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COVID and Mental Health


How has COVID-19 affected our society’s mental health?

Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus that had its first few victims in Wuhan, China
causing mass isolations around the world. Some mental wellbeing issues
consists of:

● Social isolation, (Quarantine.)

● Anxiety/fear of sickness.
● Tragic loss of family members.
● Increased reports of depressive symptoms.
● General unemployment: lack of daily social interaction
Chart taken from

Pre-pandemic mental health in America looked like:

● 1 in 5 americans reported having a mental illness.

● 2017-2018 more than 17 million adults and an additional three million.
adolescents had a major depressive episode.
During Pandemic america’s mental health:
● 30% increase in feelings of anxiety/depression.
● 13.3% increase in substance abuse.
● 10.7% increase in suicidal thoughts.
Background Continued:

Why mental health is an issue in our healthcare system:

● High cost and Insufficient Insurance Coverage

● Lack of Awareness
● Social Stigma

COVID-19 has impacted America’s mental health:

● Suicidal feelings have increased due to lack of social interaction

● Increased deaths of family members have caused depression
● Imminent fear of catching the virus causing anxiety

There are steps we can take to improve our nation's mental health amidst a
Youtube video on COVID-19 and mental health

COVID-19: Mental Health Issues and Coping


Recommendations on maintaining mental health wellness:

● Keeping up with physical activity

● Maintaining connections with friends and family
● Keeping up with a daily schedule
● Avoiding tobacco and alcohol products
● Maintaining a healthy diet
● Florida suicide hotline (904) 632-0600
● Unf counseling center
Recommendations Continued:

Recommendations for our Healthcare System:

● Mental Health Clinics

● Increased Awareness
● Social Acceptance

● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, January 26). Learn About
Mental Health - Mental Health - CDC. Centers for Disease Control and
● Nirmita Panchal, R. K., & 2020, A. (2020, August 21). The Implications of
COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use. KFF.

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