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UH Thanking & Apologizing

Part I (Multiple Choice)

Choose the best option!

1. Complete the following dialogue!

a.I'm sorry b.I'm okay c,Thank you d.Pretty well

2. Complete the dialogue!

a.Thank you b.I'm sorry c.You're welcome d.I'm okay

3. You’ve spilt your drink to someone’s clothes in a restaurant. What would you say to
a.Thank you very much b.I’m happy to hear that
c. Hello d.I’m really sorry
4. Complete the dialogue below!

a.Oh, thank you, dear. b.Is it for me? kind of you to say that! d.No, thanks
5. Complete the dialogue below!

a.I am fine b.You are very kind c.That is all right d,I am very sorry
6. Complete the dialogue!

a,I can use my computer b.May I use your computer?

c.I can’t use my computer d.Will you use your computer?
7. Complete the dialogue!

a.May I have it b.I like it very much

c.You are so kind to me d.Thank you very much
8. Complete the dialogue!

a.Thank you b.You're welcome c.Sorry d.It’s okay

UH Thanking & Apologizing

9. Complete the dialogue!

a.Thank you b.I’m sorry c.I’m fine d.Get well soon

10. Complete the dialogue!

A,You're welcome b.Never mind c.Thanks a lot d.I'm sorry

Text for number 11-12


11. Complete the dialogue above!

a.Ask b.Borrow c.Read d.Write
12. Complete the dialogue above!
a.Thanks b.Sorry c.Read d.Write
13. Riki is late. He says . . . . to Mr. Mustofa for being late.
a.Good morning b.Hello c.Thank you d.Sorry
14. Siti helps Sita to clean the classroom. Sita . . . . to her.
a.Congratulates b.Sings c.Thanks d.Claps
15. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia!

a.Sama-ama – Maaf b.Terima kasih - Sama-sama

c.Maaf - Selamat dating d.Maaf - sama-sama
UH Thanking & Apologizing

Part II True False (Benar Salah)

State True or False based on the dialogue below!


16. There are 2 persons in the dialogue above.

True False
17. Asih does not lend her pen to Trumi
True False
18. Trumi refuses to go to Bandar Eco Park with Asih.
True False
19. They will go to Bandar Eco Park together.
True False
20. Trumi will help her mother in the rice field.
True False

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