SD End To End

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SAP Implementation (End to End):


GST: Goods and Services Tax, GST is indirect tax

GST rates in India is 0%,5%,12%,18% and 28%

GST Exemption for Petrol, Liquor products and Electricity.

India Tax condition types:

USA Tax Condition types: UTX1,UTX2 and UTX3

UK Tax condition types:

GST Configuration:

1. Access Sequence: OBQ2, copy MWST and create input and output access key(ISSS,OSSS)

2. Create Condition type: OBQ1(Tax class-D,Cal.type:A,Cond.category:N)



c. Non Deductable: CGST,SGST,IGST,UGST

3.Create account keys:OBCN



C.Non Deductable: NCS,NSS,NIS,NUS

4.Assign Tax Procedure to country: OBBG

5.Define Tax procedure: OBYZ, Append your GST condition type to TAXINN tax procedure.

6.crete GL accounts:FS00

Assets:Receivable: CGST,SGST,IGST,UGST(sort key 001,

Liabilities: Payable: CGST,SGST,IGST,UGST

7.Assign GL accounts to accounting keys & GL:OB40

Double click on account key one by one:CIS, posting 40& 50 cr,dr and assign GL account assets for
input. Liabilities for output GL A/C.

8.Create Tax codes in country IN/DE:FTXP(0%,5%,12%,18%,28%)

Country key:IN/DE

Tax code:G1(0%,5%,12%,18%,28%)

Tax procedure:TAXINN

Tax type:V , click on enter.


Intra input Tax EX:G2:5%. I e CGST:2.5%,SGST:2.5%

G3:12% I e CGST:6%,SGST:6%

Inter input Tax:G6:0%,G7:5%,G8:12%,G9:18% etc, this is integrated tax between two states

Union territory input tax:GA:0%,GB:5%,GC:12%,GD:18%,GE:28%

Output Tax:( (0%,5%,12%,18%,28%)

Intra output Tax EX:A1:5%. I e CGST:2.5%,SGST:2.5%

A3:12% I e CGST:6%,SGST:6%

Inter input Tax:B1:0%,B2:5%,B3:12%,B4:18% etc, this is integrated tax between two states

9.FS00: Make GL accounts tax cumulative:

a. Double click on Expense account:400000 , Go to control tab, tax category (*),

Check box click –posting without tax allowed.

Next Revenue account 300000, Go to control tab, tax category (*),

Check box click –posting without tax allowed.

10.Posting purchase invoice:FB60.

TO give vendor no, amount, click on tax, enter expense account 400000 and enter amount

11.FB70:POM Sales invoice:

TO give Customer no, amount, click on tax, enter Revenue account 300000 and enter amount

12.F-03:Sal off rececivable against payable:

13.F-07:Clear GST of CGST/SGST payable amount:

14.Maintain Tax codes for excise Duties using condition technique:


Company code(SSSS) & Tax(G1,G2……..)

15.Maintain Tax condition records:FV11


AR and AP:

1. Company code:7777
2. Chart of AC:Ob13:7777,Assin to company code:OB62
3. G/L Accounts Groups:OBD4
4. Filed status area:OBC4
5. Field status area assigned to company code:OBC5
6. Retained Earning AC:OB53
7. GL A/C:FS00: 100000-Liabilities(G001-Balance sheet),200000 (Assets-G005-Balance
8. Define Fiscal year:OB29
9. Assign Fiscal Year:OB37
10. Period open and Closed:OBBO
11. Assign Period(Open & Close):OBBP
12. OB52(Period open & Closed)
13. Number Ranges:OBA7
14. Tolerance Limit:OBA4
15. Posting :FB50(GL Postings) error: There is no item category assigned to account in chart of
accounts SAP, settings:Financial Account Splitting—select Deactivation per company code—
position-company code-select check box inactive.
16. Error: No item category assigned to account 100000/ssss.(Financial Acounting-GL Accouting
New-Business Transaction-Document Splitting

For Vendor creation:XK01-FS00-1st tab-check Balance sheet, 2nd Control tab-Recon account type
is Vendor, tick line item display, 3rd tab-create/bank/Interest, FSG G067


1.Accounts Groups: sold to party-7001.

2.Create DR accounts and sales revenue account:FS00

3.Vendor number range:XDN1 & Assign

4.Creat customer:FD01,155 Account created.

