out of range
WRG_BDTYPE_NOTFOR_PDHTIME 0x604E The cross-connect board does not support
tributary protection switching.
WRG_CFG_RECFG_DX064K 0x604F 64K services repeat on DX0 board
WRG_CFG_CONFLICT_DX064K 0x6050 64K service timeslot conflict at DX0 board
WRG_CFG_S1_MODE_OVER 0x6056 S1 byte start/stop mode error
WRG_CFG_INCSLOT_FLAG_OVER 0x6057 Incremental service switch indication is out of
-{}-WRG_CFG_ADDSLOT_CORRE 0x6058 Incremental services conflict
WRG_CFG_APSID 0x6080 MSP ring ID error
WRG_CFG_APSDIR_OVER 0x6081 MSP ring direction is out of range
WRG_CFG_APSNODE_OVER 0x6082 MSP ring node number is out of range
WRG_CFG_APSMAXNODE_OVER 0x6083 MSP ring maximum node number is out of range
WRG_CFG_APSBID_GU 0x6084 MSP ring board ID error
WRG_CFG_APSBID_XC 0x6085 MSP ring cross-connect board ID error
WRG_CFG_APS_NODEINFO 0x6086 MSP ring local node number is bigger than
maximum node number
WRG_CFG_SDFLAG_OVER 0x6087 MSP ring SD flag error
WRG_CFG_NOCFG_NETYPE 0x6090 Linear MS protection has no system type

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Name Code Description

WRG_CFG_UNEQUAL_NETYPE 0x6091 Linear MS protection has an inconsistent system
type configuration.
WRG_CFG_RECFG_LPSID 0x6092 LPS ID is re-used.
WRG_CFG_LPSNUM_OVER 0x6093 protection systems in Linear MSP is out of range
WRG_CFG_READDB 0x6094 NE database error
WRG_CFG_NO_LPSID 0x6095 LPS ID does not exist
WRG_CFG_LPSTYPE 0x6096 Linear MSP type error
WRG_CFG_EXTRATSK_TYPE 0x6097 Extra service type error
WRG_CFG_OHPMODE_UNKNOW 0x60B0 Overhead mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPXY_OVER 0x60B1 Overhead bytes position number is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPLAYER_OVER 0x60B2 Overhead layer number (channel number) is out
of range
WRG_CFG_OHPEA_OVER 0x60B3 Enabling/disabling write operation to transmitting
overhead is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPAUTOMODE_OVER 0x60B4 Overhead auto reporting mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPJ1MODE_OVER 0x60B5 J1 overhead bytes mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPJ2MODE_OVER 0x60B6 J2 overhead bytes mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHREP_PARAERROR 0x60B7 Overhead auto-report query parameter error
WRG_CFG_OHPJ0MODE_OVER 0x60B8 J0 overhead bytes mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_SETLINELOOP 0x60B9 Line loop-back mode error
WRG_CFG_SETVC4LOOP 0x60BA VC4 loop-back mode error
WRG_CFG_WORKMODE_OVER 0x60C0 Flag indicating if the GTC board is used for extend
sub-rack is out of range
WRG_CFG_MOTHERBD_OVER 0x60C1 Motherboard type is out of range
WRG_CFG_REQTIME_OVER 0x60C2 Order wire call time configuration is out of range
WRG_CFG_LGCSYS_OVER 0x60C3 Order wire logic system number configuration is
out of range
WRG_CFG_TELLEN_OVER 0x60C4 Length of order wire telephone number is out of
WRG_CFG_GU_OVER 0x60C5 Board number of the line board used by order wire
board is out of range
WRG_CFG_F1DIRECTION_OVER 0x60C6 Value of 64K data receiving and transmission
direction configured by order wire is out of range
WRG_CFG_F1MODE_OVER 0x60C7 Application mode of 64K data configured by order
wire is out of range
WRG_CFG_RINGNUMLEN_OVER 0x60C8 Order wire ring number length is out of range
WRG_CFG_OUTSYN_OVER 0x60C9 External clock source frequency is out of range
WRG_CFG_S1CONTROL_OVER 0x60CA S1byte switch on/off flag is out of range
WRG_CFG_SYNID_OVER 0x60CB Clock ID is out of range
WRG_CFG_SUBNETLEN_OVER 0x60CC Length of subnet number is out of range
WRG_CFG_NETPORT_OVER 0x60CD Communication port number of subnet connection
is out of range
WRG_CFG_TELPORT_OVER 0x60CE Telephone port number of subnet connection is
out of range
WRG_CFG_RS422STATE_OVER 0x60CF Flag indicating if subnet connection use RS422 is
out of range
WRG_CFG_MSPID_OVER 0x60D0 Logic system ID of MS protection system is out of
WRG_CFG_LOCKMODE_OVER 0x60D1 Lock mode of hd1 channel is out of range
WRG_CFG_MEETTALKSWI_OVER 0x60D2 Setting talk/listen switching function of conference
call is out of range
WRG_CFG_OHPTYPEBD_OVER 0x60D3 Signaling type on oder wire board is out of range
WRG_CFG_PHONEPRI_OVER 0x60D4 Phone priority is out of range
WRG_CFG_SETTIME 0x60D5 Invalid system time setting
WRG_CFG_SETDATE 0x60D6 Invalid system date setting
WRG_CFG_POWERFEED_OVER 0x60D7 Audio port feed option is out of range
WRG_CFG_FPGA_CLOCK_OVER 0x60D8 Setting FPGA clock source is out of range

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Name Code Description

WRG_CFG_NO_ACCORDING_SLOT 0x60D9 No corresponding service in configuring SNC
WRG_CFG_SCCTYPE 0x60DA The system control board does not support the
WRG_CFG_SNCATTR_STATE_OVER 0x60DB SNC state is out of range
WRG_CFG_SNCATTR_START_OVER 0x60DC SNC starting conditions are out of range
WRG_CFG_SNCATTR_RECMODE_OVER 0x60DD SNC recovery mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_ANALYZE_OVER 0x60DE Analysis mode of DTD board is out of range
WRG_CFG_STG_STATE_OVER 0x60DF Clock active/standby configuration is out of range
WRG_CFG_VC4MODE_OVER 0x60E2 Overhead mode of VC4 channel is out of range
WRG_CFG_PARAVALUE_OVER 0x60FF Parameter values are out of range

Error codes at shysical layer

ERROR_LEVEL_NOT_EQUAL 0x6101 VC level of source and link is inconsistent
ERROR_GET_SYSATTRIB_FAILURE 0x6102 Getting logic system attributes failed
ERROR_NO_THIS_NETYPE 0x6103 NE type does not exist
ERROR_TUTU_SLOT_NOTEQUAL 0x6104 PDH loop-back time slots are inconsistent
ERROR_PP_NO_THIS_NETYPE 0x6105 Invalid path protection service type
ERROR_MSP_NO_THIS_NETYPE 0x6106 Invalid ring MS protection service type
ERROR_LADM_NO_THIS_NETYPE 0x6107 Invalid no-protection service type
ERROR_TM_NO_THIS_NETYPE 0x6108 Invalid TM link service type
ERROR_CFG_NOT_ALL_PARA_CFGED 0x6109 Board parameter unconfigured
ERROR_BID_OUTOFNUM 0x610A Invalid board ID
ERROR_BDTYPE_OUTOFNUM 0x610B Invalid board type
ERROR_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x610C Mismatched board type (created board type and
the issued board type are inconstent.)
ERROR_OBJECT_BID_ERROR 0x610D Board ID error of the object
ERROR_OBJECT_BDTYPE_ERROR 0x610E Board type error of the object
ERROR_MSPWEST_EXPLAIN_FAIL 0x6110 MS WEST explanation failed
ERROR_INSTALLSTATUS_VERIFYCHANGE 0x6111 Install status verification error
ERROR_RUNNINGSTATE_VERIFY 0x6112 Running state initial verification error
ERROR_OBJECT_NO_THIS_CMD 0x6113 The object has no this command.
ERROR_BID_SET_MISMATCH 0x6114 Board ID setting and board type mismatch.
ERROR_BID_MISMATCH 0x6115 Board ID mismatches.
ERROR_VC4_CANNOT_RELATED_BID 0x6116 Logic board ID mapping error
ERROR_VC4_CANNOT_RELATED_BDTYPE 0x6117 Logic board type mapping error
ERROR_BUS_CONFLICT 0x6118 Bus conflict
ERROR_SLOT_CONFLICT 0x6119 Time slot conflict
ERROR_BOARD_UNINSTALL 0x611A Logic board is not installed
ERROR_TRAFF_DIRECTION 0x611B Traffic flow direction error
ERROR_XC_CANNOT_SWITCH 0x611C Cross-connect boards cannot switch.
ERROR_SWITCH_BID_MISMATCH 0x611D Cross-connect switching board type error
ERROR_RESET_BID_MISMATCH 0x611E Board ID mismatches after reset.
ERROR_CANNOT_RESET 0x611F Cannot reset the board
ERROR_RESET_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x6120 Reset board type mismatching
ERROR_CMD_MISMATCH 0x6121 There is no matched command in issued board
ERROR_CFG_UNKNOWN_CMD 0x6122 Unknown command in accepted logic layer
ERROR_CFG_INVALID_PATHNUM 0x6123 Invalid path number
ERROR_XCSL4_PARA_MISMATCH 0x6124 Cross-connect data acquired by SDH
ERROR_SWITCH_PARA 0x6125 Data switching error
ERROR_CANNOT_SWITCH 0x6126 Switching cannot process.

