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Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board?

Dr. Manoj Soni sir

Q2. How long was the interview?

30 minutes

Q3. Why do you want to join civil service? Why don’t you continue in your graduation field?
Social service can be done from private sector too.

I was asked by Chairman sir why I wanted to join the service when I’m only 22. I have given the
answer in the transcript in the next question.

Q4. Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you reply
and other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview.

( 3rd to go)

(Wished all members & took permission to sit)

Chairman- So Pratishtha Mamgain?

Me- Yes Sir

Ch-Born and brought up in Delhi?

Me- Yes sir

Ch- You studied in one of the most prestigious institution in India…

Me- Yes sir, St Stephens’s College

Ch- So why did you pursue economics honours?

Me- Sir, initially my plan was to pursue engineering. But then I realised I had greater interest in maths
and economics. So I decided to pursue economics.

Ch- So college was the first time you studied economics?

Me- No sir, I studied economics in class 11th and 12th.

Ch- But you had science?

Me- Yes sir, I had science. But my combination was physics, chemistry, maths and economics.

Ch- Oh I didn’t see that. Tell me, you are young, only 22. Why did you decide to go for the exam, why
not something else?
Me- Sir, I want to join the service when I’m young. This is something which I have always wanted to

Ch- When did you decide?

Me- Sir, I decided when I was in Class 9.

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