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Universidad Nacional de Misiones

What do we mean Formal, Semi-formal, informal, neutral?

The vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in speaking and writing is determined by register in the
English language. The common registers in English are: Formal, Semi formal, Informal// Colloquial.

We use different language registers for different types of speaking or writing. You would not speak to the
President or Governor the same way you talk to your family (brothers, sisters/ parents/ Cousins/

You would say: What's up? It's awesome/ great/ that you came to visit! to a member of your family.
But you would say: Good morning, Mr. President. We appreciate your visit. to the President or Governor.

The formal register is more appropriate for professional speaking or writing; forexample, letters to a boss
or a stranger.

The semi-formal register is more appropriate when addressing colleagues or people from work that are
your peers.

The informal register, or colloquial use of the language, is usually conversational and appropriate when
writing to friends and people you know very well.

The neutral register is non-emotional and sticks to facts. It is most appropriate for technical writings.

In education, there is a tendency to mix the formal and informal registers to present the information more

Formal Language Register

Formal writing is probably the most difficult type of writing. It is impersonal, meaning it is not written for
a specific person and is written without emotion. Some kinds of writing are always written in formal
English; for example: business Letters; letters of complaint; some essays; reports; official speeches;
announcements; professional emails.

There are rules for formal writing; and if you are in doubt, check the rules in an APA style guide.

1. Do not use contractions

Contractions are not usually used in formal writing, even though they are very common in spoken English.


• cannot instead of can’t

• have not instead of haven’t

• will not instead of won’t

• could not instead of couldn’t

• is not instead of isn’t

Communicate in English- Online Extension Project

Universidad Nacional de Misiones

But, contractions CAN be used if you are quoting someone’s exact words in your writing.


“Two-thirds of my eighth grade students can’t read at grade level,” the professor stated.

Remember that an apostrophe does not always make a contraction, when apostrophes are added to
nouns to show ownership. These are used in all language registers, including formal.


• professor’s report

2. Spell out numbers less than one hundred


• nineteen

• twenty-two

• seventy-eight

• six

3. Write in third person point of view

In formal writing, we usually do not use first person or second person unless it is a quote.

Avoid using: I; You; We; Us


• One can purchase a car for under $10,000. OR A car can be purchased for under $10,000; instead
of You can ourchase…

• The group decided to invest in the company; instead of We decided…..

4. Avoid using too much passive voice; it is better to use an active voice.

Passive sentences:

• The research was completed by the students in 2019.

Active sentences:

• The students completed the research in 2019. OR In 2019, the students completed the research.

5. Avoid using slang, idioms, exaggeration (hyperboles) and clichés

Communicate in English- Online Extension Project

Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Slang is common in informal writing and spoken English. Slang is particular to a certain region or area.


• awesome/cool

• okay/ok

• check it out

• in a nutshell

A cliché is a phrase that is overused (said too often).


• too much of a good thing

• moment of truth

• Time is money.

• Don’t push your luck.

• Beauty is only skin deep.

6. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

If you use an acronym or abbreviation, write the entire name out the first time it appears, followed by the
acronym the first time you use it. From then on, you can use the acronym by itself.


• National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

• influenza => flu

• United States of America => U.S.A or USA

• tablespoon => tbsp.

Do not use slang abbreviations or symbols that you would use in friendly emails and texts.


• LOL (laugh out loud)

• ttyl (talk to you later)

• b/c (because)

• w/o (without)

Communicate in English- Online Extension Project

Universidad Nacional de Misiones
• w/ (with)

7. Do not start sentences with words like and, so, but, also

Some good transition words and phrases to use in formal writing:

• Nevertheless

• Additionally

• However

• In addition

• As a result of

• Although

8. Always write in complete sentences.

9. Write longer, more complex sentences.

Informal Language Register

Informal writing is used for our friends and family. We can use informal writing when we are writing to
someone we know well.


• Personal e-mails

• Phone texts

• Short notes

• Friendly letters

• Blogs

• Diaries and journals

With informal writing, you can include things such as:

• Slang and clichés

• Figurative language

• Symbols and abbreviations

• Acronyms

Communicate in English- Online Extension Project

Universidad Nacional de Misiones
• Incomplete sentences

• Short sentences

• First person, second person, and third person

• Paragraphs or no paragraphs

• Jokes

• Personal opinions

• Extra punctuation (Hi Bob!!!!!!!)

• Passive and active voice

Neutral Language Register

We use the neutral language register with non-emotional topics and information. It is not necessarily
formal or informal; nor positive or negative. A neutral register is used to deliver facts.


• Reviews

• Articles

• Some letters

• Some essays

• Technical writing

Source: 2010-2020

Last retrieved 08th September 2020.

Communicate in English- Online Extension Project

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