5.Number Ranges: OBA7 , 18 for customer invoice, 14-customer paymet

6.Customer Tolerance:OBA3 :senter company code and save

7.Invoice FB70

8.FBL5N Overview


1400000000 Doc saved


1.Accounts Groups: OBD3(Vendor): 7777

2.Create Creditor AC and Expenditure AC account:FS00, Liabilities-Creditor AC, Expense- expenditure


3.Creat vendor:FK01
4.Number Ranges: OBA7 , 17 for Vendor Doc, 15 for vendor payment, 19 for invoice, KA,KR,KZ

6.Customer Tolerance:OBA3

7.Invoice FB60, Expense AC

8.FBL1N Overview

9.Payment:F-53, Bank AC

Integration points between SD and Other modules

Integration Points Module Involved

Sale organization to company code SD, FI

Division SD, MM

Plant SD, MM. PP

Shipping point SD, MM

Storage location SD, MM

Sales Represenative Commission ( if HR personal number are SD, HR

used )

Customer master SD, FI

Material Master SD, MM, PP, FI, CO

Output Master SD, ABAP

Pricing procedure SD, FICO

Request transport SD, BASIS

Profile Management (PFCG) SD, BASIS

Sales Order

Pricing SD, FI, CO

Transfer of requirement SD, PP,MM

Taxes SD, FI

Availability check SD, MM,PP

Credit management SD, FI


Availability Check SD, MM,PP

Integration Points Module Involved

Credit Check SD, FI

Physical Inventory SD, MM

Inventory Value FI, CO

Picking SD, MM, WM

Packing SD, MM

Shipping SD, TM (Transportation)

Billing SD, FI, CO

Account Determination SD, FI, CO

Custom reports SD, ABAP

Resource related billing SD, FICO, PS

User exit/Customer exit:

A user exit is a place in a software program where a customer can arrange for their own tailor-made program to be
called. In R/3, some user exits use Include statements to include customer program enhancements that are called from
the program. Other user exits use tables that are accessed through customization.
Documentation below is copied from SPRO activities documentation and SAP library :

 SAP Help - User Exits in Sales Document

 SAP Help - User Exits for Billing
 SAP Help - Transferring new SD fields to Accounting
 SAP Help - User Exits in Transportation
 SAP Help - User Exits for Billing Plan

Relevant Information
CMOD Customer Exits

Include It is reserved for customers, for which you need a modification key
Sales Related Exits

Customer Exits

Enhancement Code Description

SDAPO001 Activating Sourcing Subitem Quantity Propagation

SDTRM001 Reschedule schedule lines without a new ATP check

V45A0001 Determine alternative materials for product selection

V45A0002 Predefine sold-to party in sales document

V45A0003 Collector for customer function modulpool MV45A

V45A0004 Copy packing proposal

V45E0001 Update the purchase order from the sales order

V45E0002 Data transfer in procurement elements (PRreq., assembly)

V45L0001 SD component supplier processing (customer enhancements)

V45P0001 SD customer function for cross-company code sales

V45S0001 Update sales document from configuration

V45S0003 MRP-relevance for incomplete configuration

V45S0004 Effectivity type in sales order

V45W0001 SD Service Management: Forward Contract Data to Item

V46H0001 SD Customer functions for resource-related billing

V60F0001 SD Billing plan (customer enhancement) diff. to billing plan

Include Routines

Include Description

MV45ATZZ For entering metadata for sales document processing

MV45AOZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing
Z which are called up by the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior
to output of the screen.

MV45AIZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing.
These are called up by the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data
input (for example, data validation).

MV45AFZZ For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may
and be required and can be used if necessary.
For more details see Help link above.

Billing Related Exits

Customer Exits

Enhancement Description

SDVFX001 User exit header line in delivery to accounting

SDVFX002 User exit for A/R line in transfer to accounting

SDVFX003 User exit cash clearing in transfer to accounting

SDVFX004 User exit G/L line in transfer to accounting

SDVFX005 User exit reserves in transfer to accounting

SDVFX006 User exit tax line in transfer to accounting

SDVFX007 User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting

SDVFX008 User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI

SDVFX009 Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference number)

SDVFX010 User exit item table for the customer lines

SDVFX011 Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures

V05I0001 User exits for billing index

V05N0001 User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedure

V60A0001 Customer functions in the billing document

V60P0001 Data provision for additional fields for display in lists

V61A0001 Customer enhancement: Pricing

Delivery related exits

Customer Exits

Enhancement Description

V50PSTAT Delivery: Item Status Calculation

V50Q0001 Delivery Monitor: User Exits for Filling Display Fields

V50R0001 Collective processing for delivery creation

Enhancement Description

V50R0002 Collective processing for delivery creation

V50R0004 Calculation of Stock for POs for Shipping Due Date List

V50S0001 User Exits for Delivery Processing

V53C0001 Rough workload calculation in time per item

V53C0002 W&S: RWE enhancement - shipping material type/time slot

V53W0001 User exits for creating picking waves

VMDE0001 Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc

VMDE0002 Shipping Interface: Message PICKSD (Picking, Outbound)