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Devices Internal Use Only

Name Code Description

ERROR_PARA_FROMLOGIC_ERROR 0x6128 Parameters returned from logic have errors.
ERROR_CANNOT_LOOPBACK 0x6129 Cannot loop-back
ERROR_XCPL1_PARA_MISMATCH 0x612A Cross-connect data acquired by PDH
ERROR_XCSL1_PARA_MISMATCH 0x612B Cross-connect data acquired by SL1 mismatches.
ERROR_BID_LAGER_MSX 0x612C Invalid board ID
ERROR_BDTYPE_NOT_EXIST 0x612D The board type does not exist.
ERROR_CURSYS_UNUNIQUE_ONEPACK 0x612E Current logic system has already been set.
ERROR_CURSYS_OUTOFNUM 0x612F Invalid logic system number
ERROR_MSGCMD_MISMATCH 0x6130 Invalid NE side command
ERROR_VERIFY_FAILURE 0x6131 Verification failure
ERROR_VERIFYCMD_RUNNINGSTATUS 0x6132 Running status verification (checkout) error
ERROR_RECOVERCMD_RUNNINGSTATUS 0x6133 Running status recovery error
ERROR_VERIFYCHANGE_FAILURE 0x6134 Verification change failed
ERROR_LOOH_BID_OUTOFNUM 0x6135 Invalid board ID
ERROR_LOOH_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x6136 Mismatched LOS board types
ERROR_RESET_NOTHISBID 0x6137 No board installed when resetting
ERROR_REPBDPARA_NOTHISBID 0x6138 Board type error when returning parameters
ERROR_CANNOT_APPLICATE_BUFFER 0x6139 Memory allocation failed.
ERROR_MSPSYS_ZERO 0x613A The MS protection system 1 is zero.
ERROR_NO_THIS_CMD 0x613C The board has no this command.
ERROR_CANNOT_INSTALL_BOARD 0x613D Board installation failure
ERROR_CANNOT_UNINSTALL_BOARD 0x613E Board deletion failed
ERROR_CFG_INVALID_PARA 0x613F Invalid parameters
ERROR_SYS_MISMATCH 0x6140 Invalid system number
ERROR_INQBD_FROM_LOGIC 0x6141 Querying the type of logic board failed
PHYSIC_LAYER_VERIFY_SUCCESS 0x6142 Physical layer verification succeeded
PHYSIC_LAYER_RECOVER_SUCCESS 0x6143 Physical layer recovery succeeded
PHYSIC_LAYER_VERIFYCHANGE_SUCCESS 0x6144 Physical layer verification changing succeeded
ERROR_BROADCAST_OVERFLOW 0x6145 Broadcast overflow
ERROR_SLOT_MORETHAN63_ONEVC4 0x6146 Number of 2M channels in one VC4 is bigger than
ERROR_SLOT_PATHNUM_CONFLICT 0x6147 Path number conflicts
ERROR_X16ADD_BUS_OVER 0x6148 X16 upper bus is used up.
ERROR_X16ADD_BUS_CONFLICT 0x6149 X16 bus conflict
ERROR_X16DROP_BUS_OVER 0x614A X16 lower bus is used up.
ERROR_SLOT_ANALYSIZE 0x614B Slot analysis error
ERROR_SLOT_SYNTHESIZE 0x614C Synthesized timeslot error
ERROR_CFG_SENDCMD_FAILURE 0x614D Configuration command delivery error
ERROR_INSTALLBD_FAILURE 0x614E Board installation failure
ERROR_TRAFFIC_MORETHAN_DEFINE 0x614F Service traffic is more than the defined.
ERROR_SDH_PATHBDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x6150 SDH path board type mismatches.
ERROR_MSPSYS_BID_MISMATCH 0x6151 System board number in MS mismatches.
ERROR_MSPSYS_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x6152 System board type in MS mismatches.
ERROR_SET_BUS_OUTOFNUM 0x6153 Bus out of range
ERROR_SWITCH_BOARD_OFFLINE 0x6154 Standby tributary switching board offline
ERROR_CFG_TUSAUTO_FAILURE 0x6155 Auto switching of tributary board failed
BDPARA_VERIFY_SUCCESS 0x6157 Board parameters verification succeeded.
BDPARA_VERIFY_FAILURE 0x6158 Board parameters verification failed.
BDPARA_GET_OVERTIME 0x6159 Board parameters query overtime
ERROR_CFG_TPS_ENABLE_PARA 0x615A TPS enabling parameter error
ERROR_CFG_TPS_BDTYPE 0x615B TPS board type error
ERROR_CFG_TPS_NO_COMMAND 0x615C TPS has no this command.
ERROR_VC_LEVEL 0x615D VC level error

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Devices Internal Use Only

Name Code Description

ERROR_CHECK_31TXC 0x615E 31TXC checking error
ERROR_CHECK_32TXC 0x615F 32TXC checking error
ERROR_BDCMD_FORMATERROR 0x6160 Error in data format feedback from the board.
ERROR_GTC_TIME_X_NEEDED 0x6161 Time division cross is in need.
ERROR_GTC_SET_TYPE 0x6162 Cross-connect board type setting error
2500 SNCP Error Codes
ERROR_SNCP_NET 0x6163 Wrong SNCP networking
ERROR_SNCP_SINK_NOT_UNIFORM 0x6164 Sinks of SNCP pair is not identical
ERROR_SNCP_NUMBER 0x6165 Error in numbering SNCP pair
ERROR_CFG_BDREP_ERROR 0x6180 Board response error
ERROR_CFG_BDSTART 0x6181 Board start error
ERROR_CFG_VERIFY_SUCCESS 0x6182 Implantation verification succeeded
ERROR_CFG_NETYPE_MISMATCH 0x6183 NE types mismatch
ERROR_CFG_TEL_LENNUM 0x6184 Telephone number length error
ERROR_CFG_TEL_CONFLICT 0x6185 Telephone number conflict
Error codes in W32 definitions
WRG_CFG_CREATEOBJECT 0x6300 Object creating error
WRG_CFG_CMD_NOTSUPPORT 0x6301 Command is not supported
WRG_CFG_UNINSTALL_INHIBIT 0x6302 Board uninstallating is prohibited.
WRG_CFG_BDTYPE_NOTSUPPORT 0x6303 Board type is not supported.
WRG_CFG_NETYPE_NOTSUPPORT 0x6304 NE type is not supported.
WRG_CFG_LIMIT_OVER 0x6305 Limitations are out of range
WRG_CFG_LIMIT_UPLESSTHANLOW 0x6306 The uper limit is less than the lower limit.
WRG_CFG_NETPORT_EQUAL 0x6307 Network ports are equal.
WRG_CFG_TELPORT_EQUAL 0x6308 Telephone ports are equal.
WRG_CFG_DIFF 0x6309 Parameters difference error
WRG_CFG_WRITEDB 0x630A Database write error
WRG_CFG_PARAERR 0x630B Wrong parameters
WRG_CFG_DATAVERIFY 0x630C Data verification error
WRG_CFG_APSD_BDTYPE 0x630D APSD does not support the board type in this slot.
WRG_CFG_APSD_BDUSED 0x630E The board to be added in an APSD pair is used by
another APSD pair.
WRG_CFG_APSD_NOPAIR 0x630F Specified APSD pair cannot be found.

Error codes in the logic layer 0x6A00--

WRG_CFG_GET_RESOURCE 0x6A00 Physical layer is in use.
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_FIBER 0x6A01 Error in number of logic optical fiber
WRG_CFG_LOGIC_DIRECTION 0x6A02 Logical ring direction error
WRG_CFG_XCS_BID 0x6A03 XCS board position error
WRG_CFG_APSSWTYPE_OVER 0x6A04 APS switching type error
WRG_CFG_LPSREV_OVER 0x6A05 LPS restore mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_LPSDIR_OVER 0x6A06 LPS direction is out of range
WRG_CFG_IUBD_OVER 0x6A07 IU board positions are out of range
WRG_CFG_BITNUM_OVER 0x6A08 Data bit number is out of range
WRG_CFG_TRANSMODE_OVER 0x6A09 Transfer mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_ALMINV_OVER 0x6A0A Alarm inversion is out of range
WRG_CFG_ENINV_OVER 0x6A0B Inversion enabling is out of range
WRG_CFG_APSAUTO_OVER 0x6A0C APS auto mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_SDHPORT_OVER 0x6A0D Number of SDH optical ports are out of range
WRG_CFG_SDHPATH_OVER 0x6A0E Number of SDH VC4 paths are out of range
WRG_CFG_ALS_OVER 0x6A0F ALS mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_LPSSYSNUM_OVER 0x6A10 Number of LPS systems are out of range
WRG_CFG_MSP_GU 0x6A11 MSP optical board configuration error?
WRG_CFG_UNEQUAL_NESTMLEVEL 0x6A12 Unequal STM levels in logic system
WRG_CFG_LPSTASK_OVER 0x6A13 LPS extra services are out of range

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Name Code Description

WRG_CFG_PATHTRACE_MODE 0x6A14 Path trace byte mode is out of range
WRG_CFG_NOTHESLOT 0x6A15 No corresponding logic allotion of the service
WRG_CFG_LPS_LGCNUM 0x6A16 LPS logic system number error
WRG_BDTYPE_ERR 0x6A17 Board type and physically installed board are
WRG_CFG_SYSNUM_ERR 0x6A18 Logic system number error
WRG_CFG_DELBDINSYS 0x6A19 Deleted board is in the a logic system
WRG_CFG_TELNUMLEN 0x6A1A Inconsistency of telephone number lengths
WRG_CFG_TELNUMREPEAT 0x6A1B Telephone numbers are repeated
WRG_CFG_TASKSLOT 0x6A1C Service slot error
WRG_CFG_TASKXCLEVEL 0x6A1D Service cross-connect level error
WRG_CFG_TELNETLEN_CORE 0x6A1E Telephone number length conflicts with subnet
number length.
WRG_CFG_NOCFG_NETLEN 0x6A1F Subnet number length is not configured.
WRG_CFG_SUBNETNO_OVER 0x6A20 Subnet number is out of range
WRG_CFG_PWD_OVER 0x6A21 Password of the conference call is out of range
WRG_CFG_COMVERI_OVER 0x6A22 Verification mode of user data port is out of range.
WRG_CFG_ALSTIME_OVER 0x6A23 Auto shoutdown time of the laser is out of range
WRG_CFG_BDBUSCORE 0x6A24 Conflict in the common bus of the slots
WRG_CFG_NETPORT_NUM 0x6A25 Configuration error in number of network ports
WRG_CFG_MEETUSE_OVER 0x6A26 Optical interfaces used in conference call is over
the limit
WRG_CFG_SQ1 0x6A27 SQ1 board is used in multiple MS logic systems.
WRG_CFG_SYSREP 0x6A28 The logic system is repeatedly used in MS
WRG_CFG_F2CHAN_OVER 0x6A29 F2 channel byte is out of range.
WRG_CFG_T1TIME_OVER 0x6A2A T1TIME of controller is out of range
WRG_CFG_NOTINSTALL_SCC 0x6A2B SCC board is not installed.
WRG_CFG_VERCHANGE 0x6A2C Qx change verification command error
WRG_CFG_DELTA_TASK 0x6A2D Incremental services configuration error
WRG_CFG_TEMPER 0x6A2E PMU temperature threshold error
WRG_CFG_PMUPARA 0x6A2F PMU parameter configuration error
WRG_CFG_BACKHIGHSYN 0x6A30 Clock source switching mode error
WRG_CFG_2MPLL_SYNLOS_MSG 0x6A31 Ineffective action error of 2MPLL
WRG_CFG_SYN_RECTIME 0x6A32 Recovery time error of clock source
WRG_CFG_STG_E1EQ 0x6A33 2M output match error in clock source
WRG_CFG_INSYN_OVER 0x6A34 External clock source input mode error
WRN_CFG_INHIBIT_SYN_MODE 0x6A35 Error in control switch used to inhibit clock source
WRN_CFG_SWITCHMODE_OVER 0x6A36 Clock source switching mode error
WRG_CFG_TMPVAL 0x6A37 Subrack temperature threshold error
WRG_CFG_TMPSIGN 0x6A38 Subrack temperature threshold sign error
WRG_CFG_SYSHAVESLOT 0x6A39 Services contained in deleted or initialized logic
WRG_CFG_LGCVC4NUM 0x6A3A VC4 parameter error in logic system
WRG_CFG_BDWORKBACK 0x6A3B Active/standby board type error
WRG_CFG_TPS_GROUP 0x6A3C TPS group number error
WRG_CFG_TPS_RELATION 0x6A3D TPS protection relationship error
WRG_CFG_TPS_RECTIME 0x6A3E TPS wait-to-restore time error
WRG_CFG_TPS_ACTIVE 0x6A3F TPS start/stop state error
WRG_CFG_DELEIPC 0x6A40 Error in deleting EIPC board
WRG_CFG_SYN_BOLT 0x6A41 S1 byte receiving timeslot configuration error
WRG_CFG_S1OUT 0x6A43 Error in prohibiting S1 byte output
WRG_CFG_S1QUALITY 0x6A44 Clock quality error in manually configuring S1 byte
WRG_CFG_SNCATTR_DELAY_TIME 0x6A45 SNC delay time error
WRG_CFG_SNCATTR_RECTIME 0x6A46 SNC wait-to-restore time error

