Comprehensive Exam Review

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The postoperative complication that deep breathing exercises help most to -1

.a-Phlebitis. b- Atlectasis. c- Hiccups. d- Nausea
To prevent the formation of thrombi and emboli in postoperative patient, -2
:the nurse should do
.a- Have the patient lie still. c- Place pillows under the knees
. b- Teach foot and leg exercises. d- Raise the knee gatch

: Malignant tumor differs from benign tumor in -3

.a-Almost remains localized . b- Causing pressure on the nearby structures

.c- Tends to recur after surgical excision. d- Does not infiltrate the surrounding cells

.Choose the condition that shows blood values with low pH & low Hco3, and normal Paco2 -4

.a- Respiratory alkalosis. b- Respiratory acidosis

.c- Metabolic Alkalosis. d- Metabolic acidosis

:The main nursing responsibility in immediate post op care is to -5

. a- Regulates an intravenous fluids. b-Monitors vital signs frequently

.c- Maintains an open airway. d- Observes surgical incision for bleeding

:An example of surgical procedure performed for emergent treatment is–6

.a- Appendectomy. b- Thyriodectomy

c- Repair of inguinal hernia. d- Cosmetic surgery

The physician ordered to administer 300 ml of blood for an anemic patient over three hours, -7
:calculate how many drops per minute the infusion should be?(the drop factor 20 gtt. /min.)

.Drops/ minute ----------------------------------------------

:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes all of the following disorders except -8

.a- Bronchiectasis. b- Emphysema

.c- Pulmonary edema. d-Chronic bronchitis

The doctor prescribed aminophylline for the patient, the nurse should be aware that rapid -9
:administration of aminophylline will cause severe

.a- Tachycardia & palpitation. b- Increased blood pressure

.c- Bradycardia & dyspnea. d- None of the above

:The most common diagnostic symptoms of pleurisy is (are) -10

.a- knife like stabbing pain during inspiration. c- Dyspnea & cough

.b-Dullness on percussion over areas of collected fluids. d- Fever & chills

The clinical symptoms that differentiate a hypoglycemic coma from diabetic ketoacidosis -11
:reaction is

.a- Acetone breathing. c. Nausea & vomiting. d. Weakness d- Blurred vision.

:If blood reaction occurs, the nurse does first -12

a. Call the doctor and wait for orders.

b. Stop the transfusion immediately.
c. Slow the infusion rate and observe for farther complications.
d. Check vital signs only.

:An absence of intrinsic factor associated with vitamin B. 12 deficiency causes-13

a. Pernicious anemia. c. Sickle cell anemia.

b. A plastic anemia. d. Hemolytic anemia.

:The pain of angina pectoris is primarily produced by -14

. a. Movement of thromboemboli c- Coronary vasoconstriction.

. b. The presence of atheroma d- Myocardium ischemia.

The clinical manifestation associated with diagnosis of DM includes all of the following -15

.a- Polydepsia. b-Hypoglycemia. c-Glucosuria. d. Polyphagia

16-The major side effect of magnesium hydroxide is:

a- Constipation. b- Hematemesis. c- Nausea & vomiting c- Diarrhea.

17-Sigmoidoscopy allows the visualization of the mucosa of the following organs except:

a-Sigmoid colon, descending colon & rectum. c- Ascending colon & rectum.

b-Sigmoid colon , rectum & anus. d- Rectum & anus only.

18-The most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease is:

a-Dysphagia b- Dysphasia. c- Polyphagia. d- Pyrosis.

19-The main complications of esophagoscopy is:

a- Upper GI tract infection. b- Perforation & hemorrhage

c- Abdominal colic & diarrhea. d- Fever & dehydration.

20- Protrusion of portion of stomach into the thoracic cavity through hiatus in diaphragm is defined as:

a- Hiatus hernia. b- Umbilical hernia. c- Diverticulum. c- Epigastric hernia.

21. Gastric ulcer differs from gastric ulcer in all of the following except:

a- It affect most frequently persons with all blood types.

b-Characterized by hematemesis more than melena.

c-Pain occurs ½ hour after meal & relieved by vomiting.

d-The possibility for malignancy is less or absent.

22. Patient with appendicitis will feel Rebound tenderness in:

a- Right hypochondria. c- Left hypochondria.

b- Left iliac fossa. d- Right iliac fossa.

23- A vascular mass in the lower rectum & anus is:

a- Pilonidal sinus. c- Anal fissures.

b- Anal hemorrhoids. d- Anal fistula.

