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GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

Gait & Posture xxx (2006) xxx–xxx

Age-related differences in foot structure and function

Genevieve Scott a, Hylton B. Menz b,*, Lesley Newcombe a
Department of Podiatry, School of Human Biosciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3086, Australia
Musculoskeletal Research Centre, School of Physiotherapy, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria 3086, Australia
Received 14 February 2006; received in revised form 14 July 2006; accepted 27 July 2006


The aim of this study was to compare foot characteristics and plantar force and pressure patterns in young and older people. Fifty young
(mean age 20.9  2.6 years) and 50 older (mean age 80.2  5.7 years) people without foot problems underwent tests of foot posture, range of
motion, strength, sensation and deformity. Plantar force and pressure distribution during gait were evaluated using a floor-mounted resistive
sensor mat system. Older participants exhibited flatter/more pronated feet, reduced range of motion of the ankle and 1st metatarsophalangeal
joints, a higher prevalence of hallux valgus, toe deformities and toe plantarflexor weakness, and reduced plantar tactile sensitivity. Plantar
pressure analysis revealed decreased magnitude of forces and pressures under the heel ( 13% to 16%), metatarsophalangeal joints ( 11% to
16%) and hallux ( 19% to 25%), but greater relative contact time under the heel (+21%), midfoot (+14%) and metatarsophalangeal joints
(+5% to 8%) in older participants. Multiple regression analysis revealed that these age-related differences could be largely explained by
differences in step length and various foot characteristics, particularly foot posture and the severity of hallux valgus. These findings indicate
that ageing is associated with significant changes in foot characteristics which contribute to altered plantar loading patterns during gait.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ageing; Plantar pressure; Gait

1. Introduction Only two studies have directly addressed how age may
influence the load distribution of the foot. Kernozek and
The foot provides the only direct source contact with the LaMott [7] analysed plantar pressure patterns during gait in
supporting surface, and therefore plays an important role in 35 young (mean age 22  2.2 years) and 35 older (mean age
all weightbearing tasks. During gait, the foot contributes to 78  3.0 years) people using a capacitive platform system.
shock absorption, adapts to irregular surfaces and con- Similar force and pressure characteristics were found in the
tributes to generating momentum for forward propulsion [1]. heel and forefoot for both groups, however, older people
Changes to foot structure therefore have the potential to alter exhibited lower peak pressure under the midfoot and a lower
the load distribution function of the foot. In particular, force-time integral under the midfoot and hallux. Using an
changes to the musculoskeletal and neurological character- in-shoe pressure assessment of treadmill walking in nine
istics of the foot associated with advancing age, such as foot young (mean age 30  5.2 years) and six older (mean age
deformity [2], reduced range of motion [3,4], reduced 68.7  4.8 years) people, Hessert et al. [8] reported that
strength [5] and diminished plantar tactile sensation [6] older people exhibited significantly less force and pressure
could all potentially alter plantar loading patterns. However, under the heel and the medial regions of the foot. Both
neither age-related changes in foot structure nor the authors suggested that these changes may be indicative of a
mechanisms responsible for altered foot function in older less propulsive gait pattern in older people.
people have been examined in detail. The major limitation with these studies, however, is that
no foot structure variables were considered. It has previously
been shown that foot posture [9], joint range of motion [10]
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 94795801; fax: +61 3 94795768. and severity of hallux valgus [11] influence loading patterns
E-mail address: (H.B. Menz). under the foot. As these structural factors may also be