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Name Code Description

WRG_CFG_SNCGROUP 0x6A47 SNC grouping error
WRG_CFG_NOTINSTALLSTG 0x6A48 Clock board is not installed.
WRG_CFG_VC4MODE 0x6A49 Higher order path overhead mode error
WRG_CFG_MONITOR_MODE 0x6A4A Unused paths Monitor mode error
ERROR_SLOT_SLOTNUM 0x6D00 Error in number of slots
ERROR_XC_HAVE_SWITCHED 0x6D01 Cross-connect board has switched.
ERROR_XC_UNSWITCHED 0x6D02 Cross-connect board has not switched.
ERROR_NO_SERVICE 0x6D04 No service
ERROR_MSPSPAN_EXPLAIN_FAIL 0x6D05 Switching explanation in MSP span failed
ERROR_S16LCS_OVERFLOW 0x6D06 S16LCS overflow
ERROR_CFG_INVALID_FIBERNUM 0x6D07 Invalid number of fiber
ERROR_CFG_INVALID_SIGLEVEL 0x6D08 Invalid signal level
ERROR_CFG_ERROR_LEVEL 0x6D09 Signal level error
ERROR_CFG_GET_VC4_PATH 0x6D0A Error in getting VC4 channel
ERROR_SLOT_PARAERROR 0x6D0B Service parameters error
PHYSIC_LAYER_BDPARACHECK_SUCCESS 0x6D0C Physical layer board parameter verification
ERROR_CFG_INVALID_PURPOSE 0x6D0D Invalid page number
ERROR_CFG_XC_ALLOFFLINE 0x6D0F The corss-connect baords are all offline.
ERROR_CFG_BOARD_OFFLINE 0x6D10 The board is off line.
ERROR_CFG_NOMEETUSE 0x6D11 No optical interface for conference calls
ERROR_CFG_DUALBID 0x6D12 Dual slot error
ERROR_CFG_DUAL_PATH 0x6D13 Dual path error

Error codes of user settings

UM_SUCCESS 0X00 Operation succeeded
WRG_UM_PASSWD_ERR 0x7001 Invalid password
WRG_UM_NOT_EXIST 0x7002 The user does not exist. (Error when login,
deleting or modifying)
WRG_UM_DATA_ERROR 0x7003 Data error
WRG_UM_CURUSER_FULL 0x7004 Current login users are full
WRG_UM_TEI_NOT_EXIST 0x7005 Specified terminal has not logged in or already
logged out.
WRG_UM_SYSTEM 0x7006 System error when there is no enough memory.
WRG_UM_PRI_ERROR 0x7007 Illegal priority
WRG_UM_ID_REPLY 0x7008 The user already exist. Error in adding or
modifying the user.
WRG_UM_ID_NOT_EXIST 0x7009 The user does not exist. Error in adding, deleting
or browsing the user.
WRG_UM_USERNAME_REPLY 0x700A Repeated user names
WRG_UM_MODI_PRI 0x700B Cannot modify the priority of specific user
WRG_UM_MODI_PASSWD 0x700C Cannot modify the password of another user
WRG_UM_MODI_USERNAME 0x700D Cannot modify the username of another user
WRG_UM_UM_SUPER_ERR 0x700E Operation on super user is denied.
WRG_UM_PRI_UNLOCK 0x700F NE is locked by another user
WRG_UM_DB_ERR 0x7010 User database module error
WRG_UM_NOT_LOGIN 0x7011 The designated user has not logged in.
WRG_UM_TID_NOT_EXIST 0x7012 TID is not in the table.
WRG_UM_TPTABLE_FULL 0x7013 Table is full
WRG_UM_TPTABLE_EMPTY 0x7014 Table is empty
WRG_UM_TID_EXIST 0x7015 TID is in the table
WRG_UM_TPTABLE_NOT_READY 0x7016 The table is not ready.
WRG_UM_TID_NOT_IDENTICAL 0x7017 TID that issues enable operation is not identical
with TID that issues disable operation.
WRG_UM_TIDPIRO_TOOLOW 0x7018 Priority is too low (>=0x10)

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Devices Internal Use Only

Name Code Description

LOAD_NESOFT_NOT_EXIST 0xC001 Host software does not exist.
ERASE_NESOFT_FAILURE 0xC002 Host software erasure failure
SET_NESOFT_START_FAILURE 0xC003 Host software start setting failure
LOAD_MODULE_NOT_EXIST 0xC004 Module does not exist.
LOAD_MODULE_MAX_DLFILE 0xC005 Maximum modules loaded
LOAD_MODULE_ALREADY_LOAD 0xC006 The module is already loaded.
LOAD_MODULE_NOT_LOAD 0xC007 The module is not loaded yet.

Error codes on database settings

SET_DBMS_ERROR_HEAD_CHECKSUM 0x7201 Header infromation structure verification error in
or Dbms backup database
SET_DBMS_ERROR_FAT_CHECKSUM 0x7202 FAT structure verification error in Dbms backup
SET_DBMS_ERROR_DATA_CHECKSUM 0x7203 Data verification error in Dbms backup database
SET_DBMS_ERROR_DBF_NOTEXIST 0x7204 Dbf does not exists
SET_DBMS_ERROR_DBF_NOBACKUP 0x7205 Dbf cannot be backed up into drdb/fdb0/fdb1.
SET_DBMS_ERROR_SIZE_TOOLARGE 0x7206 Dbf is too large to create or to back up.
SET_DBMS_ERROR_MALLOCFAIL 0x7207 Malloc operation failed, for low memory capacity
SET_DBMS_ERROR_DBF_TOOMUCH 0x7208 Too much dbf needs backing up and creation.
SET_DBMS_ERROR_REC_TOOMANY or 0x7209 Number of records exceed the threshold
SET_DBMS_ERROR_INPUT_PARA 0x720A Input parameter error
SET_DBMS_ERROR_DBF_VER_MISMATCH 0x720B Invalid dbf version
SET_DBMS_ERR_DBF_BACKUP 0x720C backup dbf operation failed
SET_DBMS_ERR_DBF_RESTORE 0x720D restore dbf operation failed
SET_DBMS_ERR_DBF_UPDATE 0x720E update dbf operation failed
SET_DBMS_ERR_RECORD_ADD 0x720F add record operation failed.
SET_DBMS_ERR_RECORD_DEL 0x7210 del record operation failed.

Error codes of board configuration

BS_MB_LOCKED_ERR 0x7401 Mailbox lock error
BS_UNLOCKMB_ERR 0x7402 Mailbox unlock error
BS_BID_INVALID_ERR 0x7403 Slot invalid
BS_RECORD_DEL_FAILURE 0x7404 Delete invalid commands
BS_RECORD_FULL 0x7405 records full
BS_RECORD_NON 0x7406 records empty

Error codes of multiplex section configuration

APS_FAIL_TO_START 0x760 Starting controller failed.
APS_PROTECT_DATA_ERR 0x760 Page switching data error
APS_BOARD_INFO_ERR 0xC600 Controller board parameter error

Error codes of ECC configuration

ECC_SET_ROUTE_DEL_NOEXIST 0x7801 Delete non-existent routes
ECC_SET_ROUTE_DEL_UNERROR 0x7802 Manual routing table is empty.
ECC_SET_ROUTE_ADD_NOSPACE 0x7804 No space to add route
ECC_SET_ROUTE_ADD_EXISTSHORT 0x7805 Add existing short route
CM_GET_IP_ACCESSDBF_FAIL 0x7806 Query IP access database failed

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Devices Internal Use Only

Name Code Description

CM_SET_IP_INVALID_IP 0x7807 Set invalid IP
CM_SET_IP_ACCESSDBF_FAIL 0x7808 IP access database configuration failed
CM_SET_GATEWAYIP_INVALID_IP 0x7809 Invalid gateway IP
CM_SET_GATEWAYIP_ACCESSDBF_FAIL 0x7810 Gataway IP access database confuguratin failed
CM_CONTROL_TMN_WRITEDBFAIL 0x7811 Writting failure to control TMN database
CM_CONTROL_TMN_PARAERROR 0x7812 Controlling TMN parameter error
CM_SLIP_CREATEDBF_FAIL 0x7813 SLIP protocol creation database configuration
CM_SET_LANROUTE_SYSCALL_ERR 0x7814 Ethernet system configuration error
CM_LAN_NO_CONNECT 0x7816 Network has no connection
CM_LINKWAY_NOT_INIT 0x7817 Serial port is not initialized.
CM_LINKWAY_SET_INVALID_PARA 0x7818 Invalid serial port parameter setting
CM_LINKWAY_BAUDRATE_OUTOF_RANGE 0x7819 Serial port baud rate configuration is out of range
CM_SET_MACLAN_PORT_ERR 0x781B Ethernet system setting error
CM_GET_SLIP_NOT_INIT 0x781C SLIP is not initialized
CM_CONTROL_ECC_INVALID_BDTYPE 0x781D Board type error when closing and openning ECC.
CM_CONTROL_ECC_INVALID_BDNUMBER 0x781E Slot number error when closing and openning
CM_SET_TUDCC_INAUTOMODE_ERROR 0x781F Manual DCC allocation attempts under auto mode
CM_SET_TUDCC_INPUTPARA_ERROR 0x7821 Parameter error in allocating DCC channel
CM_SET_DCC_ALLOCMODE_SUBRACKERROR 0x7822 Subrack type error in setting DCC channel
allocation mode
CM_SLIP_X25BEENCLOSE_ERROR 0x7823 Opetation attempts on X.25 after closing this
CM_ACCESS_DB_ERROR 0x7824 Database access error
CM_LINKWAY_BAUDRATE_DB_ERROR 0xC803 Error in baud rate of writting database at serial
CM_SUBNET_DB_ERROR 0xC804 Subnet database error
CM_SUBMASK_INVALID_ADDRESS 0xC805 Invalid subnet mask
CM_SUBMASK_UNFIT_IP 0xC806 Subnet mask mismatches with the IP address.
CM_SUBMASK_DB_ERROR 0xC807 Subnet mask database error
CM_SET_INVALID_PARA 0xC808 Invalid Ethernet parameters
CM_SET_PARA_ERROR 0xC813 Parameter error
ECC_NOT_GATEWAY 0xC814 Non-gateway NE
ECC_GW_SUBNET_TOOMANY 0xC815 Gateway NE has too many subnets