24- Clinical manifestations associated with small bowel obstruction includes all of the following except:

a- Persistent vomiting. c- The passage of flatus & stool.

b-Peristaltic waves in reverse manner. d- Dehydration & Electrolytes imbalance.

25-Nursing management for patient with portal hypertension include:

a-Frozen & canned food. c-Eating margarine & salty food.

b-Thoracentesis. d- Using salt substitute like lemon.

26-Hepatitis (B) transmits from one person to another through:

a-Contaminated surgical instruments. b- Transfusion of contaminated blood.

b-Ingestion of contaminated food & water. d- Poor sanitation.

27- Cholecystostomy means :

a- Surgical removal of gall bladder. c- Making an incision in common bile duct.

b- Surgical removal of urinary bladder. d- Making an opening in the gall bladder.
28-Nocturea defined as:

a- Inability to control urine. c- Excessive voiding during sleep.

b- Involuntary voiding during sleep. d- Voiding large volume of urine in specific time.
29-A nurse instructed to collect a 24 hours urine specimen at 10:00 am, the nurse must take all of the
following steps except:

a-Instruct the patient to empty bladder at 10:00 am.

b-Collect the 10 : 00 urine specimen.

c-Collect all urine voided next 24 hours.

d-Next day at 10:00 am instruct pt. to void & save the specimen.

30-Conservation of renal function in ESRD include:

a-Treatment of urinary tract infection. c- Decrease protein diet to 40 mg /day.

b-Administration of glucose & insulin. d- all of the above are true.

31-Clinical manifestations for nephritic syndrome include all of the following except:

a-Marked protienurea. c- Pitting edema.

b-Hyperalbuminemia. d- Hyperlipidemia.

32-Angiotension converting enzyme inhibitor that used as diuretic in the treatment of nephritic syndrome

a- Lasix . b- Prednisone. c- Captopril. d- Aldacton.

33- UTI is less in males than females because:

1- Short urethra (4 cm). c- Antibacterial effect of prostatic gland.

b- Proximity to vagina& rectum. d- All of the above are true.

34- The main symptom of bladder tumor is:

a- Gross painless hematurea. c- Frequency & dysurea.

b-Pain in pelvic or flank area. d- Mass in the flank area.

35-Prevention of recurrent stone formation in patient with uric acid stone include:

a- Reduce protein –red meat & fish intake.

b- Force oral fluids intake to avoid dehydration.
c- Administer Allopurinol to reduce uric acid concentration.
d- All of the above are true.
:Protrusion of abdominal viscous through an opening in the abdominal wall is -36

a- Abdominal hernia. b- Peritonitis. c- Diverticulitis. d- Hiatus hernia

:Hepatitis virus that transmitted through contaminated needles & surgical instruments is -37

a-Hepatitis A virus. b-Hepatitis B virus.

c-Hepatitis C virus. d-Hepatitis D virus.

38- After cataract surgery the patient encouraged to:

a-Maintain bed rest for one week. c- Avoid bending his head below the waist
b-Lie on his stomach while sleeping. d-Lift weight s to increase muscle strength.

39-Emergency treatment of fractures should include:

a-Covering the area with clean dressing if fracture is open. c-Splinting the injured limb.
b- Immobilize the affect site. d-Do all of the above.

Um Kamal usually vomits when she travel by car, the nurse advice her to take -------------- that prevent -40
. motion sickness

.a- Emistop. b- Dramamine. c- Antihistamines. d- Antiulcer

:A tympanoplasty is surgically performed to -41

.a- Reestablish middle ear function. c- Close perforation

.b- Prevent recurrent infection. d- All of the above are true

:Adiagnostic manifestation of glaucoma is-42

.a- Pain associated with a purulent discharge. c- Intra ocular pressure 5-10 mmHg

.b- Presence of halos around lights. d- A significant loss of central vision

Abu Omer, taxi driver, complains that he is unable to read road signs at a distance when driving his -43
:car, Abu Omer suffers from

.a- Myopia. b- An astigmatism. c- Hyperopia. d- Presbyopia

Nader, 32 years old, student, weights 65 kg arrived to AL-Aqsa hospital emergency room with burn of
anterior aspect of the face, anterior part of upper trunk, and Lt. upper limb

:The leading cause death of in fire victims is believed to be -44

.a- Infection. c- Hypovolemic shock

.b- Cardiac arrest. d- Carbon monoxide poisoning

:Afull thickness burn is-45

.a-Painful due to exposed nerve endings. c- Identified by damage of all dermis

.b- Classified by absence of edema formation. d-Classified by the appearance of blisters

