How Microbes Influence Mineral Growth and Dissolution: Chemical Geology

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ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 132 (1996) 5-9

How microbes influence mineral growth and dissolution

Henry L. Ehrlich
Department of Microbiology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
Received 3 June 1995; accepted 17 November 1995


Mineral formation or dissolution is exploited by microbes if it favors their survival. Some microbes are able to dissolve a
mineral by using it: (1) as a source of energy, (2) as a terminal electron acceptor in respiration, (3) as a trace element
requirement, or (4) to enhance competitiveness in a microbial community. Some others form minerals: (1) in the oxidation or
reduction of a dissolved inorganic species in energy metabolism; (2) in the detoxification of poisonous inorganic species; (3)
in active or passive uptake of one or more dissolved inorganic species followed by conversion into a cellular support or
protective structure; and (4) in enhancing their competitiveness in a microbial community. Microbes that interact with
mineral substances are opportunists. Many have a significant impact on the mineral world by catalyzing, or controlling in
other ways, key steps ia mineral formation or dissolution.

1. Introduction building stone and stone sculptures (e.g., Krumbein

et al., 1991; Urz~ et al., 1991, 1994).
Microbes influence the kinetics and course of
reactions involving ~Lissolution of a number of min-
2. Examples of microbial control of mineral for-
erals, and they alsc, influence the authigenic and
mation and dissolution
diagenetic formation of a number of minerals in the
lithosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth. One reason In certain environments, some microbes may cause
why some microbes, especially bacteria, form miner- formation of specific minerals by precipitating dis-
als or dissolve them is that they gain energy from the solved components of the minerals through enzyme-
process, or it enables them to carry out respiration catalyzed oxidation or reduction. In a microbial oxi-
when oxygen is limiting or absent. Another reason is dation process, some of the energy released may be
that they may satisfy some or all of their trace conserved by the organism. In a microbial reduction
element requirement,; and that of other organisms in process, the inorganic species being reduced very
their community with dissolved mineral constituents likely serves as tenaainal electron acceptor in a respi-
[for a review, see Ehrlich (1990)]. Mineral dissolu- ratory process in which it partially or totally replaces
tion by microbes is commercially exploited in bi- 0 2 . Microbes may also oxidize or reduce inorganic
oleaching of metal walues from ores and in biobene- species as a means of making them less toxic, the
ficiation of ores (ore enrichment) (Ehrlich and Brier- product of the reaction being less toxic than the
ley, 1990). Undesirable effects of microbial mineral reactant (substrate).
dissolution are manifested in the deterioration of Not all microbially formed minerals are generated

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6 H.L. Ehrlich/Chemical Geology 132 (1996) 5-9