0966-6362/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

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affected by age, a more detailed understanding of age- weightbearing, and was then corrected for differences in foot
related differences in foot function could be obtained by size by dividing it by the length of the foot [18].
measuring both structure and function in young and older Two measures of foot and ankle range of motion were
people. Therefore, the aims of this study were to: (i) performed. Ankle flexibility was measured in degrees using
determine the effect of age on a range of structural foot a modified version of the weightbearing lunge test [18]. The
characteristics; (ii) determine the effect of age on force and lateral malleolus and head of the fibula were first located and
pressure distribution under the foot when walking; and (iii) marked with an ink pen. Participants then stood with their
determine the extent to which differences in foot structure right foot placed alongside a vertically aligned clear acrylic
can explain age-related differences in force and plantar plate inscribed with 28 protractor markings, and were
pressure distribution when walking. instructed to take a comfortable step forward with the left
leg. In this position, participants were instructed to bend
their knees to squat down as low as possible, without lifting
2. Methods the right heel from the ground and while keeping the trunk
upright. The position of the fibular head was marked on the
2.1. Participants clear acrylic plate, and the angle formed between the lateral
malleolus and the fibular head was measured. The test was
The study sample comprised 100 participants. Fifty completed three times, and the highest score documented as
healthy young participants (26 females, 24 males, mean age the test result. First metatarsophalangeal joint dorsiflexion
20.9, S.D. 2.6) were recruited from the student population range of motion (1st MPJ ROM) was measured in a non-
of La Trobe University. Fifty older people (26 females, 24 weightbearing position with a goniometer while the hallux
males, mean age 80.2, S.D. 5.7) were selected from a was maximally extended. The value recorded was the
previously established database obtained as part of a larger maximum angle at which the hallux could not be passively
study of foot function in older people [12]. The exclusion moved into further extension [19].
criteria for this study included current or previous foot pain, Ankle dorsiflexion strength was measured isometrically
previous foot surgery, osteoarthritis affecting the foot, major with participants seated, with the hip, knee and ankle placed
medical conditions (including Parkinson’s disease, rheuma- at 908, 1108 and 908, respectively. The foot was secured to a
toid arthritis, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease), inability metal footplate using a Velcro strap, and the participant was
to ambulate household distances without an assistive device, requested to maximally dorsiflex their ankle by pulling
or a score of <7 on the Short Portable Mental Status against the strap assembly for 2–3 s while the force output
Questionnaire [13]. was measured using an attached spring gauge. Three trials
The Faculty Human Ethics Committee of the Faculty of were recorded and the highest score recorded (in kilograms)
Health Sciences at La Trobe University approved the study, was documented as the test result [20]. The strength of the
and informed consent was obtained from all participants. plantarflexor muscles of the toes was determined using the
paper grip test [21]. Participants were seated with their knee
2.2. Foot and ankle characteristics and ankle at 908, and were instructed to use their toe muscles
to push down on a 1 mm thick piece of cardboard while the
Foot posture was assessed using three validated examiner stabilized their ankle and attempted to slide the
techniques: the foot posture index, arch index and navicular cardboard away from the toes. The test was performed three
height [14]. The foot posture index (FPI) involved the rating times for the lesser toes and the hallux in isolation, and was
of six criteria: palpation of the talar head, observation of documented as either pass (participant could hold the
supra/infra malleolar curvature, inversion/eversion of the cardboard for all three trials) or fail (participant failed to grip
calcaneus, medial prominence of the talo-navicular joint, the cardboard on at least one trial). The validity of this test is
congruence of the medial arch, and abduction/adduction of described elsewhere [21].
the forefoot on the rearfoot. Each of these criterion were Tactile sensitivity of the lateral malleolus and 1st MPJ
scored on a five-point scale (range 2 to +2) and the was evaluated using a Semmes Weinstein-type pressure
summed score provided a single index of the degree of the aesthesiometer. This instrument contains eight nylon
pronated/supinated posture of the foot, with higher scores filaments of equal length that vary in diameter. The force
representing a more pronated (flatter) foot [15,16]. To required to bend each filament is precalibrated and ranges
calculate the arch index, static footprints were obtained from 0.0045 to 447 g. The filaments were applied to the
using carbon-paper imprint material with the participant lateral malleolus and the plantar aspect of the 1st MPJ and
standing in a relaxed position. Using a computer graphics tactile thresholds were determined using a two-alternative
tablet and graphics software, the arch index was calculated forced choice protocol [18].
as the ratio of area of the middle third of the footprint to the Foot deformity was evaluated by documenting the
entire footprint area ignoring the toes. The lower the arch, presence of hallux valgus, lesser toe deformities, corns
the higher the arch index [17]. Navicular height was and calluses. The presence and severity of hallux valgus was
measured in millimeters while the participant was fully determined using the Manchester scale [22]. This instrument