:The symptoms of second-degree burn include -46

.a -Painless & symptoms of shock. c- Damage to the dermis & subcutaneous

.b- Damage to the epidermis & partial part of dermis. d- Skin redness & burning sensation

:The percentage of the burned body surface area for Nader is -47

.a- 15%. b- 20%. c- 23%. d- 30%

:Calculate the amount of intravenous fluid in ml. that NADER may need during the first (8) hours -31

.a- Alloplastic implant. b- Allograft. c- Xenograft. d- Autograft

48-The least incidence of breast cancer usually occurs among women who have:

a- Multiple pregnancies.
b- Menarche occurs before age of 12 year.
c- First child after age of 34 year.
d- Family history of breast cancer.
49-The most common site for the incidence of breast cancer is:

a- The upper inner quadrant. c- The Upper outer quadrant.

b- The lower inner quadrant. d- The lower outer quadrant.
50- Simple mastectomy means :

a- Removal of the affect quadrant and auxiliary lymph nodes.

b- Removal of the breast tissues, pectoral muscles,& axillaries lymph nodes.
c- Removal of the breast tissues, and axillary lymph nodes only.
d- Removal of the breast tissues, without touching axillary lymph.

.Abu HANI, 62 years old, with diabetic foot, admitted to surgical unit for Below knee amputation

:The level of Abu HANI amputation was determined after assessment of -51

.a-The circulatory status of the affect limb

.b-Type of prosthesis to be used

.c-Abu HANI ability to understand & use prosthetic device

.d-All of the above are true

Abu Salama amputation is treated with compression dressing. Which of the following is not included in-52
:nursing care

.a-Keeping the residual limb slightly elevated on a pillow to prevent edema

.b- Placing the residual limb in an extended position with brief period of elevation

.c-Monitoring vital signs to detect any indication of bleeding

d-keep a tourniquet nearby in case of hemorrhage.

:Initial changes in vital signs associated with increased ICP include all of the following except -53

.a- Decreased systemic blood pressure. c- Increased body temperature

.d- Decreased pulse rate. d- Respiratory rate slow & irregular

:To administer ear drops for adult the nurse grasp and pull the ear -54

.a- Downward & outward. c-Upward & outward

.b- Downward & backward. d- Upward & backward

:The most effective drug used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease is -55

.a- Aldomin. b- Declophin. c- Dopamine. d- Paracetamol

:An immediate nursing concern for a patient who suffers a femoral shaft fracture is assessment of -56

.a- Pain due to muscle spasm. c- Infection

.b- Fat embolism. d- Hypovolemic shock

57- Gas exchange between the lungs and the blood, and between the blood and tissues is called:

a- Ventilation. b- Respiration. c- Perspiration. d- Active transport.

58-The lungs are surrounded with a serious membrane called:

a-Diaphragm. b- Mediastinum. c- Xiphoid process. d- Pleura.

59- Choose the part of respiratory tract that is not part of gas exchange airway:

a-Bronchi. b- Respiratory bronchioles . c- Alveolar duct. d- Alveolar sacs.

60- Bronchial pneumonia can be diagnosed by the presence of :

a- Thin mucoid sputum. b- Thick yellow sputum.

c- Rusty colored sputum. d- Green purulent sputum.

61- The nurse inspect the patient chest with emphysema, the nurse expect the chest shape like:

a-Funnel chest. b- Barrel chest. c- kyphoscoliosis. d- Pigeon chest.

62- Volume of air that inhaled and exhaled with each breath is known as:

a-Residual volume. b- Total volume. c- Tidal volume. d- expiratory reserve volume.

63- Alternating episodes of apnea and periods of deep breathing is defined as:

a- Cheyenne stocks respiration. b- Hyperventilation. c- Hypoventilation. d- Biots respiration.

64-Nursing care for tracheostomy include:

a- Clean area around the stoma every four hours. c- Keep tracheostomy tray at beside .
b- Frequent suctioning of the mucus. d- all of the above are true.

65- Removal of entire lung is:

a- Wedge resection. b- lobotomy. c- Segmentectomy. d- Pneumoectomy.

67-The right lung in contrast to the left lung, has:

a- One lobe more. c- The same number of lobes.

b- One lobe less. d- Two lobes more.

68-The nurse is aware that possible complications of bronchoscopy include all of the following except:

a- Aspiration. b- Gastric perforation. c- Infection d- Pneumothorax.

