Concurrent and Systems Programming: Cgrep Channels

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Concurrent and Systems Programming


04/25/10 cgrep – 1
04/25/10 cgrep – 2
cgrep/cgrep.go   Grep
package cgrep; import ( "bufio"; "io"; "os"; "regexp" )

func Grep(pat string, out, in chan *string, done chan<- os.Error) {

defer func() { out <- nil }() // upon return send nil to out

if pattern, ep := regexp.Compile(pat); ep != nil {

done <- ep; flush(in) // send error to done
} else {
for s := <-in; s != nil; s = <-in { // receive from in
if pattern.MatchString(*s) { out <- s } // send to out
done <- nil // send nil to done
func flush(in <-chan *string) { // read until nil
for <-in != nil { }

04/25/10 cgrep – 3
cgrep/cgrep.go   Source
func Source(out chan<- *string, r io.Reader, done chan<- os.Error) {
defer func() { out <- nil }() // upon return send nil to out
in := bufio.NewReader(r)
for {
switch body, er := in.ReadString('\n'); er {
case nil:
out <- &body
case os.EOF:
done <- nil
done <- er

04/25/10 cgrep – 4
cgrep/cgrep.go   Sink
func Sink(out io.Writer, in <-chan *string, done chan<- os.Error) {
for body := <-in; body != nil; body = <-in {
if _, ew := io.WriteString(out, *body); ew != nil {
done <- ew
done <- nil

done accumulates results.

nil must be passed from Source to Sink to
ensure termination.

04/25/10 cgrep – 5
chan type // channel type
<- chan type // receive channel type (coerced)
chan <- type // send channel type

make(chan type) // construction; synchronous channel

make(chan type, capacity) // async bounded queue, default 0

<- channel // block until return received value

value, ok = <- channel // don’t block

channel <- value // block until send value

ok = channel <- value // don’t block (any test context)

close( channel ) // termination (written!)

closed( channel ) // detection (read!)

<- is left-associative for chan of chan.

close/closed is not too well defined, for
usage see cgrep2.

04/25/10 cgrep – 6
defer function-call-expression

arguments are evaluated and saved.

function call is executed (LIFO) just before
the enclosing function returns.

04/25/10 cgrep – 7
cgrep/main.go   match
package main

import ( "flag"; "fmt"; "cgrep"; "os"; "runtime" )

func main() {
if flag.NArg() < 1 { // arguments?
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "usage: cgrep regular-expression ...")
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2) // arrange to schedule 2 CPUs
done := make(chan os.Error) // status reports
c := make(chan *string)
go cgrep.Source(c, os.Stdin, done) // stdin to first channel
for _, arg := range flag.Args() {
c1 := make(chan *string)
go cgrep.Grep(arg, c1, c, done) // one match per channel
c = c1

go cgrep.Sink(os.Stdout, c, done) // last channel to stdout

04/25/10 cgrep – 8
cgrep/main.go   status
ouch := 0 // count errors
for i := 0; i < flag.NArg()+2; i++ { // Source, 1/pattern, Sink
if e := <-done; e != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cgrep: %s\n", e)

done channel can report each error of each


04/25/10 cgrep – 9
$ chan

r a|b|s # receive on a specific channel

r * # receive on one of the three channels
r a|b|s ... # receive on each one of a set of channels
s a|b|s word # send a word on a specific channel
s a|b|s word ... # send words on a set of channels

chan allows experiments with channels:

synchronous, asynchronous, and buffered
make() make( ,1) make( ,3)

chan demonstrates various uses of channels,

make, and select.

04/25/10 cgrep – 10
select {
case channel <- value : statement; ...
case <- channel : statement; ...
case lvalue = <- channel : statement; ...
case lvalue := <- channel : statement; ...

default: statement; ...


select controls concurrent sending and

receiving on several channels.
select blocks unless there is a default.

04/25/10 cgrep – 11

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