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

G. Scott et al. / Gait & Posture xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 3

consists of standardized photographs of feet with four

degrees of hallux valgus: none (score = 0), mild (score = 1),
moderate (score = 2) and severe (score = 3). The grading of
hallux valgus using this tool is highly correlated with
angular hallux valgus measurements obtained from foot
radiographs [23]. Presence of lesser digital deformity and
plantar calluses was determined according to previously
published criteria [24] and the location of these abnorm-
alities was documented. Fig. 1. The mask used to define the seven regions of the foot for regional
force and pressure analysis.
The reliability of each of these foot and ankle tests has
been established in previous investigations. Intraclass
correlation coefficients for each of the tests were as follows: Following data collection, the Research Foot software
foot posture index (0.61), arch index (0.99), navicular height (Version 5.24) was used to construct individual ‘‘masks’’ to
(0.64), ankle flexibility (0.87), 1st MPJ ROM (0.85), determine forces and pressures under seven regions of the
Manchester scale (0.77), lesser toe deformities and lesions foot: the heel, midfoot, 3rd–5th MPJs, 2nd MPJ, 1st MPJ,
(0.98), ankle dorsiflexion strength (0.88), paper grip test hallux, and lesser toes (Fig. 1). Although the Systéme
(0.65), and tactile sensitivity (0.51–0.70) [18,25]. International d’Unités for force and pressure are Newtons
and Pascals, respectively, most pressure recording systems
2.3. Temporospatial gait patterns allow the user to express force as kilograms (kg), Newtons
(N) or pounds (P), and pressure as kilograms/cm2 (kg/cm2),
Barefoot walking speed, cadence and average step length Newtons/cm2 (N/cm2), kilopascals (kPa) or pounds/inch2
were recorded with a stopwatch over a distance of 6 m. Step (PSI), and the units are used interchangeably in the
length was corrected for height prior to subsequent analysis. literature. We chose to report force as kilograms and
pressure as kilograms/cm2 as these units are easily
2.4. Plantar pressure assessment conceptualised and to allow for direct comparison to our
previous study [12].
Plantar forces and pressures were recorded during level
barefoot walking using the MatScan1 system (Tekscan, 2.5. Statistical analysis
Boston, MA). This system consists of a 5 mm thick floor mat
(432 mm  368 mm) incorporating 2288 resistive sensors Only data from the right foot was analysed, in order to
(1.4 sensors/cm2) sampling at a rate of 40 Hz, with a range of satisfy the independence assumption of statistical analysis
0.07–10.55 kg/cm2. The mat was calibrated for each [29] and because foot pressure patterns are highly symme-
participant using their own bodyweight prior to each testing trical [30]. Variables with right skewed distributions were
session by recording a static unipedal stance trial. The two- suitably transformed into a normal distribution, using either
step gait initiation protocol [26–28] was used to obtain foot log or square root transformations. To determine age-related
pressure data, as it (i) requires fewer trials than the midgait differences in foot structure and plantar pressure variables, a
protocol; (ii) has similar re-test reliability to the midgait series of independent samples t-tests were used. To determine
protocol; and (iii) provides similar peak pressure values (with whether the differences in plantar pressure patterns between
the possible exception of an under-estimation of peak young and older participants could be explained by
pressures under the heel [28]). Each participant was positioned differences in foot structure, a series of multiple regression
two step lengths from the front edge of the pressure platform analyses were undertaken. First, Pearson correlation coeffi-
and was instructed to walk in a normal manner, striking the cients were computed to examine the relationships between
sensor area with the second step. Three to four additional steps each of the plantar loading variables and participant
were taken after striking the sensor area. After the participant characteristics (height, weight and body mass index),
completed several practice trials, their starting position was temporospatial gait parameters, and foot and ankle char-
marked to ensure proper placement of the right foot on the acteristics. Variables found to be significantly associated with
sensor platform with the second step. A trial was repeated if it plantar loading parameters were then entered into a series of
appeared that the participant targeted the sensor surface or if multiple linear regression analyses to determine their relative
the investigator observed an atypical foot placement on the importance in explaining variance. Age-group was then added
platform. Three trials were recorded, which has been found to to the model as a dummy variable (i.e. young = 0, older = 1) to
be sufficient to ensure adequate reliability of pressure data determine whether it could explain any further variance.
[26–28]. Pilot data from 30 healthy participants indicates that To avoid the inclusion of misleading or unhelpful
the same-day coefficients of variation for three trials using this variables due to covariance among some independent
system are as follows: maximum force (heel: 3%, midfoot: variables, only one variable from highly correlated variables
11%, forefoot: 8–10%, toes: 6–13%) and peak pressure (heel: (e.g., the three foot posture measures and the temporospatial
4%, midfoot: 12%, forefoot: 3–7%, toes: 6–11%). gait parameters) was included as a possible predictor at the