69-The complication(s) of acute pharyngitis include all of the followings except:

a- Nephritis. b- Rheumatic arthritis..

c-Rheumatic heart disease. d-Osteomylitis.

70-The most common microorganism that causes pharyngitis is:

a- Group A streptococcus. b- Pseudomonas.

c- klebsilla. c-Staphylococcus.

71- An emergency medical treatment for epistaxis may include insertion of gauze pack moistened with:

a- An adrenergic blocking agent. b- Aqueous epinephrine.

c-Protamine sulphate . d- Vitamin K.

72- An early sign of cancer of the larynx is:

a- Affected voice sounds (hoarseness). b- Burning in the throat when hot drinks ingested.

c- Enlarged cervical nodes. d- Difficulty in swallowing.

73-Care for a person diagnosed as having tracheobronchitis is:

a- Bed rest. b-Bronchodilators agents.

c- Apply warm compresses to the chest to relieve pain. d- Include all of the above.

74-The most common cause of death among the infectious diseases is:

a- Bronchial asthma. b- Tracheobronchitis. c- Pneumonia. d- Pulmonary embolism.

75-Characteristics of tuberculosis include all of the following except:

a- Can be transmitted by droplets. b- May affect health workers.

c- Survive in anaerobic conditions. d- Sensitive to heat and ultraviolet light.

76- Anti-tuberculosis antibiotics include all of the following except:

a- Isoniazid. c- Streptomycin. b- crystalline penicillin. d- Ethambutol.

77-The most common diagnostic symptoms of pleurisy is (are):

a- knife like stabbing pain during inspiration.

b- Dullness on percussion over areas of collected fluids.

c- Dyspnea & cough.

d- Fever & chills.

78- The pleural effusion results from collection of fluids in the:

a- Intercostal space. b-Pericardial space. c- Pleural space.

d- Include all of the above. e-None of the above.

79- The therapeutic purpose for thoracentesis:

a- Remove fluids & air from the pleural space. b- Obtains specimen for analysis.

c- Relieve dyspnea. d- Do all of the above. e- None of the above.

80- The diagnostic confirmation of a lung abscess is (are):

a- Electrocardiogram. b- A sputum culture and sensitivity.

c- Complete blood count. d- Serum electrolytes.

81- The patient with chronic bronchial asthma shows the major clinical symptoms of:

a- Productive cough & dyspnea. b- Fever and chills.

c- Chest pain during respiration. d- Tachycardia & dyspnea.

82-The recommended parenteral route for administering iron preparations for anemia is by:

a- Intermittent infusion. b- IM injection in the deltoid.

c- Deep IM using Z track method. d-Subcutaneous injection.

83- The absorption of intrinsic factor after binding with vitamin B12 take place in:

a- Stomach. b- Duodenum . c- Jejunum. d- Ilium.

Miss Amal 32 years old, admitted to female surgical ward with enlarged thyroid, she had a subtotal

84- Miss Amal is expected to be:

a- Calm & comfortable. c- Emotionally stable.

b- Insensitive to heat. d- Apathetic & anorexic.

85- Iodine & iodine compounds are used for hyperthyroidism because they do all of the following except:

a- Decrease the basal metabolic rate. b- Decrease the release of thyroid hormone.
b- Increase the vascularity of the gland. d- Decrease the size of the gland.

86- A nurse teaching to a patient with chronic venous insufficiency to do all of the following except:

a- Avoid constricting garments. c- Elevate the leg above the level of the heart.

b-Sit as much as possible to rest the valves in the legs. d- Sleep with the feet of the bed elevated.

87- With peripheral arterial insufficiency, leg pain during rest can be reduced by:

a- Elevating the legs above the level of the heart.

b- lowering the limb so that it is dependent.

c-Massaging the limb after applying cold compresses.

d-Placing the limb in a plan horizontal to the body.

88- The pain of angina pectoris is primarily produced by:

a- Coronary vasoconstriction. c. Movement of thromboemboli.

b- Myocardium ischemia. d. The presence of atheroma.

10- The most common coronary vasodilator agent used to treat anginas pain in emergent situations is:

a- Morphine IV push slowly . c. Cordil tab. 5 mg SL.

b- Propranolol 20 mg po. d. Pethidine Hcl deep IM.
89- Choose the true statement about myocardial pain, it is:

a- Relieved by rest & nitroglycerine. c. Radiates to left shoulder, neck, and jaw.

b- Like squeezing & tightening. d. Sudden onset and prolonged in duration.