Error codes about query commands

QUERY_ALM_NULL 0x8000 Alarm query has no data.
QUERY_ALM_PARAERR 0x8001 Alarm query parameter error
QUERY_ALM_USRNOTEXIST 0x8002 Query alarm user does not exist

Error codes in performance querying

PER_ERRCODE_QUERY_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x8400 Invalid performance query parameters
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_HISTORYDATA 0x8401 Performance query has no history data
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_CSES 0x8402 Performance query CSES is empty
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_UAT 0x8403 Performance query UAT is empty.
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_STARTTIME15 0x8404 15-minute performance query start time is empty.
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_STARTTIME24 0x8405 24-hour performance query start time is empty.
PER_ERRCODE_ER_STARTTIME15 0x8406 15-minute performance query start time error
PER_ERRCODE_ER_STARTTIME24 0x8407 24-hour performance query start time error
PER_ERRCODE_EVENT_NOTSELECTED 0x8408 Performance query selects no event.
PER_ERRCODE_NULL_CURDATA 0x8409 Current data of performance query is empty.
PER_ERRCODE_BD_NOT_INSTALLED 0x840A No board installed for performance query.
PER_ERRCODE_NOTSUPPORT_CMD 0x84F0 Command does not support
(Use for W32)
PER_ERRCODE_BD_TIMEOUT 0x8780 baord performance query time out

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Name Code Description

Error codes of query configurations

WRG_CFG_GET_NOCMD 0x8801 Query command does not support
WRG_CFG_GET_NULL 0x8802 Configuration query finds no data.
WRG_CFG_GET_CMDREP_OVERTIME 0x8803 Response of query command time out
WRG_CFG_GET_NO_THIS_SNCP 0x8804 There is no this SNCP in querying
WRG_CFG_GET_BS_PARA_ERROR 0x8805 Parameter error in querying the board
WRG_CFG_GET_GET_SWITCHSTATE 0x8806 Error arising from physical layer query
WRG_CFG_QUERY_NOT_INSTALLBD 0x8840 Configuration query finds no board installed.
WRG_CFG_QUERY_BDNUMOVER 0x8841 Query board position is out of range
WRG_CFG_QUERY_BDTYPE_MISMATCH 0x8842 Board type queried mismatches
WRG_CFG_QUERY_CMD_NOTSUPPORT 0x8843 The query command is not supported
WRG_CFG_QUERY_DIFF 0x8844 Differring query command parameters error
WRG_CFG_QUERY_BDREPERR 0x8845 response error from queried board
ERROR_CFG_GET_BID_OUTOFNUM 0x8C41 Baord position queried is out of range

Error codes of ECC query

ECC_GETROUTE_NOROUTE 0x8D01 No route found in ECC querying
ECC_GETMACCON_NOCON 0x8D02 No connection found in ECC querying
ECC_SETMACCON_INVALID_PARA 0x8D03 Invalid ECC connection setting parameters

Error codes of database query

QUERY_DBMS_ERROR 0x8E01 Data query error
QUERY_DBMS_ERROR_CHECKSUM 0x8E02 NE database checksum error
QUERY_DBMS_ERROR_NOEXIST 0x8E03 NE database does not exist

Error codes of board query

BS_QUERY_MBCONTENT_ERROR 0x8F00 Query mailbox connection errors

Error codes of black box module query


1.3 Bar Code Naming Rules of the Board

Bar code of the board:
e.g. 031661101B000001
The meaning of each number is as follows:
1) Six numbers in blue is BOM code of the module, e.g. 031661. Note: Two
numbers 03 are omited before. Actually, bom code of the board consists of eight
2) The single black digit, 1 means Huawei, and 2 represents Huadian.
3) The red one is manufacture date, three digits in total. The first two indicate the
year. The last one is the month. The months October, November and December
are interpreted with A, B and C in hex respectively.
4) The last six digits "000001" in black is the production serial number. The first
board is 000001, and the 1000th is 001000.

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1.4 Common Optical Board Indices of 10G Device

Note: The symbol “*” indicates that the optical power should be realized together
with opticcal amplification board.
Reliable Typical Typical
Typical dispersion
Corresponding Wave transmission receiver overload
Board optical power allowed in the
level length distance (km) [under sensitivity power
(dBm) channel
20ps/] (dBm) (dBm)
SSA1SLO101 S-1.1 1310 0-25.8 -12 -32 -8 -
SSA1SLQ401 S-4.1 1310 0-17.6 -13 -31 -8 -
SSA1SLQ402 L-4.1 1310 25-44.7 -2 -31 -8 -
SSA1SLQ403 L-4.2 1550 50-69.1 -2 -31 -8 -
S-16.1 1310 0-23.5 -2 -21 0 -
L-16.2 1550 40-70.9 -1 -30.5 -9 1600

SSA1SL1602 Le-16.2 1550 96.4 -1 -30.5 -9 1600

SSA1SL1604 V-16.2 1550 80~140 14/17* -30.5 -9 3200

SSA1SL1605 U-16.2 1550 140-163.6 14/17* -37 -9 7200

SSA1SL6401 I-64.2r 1550 0-2 -2 -17 -1 40

I-64.2 1550 0-16.4 -2 -17 -1 360

SSA1SL6404 S-64.2a 1550 0-32.7 -2 -21 -8 800

SSA1SL6413 S-64.2b 1550 0-25 0 -17 -1 800

L-64.2b 1550 30-70 14* -17 -3 1600


1.5 Common Optical Board Indices of 2500+ Device

Worst-case Minimum
Transmission Application Working mean launched Pannel
Board sensitivity overloading
distance code wavelength nm power dBm width mm
dBm point dBm
SS61SD1A01 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -8 24
SS61SD1A02 30km I-1.1 1310 -12 -32 -8 24
SS61SD1A02 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 -10 24
SS61SD1A03 50km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 -10 24
SS61SD1A04 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 -10 24
SS61SQ1A02 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 -8 32
SS61SL4A01 25km I-4.1 1310 -13.5 -29 -8 24

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SS61SL4A01 25km S-4.1 1310 -13.5 -29 -8 24

SS62SL4A02 50km L-4.1 1310 -1 -30 -8 24
SS62SL4A01 80km L-4.2 1550 -1 -30 -8 24
SS62SL4B01 120km V-4.2 1550 -2 -39 -8 24
SS62SL4B01 120km Ue-4.2 1550 14* -39 -8 24
SS61SD4A01 25km S-4.1 1310 -13.5 -29 -8 32
SS62S1601 30km S-16.1 1310 -2 -21 0 32
SS62S1602 40km L-16.1 1310 0 -30 -8 32
SS62S1603 80km L-16.2 1550 0 -30 -8 32
SS62S1604 140km V-16.2 1550 12.5* -30 -8 32
SS62S1605 170km U-16.2 1550 14* -38 -8 32
The encapsulation structure of all boards is SC/PC.
The symbol “*” indicates that the optical power should be realized together with
opticcal amplification board.

1.6 Common Optical Board Indices of 155622 Device

Operating Worst Minimum Panel width
Transmission Application Mean launched
Board wavelength sensitivity overload
distance code power (dBm)
(nm) (dBm) (dBm)
SS21SL4B0 30km S-4.1 1310 -11 -30 -4 32
SS21SL4G0 50km L-4.1 1310 -2 -30 -4 32
SS22SL4G0 30km S-4.1 1310 -11 -30 -4 32
SS23SL4B0 30km S-4.1 1310 -11 -30 -4 32
SS23SL4G0 50km L-4.1 1310 -2 -30 -4 32
SS23SL4L0 80km L-4.2 1550 -2 -30 -4 32
SS24SL401 25km S-4.1 1310 -13.5 -30 -4 32
SS25SL402 50km L-4.1 1310 -2 -30 -4 32
SS25SL403 80km L-4.2 1550 -2 -30 -4 32
SS26SL401 160km U-4.2 1550 14* -38 -4 32

SS31SL2Q0 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 32

SS31SL2B0 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 32
SS33SL201 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 32
SS33SL202 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 32
SS33SL203 50km L-1.1 1310 -4 -32 0 32
SS33SL204 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 32
SS11SL1G0 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 32
SS11SL1F0 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 24
SS11SL1L0 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 32
SS11SL1K0 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 24
SS12SL1G0 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 32
SS12SL1F0 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 24
SS12SL1L0 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 32

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Operating Worst Minimum Panel width

Transmission Application Mean launched
Board wavelength sensitivity overload
distance code power (dBm)
(nm) (dBm) (dBm)
SS12SL1K0 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 24
SS13SL1Q0 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 32
SS13SL1P0 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 24
SS13SL1A0 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 24
SS13SL1B0 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 32
SS13SL1F0 55km L-1.1 1310 -4 -32 0 24
SS13SL1G0 55km L-1.1 1310 -4 -32 0 32
SS14SL101 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 24
SS14SL102 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 32
SS14SL103 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 24
SS14SL104 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 32
SS15SL101 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 24
SS15SL102 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13 32
SS15SL103 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 24
SS15SL104 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0 32
SS15SL105 55km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 24
SS15SL106 55km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0 32
SS16SL1A01 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 24
SS16SL1A02 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0 32
SS16SL1B01 120km Ve-1.1 1550 -4 -41 -5 32
SS16SL1B02 120km Ve-1.1 1550 -4 -42 -5 24

The symbol “*” indicates that the optical power should be realized together with
opticcal amplification board.
Boards in italics above are currently shipping boards, used to replace boards
with the same type.
SS24SL4 and SS15SL1 boards are SC/PC interface boards, and the others are
FC/PC interface boards.

1.7 Common Optical Board Indices of 155622H Device

Operating Mean Worst
Transmission Application Minimum
Board wavelength launched sensitivity
distance code overload (dBm)
(nm) power (dBm) (dBm)
SS42OI4A02 30km S-4.1 1310 -11 -30 -4
SS42OI4A03 50km L-4.1 1310 -2 -30 -4
SS42OI4A04 80km L-4.2 1550 -2 -30 -4
SS42OI2S02 500m Ie-1 1310 -19 -23 -13
SS42OI2S01 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0
SS42OI2S03 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0
SS42OI2S04 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0
SS42OI2D01 30km S-1.1 1310 -12 -32 0
SS42OI2D01 70km L-1.1 1310 -4 -36 0

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SS42OI2D01 90km L-1.2 1550 -4 -36 0

All the boards are SC/PC type.

1.8 Common Optical Board Indices of DWDM Devices

The bar code naming rule of OTU board: basic code information—board
name—frequency, type and distance. Take TWC board as example.

