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CSE4006: Software Engineering

Lab 3: Project Management

Software Engineering Lab

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this document are Copyright 2017 Gayeon Kim, Gwanggyu Choi,
Youn-geun Ahn and Scott Uk-Jin Lee All rights reserved. Any redistribution, reproduction, transmission, or
storage of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without author’s expressed written permission.
Project Management
• Why Project Management is needed?

1. To deliver the software to the customer at the agreed time

2. To keep overall costs within budget
3. To deliver software that meets the customer’s expectations
4. To maintain a coherent and well-functioning development team

To keep
Time, Budget, Requirements and Teamwork
& Achieve goals of project
Software Engineering tenth edition, Ian Sommervile, Pearson
Project Charter
Project Charter(or Definition, Statement) is a statement
of the objectives, scopes and participants in a project.

A project charter should:

1. Contain the essence of the project
2. Provide a shared understanding of the project
3. Act as a contract between the project sponsor, key stakeholders
and the project team.
Exercise 1. Project Charter(TW)

1. Discuss about project with your team.

(Consider project objectives, scopes, stakeholders and etc.)

2. Create project charter of your team project.

(Use this template – here(click))

3. Upload file to Trello.

( ‘Week 3. Ex1’ Card  Attachment (Filename: teamname_pc.pdf))
• Definition
Milestones are tools used in project management
to mark specific points along a project timeline.
These points may signal anchors such as a project
start and end date, a need for external review or
input and budget checks, among others.
In many instances, milestones do not impact
project duration.
Instead, they focus on major progress points that
must be reached to achieve success.
• Simple Example
Work Breakdown Structure
• Simple WBS form

A work breakdown structure is a key project deliverable that

organizes the team's work into manageable sections.
Gantt Chart
• Definition

Bar chart(Gantt Chart) used by project managers to show i) the project tasks,
ii) the schedule associated with these tasks, and iii) the people who will work on them.
It shows the tasks' start and end dates and the staff allocations against a timeline.
Software Engineering(9th), Sommerville, Pearson
Exercise 2. WBS/Gantt Chart

1. Consider works & schedule of your team project.

2. Create WBS & Gantt Chart of the schedule.

(see next slide)

3. Upload file to Trello.

( ‘Week 3. Ex2’ Card  Attachment (Filename: yourname.pod))

* This is not a teamwork.

Exercise 2. WBS & Gantt Chart
• Project Libre
Meeting Minutes
What is Meeting Minutes?

• MM describe specify what was discussed and decided in a

meeting, providing a permanent record of the meeting for future

• MM are generally distributed shortly after the meeting ends and

are confirmed as accurate at the start of the next meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Why you have to write Meeting Minutes?

1. Memories are unreliable.

It is useful to have a written record of meeting, including
actions and decisions.
The minutes are a good reference for attendees and serve to
refresh memories.
2. The minutes are a communication tool
for sharing the outcomes of the meeting with people who were
not able to attend.
Meeting Minutes
How to write Meeting Minutes?

1. Taking notes during the meeting

2. Formalizing or tidying up these notes after the meeting
3. Distributing the minutes to the relevant people
4. Filing minutes for future reference

• Minutes are often recorded during the meeting on laptop computers.

• If you wish to tape record the meeting, you need to ask all meeting
participants for their approval before recording the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
What should you write down in Meeting Minutes?

• Start/End time of meeting

• Attendees & Apologies for absence
• Amendment to previous MM
• Actions(Tasks which participants have to do)
• Decisions
• Summaries of discussion
• Items to be held over for further discussion
Exercise 3 (Partial Teamwork)
1. Take meeting for your project with your team.

2. Record which are discussed during the meeting.

(You can use tape record, laptop, hand writing, etc.)

3. Write formal MM using template(This is not a teamwork).

(MM Template download - here(click))

4. Upload MM to Trello.
( ‘Week 3. Ex3’ Card  Attachment (Filename: yourname.pdf))

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