VMDE0003 Shipping Interface: Message SDPICK (Picking, Inbound)

VMDE0004 Shipping Interface: Message SDPACK (Packing, Inbound)

V02V0001 Sales area determination for stock transport order

V02V0002 User exit for storage location determination

V02V0003 User exit for gate + matl staging area determination (headr)

V02V0004 User Exit for Staging Area Determination (Item)

Include Routines

Include Description

MV50AFZ1 User Exits for Delivery Processing

MV50AFZ2 User Exit for Batch Quantity Allocation

MV50AFZ3 LIPS-KOQUI (Picking is subject to confirmation) determination

MV50AFZ The user exits in this include can be used to fill the condition tables for material
K listing and material exclusion (KOMKG and KOMPG) and product selection (KOMKD
and KOMPD) with own data.

MV50AFZL In delivery creation process for sales orders there is the possibility to restrict the delivery
creation to some order items. If these order items are member of a delivery group, but not
all items of this delivery group are includes in the restriction range of the order item nubers,
you can specify in this routine what to do.

MV50AFZP This user exit can be used to modify change mode of pricing screens in delivery processing.

MV50AFZZ Users Exit for Batch Determination; LIPS-LGORT determination

User Exits for Transportation

Include Routines

Include Description

MV56AOZ You can include your own modules in this program, to be processed in shipment processing
Z screens during PBO.

MV56AIZZ You can include your own modules in this program, to be processed in shipment processing
screens during PAI.

MV56AFZY You can include your own FORM routines in this program. They can contain your own
adjustments for shipment processsing.

MV56AFZZ This program contains pre-defined FORM routines, in which you can carry out your own
adjustments for transportation processing.

For additional information, see SAP Help link above.

User Exits for Price Determination

Routine Module Include Description
Pool or

USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK SAPLV60A RV60AFZZ This user exit allows you to copy

additional fields for pricing in the
communication structure (header
fields), which have not been
provided in
the standard SAP system. These
fields can also be used for pricing in
billing document. This user exit is
described in detail in the "New fields
pricing" section.

USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP SAPLV60A RV60AFZZ This user exit allows you to copy

additional fields for pricing in the
communication structure (item
fields), which have not been
provided in the
standard SAP system. These fields
can also be used for pricing. This
exit is described in detail in the
"New fields in pricing" section.

USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION SAPMV61A MV61AFZ You can use this user exit to adjust
Routine Module Include Description
Pool or

A the display of individual lines in the

screen by changing the display
attributes of the screen fields. This
does not
include the display of subtotals. This
user exit is also used in order

USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_KZWI SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can change the display of

subtotals in the condition screen by
the display attributes of the screen
This user exit is also used in order

USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_KOPF SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can adjust the display of

subtotals in the condition screen to
your requirements
by changing the display attributes of
the screen fields.
This user exit is also used in order

USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFIC_LEER SAPMV61A MV61AFZB You can adjust the display of blank

lines in the condition screen to your
by changing the display attributes of
the screen fields.
This user exit is also used in order

USEREXIT_PRICING_CHECK SAPMV61 MV61AFZ You can install additional checks to

A the standard checks of condition
lines (e.g.
maximum/minimum value).

USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE SAPLV61A RV61AFZA In the standard SAP system, it is

predefined which condition
categories and classes
can be copied or recalculated per
pricing type. You can change the
predefined standard
procedure for each pricing type.

USEREXIT_CHANGE_PRICING_RULE SAPMV61A MV61AFZ You can use this user exit to change
A the pricing type that has been
Routine Module Include Description
Pool or

predefined in the
copying control table in billing.

USEREXIT_XKOMV_BEWERTEN_INIT SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This field is used in the formulas and

therefore initialized before the loop
for the pricing
procedure starts.


components during pricing, specific
values can be transferred
into the communication structures in
pricing to be further processed.

USEREXIT_XKOMV_ERGAENZEN SAPLV61A RV61AFZB In change mode, you can change the

dynamic part of the condition record
(KONVD) that
is always redetermined (i.e. it is not
stored in database table KONV).

USEREXIT_XKOMV_ERGAENZEN_MAN SAPLV61A RV61AFZB You can use this user exit to change
U the ready-for-input fields of the
manually entered
condition record in add mode in the
condition screen.

USEREXIT_XKOMV_FUELLEN SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This user exit is always called up

during a redetermination of all or
individual price
components. You can change the
work fields of the condition line.
However, this only
applies to conditions that have been
determined via a condition record.

USEREXIT_XKOMV_FUELLEN_O_KONP SAPLV61A RV61AFZB This user exit is always called up

during a redetermination of all or
individual price components.
You can change the work fields of
the condition line. However, this
only applies to conditions
that have been determined via a
condition record. This may include
subtotals, manually entered
conditions or conditions that have
been calculated with a formula.

USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY SAPLV61A RV61AFZA You can change the KONV fields for
Routine Module Include Description
Pool or

copied price components.

Note: as of Release 4.6A, the display of the condition screen (screen 6201) has been converted from a full screen to a
subscreen. The full screen is included in the SAPMV61A module pool, the subscreen, however, in program SAPLV69A.
Therefore, instead of MV61AFZA and MV61AFZB, the user exits in LV69AFZZ should be used. For reference, see OSS
note 313569.

User Exits for Partner Determination

Partner determination contains the following user exits for your use

User Exit Description

EXIT_SAPLV09A_00 You can use this user exit to control whether an address that was entered manually
1 and has already been used in other documents (referenced), should be referenced
again if it changes or whether a new address shold be created (duplicated).

EXIT_SAPLV09A_00 Call up this user exit if a customer has not been maintained in the current sales area.

EXIT_SAPLV09A_00 Use this user exit to control the origin of partners in the partner determination procedure
3 (origin X, Y or Z). If X, Y, or Z has been entered in the Origin field, this user exit is automatically
called up during partner determination.

EXIT_SAPLV09A_00 Use this user exit to integrate your own check in a program, that runs before the partner
4 is saved in the document.

 For more detailed information, see the program documentation for each ofthe user exits.

User Exits For Credit Checks

If you want to carry out your own individual credit checks, that differ from those in the standard system, you must define
them in the following user exits:




User Exit for availability check
User exit Include Description

USEREXIT_AVAIL_CHECK_CREDI MV45AFZF This user exit allows you to determine whether the system
T should or should not
carry out an availability check after a blocked document has
been released or after
a new credit check.

User Exit for Risk Management for Receivables

User exit Description

RVKMPUS Using this user exit, you can define new forms of payment guarantee.

User Exits for Billing Plan

User exit Include Description

RV60FUS1 SAPLV60F Billing Plan: Distribute Difference

For milestone billing a percentage value is fully invoiced for each billing deadline. In the case
of deviations between
the original item value and any later changes, you can use the user exit to determine
whether the difference should
be stored in the final invoice or sent to the next deadline.
USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_FPLT : This user exit allows you to create your own
fields in table FPLT.
USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_FPLA : This user exit allows you to create your own
fields in table FPLA.

RV60FUS2 SAPLV60F Billing plan: Prepare pricing

This user exit is used to copy or create an additional field in the definitive communication
structure for pricing.
The user exit is also often used to change the duration of a billing plan deadline. You can do
this by overwriting
the following fields:
tkomp-anz_tage (Number of days in a deadline)
tkomp-anz_monate (Number of months in a deadline)
tkomp-anz_jahre(Number of years in a deadline)
tkomp-anz_wochen (Number of weeks in a deadline)

RV60FUS3 SAPLV60F Bill. Plan: Deadline Proposal From Source

User exit Include Description

In the standard release deadlines are set according to a template in the billing plan. This grid
entry list sets the deadlines
for each day but you can adjust the template with the user exit so that the grid entry list
could, for example, follow a monthly
pattern instead.
Modification report for billing plan SDFPLA02
This report enables you to update the header data for a billing plan with the result that new
billing plan deadlines are determined
and set in the billing plan.
In this way you can, for example, set the goods issue date as the starting date for the billing
Additions to billing plan with transaction SMOD
User exit SDVAX001
In the standard release the billing plan type is determined from the item category of the
sales document and set in the billing plan.
You can also use the user exit to determine the billing plan type dependent on data from the
order header, order item, etc.
User exit V60F0001
This user exit is for changing the deviating billing date (FPLT-AFDAT).

RV60FUS4 SAPLV60F field preparation field selection for screen

RV60FUS5   This userexit can be used to split date lines TKOMK for Header fields

RV60FUST   User Part for Billing Plan - Data Definition

Additional User Exits in Billing Document

User exit Include Description

USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP RV60AFZC Fill in the fields in VBRK/VBRP tables

USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE_INV_DAT RV60AFZC Determine the number range for internal document

E RV61AFZB number
User exits for printing

User Exits For Product Allocation Processing*

User exit Includ Description

SDQUX0001   Function module exit for enhanced check in SD product allocation

User Exits For Availability Check
User exit Include Description

USEREXIT_PLANT_SELECTION RV03VFZZ The user exits named here are planned for projects that are to
be carried out in agreement
with SAP development as they may only be used in
consultation with SAP. SAP provides no
guarantee if they are used without our advice in program is
an exception to this rule



USEREXIT_AVAILABILITY_IN RV03VFZZ This user exit is used to adjust the flow during plant transfer.
USEREXIT_AVAILABILITY_OUT A list of permitted plants, where
USEREXIT_DARA_REFRESH this material is created, is determined and checked in the
USEREXIT_PLANT_SELECTION standard R/3 delivery. A dialog box
appears where you can select the plants. The user exits allow
you to modify the plant table
so that plant selection takes place in advance for every
flagged selection and a dialog box
becomes unnecessary.