0315831011000035 -SS72TWC19-192.9PL
| | | |
Basic bar code information board name frequency type and distance

(9 digits) (5 digits) (2 digits)

Specifcation about type and distance:

PS: Board with a transmission distance of 350Km and with the receiving module
as ORP;
AS: Board with a transmission distance of 350Km and with the receiving module
as ORA;
PL: Board with a transmission distance of 640Km and with the receiving module
as ORP;
AL: Board with a transmission distance of 640Km and with the receiving module
as ORA

1.9 Appendix 1: WBA/WPA/WLA Amplifier Boards and Bar

Code Information
For the convenience of on-site engineers, debugging information is added in the
bar code on the front panel. The naming rule of the bar code is
Basic bar code information-board name-G gain value I-nominal single channel
input optical power value.
Taking SS74WBA02 as example. The bar code is
032183100B000001-SS74WBA02-G23I-18. Here, SS74WBA02 is board type;
and -G23 indicates that the gain of the amplifier board is 23dB; I-18 indicates that
single wave input optical power measured with optical spectrum analyser is

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Chapter 2 Network Managemetn (NM)

2.1 NES NM

2.1.1 NM Datebase Backup and Restoration

Close NES network management. Click /Start/Program/OptiX iManager NES

Transmission NE Management System/Database Accessories. A dialog box will
pop up. Click “Backup” in “Database Files” menu. The default backup path is
c:\OptiXNES\Backup\. You can also customize another path. Then click OK.
To restore the database also needs to shut down NES network management.
Click /Start/Program/OptiX iManager NES Transmission NE Management
System/Database Accessories. A dialog box will pop up. Click “Restore” in
“Database Files” menu. Then click OK. If the backup path is not the default one,
modification is required. After that, restart NM system. The database will restore
to the last backup state.

2.1.2 NM Version Query and Default Login Password

Run NES NM. Open the menu “Help/About OptiX iManager NES (A)...”. The
interface popped up includes the version information.
The default user name is “Admin”, with the password “sdh”.

2.2 RMS NM

2.2.1 NM Database Backup and Recovery

(1) Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Open
the database with user “sa” in the command window:
isql -SSYB -Usa –Psybaseadm
(2) Execute the command below to dump mib database into a file. (Note: Make
sure that there is enough space in the file system for storing the file. The
command df –k can query the remaining space of the file system.)
1>dump database mib to "/usr/local/rms/mib.dump"
This function is to dump the database mib of RMS into the file mib.dump under
the directory /usr/local/rms. If NM software is reinstalled, the previous database
can be recovered with this file.
Steps to recover the previous database:
(1) Open the database with username “sa”:
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isql -SSYB -Usa -Psybaseadm

(2) Execute SQL statement below. Recover the mib database with the backup
1>load database mib from "/usr/local/rms/mib.dump"
1>online database mib
The commands above is to recover the contents in the mib.dump file under
/urs/local/rms directory into mib database.

2.2.2 NM Version Query and Default Login Password

Run RMS NM. Open the menu “Help/About SBSMN-RMS...”. The interface
popped up includes the version information.
User name Password
Login to Solaris rms sbsrms
Login to RMS admin Password is empty
Switch to super user root rootkit

2.2.3 Common Queries in Workstation

In workstations, NM needs to query these basic information:

Computer type, PROM version of the workstation, CPU type, main frequency,
memory capacity, Solaris version, Sybase version, CDE version, IP address of
the workstation and hard disk capacity.

I. Computer type

Observe directly from the front of the host, such as Ultra 5, Ultra 60 and E450.

II. PROM version of the workstation

Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input
“prtconf –V” command in the command window.
OBP version returned is the PROM version.
For example, if the returned value is OBP 3.23.1 1999/07/16 12:08, then 3.23.1
is PROM version.

III. CPU type, frequency and memory capacity

When starting the computer, find out the information firstly displayed in the first
line in SUN icons on the right. For example, “SunOS SPARC II 450M*2 512M”
indicates that the computer has two SPARC II CPUs, with a frequency of
450MHz and the memory capacity is 512M.

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IV. Solaris version

Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input
“showrev” command in the command window.
The returned information includes OS Release information. Subtract 3 from this
information to get Solaris version. For example, if OS Release is 5.5.1, Solaris
version is 2.5.1; If OS Release is 5.6, Solaris version is 2.6.

V. Sybase version

Method one: Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select
Program/Terminal. Input the commands below in the command window.
/usr/sybsys/bin/isql -SSYB -Usa -Psybaseadm
1>select @@version
The return information is Adaptive server Enterprise/11.5.1/P...Here, 11.5.1 is
Sybase version. Input
to quit.
Method two: Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal.
Input the command below to edit Sybase log file in the command window.
vi /usr/sybsys/install/SYB.log
Input G to get to the end of the file. Then search the contents of “Adaptive server
Enterprise/11.5.1/P...” from back to front. The version information is the last
version started by the system.
Press “ESC" and in vi command status, input q! to quit.

VI. CDE version

CDE version information, such as 1.0.2 or 1.2, is in the graphical interface

appears before the login window when starting the system.

VII. IP address of workstation

Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input the
command “ifconfig –a” in the command window. In the section starting with hme0
in the returned information includes IP address and subnet mask information.
Note: The subnet mask is in hex. For example, “ffffff00” represents

VIII. Query Hard Disk Capacity

Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input “su”
in the command window. Press Enter, and input password: rootkit and press
Enter to switch to super user. (If super user password is modified, enter
corresponding password). Input “format” to query capacity of each hard disk.
Select 0 for the first disk, and 1 of the second, and so on. Then select verify to
view hard disk information. Enter “quit” to quit.

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2.2.4 Modify NM IPAddress

IP address modification of workstation requires modifying IP addresses of

Solaris, SYBASE and RMS NM together. Only when these three IP addresses
are consistent, the NM can start normally.
For example, to change the IP address into, follow
the steps below.
First modify Solaris IP address.
1) Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input su
in the command window. Press Enter, and input password “rootkit” to switch to
the super user. Input cd /etc and press Enter. Then input “vi hosts” to modify the
files. In vi window, press Esc to enter the edit status. Move the cursor to and press “x” to delete them one by one. Then input “i" to add one by one. After modification, close the edit status. Then input
“wp” and press Enter to quit. To change subnet mask and default routing, two
files, /etc/netmasks and /etc/defaultrouter, need to be modified. The procedures
are the same as the above.
Then, modify “interfaces” file in the database as described below:
2) Open the file /usr/sybsys/interfaces in super user mode. IP is interpreted in
hex in the “interfaces” file. For example, is 810900d3 in hex, and is 0a6c15c9. Therefore, replace 810900d3 with 0a6c15c9. The
procedures of vi are the same as the above.
Finally, modify the RMS server IP address.
3) Open the file /usr/local/rms/ini/rms.ini, modify IP address in SERVERADDR
into The procedures of vi are the same as the above.
Restart the workstation system, and the new IP will take effect.

2.2.5 Common Commands in UNIX

I. Switch on

There are two methods available to start Sun workstation. The first one is to
power on the switch at the back of the host. The other is to press the Power key
on the keyboard.

II. Switch off

Right click on the blank area in the screen. Select Program/Terminal. Input su in
the command window and press Enter. Input the password “rootkit” and press
Enter to switch to the super user. Input “/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i5”, or input
“init 5” to turn the workstation off.
If the workstation is out of work abnormally, press STOP and A together on the
keyboard. After the system displays “OK”, input “boot” or “sync” to restart the
system. After the system is restarted, it is suggested to take up super user rights
in the command window and input “fsck –y” to fix the data in hard disk

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III. Display current directory with pwd

You can use the command “pwd” to judge your current directory. For example,
% pwd

IV. Change directory with the command cd

To switch into another directory, use the command “cd”. Besides, this command
not only accepts absolute path, but also accepts relative path.
Usage: cd [directory]
%cd Return to the home directory.
%cd / Enter into the root directory of the system.
%cd .. Enter into the upper directory.
%cd ../.. Enter into the directory two layers upper.
%cd /usr/local/work/bin Enter the directory /usr/local/work/bin through the
absolute path
%cd ../mibinit Enter the directory /usr/local/work/mibinit
through relative path

V. Create a directory with mkdir

Generally, creating a new subdirectory under your main directory is done with the
command mkdir. When using mkdir, the path can be absolute path or relative
Usage: mkdir directory-name
Example: % mkdir /usr/home/rms/data
Certainly, if current directory is /usr/home/rms, the above command can be
shortened as: % mkdir data

VI. Delete directory with rmdir

Before deleting a directory, make sure the directory is empty. Otherwise, delete
files under the directory beforehand. Besides, the current directory cannot be
Usage: rmdir directory-name
Example: % rmdir /usr/home/rms/data
Certainly, if the current directory is /usr/home/rms, this can be shortened as:
% rmdir data

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VII. Lsit directory conntents with ls

Use the command “ls” to list contents, including files and subdirectories, under a
specific directory. With options following the command, information, such as file
size, type, rights, creation and modification date, can also be listed.
Usage: ls [options][parameters]
If there is no parameter in the command line, contents under current directory will
be listed with the command ls. This command has many useful options, which
can be used together. Add the prefix "-" before each option.
-a List all files, including hidden files (files headed with dot, such as .login)
-F Indicate file type with suffix symbols. The meaning of each symbol is listed
/ directory file
= socket file
@ symbolic link file
* executable file
-1 Giving a long list of information about the file, including file type, rights, link
information, file owner, group, size and recent modification date. If the file is a
symbolic link file, there is “->”symbol pointing the linked file after the file name.
%ls -lF
302 in total
-rw-r--r-- 1 rms sbsrms 217512 March 16 20:39 RMSApplication
drwxr-xr-x 2 rms sbsrms 512 May 3 13:58 animal/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root other 512 May 3 14:47 cgl/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 3 09:41 cyf/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 3 11:19 hub/
-rw-r--r-- 1 rms sbsrms 296 2000 January 2 mbox
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 May 3 10:09 pzj/
-rw-r--r-- 1 rms sbsrms 225575 May 09:28 scr1
-rwxr-xr-- 1 root root 46098432 May 16:02 sdh*
-rw-r--r-- 1 rms sbsrms 1310854 May 09:21
drwxr-xr-x 2 root other 512 April 12 12:00 test/
In the long list of file information, the first item indicates the file type and authority
information, 10 characters in total. The first character indicates the file type. The
file types indicated by each character are as follows.
d directory
- common file

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b block device file

c character device file
l symbolic link file
s socket file
Other nine characters after this information are in three groups, with three
characters in each group. Each group represents the file rights of the owner,
other users in the same group, and other users in the same system respectively.
The meaning of each character is as below.
r reading right
w writing right
x execution right
- no corresponding right
For example:
-rwxr-xr-- 1 rms sbsrms 46098432 May 12 16:02 sdh*
The owner rms has rights to read, write and execute the file. The other users in
sbsrms group have the rights to read and execute, but has no modification and
deleting rights. Other users in the system have reading right only.

VIII. Copy files with the command cp

The function of the command “cp” is to copy contents in a file into another file.
Usage: cp [options] source file target file
See the options of cp command below.
-i interactive operations (waiting for confirmation before execution)
-r Recursive copy directory (To copy files and subdirectories under a directory,
and files and subdirectories under its subdirectories,up to the lowest layer of the
% cp old_filename new_filename

IX. Move a file or file rename with mv command

The command “mv” is to move a file, or to rename a file. The difference is that
when a source file and a target file in the same directory, the function is to
rename the file, otherwise, it is to move the file.
Usage: mv [options] source_file target_file
See the options of mv command below.
-i Interactive operations (waiting for confirmation before execution)
-f Disable the interactive operations.
Example: % mv old_filename new_filename

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X. Delete a file with rm command

The function of the command “rm” is to delete a file.

