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BITS Pilani

Pilani Campus

CHEM F111 General Chemistry

Lecture 8
Quantum Theory - Foundation
23-August-2013 1 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Quantum Theory
Review of Lecture 7
Theoretical Explanations of (i) Spectrum of Blackbody
(Planck); (ii) Heat Capacity of Monoatomic Solids (Einstein);
(iii) Line Spectra of Hydrogen-like atom (Bohr’s Model)

Consequences: Quantization - Particle- character of Light

Verified by Photoelectric Effect (Einstein: Photons)
Wave-Particle duality of light

de Broglie postulated: Wave-character of Matter – Established

by Davisson & Germer Expt.
Wave-Particle Duality of “Entity”


Uncertainty Principle
23-August-2013 2 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Young’s Double Slit Experiment

The same physical system can exhibit under different circumstances,

either particle or wave-like properties.
Experiment with Electrons:
Arrive in identical discrete lumps – particles
but distribution shows interference
We “cannot look” from which slit electron passes through and assume
that in some sense each electron passes through both slits. [Interference

Any experiment that can be devised that attempts to determine which

slit electron passes through always results in the disappearance of the
interference pattern

23-August-2013 3 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Young’s Double Slit Experiment Contd…

Detector On
No Interference

Detector Off


23-August-2013 4 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

De Broglie Matter Waves
Every particle has a wave associated with it.

Wave in quantum mechanics are “Probability Waves”.

There are “entities or (objects)” which may behave like a wave or a

particle but never simultaneously as both. (Complementary)

A stronger manifestation of the particle nature leads to a weaker

manifestation of the wave nature and vice versa.

23-August-2013 5 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wave-Particle Duality
Waves-Nature: Waves are spread out, like the pure sine wave shown

Particle-Nature: Particles are localized; they have a definite location, like

the particle shown below.

23-August-2013 6 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Particle-Nature of an Entity

Adding together several pure sine waves with different wavelengths

produces a resultant wave that is somewhat localized. The more sine
waves you add together, the more the resultant wave will be localized,
and the less uncertainty there will be about the object's location.

23-August-2013 7 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wave-Particle Duality
A pure sine wave has a precise wavelength, and so the object represented
by a sine wave has a precise momentum. But a pure sine wave keeps
going forever in both directions; it is not at all localized. Therefore we
are perfectly uncertain about where the object is!

What is the momentum of the object represented by the resultant wave?
The resultant wave contains a spread of wavelengths (the wavelengths of
the sine waves), and it is not clear which wavelength goes into de
Broglie's formula. Thus there is some uncertainty about the object's
momentum. If you add more sine waves together, the resultant wave will
be more localized, but there will also be more of an uncertainty in the
wavelength and momentum of the object represented by the resultant
23-August-2013 8 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Uncertainty Principle
Werner Heisenberg - Wave-particle duality of nature – “there is a
natural tradeoff between knowing an object's position and knowing
it's momentum”.

It is impossible to predict, measure, or know both the exact position of

an object and its exact momentum at the same time. In fact, an
object does not have an exact position and momentum at the same
time! Heisenberg uncertainty principle

px x  ħ/2

It is a natural consequence of the wave-particle duality of nature.

23-August-2013 9 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Quantum “Curtain”

“No one knows what happens behind the quantum curtain…

but we should not care!”

Interested in the outcomes of measurements

(only the results count… )
23-August-2013 10 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics: Based on several statements – Postulates
Statements based on these assumptions lead to predictions that agree
with the observations
Ultimate goal is to have a theory that proposes how matter behaves and
predicts events that agree with observations

Why not describe the behavior of matter using an expression for a


Postulate 1: State of a system can be described by an expression called

Physical meaning of wavefunction is difficult to describe. [Think of
wavefunction as a description of the system of interest and with this
description various properties of the system can be determined.]
23-August-2013 11 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Wavefunction Ψ/ψ (PSI/psi)

The state of a system (entity) is completely specified by its

wavefunction (x, y, z, t), which is a probability amplitude and
has the significance that
2 dV
(more generally 2dV since  may be complex)
represents the probability that the particle is located in the
infinitesimal element of volume dV about the given point, at
time t

23-August-2013 12 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Stationary States

In many situations of interest in chemistry, one is

concerned with stationary states, for which the
probability distribution is independent of time. For such
2 dV
represents the (time-independent) probability
distribution, where the wavefunction (x,y,z) is a
function of the spatial coordinates alone

23-August-2013 13 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wavefunction Ψ/ψ (PSI/psi)

For various physical and mathematical reasons, these

wavefunctions are limited to being functions that are
• must be single valued

• must be continuous

• d/dx is continuous

• all space n2 dx must be finite, ie.,  must be normalizable

23-August-2013 14 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Born Interpretation of the wavefunctions
Interpret the wavefunction in terms of “probability of location” of the

Wavefunction is probability amplitude and square of the wavefunction is

probability density

If the wavefunction of a particle has a value ψ at some point r, then the

probability of finding the particle in an infinitesimal volume dτ = dxdydz
at that point is proportional to |ψ|2d τ

The Born Interpretation makes the necessity of wavefunctions being

bounded and Single-Valued

The Born Interpretation also suggests that wavefunction are expected to

be Normalized
23-August-2013 15 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
If the probability for a particle having wavefunction ψ were
evaluated over the entire space in which the particle exists, then
the probabilty should be equal to 1.
all space 2 dτ = 1

The wavefunction must be multiplied by some constant so that

the area under the curve 2 is equal to 1.

