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Master of Science and Technology

in Complex Systems Engineering

Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering is a highly interdisciplinary
field that requires the knowledge of mechanics,
thermodynamics, physics, computer sciences and many
other subjects including chemical engineering or
geomatics. Students following the CSE 2E programme will
be provided a sound background in basic sciences and their
applications to address the main environmental problems
related to climate change and how to relate particularly
these problems to spatial planning, urban engineering and
policy making. It focuses mainly on urban warming, energy
efficiency, water management, aridity, soil and
desertification, or air pollution. The students will find an
exceptional academic and industrial environment that
aims to broaden their horizon in order to obtain a rich
interdisciplinary educational experience in environmental
engineering and to best prepare their career.

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

S7 - 1st semester (sept-jan) – 40 ECTS
Transport phenomena [TRP7] - 32 hr – 4 ECTS - (P. Denis, Dr F.
Schwander, Prof F. Anselmet)
The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the basic notions, equations and modeling
approaches related to transport phenomena. This includes the basic concepts of continuum mechanics,
heat and mass transfer, rheology, fluid mechanics, and processes commonly found in chemical
engineering. These equations, tools and concepts will be used frequently throughout the master.

Computer sciences & Numerical methods [CSNM] – 24 hr – 3 ECTS

(Dr B. Favier, Dr B. Piar)
The course provides basic knowledge on linear algebra, numerical methods for ordinary/partial
differential equations, integration, Fourier analysis, etc. The course includes an important practical
component that allows the learning of scientific programming languages (matlab, python).

Hydraulics and hydrology [HYHY] – 24 hr – 3 ECTS (Prof F. Anselmet,

Dr P. Javelle)
This course is organized in two parts. In the first part, the bases of hydraulics for rivers, flumes or
channels will be presented. In the second part, the connections between rainfalls and river flows will be
presented, with the objective of modeling floods and extreme floods, in connection with the evaluation
of environmental risks and territory development.

Introduction to chemical engineering [INCE]– 24 hr – 3 ECTS (Dr N.

Historically, chemical engineering has been primarily concerned with process engineering, which can
generally be divided into two complementary areas: chemical reaction engineering and separation
processes. The modern discipline of chemical engineering, however, encompasses much more than just
process engineering. Chemical engineers are now concerned in the development and production of a
diverse range of products, as well as in commodity and special chemicals. These products include high-
performance materials needed for aerospace, automotive, biomedical, electronic and environmental
applications, including waste and water treatment. The objective of the course is therefore to provide an
introduction to chemical engineering and, in particular, to present the basic notions and tools that will
be used in the more advanced courses of the S8 and S9 programmes.

Introduction to environmental engineering [INEE]– 24 hr – 3 ECTS

(Keynote speakers)
Human activities are a regular cause of imbalances in natural systems and the societies that depend upon
them, at the local, regional, and global scales. To organize spatially these activities, the urban and spatial
planning is a very important element that must now be considered through its environmental impact and
must integrate practices related to environmental engineering and sustainable development. This is

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

particularly the case for the Mediterranean area because of the significant contributions from the
industrial port development, the increasing influence of tourism, but also the need to preserve the
agricultural activities. This cycle of seminars will introduce to the students firstly an introduction to
complex system engineering and the associated context framework of an efficient system engineering
and secondly how these concepts can be applied to land planning. The seminars are animated by three
keynote speakers from the civil society.

Energy and environment [ENEN] – 24 hr – 3 ECTS (P. Denis, Dr P.

The electrical energy is now indispensable to us and its massive production faces energy and
environmental challenges that are increasingly colossal. In particular, water, unique on Earth, is essential
for the proper functioning of these facilities thanks to exceptional thermophysical properties. It must be
processed, improved and protected for optimum operation. Similarly, combustion generates pollutants
in addition to CO2, and the methods used to reduce SO2, CO2 and other NOx emissions will also be
presented. Finally, using elements to size the installations to cover the needs of a thermal power plant,
and thus continue to protect the environment, you will then be able to develop a project aimed at
dimensioning an electrical power plant.

Geomatics [GEOM] – 24hr – 3 ECTS (Prof O. Boiron)

Geomatics is the science of georeferenced images and data processing and modeling. Throughout this
course you will have an introduction to the basics of geomatics with the key topics that are cartography,
geodetic, geodata acquisition and land numerical modeling. A large part of the course is devoted to
practice with open source geographical information system (GIS) tools with application in air/water
pollution, hydrology, landuse, etc.

Language [LAN7] – 24 hr – 3 ECTS (V. Hamel)

French culture and language.

Industrial engineering [INE7]– 48 hr – 6 ECTS (C. Delabroye)

All the following programs are based on action learning and participative pedagogy with role plays, case
studies and serious games. They are based on real business cases in order to give the students concrete
elements of business life to complete their scientific and technical knowledge.