Usage: rm [options] file name
See the options of rm command below.
-i Interactive operations.
-r Recursively delete directories.
-f Disable the interactive operations.
Example: % rm old_filename

XI. Change file rights with chmod

The function of the command “chmod” is to change rights of a file or a directory.

Usage: chmod [options] [parameters]
There are two modes in using the command chmod according to expression
differences of the options.
1) Symbolic mode
2) Numeric mode
Usage of symbolic mode: chmod [object] operational symbol [rights]
Options under symbol mode are described below:.
Object: It can be any character in the below:
u file owner
g other users in the same group with the owner
o other users except the users above in the system
a all users
Operation symbol:
+ Add rights
- Cancel rights
= Set rights
Parameter: File name whose rights to be modified
To modify the rights of “file1” file, for example, the owner has rights of read, write
and execution, and other users in the same group has read and execution rights,
and other users in the system are given the rights of read and execution, the
chmod command is used as:
% chmod u=rwx,go=rx file1

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To set the rights “file2” file as readable and writable to all users, the chmod
command is used as:
% chmod a=rw file2
Usage of chmod in number mode: chmod lmn [parameters]
The item “lmn” represents three numbers, and each of them is owner rights,
other users’ rights in the same group, and the rights of other users in the same
r = 4, w = 2, x = 1 and - = 0
For example:
-rwxr-xr-- 1 rms sbsrms 46098432 May 12 16:02 sdh*
The rights of the “sdh” file can be expressed as “rwxr-xr--" in symbols, and as
754 in numbers. (7=4+2+1, 5=4+0+1, and 4=4+0+0)
To set the rights of “file1” file as, the owner has rights to read, write and execute,
other users in the same group has reading and execution rights, and other users
in the system are given rights to read and execute. The command chmod is used
% chmod 755 file1

XII. Change file ower with command chown

The command chown is used to change the file owner. But in most of the UNIX
systems, this command can only used by super users. In other words, common
users cannot change file ownerships.
Usage: chown [options]
See the options of the command below.
-R Recursive directory
-f Forcefully execute the command, and no error report
# chown new_owner file

XIII. Change file group with command chgrp

Any user can use “chgrp” command to change his files from one user group into
another user group. Obviously, the user should belong to both user groups at the
same time.
Usage: chgrp [option] user group file
See the options of the command below.
-R Recursive directory
-f Forcefully execute the command, and no error report

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% chgrp new_group file

XIV. Report the remaining space of the disk with df

The command df is used to report the remaining space of the disk.

Usage: df [options] [resources]
See the options of the command below.
-l local file system
-k Report the remaining space in kilobytes
%df -k
File system Gigabyte Used Available Capacity
Attach to
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 292447 65878 197329 26% /
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 1182846 479168 585398 46%
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
swap 330360 144 330216 1% /tmp
Pay attention to the second line of the returned values. It indicates the hard disk
usage rate. If the rate is over 80%, please delete unused files and temporary files
to improve the operation speed of the workstation.

2.3 T2000

2.3.1 T2000 under WINDOWS

I. NM data backup and recovery

Close T2000 server. Run “/Start/Program/Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/Enterprise

Manager” to open SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Open “Microsoft SQL
Servers/SQL Server Group/Computer Name” under Console Root. Right click
Databases, and enter “All tasks/Backup Database….”

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Click Add to open the default database backup path

C:\MSSSQL7\BACKUP\.Input a database name. It is suggested to give the
same name as the current database name, such as iMapAlarmDB.

Do not change the other parameters. Click OK, and database backing up will be
completed. Select iMapAlarmDB, iMapLogDB, iMapSecurityDB, iMapTopoDB in
turn from the Database pull down menu and perform the same operation to
complete the backup process.
Database restoration:

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Close T2000 NM server. Run “/Start/Program/Microsoft SQL Server

7.0/Enterprise Manager” to open SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Open
“Microsoft SQL Servers/SQL Server Group/Computer Name” under Console
Root. Right click Databases, and enter “All tasks/Restore Database….”

Select database names in “Restore as database” and “Show backups of

database” pull down menus respectively. The system will automatically display
the latest backup files. Adjust recently backed up database in “First backup to
restore” pull down menu. Do not change the other parameters. Click OK to
restore databases. Do the same operations to restore the other five databases.

II. NM version query

Start the NM T2000. Open the menu “Help/About”, and an interface containing
version information will pop up.

2.3.2 T2000 under UNIX

I. NM database backup and restoration

Close T2000 NM server. Right click on the blank area in the screen, and select
Program/Terminal. Then input cd /T2000/server/database in the command
window and press Enter. Input ls and press Enter again. Find out the file
backupmo.bat. Input backupmo.bat and press Enter to run it directly. The backup
file is saved under /T2000/server/database/mo directory.
Close T2000 NM server. Right click on the blank area in the screen, and select
Program/Terminal. Then input cd /T2000/server/database in the command
window and press Enter. Input ls and press Enter again. Find out the file
restoremo.bat. Input restoremo.bat and press Enter to run it directly. The system
will restore the backup file under /T2000/server/database/mo directory
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II. NM version query and default login password

Run T2000 NM. Open the menu “Help/About”. Version information is in the
popped up interface.

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2.3.3 Common Maintenance Operations of OptiX iManager T2000

Classfication Item Implementation method Effects on online services Risk level
Main Menu- View- Equipment No effect on services, but
NE extend ID Maintenance Console-NE could result in Advise not to
modification Communication-Communication communication interruption perform
Parameter setting between NM and NE.
Main Menu- View- Equipment Do not modify
NE name modification Maintenance Console –Common No effect under normal General
Configuration-NE Attribute situation
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Do not modify
NE gateway Maintenance Console-NE
No effect under normal General
modification Communication-Communication
Parameter setting
NE settings Main Menu- View- Equipment
NE IP address Maintenance Console-NE Advise not to
No effect General
modification Communication-Communication perform
Parameter setting
Main Menu- View- Equipment
No effect on services, but NM
NE user and password Maintenance Console-NE Security Advise not to
computer cannot accesses General
modification Management–NE User perform
Deleting protection
Add/Delete NE logic Implemented by modifying subnet/logic system will lead Advise not to
system protection subnet at NM side to service interruption, but perform
adding has no effect.
Creating and deleting boards
Main topology-Double click has no effect on service.
Add/Delete board NE-Right click on slots to Boards configured with General
add/deleted boards services are not allowed to
delete by NM.
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Under NE normal running
Maintenance Dangerous
state, there is no effect on
Back up board Console-Maintenance-NE operation,
services. The operation Dangerous
configuration Configuration Data advise not to
should be be performed
Management-Backup board perform.
when NE is in normal state.
Circuit board
operation Adding standby clock board
has no effect on current
services. Modify the board
configuration of logic system
after adding standby
Add standby Main topology-Bouble click
cross-connect board in
cross-connect NE-Right click on the slot to add General
155/622 devices, and
board/clock board board
services will be influenced.
Nevertheless, services on
2500+ and 10G MADM
devices will not be
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Orderwirr number
Maintenance Console-SDH No effect General
Modifying Configuration-Overhead interface
orderwire Main Menu- View- Equipment
configuration RAX value modification Maintenance Console-SDH
No effect General
of order wire telephone Configuration-Overhead interface
-Select an orderwire interface
Circuit board
interface Modify J1 and C2 bytes Main Menu- View- Equipment When interconnected Dangerous Dangerous
Maintenance Console-SDH devices are both produced by operation,
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Classfication Item Implementation method Effects on online services Risk level
Configuration-SDH Overhead Byte Huawei, J1 byte modification advise not to
Management-Higher Order Path under default conditions has perform.
Overhead no effects on services.
However, when
interconnecting with other
vendor’s equipment, it is
necessary to understand
their equipment.
C2 byte modification will
cause service interruption.
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Maintenance Console-SDH
Modify path impedance Configuration-PDH interface-Select Service can be interrupted Dangerous
By Board/Port(Path)-Path-Path
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Maintenance Console-SDH
No need to
Tributary timing mode Configuration-PDH interface-Select Service can be interrupted Forbidden
By Board/Port(Path)-Board
-Tributary timing mode
No effect on services under
Main Menu- View- Equipment normal condition.
Tributary protection Maintenance Console-SDH Modification errors will lead to
attribute Configuration-PDH interface-Select abnormal switching, and
By Function-Path Protection service will be also be
Main Menu- View- Equipment When the device is in normal
Add/delete Maintenance Console-SDH running state (no switching),
Add/Delete services General
services Configuration - SDH Service other services will not be
Configuration influenced.
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Operations on
Back up NE database Console-Maintenance-Configuration No effect General
NE database
Data Management–Backup NE
Main Menu- View- Protection View
Existing services should be
Select protection subnet and right
Adding standby logic deleted first, and this will
click-select Delete Protection
system online to 1+1 interrupt the services. Dangerous
protection Creating protection subnet
Right click on protection view-select
has no effect on services.
Create- 1+1 MSP
Main Menu- View- Protection View
Existing services should be
Select protection subnet and right
Adding standby logic deleted first, and this will
click-select Delete Protection
system online to 1:N interrupt the services. Dangerous
protection Creating protection subnet
Right click on protection view-select
has no effect on services.
Create- M:N MSP
Deleting SNCP node will Dangerous
settings Main Menu- View- Protection View
Add/Delete SNCP break services. Adding operation,
Right click on the node- select Dangerous
nodes SNCP node has no effect on advise not to
Create SNCP node
service perform.
Main Menu- View- Protection View Dangerous
No effect on services under
Modify MSP WTR time Select protection subnet and right operation,
normal state. Services will Dangerous
and trigger conditions click-select Protection Subnet advise not to
break under switching state.
Attributes perform.
Main Menu- View- Protection View Under normal state, Not
Start/stop MSP Select protection subnet and right starting/stopping of protocol recommended
controller click-select Protection Subnet controller on a single node to perform in
Attributes will not affect services. normal running