User Exits For Component Supply Processing

User exit Include Description

USEREXIT_CHECK_VBLB- MV45AFZC These user exits are available for checking customer reserve fields
USR01 from VBLB-USR01 to
USEREXIT_CHECK_VBLB- VBLB-USR05. The reserve fields are used in the component
USR02 supplier industry. The system
USEREXIT_CHECK_VBLB- calls them in the screen flow logic for header data in forecast and
USR03 JIT delivery schedules

Function module V450001 is available as an SAP extension for the component supplier industry. It contains the
following user exits:

EXIT_SAPLVED4_004   General - You can use this user exit to overwrite the standard method with which the
system determines the recipient of messages (either at sales document level or in the
customer master record). You can define a special recipient for an incoming document that
has just been processed.

EXIT_SAPLV45L_001   For delivery schedules - The system checks an incoming delivery schedule against the
current/old delivery schedule to determine if there are any differences.
EXIT_SAPLVED4_004   General - You can use this user exit to overwrite the standard method with which the
system determines the recipient of messages (either at sales document level or in the
customer master record). You can define a special recipient for an incoming document that
has just been processed.

EXIT_SAPLV45L_002   For delivery schedules - With this user exit, you can change the VBLB structure (sales
document: delivery schedule data), before the system copies delivery schedule data to the
corresponding internal table.

EXIT_SAPMV45L_001   Planned delivery schedules - This user exit allows you to process schedule lines generated
automatically in a planning delivery schedule..

EXIT_SAPMV45L_002   Planned delivery schedules - This user exit allows you to modify the calendar used in a
delivery schedule split.

EXIT_SAPMV45A_005   For delivery orders (MAIS) - This user exit enables you to control how the system copies
packing proposals into the outbound delivery order.

EXIT_SAPLVED4_001   For delivery orders (MAIS) - These user exits allow you to change the workflow
EXIT_SAPLVED4_002 parameters for processing inbound EDI messages.

EXIT_SAPLVED4_001   For the self-billing procedure - You can use these user exits for the standard self-billing
EXIT_SAPLVED4_005 procedure.

EXIT_SAPLVED5_002   For the self-billing procedure -You can use these user exits for the self-billing procedure
EXIT_SAPLVED5_003 with invoice creation.

User Exits For Resource-Related Billing

You can use the following user exits for resource-related billing before Release 4.5A:

 RV45HFZZ enhancement



You can use the following user exits for resource-related billing as of Release 4.5A:

 V46H0001 enhancement

 EXIT_SAPLV46H_002User Exits For Billing

 USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ)

The internal number range used in the standard system is specified in the billing type table and can be changed in this
user exit. This user exit is only called when the billing documents is created.


In this user exit additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into
communication structure KOMKCV (header fields).


In this user exit additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into
communication structure KOMPCV (item fields).


Depending on the number range, table TVFKD is used to set the billing date (country-specific requirments in Italy).
USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE is automatically deactivated when this user exit is being applied.

 USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZC)

This user exit is only called when the billing document is created. It is used to provide the header and the item of the
new billing document with deviating or additional data.

 USEREXIT_PRINT_ITEM (Module pool SAPLV61A, program RV61AFZB)

Printing the item line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed.


Printing the header line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed.

 User exits in program RV60AFZD

Short descriptions of the user exits are contained in the program:




The following user exits are available in report SAPLV60B for transfer to accounting (function group V60B):

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_001: Change the header data in the structure acchd

You can use this exit to influence the header information of the accounting document. For example, you can change the
business transaction, "created on" date and time, the name of the person who created it or the transaction with which
the document was created.
 EXIT_SAPLV60B_002: Change the customer line ACCIT
You can use this exit to change the customer line in the accounting document. This exit is processed once the ACCIT
structure is filled in with data from document header VBRK.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_003: Change the customer line in costing

The customer line is filled in differently for costing. You can use exit 003 to influence the ACCIT structure.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_004: Change a GL account item ACCIT You can add information to a GL account item
(such as quantity specifications) with this exit.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_005: User exit for accruals

Once all relevant data for accruals was entered in the GL account item, you can add to this data with this exit.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_006: Change the control line ACCIT

You can use exit 006 to add information to the control line.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_007: Change the installment plan

You can use exit 007 to add information to the installment plan
parameters in the GL account item.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_008: Change the transfer structure ACCCR, ACCIT and ACCHD

After the accounting document is filled in with data, you can use exit 008 to change the document once again.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_010: Item table for customer lines

You can use exit 10 to influence the contents of customer lines before they are created.