enzymatically. Some may be formed by microbes or

through passive or active uptake of one or more
2Mn 2+ + 0.502 --~ 3H20 ~ 2MnOOH + 4H + (2)
inorganic ion species, followed by conversion into a
salt or oxide for cellular support or protection. In this The hausmannite or MnOOH then disproportion-
process, the microbes may serve as templates by ate very slowly in a second step to tetravalent man-
specifying the structural arrangement of the mineral ganese (MnO 2) and Mn 2+,
aggregate they form.
Each of the foregoing reactions may enhance the Mn304 + 4H + ~ MnO 2 + 2Mn 2+ + 2 H 2 0 (3)
competitiveness of the responsible microbe in a bio- or
logical community. For example, when toxic metal
ions are present in an aqueous environment, bacteria 2MnOOH + 2H + ~ MnO 2 + Mn 2+ + 2 H 2 0 (4)
that can immobilize these metals by fixing them in Because reactions (3) and (4) are slow, they are
their cell envelope (e.g., Beveridge et al., 1983; clearly rate controlling in the abiotic formation of
Ferris et al., 1986), or precipitate them as sulfides, MnO z. Bacteria that oxidize Mn 2+ to MnO 2 form
carbonates or phosphates external to their cells (see MnO 2 much more rapidly than reactions (1) and (3)
Ehrlich, 1990) have an advantage over bacteria and or (2) and (4) (Ehrlich, 1990). Ehrlich (1990) pro-
other microbes susceptible to poisoning by these posed that the bacteria may first enzymatically oxi-
toxicants and lacking an ability to detoxify them. dize Mn 2+ to Mn(III) that remains bound to the
Microbes like diatoms that form frustules, manganese-oxidizing enzyme. The enzyme then cat-
foraminifera that form calcareous tests, or coccoliths alyzes an oxidation of the bound Mn(III) to MnO 2
that form calcareous cell walls (Lowenstam, 1981), rather than a disproportionation to Mn 2+ and MnO 2.
are protected from physical damage such as that Reactions (5) and (6) summarize this process,
which may result from shear or hypo-osmotic condi-
tions. They may also be protected from predation by 2Mn 2+ + 0.502 + 2H + ~ 2{Mn 3+ } + H 2 0 (5)
some microbes. Organism lacking this protection are
2{Mn 3+ } + 0.502 + 3 H 2 0 --* 2MnO 2 + 6H + (6)
clearly at a disadvantage. In anaerobic environments,
bacteria that can use inorganic electron acceptors where {Mn 3+ } represents enzymatically bound Mn 3+.
like nitrate, ferric ion, sulfate and others in their The manganese-oxidizing enzyme is assumed to be a
energy-generating metabolism have a thermody- multifunctional catalyst. Assuming reactions (5) and
namic advantage over fermenting bacteria that can- (6) describe bacterial Mn 2+ oxidation correctly, bac-
not use externally supplied electron acceptors in their terial enzyme catalysis not only accelerates the con-
energy-generating metabolism (Ehrlich, 1990, 1993). version of Mn(III) to Mn(IV), but also insures that
In microbial mineral formation, catalysis usually all Mn(III) as it is formed is converted to Mn(IV)
accelerates the overall rate of reaction whether in a rather than just 33% or 50% of it, as in Mn(III)
single chemical step or multiple steps. In the latter disproportionation of Mn304 or MnOOH under abi-
instance, the overall rate of reaction is determined by otic conditions. In other words, bacterial catalysis by
catalysis of the rate-controlling reaction. In Mn(IV)- the proposed mechanism not only speeds up the rate
oxide (MnO 2) formation from the oxidation of Mn(II) of formation of MnO 2, but it also redirects the
at neutral pH, for example, the oxide is generated course of the reaction by changing it from a dispro-
very slowly in the absence of manganese-oxidizing portionation to a full oxidation of Mn(III) to Mn(IV).
bacteria. The reaction sequence in the absence of It is theoretically possible that bacterial oxidation
bacteria has been reported to involve two steps (Hem, of Mn 2+ proceeds in a single step with some or all
1981; Hem and Lind, 1983; Hem et al., 1982; Mur- bacterial Mn 2+ oxidizers, i.e., without intermediate
ray et al., 1985). In the first step, divalent manganese formation of Mn 3+ :
is rapidly oxidized to trivalent manganese (Mn304
Mn 2+ + 0.502 + H 2 0 --9 MnO 2 + 2H + (7)
(hausmannite) or MnOOH):
This reaction yields the same amount of energy
3Mn2+ + 3H20 + 0.502 ~ Mn304 + 6H+ (1) (AG' o - 16.3 kcal per mol Mn 2+) as reactions (5)
H.L. Ehrlich/ Chemical Geology 132 (1996) 5-9 7