90-The best sensitive test ( accurate) for diagnosis of Miriam's DM.

a. Blood glucose test. c. Glucose tolerance test.

b. Two- hour postprandial test. d. Urine glucose test.
91- The nurse knows that rapid acting insulin should reach its peak in:

a- One to two hours. c. Four to six hours.

b- Two to three hours. d. Eight to ten hours.

92- A patient who is diagnosed with type (II) DM. Would be expected to be:

a-Have damage to islet cells of the pancreas.

b- Less than 30 years old.

c- Treated by insulin injections.

d-Treated by daily doses of oral hypoglycemic agents.

93-The clinical symptoms that differentiate a hypoglycemic reaction from diabetic ketoacidosis reaction

a- Blurred vision. c. Nausea & vomiting. b- Sweating. d. Acetone breath

94- Regular insulin is believed to be absorbed at the fastest rate administered in:

a- Abdominal tissue site. c. Anterior thigh tissue site.

b- Deltoid tissue site. d. Gluteal tissue site.

95-An example of commonly administered intermediate acting insulin:

a. NPH insulin. c. PZI insulin.

b-Regular insulin. d. INH insulin

:One of the most dangers in preoperative patient due to poor nutrition is -96

.a-Fluids and electrolytes imbalance. b- Decrease in normal body weight

.c-Increase the risk of infection. d- Increase the risk of dehydration

:Surgery contraindicated in the patient who has upper respiratory infection because of the risk of -97

.a-Hypoventilation. b-Pneumonia & sepsis. c- Atelectasis. d- All of the above are correct

:The surgeon ordered to give the patient atropine pre op. because it -98

a- Dries respiratory secretions. b- Controls post op. discomfort.

b- Deceases pre op. fear & anxiety. d-Prevents post op nausea & vomiting.

:The clinical manifestations of post operative hemorrhage include all of the followings except-99

.a-Cold, moist, pale skin. b-Increase cardiac output & hypertension

.c-Rapid pulse and rapid deep respiration. d-Apprehension and restlessness

:Nursing intervention for patient suffering from DVT include all of the followings except-100

.a-Hydrate the patient adequately post op. b- Early ambulation and leg exercises

.c-Advice the pt. to avoid restricting devices. d-Rubbing or massaging calves and thighs

?Which of the followings is considered as a hypertonic solution -101

.a- lactated Ringer’s. b- D5W in lactated Ringer’s. c- 0.45% Nacl d- 0.9% Nacl

:One of the most dangers in preoperative patient due to obesity is -102

.a-Fluids and electrolytes imbalance. b- Decrease blood pressure

.c-Increase the risk of wound dehiscence. d- Increase the risk of dehydration

103- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes which of the following disorders?

a- Bronchial asthma & Emphysema.. b- Emphysema & Pneumonia

c- Bronchopnumonia & Bronchictiasis. d-Chronic bronchitis & Emphysema.

:An early sign of laryngitis is -104

.a- Hoarseness of voice. b- Weakness and weight loss

.c- Enlarged cervical nodes. d- Difficulty in swallowing

:If a blood transfusion reaction occurs, it will probably occur -105

.a- 1-2 minute after the transfusion stated

.b- after the first 15 – 30 minutes of the transfusion

.c- After half ( 1/2 ) of the unit have been transfused

.d- Several hours after the transfusion

Hypertension is defined as persistent blood pressure levels in which the systolic and -106
:diastolic above

a- 110/60 mmHg. b. 120/70 mmHg. c. 130/80 mmHg. d. 140/90 mmHg.

:The pacemaker for the entire myocardium is the -107

. c. Bundle of his a- Atreoventricular node.

.d. Purkinji fibers b- Sinoatrial node.

:The most comfortable position post op thyroidectomy is -108

.a- high fowlers with his neck supported a soft collar

.b- recumbent with his neck hyper extended and supported by a neck pillow

.c- recumbent with sand bags preventing his neck from rotating

.d- semi fowlers with his neck supported by pillows

:Oral ant diabetic agents are given to the diabetic person who is -109

.a-None insulin dependent. b. c-Has crippling fingers

c. All of the above. d. None of the above

:Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose level reach-110

.a-Below 50mg /dl. b-Between 60mg/dl – 70mg/ dl

.d. Of 100 mg/dl

Comprehensive Exam July 2013

:When a hypertonic solution is infused intravenously it will -1
.a- Remain in the intravascular space. b- Increase the size of the blood cells
.c-Decrease the size of the blood cells. d- Thin the plasma of the blood
Nursing interventions to prevent thrombophlebitis as a complication of IV therapy should -2
:not include
.a- Hanging solutions more than 24 hours
.b- Changing the insertion site at least every 72 hours
.c- Changing continuous IV administration set every 48 hours
.d- Changing intermittent IV administration set every 24 hours
During nursing inspection of the patient with history of emphysema, the nurse will notice -3
:that the patient has
a- Dyspnea & barrel chest. b- Chronic cough and rusty sputum.
c- Tachypnea and cylindrical chest. d- Wheezy chest and cyanosis..

