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*3136* (Pages : 2) 3136

Reg. No. : .....................................

Name : ..........................................

Combined First and Second Semester (S1 S2) B. Arch.

Degree Examination, June 2009
(2008 Scheme)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :100

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions.

2) Illustrate all answers with neat sketches.

1. Write short notes on the following : (8×5=40 Marks)

a) Planes in architecture

b) Substractive forms

c) Scale

d) Contrast in texture

e) Organic architecture

f) Site analysis

g) Form follows function

h) Concept.

2. a) What are the primary elements of architecture ? Explain.


b) What are the properties of form ? Explain the articulation of form. 15

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3. a) Explain the different proportioning systems in architecture with examples.


b) What are the ordering principles ? Explain. 15

4. a) What are the parameters you would consider in the conduct of a site study ?

b) Describe the methodology used in the architectural design process. 15

5. a) Discuss the life, work and philosophy of Le-Corbusier.


b) Descibe the life, work and philosophy of Charles Correa. 15


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