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

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entry of each block. The selection of which variable to include Table 1

was based on the strength of the Pearson correlation Age-related differences in foot and ankle characteristics
coefficient, with only the most strongly associated variable Young Older
entered into the model. In addition, only those variables Foot posture
considered to have a plausible functional relationship to Foot posture index (FPI) 2.54 (2.35) 4.14 (3.86)*
Arch index 0.18 (0.73) 0.24 (0.05)**
loading patterns at each site were considered. For example,
Navicular height/foot length 0.19 (0.04) 0.11 (0.03)**
none of the forefoot characteristics (e.g., hallux valgus, lesser
toe deformities and toe plantarflexor strength) were con- Foot range of motion
Ankle flexibility (8) 45.14 (8.44) 35.68 (9.08)**
sidered to be potential predictors of loading of the heel. Beta 1st MPJ ROM (8) 81.42 (17.95) 56.40 (15.42)**
weights and signs for all variables entered into the regression
Foot deformity and lesions
model were also examined to ensure they made meaningful
Hallux valgus (%) 2 60**
contributions to plantar loading variables. Change in the None 98 40
amount of variance (r2) was assessed following the addition of Mild 2 30
age into the model. The standardized beta weights provided Moderate 0 24
give an indication of the relative importance of the various Severe 0 6
measures entered into the model in explaining variance in the Lesser toe deformities (%) 0 58**
plantar loading variables. The data were analysed using SPSS Corns (%) 0 6**
for Windows (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Calluses (%) 12 32**
Tactile sensitivity
Lateral malleolus 3.46 (0.67) 4.66 (0.62)**
1st MPJ 3.07 (0.90) 4.54 (0.54)**
3. Results
3.1. Sample characteristics Ankle dorsiflexion strength (kg) 16.86 (3.96) 10.87 (4.43)**

Passed paper grip test (%)

