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Customer satisfaction:

Parco offer best quality products with such a faster delivery time to the customers. And these

quality products are being offered at international prices. Name of Parco is basically symbol of

quality which provides satisfaction in terms of quantity, and quality to its customers.

Furthermore the objective is to provide excellent customer service where if customer make some

complains their complaints are promptly attended. Also where measures are instituted to ensure

that customer is informed properly. Parco existing infrastructure and expertise should assist in

achieving this aim and establishing marketing networking.

Continuous improvement:
Parco has been improving the quality continuously for the optimization and product quality

control the facility of advance process is available in the system they also have laboratory whose

function is to check the quality of the products if the quality if the product does not achieve the

quality standard it’s reprocessed again until it gets that quality standard. I already mentioned

above they have the certification of ISO.

Process units and capacities

Unit code Unit BPSD

100 Crude distillation 100,000

110 Vacuum distillation 42,800

200 Naphtha Hydrotreater 25,650

300 CCR plat former 16,350

284 Diesel max 22,450

130 Visbreaker 15,560

801 Kerosene merox 20,000

802 LPG merox 4,500

411 Gas concentration Liquid: 22050 Gas:


810 Amine treating F.G: 7.721 (MMSCFD) SWS:


820 Sulphur recovery 115MTPD

Inventory Management:
Basically it is a stock of anything held to meet the future demand of organization.

Types of inventory.

Raw Material:

Raw material is used by the Mid-country Refinery is the crude oil (light Arabian Crude)

which is purchased from Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi.

Finished Goods:

Finished good of Parco Mid-country Refinery are

LPG Regular Gasoline


Jet A-1 Kerosene


Fuel oils

Inventory Control System:

Inventory control system has two types of system in Parco

 Continuous Review system

 Periodic Review system

Continuous Review system:

Whenever the number of the units drawn out from the inventory stores then that point decides

whether it is a time to reorder or not. In this way inventory has been controlled.

Periodic Review system:

The method of inventory control system is periodic review system. In this system the

inventory is judge periodically instead of continuously. In this system a lot of size may change

from one order to the next and the time between orders is fixed.

Inventory Control system at Parco:

The two Review system above mentioned the Parco always goes for periodic review system.

It means than a lot size vary but the time between orders is fixed. As we know Parco will import

three vessels per month about carrying 64,000 metric tons each but the first vessel brought

66,000 metric tons of crude oil for Mid- country refinery.


The Parco Supplier for crude oil is ARAMCO. Parco has a crude oil agreement with

ARAMCO for purchases of 30,000 Barrels per day light Arabian crude. The agreement was

signed in Dhahran on Jan 18, 2000.

Corporate responsibility:
The prime responsibility of Parco is to cater to the defense and energy lifeline of the country

also to remain self-sustainable/ viable financially the products that Parco produces are deficit in

the country they need to apply strategy blend of push and pull.

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