Calculation of Illumination

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Calculation of Illumination:


E= Illumination
N= No. of Fixtures
M.F.=Maintenance Factor
U.F.= Utilisation Factor
O= Flux in watt
(1* tubelight= 40watt), so O= 40*100=4000 lumens
A= Ceiling Area
N= No. of lamps

For U.F.→ K= (L*W)/(hm(L*W))= (15.7*9.32)/(3*(15.7*9.32))

Where, K=1.9
Since working plane in case of auditorium is floor.
From the table U.F.= 0.56
Ceiling area=(15.7*9.32)m2=146.324m2 ≈147m2
E= (20*0.75*0.56*4000*1)/147 = 228.5 lux
Standard Illuminance in an auditorium is around 500 lux.

Now, N=(E*A)/(M.F.*U.F.*O*n)

N= (500*147)/(0.75*0.56*4000*1)
N= 43.75≈ 44 luminaries
HM= 3m (working plane in auditorium is floor)
S/H Ratio= Spacing between lamps/Height of mounting of lamps
S/H Ratio= 0.8
Maximum Spacing= (Hm*1.5)= 3*0.8= 2.4m
No of rows required= W/S= 9.32/2.4= 3.8 ≈4
No. of luminaries= 44
No. of luminaries per row= 11
Axial Spacing= 15.7/11= 1.42m
Transverse spacing= 9.32/4 =2.33m

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