1. LEADERSHIP AND BEHAVIORAL AGILITY (Practical exercises and different role plays)

This program will provide the key principles of interpersonal communication useful in every
professional relationship. Based on role plays, it will explore the different existing profiles of
communication and make the link with leadership, emotional intelligence and the management of stress.

It will address questions such as: how to build trustful relationship with your peers and team members,
how to manage people’s miscommunication due to stress, and how to manage your own emotions in
order to communicate effectively in any situation.

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

2. TEAM MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS (case studies and exercises)

This program will describe all the tools and principles of team management, on the individual and the
collective side. What is the manager’s role in an organization? What is the difference between people
management and leadership? How to adapt your leadership style to the different types of team members?
How to make decisions? What are the different ways to give feedback? What are the tools to mobilize
the team on vision and objectives? How to set an objective and to evaluate it?

3. CHANGE MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS (case studies and exercises)

This program will focus on the fundamental tools of change management at 3 levels: the organization,
the key stakeholders, and the individuals. It will provide descriptions of how to deploy change
management tools to supplement the project management methodology and ensure appropriation and
mobilization of employees. Topics presented include the 8 steps of John Kotter, impact analysis, and
stakeholders mapping, as well as the basics of how to build a change management plan, and how to
address resistance to change at all levels.

Project [PRO7] – 30 hr – 3 ECTS

JO Train’Eng [TRE7] – 16 h – 2 ECTS

The “Journées d’Ouverture” or Opening Days, are elective training activities proposed to the students
during two weeks. The proposed topics of these electives are chosen to give an openness to new
knowledge, new techniques on a wide variety of subjects and problems. For instance understand how to
control quadrotor drone flight gives the opportunity to understand the basic of flight mechanics and
aerodynamic laws. The subjects offered concern all the subjects taught at the Ecole Centrale:
mathematics, computer science, mechanics, economics, chemistry, process engineering, etc.

Seminars [SEM7] – 32 h – 4 ECTS

Lab or company work – 7 weeks (max)
Lab (or company) internship from mid-november to mid-january. Students will be placed in labs that
are affiliated to Ecole Centrale Marseille. The main scientific fields addressed are mechanics &
nonlinear mechanics, physics & photonics, chemical engineering, and numerical modeling for
environmental engineering.

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

S8 - 2nd semester (feb–july) – 30 ECTS
Environmental management [ENMA] – 46 hr – 4 ECTS (Dr N.
Environmental management is part of a sustainable development perspective. This teaching unit
integrates at the enterprise level the technical, regulatory, behavioral and economic components at the
level of the company and positions the role and the missions of the engineer. It is strongly linked with
the course on Circular Economy.

Circular economy and sustainable design [CIES] – 53 hr – 4 ECTS

(C. Jalain)
The course relies on sustainable chemistry (technological tools) and environmental management
(managerial tools), it provides the tools of eco-design, all to transform waste into new resources, and
beyond to build industrial ecology. This is really the current trend of the economy.

Pollutants and water waste [POWW] – 34 hr – 3 ECTS (Dr N. Ibaseta)

The course is focused on the treatment of effluents and the modeling of their diffusion in the
environment. It is strongly connected to monitoring (detection and measurement of pollution) and
circular economy (waste treatment, recycling and valorization).

Green chemistry [GRCH] – 42 hr – 3 ECTS (Dr D. Herault)

This course presents chemistry considered in view of the material transformation process in industry. It
provides the essential bases of chemistry and green processes with the objectives of recycling and
industrial symbiosis, in view of the reduction of the used matter and energy quantities. Particular
attention will be given to the bio and organo catalyses and the homo and hetero catalyses.

Environmental monitoring [ENMO] – 44 hr - 3 ECTS (Dr A. Roueff)

This course brings together tools for measuring the quality of water, the atmosphere and the sound
environment. In connection with environmental management (standards, territorial monitoring) and
clean effluents (diffusion modeling and pollution treatment).

Renewable energies [REEN] – 24 hr – 3 ECTS (Prof M. Boussak, Dr L.

This course first presents a short overview of renewable energies, including hydroelectricity, wind
energy, bioenergies, hydrogen/fuel cells and solar energy, in relation to the problems of rarefied oil
resources and global warning problems. Then, specific attention is devoted to solar energy and wind
energy which present the most promising potentials of development in the future.

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

Project / Labs and companies visits – 30 hr - 5 ECTS
Language [LAN8] – 40 hr – 3 ECTS (V. Hamel)
French culture and language

Internship – 8 weeks – 2ECTS

S9 - 3rd semester (sept-mar) – 40 ECTS

Computer Sciences & data sciences [CSDS] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Dr B.
Piar – Prof T. Artières)
The incredible amount of data that our modern societies are accumulating has led to the development of
specific techniques for sorting, ordering, analysing or displaying these data. Data sciences is the
discipline based on mathematical, statistical and computer tools, including machine learning, that
encompasses these techniques. This course will introduce to the students the basic notions and
techniques of data sciences, including machine learning, with practical applications in Biomedical or
Environmental engineering.

