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 Representation done by anyone committed to the concerns of any particular

group in society. Such concerns may be rights based or needs based. (Definition
by Mendson Mjulumba Mpofu)
 It is the giving out support and helping hand by a group or an individual concern
in the society.
 Providing programs that will help the community to be more familiar with the
present situation and scenario in the society.


AKO MISMO is about YOU making a stand and taking real action for the causes you
believe in. Causes that you yourself can truly pursue to make a real, positive difference
to your fellow countryman, to your country.

It is a movement where you can show your patriotism and compassion, and make these
traits infectious.

It’s about action that eradicates hopelessness in every Filipino.


A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being
undesirable. (Maxwell)

It is any deviant behavior in a disapproved direction of such a degree that it exceeds the
tolerance limit of the community. (Lindbergh)

Social problem starts with the awakening of people in a given locality, with the
realization of certain cherished values that are threatened by the conditions which have
become acute. (Fuler & Mayer)

Some of the identified social problems are as follows:


-It is the inability to satisfy one's basic needs because one lacks income to buy
services or from lack of access to services.
-The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or
material possessions.
-The condition of people who lack adequate income and wealth.

Absolute Poverty
The state of severe deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes
food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care, education and information.

Refers to a set standard which is the same in all countries and which does not
change over time.

People are absolutely poor if the minimum amounts of food, clothing and shelter
necessary for survival absorb all of their income, and they live a razor’s edge

Relative Poverty

Refers to as being below some relative income threshold, where this threshold
differs for each society or country.

A standard which is defined in terms of the society in which an individual lives

and which therefore differs between countries and over time.

People are relatively poor if the customary (average) standard of living in their
society requires more spending than the income they have available.

◦ Causes of Poverty
 Overpopulation
 Unemployment
 Corruption

◦ Effects of Poverty
 Lack of basic needs (foods,shelter,education)
 Malnutrition and other health problems
 Crimes
 Prostitution
 Child abuse (child labor)
 Gambling

◦ Prevention of Poverty

After numerous articles done discussing the possible solutions for poverty,
the major possible solutions are: first, changing one’s attitude towards the
government and life. Don’t be one of the problems instead be part of the solution.
Positive attitude will be very helpful. Do your responsibilities a citizen. Second,
give much importance on education. With the help of the government and your
courage you can send yourself or your family to education. Third, government
support, programs, and projects are key players that will help the community and
society eliminate poverty. Fourth, stop corruption so national debt will not add up.
Strict implementation of laws can control the corruption.


 The act or process of polluting or the state of being polluted, especially the
contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of harmful
 The contamination of air, water, or soil by substances those are harmful to living
organisms. Pollution can occur naturally, for example through volcanic eruptions,
or as the result of human activities, such as the spilling of oil or disposal of
industrial waste.
 The introduction of a contaminant into the environment. It is created mostly by
human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a
detrimental effect on any living organism in an environment, making it virtually
impossible to sustain life.

a) AIR POLLUTION - the release of airborne pollutants and particulate

matter such as gases, smoke particles, chemicals, etc. into the
atmosphere to the point where they contribute to human and ecosystem
health problems.
Air pollution is severe in the Philippines, this is one of the serious
problems the country is facing. It is also a major contributor for some
diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other airborne diseases.

◦ Causes
 Automobile emissions
 Tobacco smoke
 Combustion of coal
 Acid rain
 Manufacturing and Power plants
 Paint fumes and Aerosol sprays
 Wildfires
 Nuclear weapons

b) WATER POLLUTION - The introduction (directly or indirectly) of harmful

substances into bodies of water (lakes, rivers, ground water and oceans)
that have negative impacts on aquatic species and harm human health.
It may be in the form of physical substance that gets into the bodies
of water or it may be in the form of chemical substance that blends with
the clean bodies of water.

◦ Causes
 Factories and Refineries
 Waste treatment facilities
 Mining
 Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
 Human sewage
 Oil spills
 Animal waste
 Improper Garbage and Waste Disposal

c) LAND POLLUTION – The addition of various contaminants (toxins,

radioactive materials, solid waste, consumer and industrial chemicals,
heavy metals, agricultural chemicals, dioxins, etc) that damage the soil’s
vital ecosystem and contribute to environmental and human health
The demolition of Earth's land surfaces often caused by human
activities and their misuse of land resources greatly affects the land
pollution. It occurs when waste is not disposed of properly.

◦ Causes
 Improper Garbage and Waste Disposal
 Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
 Urbanization and Industrialization Mining
 Overcrowded landfills
 Deforestation
◦ Effects of Pollution
◦ Destruction of ecosystem
◦ Numbers of diseases
◦ Small number of healthy resources
◦ Loss of life (Humans,Animals,Plants)
◦ Flashfloods
◦ Global Warming

◦ Prevention of Pollution
 Proper garbage and waste disposal
 Segregate waster
 Eliminate/ Minimize use of harmful chemicals
 Self discipline, motivation, proper Attitude
 Government and non-government programs


- Is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. (Theology)

- Is payment for services or material which the recipient is not due, under

- The abuse of public power, office, or resources by elected government officials

for personal gain. (Politics)

- Is the process of ceasing to exist and is closely related to the concept of dying
given certain views about the nature of living things. In a moral sense, corruption
generally refers to decadence or hedonism. (Philosophy)

◦ Causes
 Selfishness and greediness
 Easy road to be rich

◦ Effects
 Poverty
 National debt
 Low quality of projects and programs

◦ Prevention
 Transparency in Government
 Competitive Compensation
 Self discipline, motivation, proper Attitude
 Vote Wisely
 Strict implementation of laws

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