The older participants were shorter (162.1  8.9 versus Hallux 100 66**
172.1  9.3 cm, t98 = 5.47, p < 0.001) and had a higher Lesser toes 100 68**
body mass index (25.9  3.8 versus 23.1  2.8 kg/m2, *
Significant difference at p < 0.05.
t98 = 4.26, p < 0.001), however there was no difference **
Significant difference at p < 0.01.
in bodyweight between the groups (68.5  13.1 versus
68.8  12.7 kg, t98 = 0.13, p = 0.895). exhibited significantly lower maximum forces at the heel,
3rd–5th MPJs and hallux, lower peak pressure at the heel,
3.2. Age-related differences in foot and ankle 3rd–5th MPJs, 2nd MPJ and hallux, and longer relative
characteristics contact time at the heel, midfoot, 3rd–5th MPJs, 2nd MPJ
and 1st MPJ.
Descriptive statistics for each of the foot and ankle tests
according to age are shown in Table 1. Compared to the 3.5. Multiple regression analyses
young participants, older participants exhibited flatter/more
pronated feet, less range of motion at the ankle and 1st MPJ, Results of the multiple regression analyses are shown in
a higher prevalence of hallux valgus, lesser toe deformities, Figs. 2–4. Maximum force at the heel was associated with
corns and calluses, reduced tactile sensitivity at the lateral step length, 3rd–5th MPJ force was associated with step
malleolus and 1st MPJ, reduced ankle dorsiflexion strength, length and the foot posture index, and hallux force was
and were more likely to fail the paper grip tests. associated with hallux valgus. Peak pressure at the heel was
associated with step length and age, 3rd–5th MPJs pressure
3.3. Age-related differences in temporospatial gait was associated with step length and the foot posture index,
parameters 2nd MPJ pressure was associated with step length, and
hallux pressure was associated with hallux valgus, the paper
Descriptive statistics for walking speed, step length and grip test of the hallux, and ankle flexibility. Contact time at
cadence are shown in Table 2. Compared to the young the heel was associated with step length, tactile sensitivity
participants, older participants exhibited a slower walking
speed and shorter step length, however there was no Table 2
difference in cadence between the two groups. Age-related differences in temporospatial gait parameters
Young Older
3.4. Age-related differences in plantar pressure patterns Walking speed (m/s) 1.19 (0.14) 0.94 (0.18)**
Step length (cm) 66.36 (8.10) 52.19 (8.17)**
Descriptive statistics for maximum force, peak pressure Cadence (steps/min) 108.89 (14.34) 107.65 (10.35)
and contact time are shown in Tables 3–5. Older participants Significant difference ( p < 0.01).

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

G. Scott et al. / Gait & Posture xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 5

Table 3
Age-related differences in maximum force (kg)
Young Older
Total 58.81 (12.08) 61.08 (14.31)
Heel 38.24 (7.89) 33.45 (8.80)**
Midfoota 9.91 (6.25) 9.49 (6.69)
3rd–5th MPJsa 15.19 (5.87) 12.84 (5.03)*
2nd MPJ 15.55 (3.27) 14.59 (4.34)
1st MPJb 14.67 (4.82) 16.09 (5.25)
Hallux 7.78 2.17) 5.82 (2.60)**
Lesser toes 4.11 (1.93) 4.24 (2.23)
Square root transformed.
Log transformed.
Significant difference ( p < 0.05).
Significant difference ( p < 0.01).
Fig. 2. Predictors of maximum force. Only significant independent pre-
dictors are shown. Values in brackets represent standardized b weights with
Table 4 associated significance level (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). Values in mask
Age-related differences in peak pressure (kg/cm2) regions represent multiple r2 values.
Young Older
Total 2.53 (0.30) 2.35 (0.40)
Heel 2.34 (0.38) 1.97 (0.49)**
Midfoota 0.71 (0.38) 0.51 (0.63)
3rd–5th MPJs 1.70 (0.41) 1.42 (0.46)**
2nd MPJ 2.37 (0.33) 2.11 (0.53)**
1st MPJ 1.67 (0.41) 1.68 (0.48)
Hallux 1.54 (0.35) 1.25 (0.39)**
Lesser toes 0.73 (0.27) 0.72 (0.30)
Log transformed.
Significant difference ( p < 0.01).

and age, midfoot contact time was associated with the arch
index and age, 3rd–5th MPJ contact time was associated
with navicular height, 2nd MPJ contact time was associated
with step length, ankle flexibility and age, and 1st MPJ Fig. 3. Predictors of peak pressure. Only significant independent predictors
contact time was associated with step length and age. These are shown. Values in brackets represent standardized b weights with
associated significance level (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). Values in mask
predictor variables accounted for 14–28% of the variance in regions represent multiple r2 values.
maximum force, 16–26% of the variance in peak pressure,
and 25–46% of the variance in contact time.

