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Rabu, 16-September-2020.
1. She is not reading...

a. Either am

b. Neither am I

c. Neither I am

d. Either I am


Jawaban : b

Neither + to be/aux + S

2. I met many smart students here, the smartest .... is my new neighbour, Mira.

A. Of whom

B. Of which

C. Of whose

D. Of who

KJ : A

Pembahasan :

Relative pronoun.

Smart students berfungsi sebagai object, sehingga relative pronoun yang digunakan adalah whom.

3. Sumbawa is not quite fertile ....... Its very good for breeding cattle

A. Since

B. Yet

C. As

D. For


Jawaban : B

Yet = tetapi
4. He get some cards for birthday,but more arrived

A. Promised

B. Expected

C. Assmued

D. Supposed


Jawaban : B

Expected = berharap

5. The patient should avoid...cosmetic during the skin recovery

A. To wear

B. Wearing (√)

C. To Wearing

D. Wear


Jawaban=B. Wearing.

Katkun avoid + v-ing(gerund).

6. investigation for alledged tax violations, spiro agnew resigned the vice president in 1973

A. Underwear

B. To undego

C. Been under gone

D. Undergoing

Jawaban=D. Undergoing

7. David, accompanied by his friends, .... to Mr. Reeve who is an English teacher right now.

A. Are talking

B. Is talking

C. Talking

D. Talk
Kunci : B

Pembahasan : right now menunjukkan continuous tense = verb-ing

Yang menjadi subjek adalah david = tunggal = Is

Present continuous tense subjek tunggal = is talking.

8. Your laptop is broken. It needs...

A. Fixed

B. to fixed

C. to be fixed

D. Fixes

Kunci = C

Pembahasan= dua kata kerja berurutan = need dan fix, kata kerja kedua (fix) harus diubah menjadi
to infinitive/gerund. Karena ini kalimat pasif maka setelah to diikuti be dan V-3 = to be fixed

9. ..Nancy ... the course for three months by next week.

A. is going to take

B. will have taken

C. would take

D. will take

Pembahasan: *B*

Pada kalimat diatas ada penanda waktu by next week sehingga kalimat tersebut masuk kedalam :
Present future Perfect Tenses

dimana Polanya S + will + have + V3/been + O/C maka untuk mengisi titik-titik diperlukan will + have
+ V3---> will have taken

10. His father can’t the prestigious college.

A.His not wanting to go

B.His doesn’t want to go

C.Him not wanting to go

D.Him doesn’t want to go


Understand diikuti Gerund(Ving).Gerund dapat diawali possessive pronoun (his)

11.My sister and I went to visit …… uncle in The hospital.

a. Her
b. My
c. His
d. Our

Jawaban : D

My sister and I artinya juga we (kami) Sebagai subjek, maka kata ganti Kepunyaannya adalah our.

12.I’m not going to see that film, and Neither is Laila. It means ……

a. I am not going to see that film, but Laila is

b. Laila and I are not going to see that Film
c. Laila is going to see that film, and I Am too
d. I’m going to see that film, and so is Laila.

Jawaban : B

Bentuk kalimat elips dari neither berarti Keduanya tidak akan nonton film.

13. .....The man talked truly in the court makes the judges confuse.





Kj: *C*

Topik:noun clause


Semua Noun clause diikuti S+P tetapi penggunaannya berbeda-beda. Ada kata kunci


Whether untuk suatu yg belum pasti.

14. Ms. Efidrew is a noted programmer ....

A. however he teaches very good also

B. as well as an effective teacher

C. and too a very efficient teacher

D. but he teaches very good in addition

Jawaban B

As well as effective teacher

(kalimat penyetaraan yang efektif)

15. I met many smart students here, the smartest .... is my new neighbour, Mira.

A. Of whom

B. Of which

C. Of whose

D. Of who

KJ : A

Pembahasan :

Relative pronoun.

Smart students berfungsi sebagai object, sehingga relative pronoun yang digunakan adalah whom.

16. Nina said to Budi, "Did you finish your homework?"

Nina asked Budi.“..

A. Whether he finished his homework

B. Whether he has finished his homework

C. If he finished his homework

D. If he had finished his homework

A. If he had finished his homework


Penggunaan whether Karena bukan pengandaian

Whether/if +S+Had + v3

17. It was a miracle that neither the passengers nor the driver ____ seriously injured in the accident.

A. was
B. to be

C. were

D. he was

*Kj A*

Penggunaan dua kalimat digabungkan dengan Neither ... nor

Rumus Yang digunakan : neither + noun + nor + singular noun + singular verb

Sehingga, the driver ; singular noun = was

18. ... studied English well, Putra went abroad confidently.

A. having

B. have

C. is

D. being

KJ : A. Having


Ada beberapa fungsi dari present participle yang berposisi di awal kalimat. Salah satunya [Bermakna
sesudah “having + V3” yang mewakili arti (After + Subject + Had + V3/been) sama seperti fungsi
“Past Perfect” baik bentuk active ataupun pasif]

• Having studied English well, Putra went abroad confidently.

• After she had studied English well, Putra went abroad confidently.

19. Rita doesn’t understand why ... her apartment.

A. Was she forced to leave

B. She was forced to leave
C. Was she forcing to leave
D. She was forcing to leave


B. she was forced to leave

Why digunakan sebagai conjunction sehingga pola kalimat

Yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat positive.

20. Most documentary film makers use neither actors...

A. Or studio setting

B. But also studio setting

C. Nor studio setting

D. Studio setting

E. Setting studio

Pembahasan : C.terdapat kata neither yang menunjukkan penggunaan paired conjunction dengan

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