The normalization does not affect the shape of the function, it

imposes a scaling factor on the amplitude

23-August-2013 16 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wavefunction Ψ/ψ (PSI/psi)
Single valued requires that there be a single value of the function
for a given interval.

Not single valued Single valued

23-August-2013 17 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wavefunction Ψ/ψ (PSI/psi)
Continuous requires that the function and the first-derivative of
the function be smoothly varying with no discontinuities

Not Continuous Continuous

23-August-2013 18 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Wavefunction Ψ/ψ (PSI/psi)
Normalization Requires

all space 2 dτ = 1

Tan x? Not good.

Sin x? Good.

23-August-2013 19 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Postulate 1: State of a system can be described by an expression
called wavefunction. All the possible information about the various
observable properties must be derived from the wavefunction

What is an “Observable”?
When studying the state of a system, one typically makes various
measurements of its properties such as position, momentum, energy…

Each individual property is called an “Observable”

How does one determine the value of various observable from a


23-August-2013 20 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Postulate 2: Operator
To determine the value of an observable, some mathematical
operation should be performed on the wavefunction.
This operation is represented by an Operator.

Operator: “Mathematical Instruction”: “Do something to this

function or numbers”
An Operator acts on a function to give a result (which may be a
function/ constant)
Example: d/dx : operator; 3x2 + 2x : function; 6x + 2 : Result
d/dx (3x2 + 2x) = 6x +2

When an operator acts on a function, some other function is usually

There is a special type of operator-function combination that when
evaluated produces some constant(s) times the original function
23-August-2013 21 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Eigen value equation

K = Eigen Value
Φ is the Eigen function of the operator Â

Note: Not all functions are Eigen functions of all operators

Solution: if y = eax then,

   
d ax
e ae ax

Eigen value r = a;
23-August-2013 22 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Postulate 2 contd…
For everyinmeasurable
quantum mechanics
property is(Observable)
represented byofantheoperator
there i
exists a information
correspondingabout the observable from the state function.
Allthat is represented
classical in classical
mechanical physics
properties havebyaacorresponding
function Q(x,p),Quantum
the corre
 
is Q( x, p) . operator.
Observable Operator

Position x
Momentum   
i x
Energy 2
p  2 2
E  V ( x)    V ( x)
2m 2m x 2

23-August-2013 23 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Postulate 3:
For any measurement involving an observable corresponding to an
operator, the only values that will be measured should be eigen values
of the operator.

Example: If you want to make measurements of a physical observable

(property) G of an entity; use the corresponding operator Ĝ; select a
well-behaved mathematical function;[represents the entity]
The operator-function combination should form eigen value equation
and the eigen value of the equation will be the value of that observable.

Not all experimental quantities are determined by any one wavefunction.

Rather, a given wavefunction is an eigen function of some operators by
not an eigen function of others.

23-August-2013 24 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

The Schrödinger Equation

One of the most important ideas in quantum mechanics is the

Schrödinger equation, which deals with the most important observable:
E (total Energy) = KE + PE
Corresponding Operator (Hamiltonian)
2 2 2
P  d
Hˆ   V (r )   2
 V (r )
2m 2m dx
2  2 2 2 
  2  2  2   V (r )
2m  x y z 
2 2
   V (r )
23-August-2013 25 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
The Schrödinger equation

The wavefunction (for stationary states) satisfies the Schrodinger

equation Ĥ  = E 
where is called the Hamiltonian Ĥ operator, a set of well defined
operations to be carried out on the function , and ‘represents’ the
energy E. In one dimension, the Hamiltonian may be written as
Ĥ = -ħ2/2m d2/dx2 + V(x)
where V(x) is the potential energy to which the particle is subjected


 2  2 2 2  
  2  2  2   V (r ) ( x, y, z )  E ( x, y, z )
 2m  x y z  
23-August-2013 26 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

To find properties (Total energy) of entity according to

quantum mechanics; we need to solve the appropriate
Schrödinger equation

Solutions for three basic types of motion:

Translation, Vibration and rotation

Translational Motion: Particle in a 1D “box”

23-August-2013 27 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Particle in one dimensional box

• It is supposed that the

V(x) = 0 inside the box but
becomes infinity at x = 0
and L.
• According to the
interpretation of wave
functions, they should be
equal to zero at x = 0 and
L. These conditions are
called boundary

23-August-2013 28 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Particle in one dimension box

Boundary conditions must be satisfied by the wave functions

23-August-2013 29 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

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