4. Discussion

The aims of this study were to determine the effect of age

on a range of structural foot characteristics, to determine the

Table 5
Age-related differences in contact timea
Young Older
Heel 55.35 (6.81) 67.19 (8.17)**
Midfoot 64.42 (9.38) 73.34 (7.54)**
3rd–5th MPJs 84.56 (3.73) 88.99 (4.59)**
2nd MPJ 85.47 (3.57) 91.43 (4.42)**
1st MPJ 82.61 (4.48) 89.28 (5.17)**
Hallux 70.05 (11.01) 73.04 (15.23)
Fig. 4. Predictors of contact time, expressed as a percentage of total contact
Lesser toes 69.84 (10.94) 74.14 (12.22)
time. Only significant independent predictors are shown. Values in brackets
Expressed as a percentage of total contact time. represent standardized b weights with associated significance level
Significant difference ( p < 0.01). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). Values in mask regions represent multiple r2 values.

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

6 G. Scott et al. / Gait & Posture xxx (2006) xxx–xxx

effect of age on force and pressure distribution under the foot pressures in all regions of the foot except the small toes, and
when walking, and to determine whether differences in foot Zhu et al. [36], who reported that adopting a ‘‘shuffling’’ gait
structure can explain age-related differences in plantar force pattern reduced peak pressures by 42%. This reduction has
and pressure distribution. The results demonstrate that older been attributed to the adoption of a less propulsive push-off
people have flatter/more pronated feet, reduced range of phase of gait.
motion of the ankle and 1st MPJ, a higher prevalence of Maximum force and peak pressure under the lateral part
hallux valgus, toe deformities and toe plantarflexor of the foot were also strongly correlated with the foot posture
weakness, and reduced tactile sensitivity. Significant variables, particularly the foot posture index. The direction
differences in pressure distribution were also noted, with of these associations signifies that the flatter (more pronated)
older people exhibiting reduced magnitude of forces and the foot, the less lateral loading, which supports the earlier
pressures under the heel, lateral forefoot and hallux, but results of Song et al. [37], who found that people with pes
greater relative contact time under the heel, midfoot and planus feet demonstrated a greater medial displacement of
MPJs. the centre of foot pressure. Although extrapolating plantar
The age-related differences in foot posture, range of loading patterns to the kinematic function of the foot is
motion, sensation and strength reported here are generally difficult, it is likely that older people, who demonstrate
consistent with previous studies. Using a footprint measure- flatter feet, tend to undergo greater ankle-subtalar joint
ment technique similar to the arch index, Staheli et al. [31] eversion during gait which may manifest as reduced lateral
reported a trend towards flatter feet above the age of loading. Indeed, Redmond et al. [16] have recently shown
approximately 30 years. The reduced range of ankle joint that the foot posture index can explain 41% of the variance in
motion in older people is consistent with several previous the degree of eversion of the ankle joint complex during the
studies [3,4], however the observation of a reduced range of midstance phase of gait.
motion in the 1st MPJ is a novel finding. Although age- Maximum force and peak pressure under the hallux
related changes in ankle dorsiflexion strength have been region of the foot were found to be correlated with the degree
widely reported [32], only one study has examined age- of hallux valgus. The more pronounced the hallux valgus
related differences in toe plantarflexion strength. Using a deformity, the less loading under the hallux, which is
force platform, Endo et al. [5] found that older people consistent with the results of Mueller et al. [38] and Menz
generated 29% less force under their toes compared to and Morris [12]. This may be due to hallux valgus altering
younger people. Finally, several authors have confirmed that the propulsive function of the first MPJ, resulting in a lateral
ageing is associated with reduced tactile sensitivity [33,34], redistribution of loading [39]. Peak pressure under the hallux
with the most pronounced changes evident in the lower limb was also positively associated with the paper grip test,
[6]. These findings indicate that ageing is associated with indicating that toe strength plays a role in stabilising the foot
significant changes to the musculoskeletal and sensory during propulsion [12], and with ankle flexibility, which may
characteristics of the foot. also be related to a more active propulsion in people with
A number of significant differences in force and pressure adequate motion in the ankle joint.
distribution were also observed between young and older Contact time, expressed as a percentage of total contact
participants. Specifically, older participants demonstrated time, was greater in the older group for all sites except the
reduced magnitude of forces and pressures under the heel, hallux and lesser toes, indicating that most regions of the
lateral forefoot and hallux, and spent a relatively longer foot were in contact with the ground for a relatively longer
period of stance phase loading the heel, midfoot and proportion of stance phase compared to younger partici-
forefoot. These findings are similar to those of Kernozek and pants. This may also indicate the adoption of a less
LaMott [7], who reported decreased forces and pressures propulsive gait pattern in older people. The regression
under the hallux in older people, and Hessert et al. [8], who results support this suggestion, as step length was an
reported lower pressures in the heel and medial region of the independent predictor of contact time at the heel and across
foot in older people. However, the results of the current all MPJs (i.e. the shorter the step length, the longer the
study suggest that these changes can be largely explained by relative contact time). In addition to step length, heel contact
step length and foot structure differences between the time was associated with tactile sensitivity, which may
groups. indicate a more cautious weight acceptance in the presence
The multiple regression models provide useful insights of peripheral sensory loss. Foot posture variables (arch index
into the factors responsible for these age-related differences. and navicular height) were also related to contact time at the
Heel and lateral forefoot forces and pressures were found to midfoot and 3rd–5th MPJs, respectively, indicating that the
be significantly lower in older people, and regression flatter the foot, the greater the relative duration of loading of
analysis identified step length as a significant predictor of the midfoot and the shorter the duration of loading of the
maximum force and peak pressures in these regions. The lateral forefoot.
relationship between step parameters and plantar loading Overall, these findings indicate that although there are
have previously been reported by Drerup et al. [35], who significant differences in plantar loading patterns related to
found that reducing stride length lead to reduced peak age, these differences can be partly explained by the reduced

Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
GAIPOS-2294; No of Pages 8

G. Scott et al. / Gait & Posture xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 7

step length and altered foot characteristics evident in older [4] Nigg BM, Fisher V, Allinger TL, Ronsky JR, Engsberg JR. Range of
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[5] Endo M, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB. Effects of age and gender
not represented in our test battery are responsible for a on toe flexor muscle strength. J Gerontol 2002;57A:M392–7.
substantial amount of unexplained variance for some regions [6] Stevens JC, Choo KK. Spatial acuity of the body surface over the life
of the foot. For example, age-related changes in soft tissue span. Somatosens Mot Res 1996;13:153–66.
characteristics may have provided further insight into force [7] Kernozek TW, LaMott EE. Comparisons of plantar pressures between
the elderly and young adults. Gait Posture 1995;3:143–8.
and pressure patterns, particularly under the heel. In this study,
[8] Hessert MJ, Vyas M, Leach J, Hu K, Lipsitz LA, Novak V. Foot
the foot and ankle assessments were limited to those that could pressure distribution during walking in young and old adults. BMC
be used easily in a clinical setting, which limits the degree of Geriatrics 2005;5:8.
variance that could be accounted for. An additional limitation [9] Ledoux WR, Hillstrom HJ. The distributed plantar vertical force of
is that we intentionally selected participants without foot neutrally aligned and pes planus feet. Gait Posture 2002;15:1–9.
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[23] Menz HB, Munteanu SE. Radiographic validation of the Manchester
scale for the classification of hallux valgus deformity. Rheumatology
Acknowledgement 2005;44:1061–6.
[24] Menz HB, Lord SR. Foot pain impairs balance and functional ability in
Dr. Menz is currently NHMRC Australian Clinical community-dwelling older people. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2001;91:
Research Fellow (id: 234424). 222–9.
[25] Menz HB, Lord SR. The contribution of foot problems to mobility
impairment and falls in older people. J Am Geriatr Soc 2001;49:
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Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),
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Please cite this article as: Genevieve Scott et al., Age-related differences in foot structure and function, Gait & Posture (2006),

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