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Hi, my name is Julian García and today I’m going to interview the
famous painter Salvador Dalí, so, let us begin.
Hai, mai neim in julian garcia end tudei aim going tu interviu de feimus
peinter, Salvador Dalí, sou, let as biguen

1 - When you were born?

- I was born on May 11,1904 In the city of Figueras, España
1 Guen yu guer born?
I guas born on mey eleven neintin for in de ciry of figueras, espain

2 - Who were your parents?

- My father was Salvador Dalí I Cusí, he was a middle-class lawyer
and notary, and my mother was Felipa Domènech
2 Ju guer yur parents?
Mai fader guas Salvador Dalí ferst Cusí hi guas a midel clas loier and
notari end mai moder guas Felipa Dominich

3 - Did you have a brother or sister?

- Yes, I had a brother who died a few months before I was born
and a sister who was 4 years younger than me.
3 – Did yu jav a broder or sister?
Yes, ai jad a broder ju daid a fiu month bifor ai guas born end a sister
ju guas for yiars younguer dan mi.

4 - Who was Salvador Dalí?

He was a 20th century Spanish painter, sculptor, set designer and
4 – ju guas Salvador Dalí?
Ji guas a century espanish peinter,escoltur set disaigner end ruairer
5 - Did you study an artistic career?
- Yes, in 1921 I left my hometown and moved to Madrid, where I
entered the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts.
I made great friends, like my great friend Federico García Lorca a
great poet
5 Did yu estadi an artistic caruir?
Yes, in naitin tuenti uan ai lef mai jontaun end muved tu Madrid, guer ai
entered de san Fernando academi of fain arts. Ai meid grueit frends
laik Federico Garcia Lorca a grueit poet.

6 - How many paintings did you make?

I made about 1500 paintings throughout my career in addition to
dozens of illustrations for books, set designs, costumes, and a huge
number of drawings, sculptures and parallel projects in photography
and film.
Jau meni peintings did yu meik?
Ai meid abaut uan sausend faiv jandred peintings sroughaut mai cariir
in adishon tu douzens of ilustreichons for buks, set disaings, costums
end a jiuch, namber of drawings, end parallel projects in fotografi and

7 - What was the most representative painting of you?

- My most representative painting was "The Persistence of

Memory" I painted it in 1931.

7 Guat guas de most representativ peinting of yu?

Mai most representativ peinting guas, “de persistens of memori” ai
peinted it in neintin zertiuan.

8 - What was your style of dress like?

- My style of dress was very elegant, I used to dress in a suit and tie
and of course some elegant shoes But, a very special feature of me
was my mustache, because it was too long, pointed and stretched it
8 – guat guas yur estail of drues laik?
mai estail of drues guas veri elegant, ai iused tu drues tu in a sut end
tai end of corf som elegant shus, bat a veri espechal fishor of mi guas
mai mostach, bicos it guas tuu long, pointed end stretshed it ap.

9 - What was the most difficult time you had to go through in your
- When my mother died, I was only 16 years old, it was the strongest
blow I have received in my life

Guat guas de most dificult tain yu jad tu gou zrogh in yur laif?
Guen mai moder daid, ai guas only sixtin yiars old, it guas de strogest
blu ai jav riceived in mai laif

10 - When and where did you die?

- On January 23, 1989, I died from a cardiorespiratory arrest in

Figueras, Spain at the age of 84

Guen end guer did yu dai?

On januari tuenti three, naintin etinain ai daid from
a cardiorespiratori arruest in Figueras, espain at de
eich of eitifor

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