plus (6). However, the two electrons removed from lyst. The reaction is environmentally very beneficial
Mn 2÷ are not equivalent energetically, which makes in that it leads to detoxification of highly toxic
this one-step oxidation mechanism in reaction (7) not Cr(VI) by converting it to relatively non-toxic Cr(III)
very likely. If bacterJLa were to oxidize Mn 2÷ accord- as in Cr(OH) 3. Cr(VI) is a mutagen and carcinogen.
ing to this mechanism, they would modify the course To a significant extent, the low toxicity of Cr(III) is
followed by abiotic Mn 2+ oxidation even more dras- due to its low solubility around neutral pH. Some
tically than by the mechanism summarized in reac- bacteria reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III) enzymatically under
tions (5) and (6). aerobic and anaerobic conditions, while others re-
In mineral dissolution, microbial catalysis also duce it only anaerobically. In either case, the reduc-
accelerates the process by exerting control over the tive half-reaction is described by:
reaction kinetics andt sometimes alters the course of
the overall reaction. An example is the oxidation of CrO42- + 5H++ 3e ~ Cr(OH)3 + H2 O (11)
iron pyrite to ferric, sulfate. Its reaction sequence
explains the origin of acid coal mine drainage. At pH The oxidative half-reaction to which the reductive
2.5, the oxidation of pyrite is very slow in the half-reaction is coupled, involves the oxidation of an
absence of appropriate bacteria. In the presence of organic electron donor such as glucose, acetate or
acidophilic Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, pyrite oxida- citrate. Cr(OH) 3 represents a convenient formulation
tion is accelerated by as much as six orders of of a hydrated chromium oxide. Cr(V) may be a
magnitude (Singer and Stumm, 1970). Key reactions transient intermediate in Cr(VI) reduction (Cervantes,
in the oxidation of pyrite are the following: 1991; DeLeo and Ehrlich, 1994; Shi and Dalal,
1990; Suzuki et al., 1992).
FeS2 + 3.502 + H 2 0 --* Fe2+ + 2H++ 2SO 2- (8) Cr(VI) may also be non-enzymatically reduced to
2Fe2+ + 0.502 + 2 H + ~ 2Fe3÷ + H 2 0 (9) Cr(III) by bacteria. In this case the bacteria generate
the reductant for Cr(VI) reduction enzymatically in
FeS z + 14Fe3+ + 8H20 --. 15Fe2÷ + 2SO 2- + 16H + their energy-generating metabolism, but the reduc-
(10) tion of Cr(VI) by the reductant in the subsequent
reaction is purely chemically, i.e., it is not catalyzed
Reactions (8) and (9) are bacterially catalyzable. by any enzyme. To give a specific example, Fe3÷-re-
In the presence of T. ferrooxidans, reaction (8) is ducing bacteria generate Fe 2÷ enzymatically. In the
rate-controlling initially, but as pyrite oxidation pro- presence of Cr(VI), this Fe 2÷ then reduces Cr(VI) to
gresses, reaction (9)becomes rate controlling, and Cr(III) non-enzymatically. Similarly, sulfate-reduc-
reaction (10), which is not bacterially catalyzed, ing bacteria generate HS- from SO42- enzymati-
largely displaces reaction (8). In the absence of T. cally. In the presence of Cr(VI), this HS- then
ferrooxidans, reaction (9) never acquires importance reduces it to Cr(III) non-enzymatically (e.g., DeFil-
because autoxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ is extremely ippi, 1994). The HS- becomes reoxidized to S O
slow at acid pH. As a result the dissolved iron is a n d / o r SO2- in the process. In all of these reac-
mostly ferrous. Depe.nding on the pH of the reaction tions, the bacteria control the rate of Cr(VI) reduc-
milieu, a portion of the oxidized iron produced by T. tion by the rate at which they generate the reductant.
ferrooxidans may precipitate as basic ferric sulfate In their absence, the reduction of Cr(VI) is either
such as jarosite, AFe3(SO4)2(OH) 6, where A may extremely slow or undetectable.
stand for H +, H 3 0 +, Na +, K +, NH~-, or some other Diatoms, single-celled algae with a siliceous cell
cation (see discussion in Ehrlich, 1990). wall, are examples of organisms that form a highly
An example of a :reductive, mineral-forming reac- organized, species-specific (genetically determined)
tion that can be slow in the absence of bacteria, polysilicate structure from dissolved orthosilicate.
especially around neatral pH, is bacterially catalyzed The cell in this case provides a template that directs
reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III). In this instance, the silicate-deposition into the intricately designed frus-
responsible bacteria form a protein (enzyme) that tule by which each species is recognized. The uptake
enters directly into the reductive reaction as a cata- and integration of silicate into the frustule structure
8 H.L. Ehrlich/Chemical Geology 132 (1996) 5 - 9

is an active process that is driven by cellular pro- minerals is felt everywhere in the biosphere. Mi-
cesses of energy conservation (photosynthesis in the croorganisms that promote mineral formation or
light; glucose oxidation in the dark). Whereas the degradation are opportunists that exploit environ-
rate of silicate uptake by diatoms has been measured mental situations in which other microbes are at a
in the laboratory, the mechanisms by which the disadvantage. Thus, they have a significant impact
mono-silicate taken into the cell is incorporated into on the mineral world and thereby on the land- and
the frustules remains unelucidated. It is clear, never- seascape around us.
theless, that mono-silicate would not organize itself
into the silica arrangement in the frustules in the
absence of diatoms (see discussion by Ehrlich, 1990). References
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