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Julieta Anyul Hisi López Global History III

- WWI (1914-18)
- Russian Revolution (1917)
- Unification of Italy (1918)
- Roaring 20 (1920s)
- Crack of 29 & Great Depression (1929)
- WWII (1939-45)
- Japanese economic miracle (post WWII-Cold War)
- Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
- Creation of the UN (1945) & the GATT (1948)
- Creation of the state of Israel (1948)
- Cold War (1947-91)
- Korean War (1950-53)
- Vietnam War (1955-75)
- Cuban Revolution (1953-59)
- Gulf War I & II (1990-91)
- Divission of Yugoslavia (1991-2006)
- Kurd conflicto
- US intervention in Latin America and Middle East
- Rise of China

- Gandhi (1869-1948)
- Churchill (1874-1965)
- Stalin (1879-1953) CONCEPTS
- Getúlio Vargas (1882-1954)
- Mussolini (1883-1945) - Nationalism
- Hitler (1889-1945) - Feminism moment
- De Gaulle (1890-1970) - Anti-racism movement
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976) - Hippie movement vs war Consumerism
- Orwell (1903-1950) - Shift of democracies
- Pinochet (1915-2006) - Security
- Arabic revolutions
- Kennedy (1917-1963)
- Mandela (1918-2013) - Universal sufrague
- Thatcher (1925-2013)
- Fidel Castro (1926-2016)
- Martin Luther King (1929-1968)
- Gorbachev (1931-)

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