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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking Essay

2017-11-16 20:11:46 admin


Today social networking has become an essential part of life for millions of people. The most popular social networking sites are
Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other platforms. Social networking is a very popular method of communication not only among
young people, but also among adults. Social network platforms are important for social interaction and for business. However, social
networking has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of social networking are obvious. Social networks provide an opportunity for social interaction, which plays a crucial
role in business. People can improve work connections, establishing “relationships with other companies or partners” (Carey, 2013,
para.1). Due to mobility of social networking, people have a chance to stay in touch everywhere. Besides, social networking helps
people to share their ideas and get feedback immediately. Social networking marketing guarantees success and profitability for
businesses through effective advertising campaigns, which “promote products and services via the social network
platforms”(Bolotaeva, & Cata, 2011, p.1).

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At the same time, there are some negative aspects of social networking. Social networking can be viewed as “a big waste of time”
(Eric J. 2010, para.4). In most cases, social networking involves not only business, social and professional connections, but also
entertainment activities, such as games and chats. In addition, social networking creates risks of fraud, no privacy concern, and
even leads to the increased cybercrime percentage. When people frequently use social networking sites, they are exposed to
harassment or inappropriate content.

In general, social networking has more advantages than disadvantages. Today social networking is “rapidly expanding” as the
number of people visiting social networking sites is constantly increasing (Bolotaeva & Cata, 2011, p.1). Social networks allow the
Internet users to communicate effectively, share information and knowledge, discuss various issues, review, rate, sell and buy
products and services and be involved in entertainment activities.


Bolotaeva, V. & Cata, T. (2011). Journal of Internet Social Networking and Virtual Communities, IBIMA Publishing. Retrieved from:

Carey, D. (2013). “What Are the Advantages of Social Networking” Life 123. Retrieved from:<>

Eric J. (2010). “Social Networking Is It A Blessing Or Curse?” Ezine Articles. June 29, 2010. Retrieved from:<>

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