Phrasal Verbs. LEVEL. Past

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Phrasal verb Past Meaning

Ask for Asked for Pedir
Bear up Bore up Resistir
Break up Broke up Terminar
Clean up Cleaned up Limpiar
Clear up Cleared up Aclarar
Cook up Cooked up Planear
Face up Faced up Enfrentar
Get on Got on Encaramarse, subirse
Get up Got up Levantarse
Give up Gave up Darse por vencido
Give back Gave back Devolver
Go on Went on Seguir
Kneel down Knelt down Arrodillarse
Look down Looked down Mirar a
Look for Looked for Buscar

Mario asked for money to his friend, because he lost it.

Did Mario ask for money to his friend?

Mario didn’t ask for money to his friend.

 I got on your body to do the delicious

Did I get on your body to do the delicious?

 I faced up against my fears

Did I face up against my fears?

 I gave back a phone that was broken

Did I give back a phone that was broken?

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