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Classfication Item Implementation method Effects on online services Risk level
starting/stopping Two or state
more NE protocols will affect
Optical Main Menu- View- Equipment
Loopback interface/Electrical Maintenance Console-SDH Service Loopbacked
to perform in Dangerous
operation interface/VC4/Tributary Configuration-PDH interface (SDH port/VC4 will break.
normal running
loopback interface)
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Whether to use the Maintenance Console-Common
Service will be not
second input power of Configuration- Set Environment General
PMU Monitor-PMU interface-Basic
PMU settings
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Maintenance Console-Common
monitoring temperature
Configuration- Set Environment No impact General
lower and upper
Monitor-PMU interface-Temperature
Main Menu- View- Equipment recommended
Optical channel will be
Laser switch operation Maintenance Console-SDH to perform in Forbidden
Configuration-SDH interface normal running
Laser settings
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Automatic laser Maintenance Console-SONET
Affects path protection ring to perform in Forbidden
shutdown Configuration-Automatic Laser
normal running
Main Menu- View- Equipment recommended
Clock priority
Maintenance Console-Clock No impact to perform in General
Configuration- Clock Source Priority normal running
Main Menu- View- Equipment Affects network
Set clock source Maintenance Console-Clock synchronization. Wrong
to perform in General
restoration parameters Configuration- Clock Source settings will have long-term
normal running
Modifying Restoration Parameter effect on services.
configuration Not
Main Menu- View- Equipment Affects network
SSM output control Maintenance Console-Clock synchronization. Wrong
to perform in General
modification Configuration- Clock Subnet settings will have long-term
normal running
Setting- SSM Output Control effect on services.
Main Menu- View- Equipment Affects network
Clock source quality Maintenance Console-Clock synchronization. Wrong
to perform in General
modification Configuration- Clock Subnet settings will have long-term
normal running
Setting- Clock Source Quality effect on services.
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Alarm Alarm suppression / Maintenance Console-Alarm- Set
No impact General
settings Inversion Alarms- Set Alarm Reversion (Set
Alarm Suppression)
Depend on alarm type
Main Menu- View- Equipment recommended
inserted. MS-AIS and
Alarm insertion Maintenance Console-Alarm- Alarm to perform in Dangerous
MS-RDI alarms will affect
Insertion normal running

Set NE alarm attributes Main Menu- View- Equipment No effect General

Maintenance Console-Alarm- Set
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Classfication Item Implementation method Effects on online services Risk level
NE Alarm Attributes
Whether to insert AIS Main Menu- View- Equipment
Do not use this
when there are excess Maintenance Console-Alarm-Set No effect General
bit errors QoS- Set AIS Insertion Switch
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Set alarm attributes Maintenance Console-Alarm- Set No effect General
NE Alarm Attributes
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Maintenance Console-
Set performance
Performance- Performance Setting- General
monitoring time No effect
Set Performance Monitoring
Performance Start/Stop Status
settings Main Menu- View- Equipment
Performance Maintenance Console-
monitoring object and Performance- Performance No effect General
auto report state Setting-Set performance monitoring
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Reset the borard Maintenance Console- Service will be interrupted Dangerous
advise not to
Maintenance- Reset Board
Reset perform.
operations Service will not influenced Dangerous
Main topology- double click NE to
under normal state, but will operation,
open board layout-Right click on Dangerous
Reset SCC be influenced under MS advise not to
SCC board- select Reset
switching state. perform.
Main Menu- View- Equipment Dangerous
TDA internal and
Maintenance Console-SDH operation,
external timing Service will be interrupted Forbidden
Configuration- TDA Interface-TDA advise not to
clock source configuration perform.
Clicking “Delete Fiber Cable”
will influce services (The
Main menu- Topology- Fiber/Cable precondition of this operation
Modifying fiber/cable General
Management is to delete services and
protection subnet on the
fiber. )
Main menu- Configuration- Dangerous
Configuration Data Management- operation,
Download NE data Service will be interrupted Forbidden
Other Configuration Data advise not to
operations Upload/Download perform.
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Fan parameters Maintenance Console-Common Advise not to
No effect Forbidden
settings Configuration- Set Environment perform
Monitor- Set Fan
Services in test channel and
2M Pseudo-random Main Menu- Maintenance- 2M Advise not to
in 63th channel of PQ1 will be General
number test Pseudo Number Test perform
Main Menu- View- Equipment
Maintenance Console-SDH Services in use should be set
Path service load
Configuration-PDH interface-Select as load. Otherwise, services General
indication modifications
By Board/Port(Path)-Path- Service will be influenced.
Load Indication
operation, and
Add/delete service Main Menu- Configuration- SDH
do not add or
under MSP switching configuration- SDH Service Services will be influenced. Forbidden
delete services
state Configuration
under this

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Chapter 3 Transmission Index Test

3.1 Optical Interface Indices

3.1.1 Mean Launched Power

I. Index meaning

Launched power of transmitter is concerned with the ratio of “1”s in the

transmitted signals. The more “1”s are in the signal, the higher the optical power
is. When transmitting pseudorandom signals, percentage of “1”s and “0”s are
almost the same (50%). The optical power at this moment is mean launched

II. Index definition

1) STM-1 interface
Intra-office and short haul: -8dbm ~ -15dbm;
Long haul: 0dbm ~ -5dbm
2) STM-4 interface
Intra-office and short haul: -8dbm ~ -15dbm:
Long haul: 2dbm ~ -3dbm
3) STM-16 interface
Intra-office: -3dBm ~ -10dBm;
Short haul: 0dBm ~ -5dBm;
Long haul: 3dBm ~ -2dBm

3.1.2 Extiction Ratio

I. Index meaning

Suppose the mean optical power is A when all optical data are “1”s, and it is B
when all optical data are “0”s. The extinction ratio is
EX=10lg B .
Too high extinction ratio will lead to chirps, wider spectral and bigger dispersions.
Low extinction ratio, however, will lead to difficulties in distinguishing 1 and 0 by
the receiver. Only the minimum extinction ratio is specified in the protocol.

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II. Index definition

Note: We only specify the minimum extinction ratio. In our tests, we set the
extinction ratio of 2500M no higher than 10dB.
1) STM-1:
Intra-office and short haul: 8.2dB;
Long haul: 10dB
2) STM-4:
Intra-office and short haul: 8.2dB;
Long Haul: 10dB
3) STM-16:
Intra-office, short haul and long haul: 8.2dB

3.1.3 Receiver Sensitivity

I. Index meaning

Receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum acceptable value of mean

received optical power to achieve a specified BER. In the consideration of
redundancy, the factory setting value of sensitivity should be 3dB lower than the
required. For example, the sensitivity of L-16.2 receiver is -28dBm, and the
redundancy is 3db. Therefore, the factory setting index of receiver sensitivity
should be -31dBm.

II. Index definition

1) STM-1:
Intra-office: -23dBm;
Short haul: -28dBm;
Long haul: -34dBm
2) STM-4:
Intra-office: -23dBm;
Long haul and short haul: -28dBm;
3) STM-16:
Intra-office and short haul: -18dBm;
Long Haul:
L-16.1: -27dBm;
L-16.2: -28dBm;
L-16.3: -27dBm

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3.1.4 Receiver Overload Power

I. Index meaning

Receiver overload power is defined as the maximum acceptable value of

average received optical power to achieve a specified BER.

II. Index definition

1) STM-1:
Intra-office and short haul: -8dBm;
Long haul: -10dBm
2) STM-4:
3) STM-16:
Intra-office and short haul: 1dBm;
Long haul:
L-16.1: 1dBm;
L-16.2: 2dBm;
L-16.3: 1dBm.

3.1.5 Optical Path Penalty

I. Index meaning

Optical path penalty is the total dispersion penalty introduced due to reflection,
inter-symbol interference, mode partition noises, and chirps in laser. Dispersion
is introduced to the signal because of the light from the optical transmitter is not
so ideal, and due to the reflection at the laser, etc. So, it should be processed at
the receiver. Therefore, optical path penalty explains performances at both the
transmitter and the receiver.
Inter-symbol interference is the interference between the codes 1 and 0.
Mode partition noise is the dispersion caused by different frequencies of
multi-longitudinal modes.
Chirps in the laser are amplitude uprushes of the laser.

II. Index definition

1) STM-1:
2) STM-4:

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3) STM-16:
Intra-office and short haul: 1dB;
Long haul:
L-16.1: 1dB;
L-16.2: 2dB;
L-16.3: 1dB.

3.1.6 Permissible Frequency Deviation at Input Optical Interface

I. Index meaning

The index is mainly to test phase locked loop ability of the receiver, and
permitted frequency deviation at optical input interface.

II. Index definition


3.1.7 Output Jitter




1. Index
2. meaning
Because signals are influenced by system clock, chip threshold, etc., output data
will shift forwards and backwards. When the fore-and-aft shifting frequency is
bigger than 10HZ, the phenomenon is considered as a jitter. High amount of jitter
will have negative effects on the downstream station.
Measurement unit of jitter is UI. UI is the reciprocal of optical transmission bit
STM-1: UI= 155M =6.43ns;
STM-4: UI= 622M =1.61ns;

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STM-16: UI= 2500M =0.40ns.

I. Index definition

Level Maximum output peak-to-peak jitter UIp-p Measurement filter parameters

B1 B2 F1 (Hz) f2 (kHz) f3 (MHz)
STM-1 0.75 0.15 500 65 1.3
STM-4 0.75 0.15 1,000 250 5
STM-16 0.75 0.15 5,000 1,000 20

3.1.8 Jitter & Wander Torelance

I. Index meaning

Simply, this is the maximum tolerable peak-to-peak jitter or wander of the device,
when SDH analyzer adding jitter or wander on input data at optical interface. It
should not be lower than the values in specification

II. Index definition

This index is specified in G.825, and in G.825 template.

Jitter & wander parameters:
STM Peak-to-peak jitter and wander Frequency (Hz)
Level amplitude (UI)
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 f0 f12 F11 f10 f9 f8 f1 f2 f3 f4
(18 (2 (0.25
 s)  s)  s)
STM-1 02 311 39 1.5 0.15 12 178 1.6 115.6 0.13 19.3 500 6.5 k 065 1.3
800     m m k M
STM-4 11 1,244 156 1.5 0.15 12 178 1.6 15.6 0.13 9.65 1,000 25 k 250 05
200     m m k M
STM-16 44 4,977 622 1.5 0.15 12 178 1.6 15.6 0.13 12.1 5,000 100K 1M 20
790     m m M

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Jitter & tolerance template is shown in the figure above:

This template was specified before 1993. Template after 1993 is specified in
G.958, which eliminated the wander. The test meter can only perform jitter
tolerance test, but not wander tolerance test. Parameters of the new template
are in the table below.
STM-N level  t (kHz)  0 (kHz) A1 (UIp-p) A2 (UIp-p)
STM-1 0065 000 6.5 0.15 1.5
STM-4 0250 125 0.15 1.5
STM-16 1000 100 0.15 1.5
New G.958 template is shown below

The actual tested waveform should be on top of the template. Otherwise, the test
Note: Tests below are all concerned with G.958 template.

3.2 Electrical Interface Indices

3.2.1 Output Interface Signals (including AIS) Bit Rate

I. Index meaning

Output interface signals bit rate is the number of bits transmitted per second. AIS
bit rate is the number of bits per second when transmitting AIS signal.