 EXIT_SAPLV60B_0011: Change the parameter for cash account determination or reconciliation account
You can use this exit to change inbound parameters in order to influence account determination. User Exits For
General Billing Interface


With this user exit for the general billing interface, deviating address data for different partner functions can be copied
from the interface.


With this user exit for the general billing interface, new partner functions can be copied from the interface.


With this user exit for the general billing interface, a key field can be added in the aggregrated flow.


Special user exit for the general billing interface with which a key field can be added in the aggregrated flow.
  User Exits For Sales Support
In Sales Support, you can use the following SAP enhancements:

 MCV2001 - Expand LIS fields for sales activities/sales promotions. This enhancement contains the following
user exit:

 V43MLIS - Expand LIS fields for address lists. This enhancement contains the following user exit:

 V43K0001 - Enhancement for linking to calendar. This enhancement contains the following user exit:

 V43ADATA - Change sales activity data in dialog. This enhancement contains the following user exit:

User Exits For Lists

User Exits in Program RVKPR002 (Customer Expected Price)

RVKPRFZ1 This allows the list structure of individual fields to be filled on header and item levels.

RVKPRFZ2 This allows the sort sequence for the first issue of the list to be defined.

RVKPRFZ1 This allows you to deposit your own user codes.

RVKPRFZ1 This allows you to create your own list headings.

There are two additional user exits for listing sales documents, which influence the way in which the communication
structure is filled. These user exits do not affect the structure of the list but the way in which the data is transferred and
how the new additional fields are filled.


User Exits for Payment Cards

Include MV45AFZH contains the user exit AUTHORIZATION_VALUE_SPLIT.

You can use this user exit to initiate the system to create several authorizations in the sales order at the same time. This
might be appropriate when different shipping points are assigned to the items and therefore several shipments will be
created for a sales order.

More information can be found here:

 Note 381348 - Using user exit, customer exit, VOFM in SD

 sd

Enterprise Structure:


1. Financial Accounts: Define company, credit control area, company code, Business area,
Functional area, Maintain Consolidate Business Area, Profit Centre.
2. Controlling: Controlling Area, cost centers, operating concern
3. Logistic General: Define Valuation level,Plant,Location & Division
4. Sales & Distribution: Sales org,Distribution channel, maintain Sales Office & maintain Sales
5. Material Management: Maintain Storage Location & Purchase org
6. Logistic Execution: Define Warehouse, shipping point, maintain Loading group,
Transportation planning point
7. Plant Maintenance: Maintain Plant Maintenance plant


Financial Accounting:

1. Assign company to company code

2. Assign company code to Credit control Area
3. Assign company to Financial Management Area
4. Assign Profit centre to company code
5. Assign business area to consolidate business area


1.Assign company code to controlling area

2.Assign controlling to operating concern

Logistic General:

1. Assign plant to company code

2. Assign business area to plant/valuation area and Division.
3. Data comparison with sales plant/val area-Division-Business area


1. .Assign Sales organization to company code

2. Assign Distribution channel to sales organization
3. Assign Division to sales organization
4. Setup sales area
5. Assign Sales office to sales area
6. Assign sales office to sales group
7. Assign sales organization-Distribution channel-Plant
8. Assign sales area to credit control area
9. Business Area Account Assignment-Define rules by sales area, Assign business area to
plant & Division, Assign Business area by sales area

Material Management:

1. Assign purchasing organization to company code

2. Assign Purchasing organization to plant
3. Assign Standard purchasing organization to plant
4. Assign Purchase organization to reference purchase organization

Logistics Execution:

1. Assign warehouse number to plant and storage location

2. Assign Shipping point to plant

Plant Maintenance: Assign Maintenance plant to Maintenance plant

Company code assign to fiscal year and chart of accounts:

1.Financial account-GL accounts-Master data-preparation-Assign company code to chart of


2.Financial account-Financial account global setting-fiscal year-assign fiscal year to company code

3.Check Global parameters:

t.code: EC02: You can see enterprise strcuture

Create Account Groups:

1.Financial accounts-accounts receivable and payable-customer accounts-master data-preparing for

creating customer master-define account groups,2.Define number ranges for customer
master,3.assign number ranges to customer account groups.

