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What are you doing in a daily basis, of exiting your comfort zone?

inside we are
stagnant. Stagnation is an illusion
The hardest part is being honest fluffing and bsing ourselves

Do you have a strong relationship with them? We're marketing to change lives. We're
building communities that change people's lives.

We're not selling, we're helping them change their lives.

He used his velocity banking to change lives

I know you're busy, I want to stay connected, did you know you can save on your
taxes? Are you W2?

**Be bold, talk to any of your neighbors, talk to them about their lives.

It doesnt start about marketing, it's about building a relationship

List of 200 -

32 calls

**Take notes, on where the flow is moving and where is substance on the
**Record the convo

**Look something that's related to what their FB posts are about and what they're
doing, then relate it to your conversations with them

Dont just see this as making phone calls

Look at ppl who they are in real life. If they really wanna change their life.
where they really wanna have meaningful conversation

Create a 21 day plan**

As we go through things in our daily lives, we continue to receive things

Cue, routines, reward

What's the real challenge in that situation?

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