4- Nursing management of Pulmonary Edema would include all of the following actions except:
a- Restrict the patient's activity. b- Monitor intake and output.
c- Semi sitting position to ease breathing. d-Diuretics to reduce pulmonary congestion.

5- Which of the followings is not true statement regarding myocardial infarction pain ?
a- Does not Relieve by nitroglycerine and rest. c. Described as heaviness or pressure.
b- Like squeezing & tightening. d. Continuous and lasts more than 15 minutes.
6-. The cardiac disorder that characterized by a severe and prolonged insufficient blood supply
to one or more regions of myocardium is known as:
a- Myocardial infarction. b- Angina pectoris.
c- Congestive heart failure. d- Acute pericarditis
7. Postoperative subtotal gastrectomy, the nurse expect the patient to suffer from which of the
following anemia:
a- G6PD anemia. b- Iron deficiency anemia.
c- Sickle cell anemia. d- Pernicious anemia
8. Which of the following clinical manifestation is associated with hypothyroidism?
a-Tachycardia at rest, and on exertion.
b- Cold intolerance , moist, pale skin.
c-Muscle weakness, fatigability and nervousness.
d- Increased appetite and progressive weight loss.
9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
a. Present in DM. type two c. Associated with severe hyperglycemia
b. Present of metabolic acidosis. d. Manifested by polyuria and polydipsia.

10. Prevention of rheumatic heart disease includes:

a. Avoidance of cigarette smoking.

b. Adequate control of hypertension.

c. Prophylactic treatment of streptococcal infections.

d. Encourage treatment of M.I.

.Choose the condition that shows blood values of pH=7.35 & HCO3 = 29 , and PaCO2=38 -11

a- Respiratory alkalosis. b- Respiratory acidosis.
c- Metabolic Alkalosis. d- Metabolic acidosis.

The nurse assess for signs and symptoms of wound infection post operatively during the -12
.------- day

a- First- third. b- Third – fifth. c- Fifth – Seventh. d- Seventh – Ninth.

13-When blood pressure elevated extremely rapidly and endanger one of the vital organs this is
known as:
a-Primary hypertension. b- Systolic hypertension.
c- Secondary hypertension. d- Malignant hypertension.
14-Nursing interventions to increase arterial blood supply to the lower limbs may include all of
the following except:

a- Elevation the affected extremity. c- Avoidance of vasoconstriction.

b- Giving up smoking. d- Administering vasodilators.

15. Duodenal ulcer differs from gastric ulcer in all of the following except:

a-It affect most frequently persons with blood type (O).

b-Characterized by melena more than hematemesis.

c- The possibility for malignancy is less or absent.

d- Pain occurs ½ hour after meal & relieved by vomiting.

16. Clinical manifestations associated with small bowel obstruction includes all of the following

a- Persistent vomiting& metabolic disturbance. c- The passage of flatus & stool.

b-Abdominal distention & paralytic ileus. d- Dehydration & Electrolytes imbalance.

17.Clinical manifestations for acute glomerulonephritis include all of the following except:

a-Moderate to severe hypertension. c- Anemia & edema of lower extremities.

b-Puffiness of face& fatigue. d- Polyurea & yellow color urine.

18-A neurologic disorder that affects the regulating and controlling center of movement in the
brain is known as:
a-Myasthenia Gravis. b- Parkinson's disease. c- multiple sclerosis. d- brain tumor.

19- During nursing assessment of positive Rovsing’s sign, the nurse palpates which of the
following areas :

a- Right hypochondria. b- Left hypochondria. c- Left iliac fossa. d- Right iliac fossa.

:Afull thickness burn is-20

.a-Classified by the appearance of blisters. c- Classified by absence of edema formation

.b-Identified by damage of all dermis. d- Painful due to exposed nerve endings

:Adiagnostic manifestation of glaucoma is-21

.a- A significant loss of central vision. c-Presence of halos around lights

.b-Intra ocular pressure 5-10 mmHg. d-Pain associated with a purulent discharge


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