Partner Determination procedure: T code

1.IMG-SD-Basic functions-Partner Determination-Set partner determination-setup partner

determination for customer master-Partner determination procedure-1.Partner function in
procedure,2.Partner determination procedure & assignment,3.Account groups & functional

Create customer Master:XD01/VD01/FD01

Easy access-Logistics-SD-Master data-Business partner-Customer-create/change/display

1.General-Address/Control data/payment transaction/Marketing /Uploading points/Export

data/contact persons

2.Company code:Account Management(Reconciliation account)/payment transaction(terms of

paymet,payment method,payment history record check box,/correspondence/insurance

3.Sales area-Sales/shipping/Billing doc/Documents/partner function

Sales-sales district/sales group/sales office/customer group/price group/customer pricing procedure

Shipping-Delivery priority/shipping condition/Delivery plant, check box(POD, order combination,

complete delivery req by law)

Billing-Invoice Date, invoice listing date,inco terms,payment terms, credit control area,Account
assignment group,MWST Tax,payment guarantee payment,check(rebate, price determination)

Maintain Material at company code level: OMSY

Quantity/Value updating of Material: OMS2

Material Master:MM01/MM02/MM03

Easy access-Logistics-Material Management- Material-Create

Material Master View:

Basic data1:Base unit of measure, Division, product allocation,X-plant material status,Item category
group, Gross weight,Net weight, Material group pack material.

Sales org 1: Base unit of measure,X-Disribution chain status,D-Specific Distribution status,Material

Group,Delivery plant,Division, cash discount check box

Sales org2:Material statistic group,Item category group,Material pricing,Account assignment

group,reference pricing material.

Sales:General/plant:Availability check,Transportation group,Loading group

Accounting1:Valuation class, price control,Moving price,standard price

Purchasing: Purchasing group, Material group

MRP1: MRP type, MRP Controller, MRP group, Lot size, Max lot size

MRP2: procurement type

MRP3: Total RLT, Strategy group

MRP4: Replenishment quantity

Sales documents Header: VOV8

IMG-SD-Sales-Sales documents-Sales documents Header

Sales doc item category-VOV7

Schedule line category-VOV6



Sales order:VA01

Scheduling Agreement-VA31


Back order-V_RA(SD),CO06(Material)


Eassy access-Logistics-SD-Sales-Inquiry/Quotation/Order

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Pricing-pricing control-Condition type

Condition record:VK11

Condition table:V/3, to save as package and workbench request

Access sequence:V/07 save as package in workbench request

Condition type:V/06

Pricing procedure: V/08

Determine pricing procedure: OVKK

Exclusion group:

Condition supplement:

Condition scale:

Pricing scale:

Minimum order:

Group condition:

Shipping point determination:OVL2

Basic Functions:

.Account determination:

Define acount assignment group for customer and material: IMG-SD-Basic functions-account
assignment/costing-Define materila account group,

Create table:01,02,03,04,05

Maintain access sequence for account determination:KOFI

Define account determination type:KOFI

Define account determination procedure:KOFI00

Assign account determination procedure:

Define account keys:

Assign account Keys:

Assign GL accounts:VKOA

Route determination:
Define mode of transport: IMG-SD-Basic functions-Define route-Define mode of transport:

Define shipment type:

Define transportation connection point:

Define route and stages:

Create venoder:Logistics-SD-Master data-Business partner-Forwarding agent-create V.11

Define route determination:

Maintain country and transportation zone for shipping point:

Define transportation group:

Maintain route determination:

Go to VA01 and check route existed or not

Partner Determination procedure:

Define partner function:IMG-SD-Basic functions-Partner determination-setup partner determination:

Define partner determination procedure:

Assign partner functions in partner determination procedure:

Partner determination procedure assignment:

Assign partner functions to account group:

Output determination:

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Output determination-Output determination using condition technique-

Maintain output determination for sales/delivery/billing documents:V/57

Maintain output type:V/30

Maintain access sequence:

Assign output types to partner functions:

Maintain output determination:

Allocate sales document Header: V/43

Allocate sales document Item: V/69

Maintain condition records:VV11(sales),VV21(delivery),VV31(Billing)

Easy access-Logistics-SD-Master data-output-Sales doc-vv11

T.code:NACE=Output control(V1-sales,V2-Delivery,V3-Billing)
NAST=Output table

Text Determination:

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Text control-Text types:

Define Text determination procedure:

Assign Text ID to Text determination procedure:

Assign Text determination procedure for account group:

Maintain Text in the customer Master:XD02,sales area-Extras-text

Text determination procedure for sales doc Header:

Define Text type:

Define access sequence:

Define Text determination procedure:

Assign Text ID in text procedure:

Assign access sequence for text ID’s:

Assign document type to text determination procedure:

Copy Control:VOFM

Sales documents to sales documents:VTAA

IMG-SD-sales-sales documents-Maintain copy control for sales documents:Header, item & schedule