Energy efficiency [ENEF] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Prof P. Guichardon, Dr N.

This course covers a wide range of problems associated with energy efficiency, in relation with
sustainable development and environmental problems. These include technical topics such as buildings
thermal performance, thermodynamics and thermal cycles, …, but also the analysis of global socio-
economic data associated with energy.

Advanced fluid mechanics [ADFM] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Prof F. Anselmet)

This course presents fluid mechanics specific features which are commonly encountered in
environmental problems/applications. It will be devoted to turbulence and turbulence modeling, the
properties of turbulent boundary layers and jet flows, the mixing properties of different gases, and basic
notions associated to two-phase flows.

Coastal engineering [COEN] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Prof M. Benoit, Dr O.

The aim of this course is to give an introduction to the study of ocean waves along the coast, wave
statistics, wave refraction, wave diffraction, wave shoaling, wind and wave generation, tides and tidal
currents, sand migration, coastal erosion and erosion control, erosion around offshore or coastal

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

structures due to waves and currents and erosion. Some aspects related to coastal zone management will
also be addressed.

Bioprocess [BIOP] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Dr A. Soric)

The course first presents some examples of biotechnology that uses biological systems, living
organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific. Then, focus will
be given on the implementation of processes producing or using living microorganisms. The process
engineering tools are adapted to the specificities of these processes, in order to select the appropriate
unit operations and to define operating conditions that can be used in industrial practice. The modeling
approach that is developed in a first part is then applied to biofuel production biologically.

Water management [WAMN] – 24 hr - 3 ECTS (Dr A. Soric)

The course will first present how to analyze effluent data and propose adapted processes. Then, it will
focus on the design of simple processes for the depollution of water. Finally, this will lead to understand
the problem of the environmental impact of industrial effluents from a more general point of view.

Geophysical flows and global change awareness [GFGC] – 24 hr -

3 ECTS (Prof O. Boiron)
The aim of this course is twofold: firstly giving an introductory course to the study of large-scale flows
that occur in the atmosphere and the oceans on Earth: we will examine how the combined, or separated,
effects of stratification and rotation lead to the specifics of these naturally occurring flows. Secondly
the oceans and the atmosphere are among the main supports of life on Earth and the global warming
currently underway will lead to significant changes in the next few decades. So we will focus on some
aspects of these drastic changes and their impact on land planning.

Geographical Economics and territory efficiency [GETE] – 24 hr -

3ECTS (Prof O. Boiron – Prof F. Anselmet)

Elective course from the 3rd year of Ecole Centrale Engineering programme
– 24 hr - 3 ECTS

Elective courses – 12hr - 1 ECTS

 Circular Economy –Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 12hr – Prof A. Zabaniotou
 Environmental risks – Sapienza University of Rome 12hr – Prof M. Lombardi & Prof M.

Language [LAN9] – 2 ECTS - 24 hr (V. Hamel)

French culture and language

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

Industrial engineering [INE9] – 100 hr - 6 ECTS
Graduates of the Ecoles Centrale have a specific training combining scientific skills and soft skills. This
teaching unit is more specifically dedicated to these latter skills and offers the students the opportunity to
train in one of three different types of professional activities:

R&D: the aim of this course is to present a broad field, from fundamental research to industrial R&D,
to enable students to plan the beginning and the evolution of a career in different research professions, or
downstream in development and innovation.

Engineering & design office: the objectives of the unit are: - To understand the product design cycle
from the definition of the need to a coherent and sufficient dimensioning - To learn how to use digital
modeling and prototyping tools - Beyond a functional design, to understand how to provide manufacturable
objects including a sustainability dimension – To learn how to work as a team and parallelize activities.

Entrepreneurship: The "Entrepreneurship" unit aims to present the process of creating an activity, to
highlight all the related questions once and to train those who will launch innovative projects. More generally,
the course provides the students with the basic management and management tools necessary for any
entrepreneur. It allows them to implement them, virtually or in collaboration with real project leaders, in
relation with local partners in the world of business creation.

Seminars – 48 hr - 2 ECTS

Project – Lab work – 100 hr - 2 ECTS

S10 (april-july/sept) – 30 ECTS

Master thesis – 4-6 months - 30 ECTS
The master thesis consists in a 4 to 6 months internship in a lab, or a company, on a topic related to the major
chosen. At the end of the internship the student will have to write a report and to defend his/her work in front
of an academic jury. The internship can take place abroad. In France trainees are paid by the laboratories (or
the companies) with a legal minimum of about 600€/month.

- Ecole Centrale Marseille -

Contacts: Prof. Olivier Boiron, Prof Fabien Anselmet - 📧

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