II. Index definition

1) 1.5M electrical interface

Bit rate: 1544kbit/s
Bit rate error tolerance: ±32ppm. That’s ±32×10 .
Code pattern: B8ZS
2) 2M electrical interface
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Bit rate: 2048kbit/s

Bit rate error tolerance:±50ppm. That’s ±50×10 .
Code pattern: HDB3
3) 34M electrical interface
Bit rate:34368kbit/s
Bit rate error tolerance: ±20ppm. That's ±20×10 .
Code pattern: HDB3
4) 45M electrical interface
Bit rate:44736kbit/s
Bit rate error tolerance: ±20ppm. That’s ±20×10 .
Code pattern: B3ZS
5) 140M electrical interface
Bit rate: 139264kbit/s
Bit rate error tolerance:±15ppm. That’s ±15×10 .
Code pattern: CMI
6) 155M electrical interface
Bit rate: 155520kbit/s
Bit rate error tolerance: ±20ppm. That is ±20×10 .
Code pattern: CMI
7) 2MHz synchronous signals
Frequency: 2048Hz
Frequency tolerance: ±50ppm. That's ±50×10 .

3.2.2 Permitted Frequency Deviation at Input Port

I. Index meaning

When the input interface receives signals with specified frequency deviation, the
input interface can still work properly (without giving any bit errors in the device).
This index is mainly to test the phase locked loop ability of the receiver.

II. Index definition

The permitted frequency deviation requirement at an electrical input interface at

different rates is the same as that of bit rate tolerance.

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3.2.3 Permitted Attenuation at Input Interface

I. Index meaning

In the equipment room, the output interface and the input interface are
connected with cables. The signals will be attenuated on the cable from the
output to the input. Attenuation permission at the input interface means that the
input interface can still work properly after receiving the signals that have
undergone attenuation on the standard cable.

II. Index definition

Interface rate Attenuation range (dB) Standard attenuation cable length (M)
1.5M interface * 300
2M interface 0~6 300
34M interface 0~12 150
45M interface * 150
140M interface 0~12 70
155M interface 0~12.7 70
2MHz synchronous interface 0~6 300
Note: At present, the test indices are mainly concerned with 2M and 155M
electrical interfaces.

3.2.4 Anti-interference Ability at Input Interface

I. Index meaning

Anti-interference at input interface is specified as, after certain strength of

interference added on signals at 2M and 34M tributary input interfaces, they can
still work properly without generating bit errors.

II. Index definition

Interface rate Signal to noise ratio

2M interface 18dB
34M interface 20dB

3.2.5 Reflection Attenuation at Input and Output Interfaces

I. Index meaning

Reflection attenuation at input and output interfaces specifies nominal

impedance and reflection attenuation of the interfaces.

II. Index definition

Interface rate Test frequency range Reflection attenuation (dB) Impedance

1.5M input interface
2M input interface 51~102.4 ≥12 75 or 120
102.4~2048 ≥18

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2048~3072 ≥14
34M input interface 859.2~1718.4 ≥12 75
1718.4~34368 ≥18
34368~51552 ≥14
45M input interface 75
140M input interface and output 7000~210000 ≥15 75
155M input interface and output 8000~240000 ≥15 75
2048kHz synchronization interface 2,048 ≥15 75 or 120
Note: At present, only 140M and 155M specify reflection attenuation at output

3.2.6 Overvoltage Protectionin Ability of Input and Output Interfaces

I. Index meaning

As specified, over-voltage protection ability is to test whether the input/output

interfaces are damaged with standard electrical pulse strikes. This test is similar
to EMC lightning strike test, therefore, both tests can be conducted at the same

II. Index definition

1) At interconnection ends of coaxial cables

a. Differential mode: That is to apply electrical pulse between the core and the
b. Common mode: That is to apply electrical pulse between the core and the
ground, as well as between the shield and the ground.
2) At interconnection ends of symmetric cables
a. Differential mode: That is to apply electrical pulse between two symmetric
b. Common mode: That is to apply electrical pulse between two parallel cables
and the ground respectively.

3.2.7 Input Jitter & Wander Tolerance

I. Index meaning

Simply, the maximum jitter or wander peak value that the equipment can tolerate,
when SDH analyzer applies jitter or wander to input data at the optical input
interface. It should not be lower than the specified value.

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Characteristics of a

Peak-to-peak amplitude (UI)

typical frame aligner
20 dB/decade



f0 f1 f2 f3 f4
Frequency (Hz)

FIGURE 3/G.824
Mask of peak-to-peak jitter and wander which must be accommodated
at the input of a node in a digital network
[Measurement method – refer to Supplement No. 3.8 (O-Series)
and Supplement No. 35 (G-Series)]

Figure 3-1 Input jitter and wander tolerance mask at Tributary interface (1.5M series)

2. Index definition
Values of jitter and wander tolerance mask at Tributary interface (1.5M series):
Interface rate Peak-to-peak jitter & wander Frequency (Hz)
A0 A1 A2 F0 F1 F2 F3 F4
1.5M 18 5 0.1 −5 10Hz 120Hz 6kHz 40kHz
1.2×10 Hz
45M 18 5 0.1 −5 10Hz 600Hz 30kHz 400kHz
1.2×10 Hz

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Peak-to-peak jitter
and wander amplitude Characteristics of a
(log scale) typical frame aligner



Slope equivalent
to 20 dB/decade


Jitter frequency
(log scale)
f0 f10 f 9 f8 f1 f2 f3 f4

FIGURE 3/G.823
Lower limit of maximum tolerable input jitter and wander

Figure 3-2 Input jitter and wander tolerance mask at Tributary interface (2M series)

Values of jitter and wander tolerance mask at Tributary interface (2M series):
Interface Peak-to-peak jitter & wander value Frequency (Hz)
A0 A3 A1 A2 F0 F10 F9 F8 F1 F2 F3 F4
2M 36.9(18 s) 18 1.5 0.2 −5 * * * 20Hz 2.4kHz 18kHz 100kHz
1.2×10 Hz
34M 618.6(18 s) * 1.5 0.15 * * * * 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 800kHz
140M 2506.6(18 s) * 1.5 0.075 * * * * 200Hz 500Hz 10kHz 3500kHz
Peak-to-peak jitter and wander
amplitude (log scale)


A1 Slopes are equivalent

to 20 dB/decade


Jitter frequency
(log scale)

f0 f12 f 11 f 10 f9 f8 f1 f2 f3 f4 T1817010-92/d02

FIGURE 2/G.825
Lower limit of maximum tolerable input jitter and wander

Figure 3-3 Line electrical interface test mask

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Values of jitter and wander tolerance mask at line electrical interface:

Interface Peak-to-peak jitter and wander amplitude Frequency (Hz)
rate (UI)
A0(18 s) A1(2 ?s) A2 A3 A4 F0 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F1 F2 F3 F4
155M 02 800 311 39 1.5 0.15 12 178 1.6 m 15.6 0.13 19.3 500 6.5 065 1.3
    m k k M

Note: This mask was specified before 1993. The mask after 1993 eliminated the
wander, because the test meter cannot perform wander tolerance test. Therefore,
you can only see the mask after frequency F1 in the meter.

3.2.8 Output Jitter

I. Index meaning




Because signals are influenced by system clock, chip threshold, etc., output data
will shift forwards and backwards. When the fore-and-aft shifting frequency is
bigger than 10HZ, the phenomenon is considered as a jitter. High amount of jitter
will have negative effects on the downstream station.
Measurement unit of jitter is UI. UI is the reciprocal of optical transmission bit
1.5M: UI= 1。5M =647.3ns
2M: UI= 2M =488ns
34M: UI= 34M =29.1ns
45M: UI= 45M =22.34ns
140M: UI= 140M =7.18ns
155M: UI= 155M =6.43ns

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II. Index definition

Data rate (kbit/s) Maximum output peak-to-peak Measurement filter parameters

jitter UIp-p
B1 B2 F1 (Hz) F3 (kHz) F4 (kHz)
2,048 1.5 0.2 20 18 100
34,368 1.5 0.15 100 10 800
139,264 1.5 0.075 200 10 3,500
155,520 1.5 0.075 500 65 1.3

3.2.9 Mapping Jitter

I. Index meaning

The stuffed bits and overhead are removed from the signal at the SDH/PDH
border in order to restore tributary signals, thus leaving a gap. The jitter
introduced in this process is called tributary mapping jitter.

II. Index definition

PDH Bit rate Mapping jitter Filter characteristics

interface tolerance
F1~F4 F3~F4 F1 high pass F3 high pass F4 low pass
(UI) (UI)
2M ±50 0.4 0.075 20Hz 18kHz 100kHz
34M ±20 0.4 0.075 200Hz 10kHz 800kHz
140M ±15 0.4 0.075 200Hz 10kHz 3500kHz

3.2.10 Combined Jitter

I. Index implication

As the pointer is adjusted in the unit of a single byte or 3 bytes, such phase jump
may produce considerable jitter and wander at the SDH/PDH border.

II. Index definition

PDH interface Bit rate Combined jitter Test sequence parameters

(kb/s) f1~f4 f3~f4 T1 T2 T3
UI (p-p) UI (p-p) (S) (ms) (ms)
a b c d a B c d
2,048 ±50 0.4 0.4 0.4 / 0.075 0.075 0.075 / >=10 750 2
34,368 ±20 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.75 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 >=10 34 0.5
139,264 ±15 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.75 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 >=10 34 0.5
Definitions of testing pointers sequences a, b, c and d are as follows.

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T2 T3





a-Singal pointer of opposite polarity;

b-Regular pointer plus one double pointer;
c-Regular single pointer with one missing pointer;
d-Double pointers of opposite polarity
Take 2M signals as example:
Pointer sequence a: For example, the current pointer value is 522. After T1 time
interval, the pointer value becomes 521 (522 – 1); and after next T1 time interval
it becomes 522 (521 + 1), and so on.
Pointer sequence b: For example, the pointer value increases by one after every
time interval. Four T2 time intervals and one T3 time interval form one cycle. The
current pointer value is 522; after four T2 time intervals it becomes 526; and after
next T3 time interval it becomes 527.
Pointer sequence c: The pointer value increases by one after every time interval
except for at the missing pointer. Five T2 time intervals form one cycle.
Pointer sequence d: For example, the current pointer value is 522. After Te time
interval it becomes 523 (522 + 1); after next T1 time interval it becomes 522 (523
– 1); ….and so on. Two T1 intervals and one T3 interval form one cycle.

3.3 SEC (SDH Equipment Clock) Index

3.3.1 Frequency Accuracy

I. Index meaning

Select a high stable nominal frequency as a reference. The actual frequency

offset from the nominal one is frequency accuracy, often in the term of relative
frequency deviation.

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II. Index definition

SEC output frequency accuracy should be higher than 4.6×10-6 under TM and
ADM free running status.

3.3.2 Pull-in and Pull-out Range

I. Index meaning

Pull-in range is the maximum frequency width of locked input timing signals that
can be obtained by the clock. If the clock is locked with the input timing signals,
the maximum frequency width that can hold this locked input timing signals is
pull-out range.

II. Index definition

The minimum pull-in range is ±4.6×10-6. The pull-out range is also ±4.6×10-6.

3.3.3 Hold-over Performance

I. Index meaning

When the external timing source is interrupted, SEC can keep a clock accuracy
no worse than 0.37×10-6 (between 20ºc and 30ºc) for a period of 24 hours.

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