Sales doc to sales doc: VTAA

Sales doc to delivery doc: VTLA

Sales doc to billing doc: VTFA

Delivery doc to billing doc: VTFL

Billing doc to Billing doc: VTFF

Billing doc to sales doc: VTAF

Incompletion Log:

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Log of incompletion items-define status group:OVA0

Define incompletion procedure: OVA2

Assign incompletion procedure for sales/delivery/billing: VUA2

Bill of Material (BOM):

Configure BOM item:CS01

Easy access- Logistics-production-Master data-Bill of Material

Above structure: Item category:ERLA, item category: TAQ(Header level),TAE(sub item), delivery and
billing carried at header level,sub item treated as text item

Below structure:item category :LUMF, item category: TAP(header level),TAN(sub item),delivery and
billing carried at sub item, header item is text item.

Material determination:

Define condition table, access sequence, define condition types (A001),define material
determination procedure(A00001)

Assign procedure to sales doc type: OV14

Define substitution reasons: OVR0

Maintain the condition record for material determination: VB11

Logistics-SD-Master data-Products-Material determination: VB11

Item Proposal: VA51

Logistics-SD-Master data-products-item proposal-VA51,create sales doc type PV.

Create item proposal: VOV8-MS

XD02: check item proposal check box in customer master sales area section

Material Listing & Exclusion:

Maintain condition table for Listing & Exclusion:

Maintain access sequence:

Maintain Listing/Exclusion types:

Procedure for maintain Listing/Exclusion:

IMG-SD-Basic fucntions-Listing/Exclusion-procedure for maintain Listing/Exclusion: A00001 for

Listing, B00001 for Exclusion

Active listing/Exclusion sales doc type: Ov04

Maintain condition records for Listing/Exclusion:VB01

Logistics-SD_Master data-products-Listing/Exclusion:VB01
Cross selling:

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Cross selling-Define determination procedure for cross selling-create

condition table: OV46

Maintain access sequence: OV41

Define condition types: OV42

Maintain procedure for cross selling: OV43

Define customer procedure for cross selling:

Define document procedure for cross selling:

Assign document procedure for cross selling to sales document:

Define cross selling procedure:

Assign cross selling procedure:

Maintain condition records: VB41

Logistics-SD-Master data-products-cross selling-VB41

Go to XD02: Assign product proposal in sales area section in customer master.

Customer Material Info Records: VD51: customer place the order with own material code, we can
create CMIR.

Logistics-Logistics execution-Master data-Customer material information-create:

Credit Management:SD+FI

Simple credit check: OVAK

IMG-SD-Basic functions-Credit Management/Risk Management-Simple credit limit check: sales doc

type+credit check+credit group

Define credit control area: OB45, Update group 12,15,18

Assign company code to credit control area: OB38


Automatic credit check:

Define credit control area: OB45

Assign permitted credit control area to company code: IMG-Financial accounting-Accounts

receivable/payable-credit Management-credit control accounts-assign permitted credit control area
to company code:

Assign company code to credit control area:

Define Risk categories: OB01(IMG-FI-Define Risk category):High,Medium & Low risk

Define preliminary settings for credit Management:

Define Text ID’s for credit Management: OBT3

Maintain Text ID’s for central text in credit Management: OBT3Z

Define credit Representative Group: OB02

Define Groups:

Define credit Representatives: OB51

FD32, Specify customer number and credit control area.

Define credit limit check by sales documents type: OVAK(IMG-SD-Basic functions-credit


Define credit limit check by Delivery order: OVAD

Define credit limit check by item category: OVA7

Define credit groups: OVA6(credit group for sales order,delivery,PGI)

Define automatic credit control: OVA8: Credit control area+risk category+credit group

Transfer of Requirement/Availability check:

Transfer or Requirement:SD+MM+PP

ATP Quantity=Warehouse stock Planned Receipts-Planned issue

System creates a demand with MRP by Requirement type 041.

Define Requirement classes: OVZG(IMG-SD-Basic functions-Availability check & Transfer of

Requirements-Transfer of Requirements-Define Requirement classes=

Define Requirement type: OVZH

Determination of Requirement type: Item category+MRP type

Define procedure for each schedule line category:

Block quantity confirmation in delivery block:

Maintain requirements for Transfer of Requirements: OVB8

Maintain requirements for Assembly and purchase order: OVB5

Availability check:SD+MM+PP+CO

Define checking group: OVZ2(IMG-SD-Basic-Availability check-Availability check with ATP Logic-

Checking group:

Define material block for other users:

Define checking groups default values:

Carryout control for Availability check: OVZ9

Define procedure by requirement class: OVZ0

Define procedure for each schedule line

Determine procedure for each delivery item category:

Checking rule for updating back orders:

Define default settings:


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